1,698 research outputs found

    Critical Thinking Activities and the Enhancement of Ethical Awareness: An application of a ‘Rhetoric of Disruption’ to the undergraduate general education classroom

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    This article explores how critical thinking activities and assignments can function to enhance students’ ethical awareness and sense of civic responsibility. Employing Levinas’s Othercentered theory of ethics, Burke’s notion of ‘the paradox of substance’, and Murray’s concept of ‘a rhetoric of disruption’, this article explores the nature of critical thinking activities designed to have students question their (often taken-for-granted) moral assumptions and interrogate their (often unexamined) moral identities. This article argues that such critical thinking activities can trigger a metacognitive destabilization of subjectivity, understood as a dialectical prerequisite (along with exposure to otherness) for increased ethical awareness. This theoretical model is illustrated through a discussion of three sample classroom activities designed to destabilize moral assumptions and identity, thereby clearing the way for a heightened acknowledgment of otherness. In so doing, this article provides an alternative (and dialectically inverted) strategy for addressing one of the central goals of many General Education curricula: the development of ethical awareness and civic responsibility. Rather than introducing students to alternative perspectives and divergent cultures with the expectation that heightened moral awareness will follow, this article suggests classroom activities and course assignments aimed at disrupting moral subjectivity and creating an opening in which otherness can be more fully acknowledged and the diversity of our world more fully appreciated

    Monitoring morphological changes from activated sludge to aerobic granular sludge under distinct organic loading rates and increasing minimal imposed sludge settling velocities through quantitative image analysis

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    Quantitative image analysis (QIA) was used for monitoring the morphology of activated sludge (AS) during a granulation process and, thus, to define and quantify, unequivocally, structural changes in microbial aggregates correlated with the sludge properties and granulation rates. Two sequencing batch reactors fed with acetate at organic loading rates of 1.1±0.6 kgCOD m3 d1 (R1) and 2.0±0.2 kgCOD m3 d1 (R2) and three minimal imposed sludge settling velocities (0.27mh1, 0.53mh1, and 5.3mh1) induced distinct granulation processes and rates. QIA results evidenced the turning point from flocculation to granulation processes by revealing the differences in the aggregates stratification patterns and quantifying the morphology of aggregates with equivalent diameter (Deq) of 200mDeq650m. Multivariate statistical analysis of the QIA data allowed to distinguish the granulation status in both systems, by clustering the observations according to the sludge aggregation and granules maturation status, and successfully predicting the sludge volume index measured at 5min (SVI5) and 30min (SVI30). These results evidence the possibility of defining unequivocally the granulation rate and anticipating the sludge settling properties at early stages of the process using QIA data. Hence, QIA could be used to predict episodes of granules disruption and hindered settling ability in aerobic granulation sludge processes.The authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/ 04469/2020 unit and the project AGeNT PTDC/BTA-BTA/31264/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031264). The authors also acknowledge the financial support to SŽergio Alves da Silva through the grant SFRH/BD/ 122623/2016 provided by FCT. A. Val del Rio is supported by Xunta de Galicia (ED418B 2017/075) and program Iacobus (2018/2019).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microphysical properties and radiative impact of an intense biomass burning aerosol event measured over Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen in July 2015

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    In this work, an evaluation of an intense biomass burning event observed over Ny-Ålesund (Spitsbergen, European Arctic) in July 2015 is presented. Data from the multi-wavelengths Raman-lidar KARL, a sun photometer and radiosonde measurements are used to derive some microphysical properties of the biomass burning aerosol as size distribution, refractive index and single scattering albedo at different relative humidities. Predominantly particles in the accumulation mode have been found with a bi-modal distribution and dominance of the smaller mode. Above 80% relative humidity, hygroscopic growth in terms of an increase of particle diameter and a slight decrease of the index of refraction (real and imaginary part) has been found. Values of the single scattering albedo around 0.9 both at 355 nm and 532 nm indicate some absorption by the aerosol. Values of the lidar ratio are around 26 sr for 355 nm and around 50 sr for 532 nm, almost independent of the relative humidity. Further, data from the photometer and surface radiation values from the local baseline surface radiation network (BSRN) have been applied to derive the radiative impact of the biomass burning event purely from observational data by comparison with a clear background day. We found a strong cooling for the visible radiation and a slight warming in the infra-red. The net aerosol forcing, derived by comparison with a clear background day purely from observational data, obtained a value of –95 W/m2 per unit AOD500

    Sludge volume index and suspended solids estimation of mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools

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    Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) is considered a promising technology for wastewater treatment. Furthermore, it is recognized that the stability of the process is related to the balanced growth of the suspended (floccular) and granular fractions. Therefore, the development of adequate techniques to monitor this balance is of interest. In this work the sludge volume index (SVI), volatile suspended solids (VSS) and total suspended solids (TSS) of mature AGS were successfully predicted with multilinear regression (MLR) models using data obtained from quantitative image analysis (QIA) of both fractions (suspended and granular). Relevant predictions were obtained for the SVI (R2 of 0.975), granules TSS (R2 of 0.985), flocs TSS (R2 of 0.971), granules VSS (R2 of 0.984) and flocs VSS (R2 of 0.986). The estimation of the granular fraction ratio from the predicted TSS and VSS was also successful (R2 of 0.985). The predictions help to avoid instability episodes of the AGS system, such as changes in biomass morphology, structure and settling properties.The authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469 unit, BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte and the project AGeNT – PTDC/BTA-BTA/31264/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER031264). We would also like to thank the scientiïŹc collaboration under the FCT project UID/Multi/50016/2019. Cristiano Leal is recipient of a fellowship supported by a doctoral advanced training (call NORTE-692015-15) funded by the European Social Fund under the scope of Norte2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. A. Val del Rio is supported by Xunta de Galicia (ED418B 2017/075) and program Iacobus (2017/2018).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In vitro Validation of Quantitative Light-Induced Fluorescence for the Diagnosis of Enamel Fluorosis in Permanent Teeth

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    This study aimed to validate quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) as a diagnostic tool for mild and moderate enamel fluorosis in permanent teeth, comparing it to visual diagnosis and histological assessment completed using polarized light microscopy (PLM). The buccal surfaces of 139 teeth were visually classified using the Thylstrup and Fejerskov Index (TFI) into sound (TFI 0; n = 17), mild (TFI 1-2; n = 69), and moderate (TFI 3-4; n = 43) fluorosis. Fluorosis was then assessed with QLF (variables ΔF, A, and ΔQ at 5-, 15-, and 30-radiance thresholds) using as reference areas the entire surface and a region of interest (ROI), identified as the most representative region of a fluorosis lesion. PLM images of longitudinal thin sections including the ROI were assessed for histological changes. Correlations among TFI, PLM, and QLF were determined. A receiver-operating characteristic curve was conducted to determine QLF's diagnostic accuracy when compared to the TFI and PLM assessments. This was used to assess the probability that the images were correctly ranked according to severity as determined by PLM and TFI. A positive correlation was found between QLF and PLM, and between QLF and TFI. QLF showed the highest sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of mild fluorosis. There was also a strong agreement between TFI and PLM. The selection of a ROI resulted in a stronger correlation with TFI and PLM than when the entire surface was used. The study results indicate that defining an ROI for QLF assessments is a valid method for the diagnosis of mild and moderate enamel fluorosis

    Structure-function dissection of Myxococcus xanthus CarD N-terminal domain, a defining member of the CarD-CdnL-TRCF family of RNA polymerase interacting proteins

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    © 2015 Bernal-Bernal et al. Two prototypes of the large CarD-CdnL-TRCF family of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP)-binding proteins, Myxococcus xanthus CarD and CdnL, have distinct functions whose molecular basis remain elusive. CarD, a global regulator linked to the action of several extracytoplasmic function (ECF) σ-factors, binds to the RNAP ÎČ subunit (RNAP-ÎČ) and to protein CarG via an N-terminal domain, CarDNt, and to DNA via an intrinsically unfolded C-terminal domain resembling eukaryotic high-mobility-group A (HMGA) proteins. CdnL, a CarDNt-like protein that is essential for cell viability, is implicated in σA-dependent rRNA promoter activation and interacts with RNAP-ÎČ but not with CarG. While the HMGA-like domain of CarD by itself is inactive, we find that CarDNt has low but observable ability to activate ECF σ-dependent promoters in vivo, indicating that the C-terminal DNA-binding domain is required to maximize activity. Our structure-function dissection of CarDNt reveals an N-terminal, five-stranded ÎČ-sheet Tudor-like domain, CarD1-72, whose structure and contacts with RNAP-ÎČ mimic those of CdnL. Intriguingly, and in marked contrast to CdnL, CarD mutations that disrupt its interaction with RNAP-ÎČ did not annul activity. Our data suggest that the CarDNt C-terminal segment, CarD61-179, may be structurally distinct from its CdnL counterpart, and that it houses at least two distinct and crucial function determinants: (a) CarG-binding, which is specific to CarD; and (b) a basic residue stretch, which is also conserved and functionally required in CdnL. This study highlights the evolution of shared and divergent interactions in similar protein modules that enable the distinct activities of two related members of a functionally important and widespread bacterial protein family.Peer Reviewe

    Comparative assessment of goods and services provided by grazing regulation and reforestation in degraded Mediterranean rangelands

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    Several management actions are applied to restore ecosystem services in degraded Mediterranean rangelands, which range from adjusting the grazing pressure to the removal of grazers and pine plantations. Four such actions were assessed in Quercus coccifera L. shrublands in northern Greece: (i) moderate grazing by goats and sheep; (ii) no grazing; (iii) no grazing plus pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) plantation in forest gaps (gap reforestation); and (iv) no grazing plus full reforestation of shrubland areas, also with P. pinaster. In addition, heavy grazing was also assessed to serve as a control action. We comparatively assessed the impact of these actions on key provisioning, regulating and supporting ecosystem services by using ground‐based indicators. Depending on the ecosystem service considered, the management actions were ranked differently. However, the overall provision of services was particularly favoured under moderate and no grazing management options, with moderate grazing outranking any other action in provisioning services and the no grazing action presenting the most balanced provision of services. Pine reforestations largely contributed to water and soil conservation and C sequestration but had a negative impact on plant diversity when implemented at the expense of removing natural vegetation in the area. Heavy grazing had the lowest provision of ecosystem services. It is concluded that degraded rangelands can be restored by moderating the grazing pressure rather than completely banning livestock grazing or converting them into pine plantations

    Robots, computer algebra and eight connected components

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    Answering connectivity queries in semi-algebraic sets is a long-standing and challenging computational issue with applications in robotics, in particular for the analysis of kinematic singularities. One task there is to compute the number of connected components of the complementary of the singularities of the kinematic map. Another task is to design a continuous path joining two given points lying in the same connected component of such a set. In this paper, we push forward the current capabilities of computer algebra to obtain computer-aided proofs of the analysis of the kinematic singularities of various robots used in industry. We first show how to combine mathematical reasoning with easy symbolic computations to study the kinematic singularities of an infinite family (depending on paramaters) modelled by the UR-series produced by the company ``Universal Robots''. Next, we compute roadmaps (which are curves used to answer connectivity queries) for this family of robots. We design an algorithm for ``solving'' positive dimensional polynomial system depending on parameters. The meaning of solving here means partitioning the parameter's space into semi-algebraic components over which the number of connected components of the semi-algebraic set defined by the input system is invariant. Practical experiments confirm our computer-aided proof and show that such an algorithm can already be used to analyze the kinematic singularities of the UR-series family. The number of connected components of the complementary of the kinematic singularities of generic robots in this family is 88
