252 research outputs found

    Solar-hydrogen Based Autonomous Electric Power System in Operation

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    Nitrogen budgets and soil nitrogen stocks of organic and conventional cropping systems: how reconcile efficiency and sustainability of nitrogen use?

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    Organic and conventional cropping systems differ in the nature and amounts of nitrogen (N) inputs, which may affect efficiency and sustainability of N use. In the DOK (bio-Dynamic, bio-Organic, Konventionell) field experiment, organic and conventional cropping systems have been compared since 1978 at two fertilization levels (with level 2 being typical for the respective system and level 1 receiving half of this dose)

    Delivery of stable ultra-thin liquid sheets in vacuum for biochemical spectroscopy

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    The development of ultra-thin flat liquid sheets capable of running in vacuum has provided an exciting new target for X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the liquid and solution phases. Several methods have become available for delivering in-vacuum sheet jets using different nozzle designs. We compare the sheets produced by two different types of nozzle; a commercially available borosillicate glass chip using microfluidic channels to deliver colliding jets, and an in-house fabricated fan spray nozzle which compresses the liquid on an axis out of a slit to achieve collision conditions. We find in our tests that both nozzles are suitable for use in X-ray absorption spectroscopy with the fan spray nozzle producing thicker but more stable jets than the commercial nozzle. We also provide practical details of how to run these nozzles in vacuum

    Direct observation of ultrafast exciton localization in an organic semiconductor with soft X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy

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    The localization dynamics of excitons in organic semiconductors influence the efficiency of charge transfer and separation in these materials. Here we apply time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy to track photoinduced dynamics of a paradigmatic crystalline conjugated polymer: poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) commonly used in solar cell devices. The π→π* transition, the first step of solar energy conversion, is pumped with a 15 fs optical pulse and the dynamics are probed by an attosecond soft X-ray pulse at the carbon K-edge. We observe X-ray spectroscopic signatures of the initially hot excitonic state, indicating that it is delocalized over multiple polymer chains. This undergoes a rapid evolution on a sub 50 fs timescale which can be directly associated with cooling and localization to form either a localized exciton or polaron pair

    NPK Bilanzen von ökologischer und konventioneller Landwirtschaft im Vergleich: Ergebnisse eines 35-jährigen Feldversuches

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    Die Ausreichende Verfügbarkeit von Stickstoff (N), Phosphor (P) und Kalium (K) ist essentiell für einen konstanten Ernteertrag in landwirtschaftlichen Systemen. Im DOK-Versuch in Therwil (Schweiz) wird seit 1978 ein Systemvergleich zwischen ökologischer und konventioneller Landwirtschaft im Rahmen eines Feldversuches betrieben. Die Verfahren biologisch-dynamisch (DYN) und organisch-biologisch (ORG) werden nur mit Stallmist gedüngt, während im konventionellen Verfahren (KON) zusätzlich mit Mineraldünger ausgeglichen wird. Im mineralisch gedüngten Verfahren (MIN) wird nur Mineraldünger ausgebracht, in der ungedüngten Kontrollfläche (NON) erfolgt seit Versuchsbeginn keine Düngung. Die Verfahren DYN, ORG und KON werden auf zwei Düngestufen geführt (2 = praxisübliche Düngung; 1 = halbe praxisübliche Dündung), Verfahren MIN nur auf Düngestufe 2. Ziel der Arbeit war es eine NPK Bilanz für den DOK-Versuch zu errechnen, um eine Abschätzung des Verlustpotentials bzw. von Nährstoffmangel der Feldfrüchte im jeweiligen Bewirtschaftungssystem zu ermöglichen. Die Nährstoffbilanz errechnete sich aus dem Vergleich jährlicher Eintrag minus jährlicher Austrag pro Versuchsparzelle. Berücksichtigte Einträge für die Elemente N, P und K waren: 1) Düngung, 2) Deposition, 3) Saatgut. Für N wurde zusätzlich die 4) symbiotische N-fixierung durch Leguminosen sowie der 5) Transfer von fixiertem N zu Gräsern, basierend auf vorhergehenden Studien im DOK Versuch, geschätzt. Berücksichtigte Austräge für die Elemente N, P und K waren: 6) Entzug durch Ernteprodukte sowie 7) Auswaschungsversluste. Für die Elemente N und P wurden zusätzlich die Bodenvorräte aus jährlichen (N) oder 7-jährlichen (P) Messungen in Ober- und Unterboden errechnet und mit den Ergebnissen der Bilanzierung in Beziehung gesetzt. Die wichtigsten Parameter der Nährstoffbilanzen waren die Faktoren Düngung sowie Entzug durch Ernteprodukte, wobei in der N-Bilanz auch die symbiotische N-fixierung und deren Transfer zu Gräsern eine gewichtige Rolle spielte. Die Ergebnisse der NPK-Bilanzierung deuten auf unterschiedliche Nährstofflimitierungen sowohl im Bezug auf die Verfahren, als auch auf den unterschiedlichen Düngestufen hin. Die Resultate werden in Bezug auf eine nachhaltige Bodennutzung in verschiedenen landwirtschaftlichen Systemen diskutiert

    Folding-competent and folding-defective forms of Ricin A chain have different fates following retrotranslocation from the endoplasmic reticulum

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    We report that a toxic polypeptide retaining the potential to refold upon dislocation from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the cytosol (ricin A chain; RTA) and a misfolded version that cannot (termed RTAΔ), follow ER-associated degradation (ERAD) pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that substantially diverge in the cytosol. Both polypeptides are dislocated in a step mediated by the transmembrane Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase complex and subsequently degraded. Canonical polyubiquitylation is not a prerequisite for this interaction because a catalytically inactive Hrd1p E3 ubiquitin ligase retains the ability to retrotranslocate RTA, and variants lacking one or both endogenous lysyl residues also require the Hrd1p complex. In the case of native RTA, we established that dislocation also depends on other components of the classical ERAD-L pathway as well as an ongoing ER–Golgi transport. However, the dislocation pathways deviate strikingly upon entry into the cytosol. Here, the CDC48 complex is required only for RTAΔ, although the involvement of individual ATPases (Rpt proteins) in the 19S regulatory particle (RP) of the proteasome, and the 20S catalytic chamber itself, is very different for the two RTA variants. We conclude that cytosolic ERAD components, particularly the proteasome RP, can discriminate between structural features of the same substrate

    Standard methods for molecular research in Apis mellifera

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    From studies of behaviour, chemical communication, genomics and developmental biology, among many others, honey bees have long been a key organism for fundamental breakthroughs in biology. With a genome sequence in hand, and much improved genetic tools, honey bees are now an even more appealing target for answering the major questions of evolutionary biology, population structure, and social organization. At the same time, agricultural incentives to understand how honey bees fall prey to disease, or evade and survive their many pests and pathogens, have pushed for a genetic understanding of individual and social immunity in this species. Below we describe and reference tools for using modern molecular-biology techniques to understand bee behaviour, health, and other aspects of their biology. We focus on DNA and RNA techniques, largely because techniques for assessing bee proteins are covered in detail in Hartfelder et al. (2013). We cover practical needs for bee sampling, transport, and storage, and then discuss a range of current techniques for genetic analysis. We then provide a roadmap for genomic resources and methods for studying bees, followed by specific statistical protocols for population genetics, quantitative genetics, and phylogenetics. Finally, we end with three important tools for predicting gene regulation and function in honey bees: Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), RNA interference (RNAi), and the estimation of chromosomal methylation and its role in epigenetic gene regulation.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Prescribing and adjusting exercise training in chronic respiratory diseases – Expert-based practical recommendations

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    Background International guidelines recommend endurance (ET) and strength training (ST) in patients with chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs), but only provide rough guidance on how to set the initial training load. This may unintentionally lead to practice variation and inadequate training load adjustments. This study aimed to develop practical recommendations on tailoring ET and ST based on practices from international experts from the field of exercise training in CRDs. Methods 35 experts were invited to address a 64-item online survey about how they prescribe and adjust exercise training. Results Cycling (97%) and walking (86%) were the most commonly implemented ET modalities. Continuous endurance training (CET, 83%) and interval endurance training (IET, 86%) were the frequently applied ET types. Criteria to prescribe IET instead of CET were: patients do not tolerate CET due to dyspnoea at the initial training session (79%), intense breathlessness during initial exercise assessment (76%), and/or profound exercise-induced oxygen desaturation (59%). For ST, most experts (68%) recommend 3 sets per exercise; 62% of experts set the intensity at a specific load that patients can tolerate for a range of 8 to 15 repetitions per set. Also, 56% of experts advise patients to approach local muscular exhaustion at the end of a single ST set. Conclusions The experts´ practices were summarized to develop practical recommendations in the form of flowcharts on how experts apply and adjust CET, IET, and ST in patients with CRDs. These recommendations may guide health care professionals to optimize exercise training programs in patients with CRDs

    BAT3 Guides Misfolded Glycoproteins Out of the Endoplasmic Reticulum

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    Secretory and membrane proteins that fail to acquire their native conformation within the lumen of the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) are usually targeted for ubiquitin-dependent degradation by the proteasome. How partially folded polypeptides are kept from aggregation once ejected from the ER into the cytosol is not known. We show that BAT3, a cytosolic chaperone, is recruited to the site of dislocation through its interaction with Derlin2. Furthermore, we observe cytoplasmic BAT3 in a complex with a polypeptide that originates in the ER as a glycoprotein, an interaction that depends on the cytosolic disposition of both, visualized even in the absence of proteasomal inhibition. Cells depleted of BAT3 fail to degrade an established dislocation substrate. We thus implicate a cytosolic chaperone as an active participant in the dislocation of ER glycoproteins.United States. National Institutes of HealthBoehringer Ingelheim Fond