387 research outputs found

    Neuropsychiatric complications of hyperacute transplant rejection: A psychiatrist-patient’s experience and a brief literature review.

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    In this clinical case, the patient (a psychiatrist and one of the authors) experienced a variety of hyperacutemedical and neuro-psychiatric complications after kidney transplant rejection. The patient’s personal reflectionsand observations, communications with his wife, descriptions of clinical and experiential events, and medicalinterventions at different stages of the process are presented. Literature on the phenomenology of these complicationsand the bio-psycho-socio-cultural factors at play are reviewed. The unique perception of the psychiatrist’s ownexperience lends support to recommendations regarding roles of different discipline members of the transplantteam, and procedures for adequate clinical management of kidney transplant rejection.(Rev Neuropsiquiatr 2009;72:67-74)

    Estimation of Relative Permittivity of Printed Circuit Board with Fiber Glass Epoxy as Dielectric for UHF Applications

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    Se presentan los resultados de la estimación de la permitividad relativa de una lámina de circuito impreso con fibra de vidrio como dieléctrico, usando una cavidad resonante rectangular. La permitividad relativa se presenta como función de la frecuencia. Para obtener las frecuencias de los modos de resonancia de la cavidad, se midieron las pérdidas de retorno utilizando un analizador de redes. La permitividad relativa se estimó encontrando las frecuencias de resonancia de los modos de la cavidad. Los resultados son presentados en el rango de frecuencias de 1 a 3.5 GHz. Se muestra claramente el comportamiento no lineal de la permitividad relativa en el dieléctrico revisado, además de lo que pasa con las frecuencias de los modos resonantes por encima y por debajo de la frecuencia de 2 GHz.This paper presents the results of measuring relative permittivity of fiber glass printed circuit board (PCB’s), using a rectangular resonant cavity. The relative permittivity is presented as function of frequency. To obtain resonant frequencies, the return loss was measured using a network analyzer. Relative permittivity was calculated by finding frequencies of resonant cavity modes. The results are presented in a frequency span of 1 to 3.5GHz. It was clearly shown the nonlinear behavior of the relative permittivity for the dielectric laminate evaluated, even what happens respect to the frequency of the resonant modes below and above to frequency of 2 GHz

    The timing and ecological consequences of Pleistocene megafaunal decline in the eastern Andes of Colombia (article)

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Cambridge University Press via the DOI in this recordData availability: The data supporting this publication are openly available from the NERC Data repository or can be accessed by contacting the corresponding author(s).Examining the ecological consequences of the late Quaternary megafaunal extinctions within biodiversity hotspots is crucial for our understanding of the potential consequences of contemporary extinctions. We present the first multi-species record of spores of coprophilous fungi (SCF) from Monquentiva and the high-Andean forests of Colombia to reconstruct Late Pleistocene and Holocene megafaunal abundance. Fossilised pollen and charcoal are used to examine the consequences of megafaunal declines on the surrounding vegetation and fire activity. Our SCF record indicates the presence of Pleistocene megafauna at least since 30,290 BP, with two waves of megafaunal decline at ca. 22,900 BP and 10,990 BP. At Monquentiva, megafaunal decline in the Early Holocene resulted in transitional non-analogue vegetation, loss of some herbivore-dispersed plant taxa, an encroachment of palatable and woody flora, and a rise in fire activity. Differences with other published South-American records suggest that ecological consequences of megafaunal declines were habitat-specific. Overall, we show that ecosystems in the eastern Colombian Cordillera were highly sensitive to the decline of megafaunal populations. Under the current biodiversity crisis, management and conservation efforts must account for the effects of local herbivore declines on plant dispersal, on fire activity, and the potential loss of ecosystem services.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC

    Evaluación del efecto tóxico de los extractos vegetales acuosos Barbasco (Phyllantus sp.) Neem (Azadirachta indica) y Marigol (Tagetes patula) sobre los microorganismos Trichoderma sp. y Metarhizium sp.

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    El experimento se llevó a cabo en el Laboratorio de Fitopatología del Centro de Investigación Natfaima de Corpoica, localizado en el municiplo de El Espinal, departamento del Tolima, entre los meses de marzo y agosto de 2003, Para la piueba se utilizaron extractos vegetales acuosos de Neem (Azadirachía indican), Marigol (Tagetes patula)] y Barbasco [Phylanthus ichihyomelhlus) y los microorganismos biocontroladores Irichoderma sp y Metarhizium so. Bajo condiciones de laboratorio se evaluaron cinco concentraciones (0%. 5%, 10%, 15% y 20%) de cada uno de los tres extractos Gicuosos, frente al crecimiento de los dos microorganismos biocontroladores. Se evaluaron las variables tasa de crecimiento (Crecimiento radial de los hongos biocontraladores) y el valor de la concentración mínima de inhibición. Se ulilizó un diseño completamente al azar y las observaciones se analizaron mediante pruebas de regresión y correlación. En conclusión se puede afirmar que ninguno de los tres extractos en las concentraciones evaluadas, afectan severamente a los hongos Metarhizium so. y Trichoderma sal y que tanto el Neern como el Margo! en concentaciones superiores al 20% puede lener un efecto funguiciaa contra el hongo Trchoaerma so. Igualmente con respecto a Marigel, es posible que en concentraciones más altas, tenga efectos tóxicos sobre el Metarhizlumn sp

    A Process Similar to Autophagy is Associated with Cytocidal Chloroquine Resistance in Plasmodium Falciparum

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    Resistance to the cytostatic activity of the antimalarial drug chloroquine (CQ) is becoming well understood, however, resistance to cytocidal effects of CQ is largely unexplored. We find that PfCRT mutations that almost fully recapitulate P. falciparum cytostatic CQ resistance (CQR(CS)) as quantified by CQ IC50 shift, account for only 10-20% of cytocidal CQR (CQR(CC)) as quantified by CQ LD50 shift. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of the progeny of a chloroquine sensitive (CQS; strain HB3)×chloroquine resistant (CQR; strain Dd2) genetic cross identifies distinct genetic architectures for CQR(CS) vs CQR(CC) phenotypes, including identification of novel interacting chromosomal loci that influence CQ LD50. Candidate genes in these loci are consistent with a role for autophagy in CQR(CC), leading us to directly examine the autophagy pathway in intraerythrocytic CQR parasites. Indirect immunofluorescence of RBC infected with synchronized CQS vs CQR trophozoite stage parasites reveals differences in the distribution of the autophagy marker protein PfATG8 coinciding with CQR(CC). Taken together, the data show that an unusual autophagy-like process is either activated or inhibited for intraerythrocytic trophozoite parasites at LD50 doses (but not IC50 doses) of CQ, that the pathway is altered in CQR P. falciparum, and that it may contribute along with mutations in PfCRT to confer the CQR(CC) phenotype

    A Process Similar to Autophagy is Associated with Cytocidal Chloroquine Resistance in Plasmodium Falciparum

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    Resistance to the cytostatic activity of the antimalarial drug chloroquine (CQ) is becoming well understood, however, resistance to cytocidal effects of CQ is largely unexplored. We find that PfCRT mutations that almost fully recapitulate P. falciparum cytostatic CQ resistance (CQR(CS)) as quantified by CQ IC50 shift, account for only 10-20% of cytocidal CQR (CQR(CC)) as quantified by CQ LD50 shift. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of the progeny of a chloroquine sensitive (CQS; strain HB3)×chloroquine resistant (CQR; strain Dd2) genetic cross identifies distinct genetic architectures for CQR(CS) vs CQR(CC) phenotypes, including identification of novel interacting chromosomal loci that influence CQ LD50. Candidate genes in these loci are consistent with a role for autophagy in CQR(CC), leading us to directly examine the autophagy pathway in intraerythrocytic CQR parasites. Indirect immunofluorescence of RBC infected with synchronized CQS vs CQR trophozoite stage parasites reveals differences in the distribution of the autophagy marker protein PfATG8 coinciding with CQR(CC). Taken together, the data show that an unusual autophagy-like process is either activated or inhibited for intraerythrocytic trophozoite parasites at LD50 doses (but not IC50 doses) of CQ, that the pathway is altered in CQR P. falciparum, and that it may contribute along with mutations in PfCRT to confer the CQR(CC) phenotype

    Evaluación en laboratorios e invernadero de extractos vegetales de barbasco (Pyllantus sp) Marigol (Tagetes patula) y semilla de Neem (Azadirachta A. Juss) para el control de Meloidogyne javanica y Fusarium oxysporum en tomate de mesa (Lycopersicon sculetum)

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    sumarios (En, Es)El cultivó de tomate (lycoperslcon scu/enlum) es una de las hortalizas de mayor área sembrada o nivel mundial, China ocupa el primer lugar en producción con 25.5 millones de toneladas seguido de USA con 2.3 millones de toneladas. Para el año de 1997 lo producción mundial de tomate de mesa fue de 88.7 millones de toneladas. En Colombia para el mismo año, el áreo sembrado fue de I 2,800 hectáreas para uno producción de 37 4 261 toneladas con lo cual participó en el mercado mundial con un 0.3% en exportaciones; el incremento en la producción desde 1998 al 2002 no creció más del 5% (FAOl998-2002) El tomate se cultivó en todo el país, o lo intemperie y bajo invernadero cerca del 80% de la producción está concentrada en los departamentos de Cundinamarca, Norte de Santander, Valle, Caldas. Huila, Tolima, Risaralda y Antioquia. Tradicionalmente se cultivan las variedades chonto y milano, pero en Atlántico, Guajira y Santander, se cultivan las variedades Rio Grande y Tomate Ciruelo.Tomate-Solanum lycopersicu

    Kvaliteta sjemena u ovaca

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    Reproductive evaluation, the selection of individual breeders, and reproductive biotechnologies are important tools in developing productive and reproductive rates. When choosing a male as a breeding future, determining its general health status and genotypic and phenotypic superiority are necessary. This study evaluated the conventional and functional seminal quality in ovine males. The semen of eleven ovines of different pure races was collected by electroejaculation. The following average values were observed for each conventional parameter: scrotal circumference (CE, 34.3 cm), seminal volume (vol, 1.63 mL), concentration (C, 768.4 x 106/mL), individual motility (MI, 80%), masal motility (MM, 4) and vigor (Vi, 3.7). On the other hand, functional analysis showed plasma membrane integrity (PMI) of 45.7%, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) of 38.5%, DNA fragmentation index (DFI) of 17.0%, lipoperoxidation of the membrane (LPO) of 32.7%, and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) of 28.56%. Additionally, a high and positive correlation was found for variables concerning seminal quality: Vi and MM, Vi and MI, MMP and MM, MMP and MI, PMI and MMP, as well as ROS and MMP. In contrast, two strongly negative correlations were obtained (C vs. Vol and LPO vs. CE). These are the first estimates of functional seminal quality evaluation of sheep in Colombia. In addition, this study provides a baseline for conventional and functional seminal parameters in the region.Reproduktivna procjena, odabir pojedinačnih rasplodnih mužjaka i reproduktivne biotehnologije važni su alati u unaprjeđenju produktivnih i reproduktivnih stopa. Pri odabiru mužjaka za rasplod, potrebno je određivanje općeg zdravstvenog statusa te genotipske i fenotipske superiornosti. Ovaj rad procjenjuje konvencionalnu i funkcionalnu kvalitetu sjemena u ovnova. Sjeme jedanaest ovnova različitih čistokrvnih pasmina prikupljeno je elektroejakulacijom. Zamijećene su sljedeće prosječne vrijednosti za svaki konvencionalni parametar: opseg skrotuma (CE, 34,3 cm), volumen sjemena (vol, 1,63 mL), koncentracija (C, 768,4 x 106/mL), pojedinačna pokretljivost (MI, 80 %), ukupna pokretljivost (MM, 4) i vitalnost (Vi, 3,7). S druge strane, funkcionalna analiza pokazala je integritet stanične membrane (PMI) od 45,7 %, potencijal mitohondrijske membrane (MMP) od 38,5 %, indeks fragmentacije DNK (DFI) od 17,0%, lipoperoksidaciju membrane (LPO) od 32,7 % i proizvodnju reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva (ROS) od 28,56 %. Uz to je otkrivena i visoka i pozitivna korelacija za varijable o kvaliteti sjemena: Vi i MM, Vi i MI, MMP i MM, MMP i MI, PMI i MMP, kao i ROS i MMP. Suprotno tome, dobivene su dvije vrlo negativne korelacije (C nasuprot Vol i LPO nasuprot CE). To su prve procjene ocjenjivanja funkcionalne kvalitete sjemena ovaca u Kolumbiji. Uz to, ova studija osigurava početnu vrijednost za sve konvencionalne i funkcionalne parametre sjemena u regiji

    How teachers' practices and students' attitudes towards technology affect mathematics achievement: results and insights from PISA 2012

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    The present work seeks to deepen the impact of factors linked to the characteristics of teaching practices and students' attitudes towards the use of technology on their performance in mathematics in the process of teaching-learning in the Spanish context. In this sense, this study is a secondary analysis of the PISA 2012 data. Therefore, it is an ex post facto design. Regarding the attitudes and the contextual variables, the results do coincide with the accumulated evidence. However, once these contextual effects have been controlled for, the negative relationship found between the pedagogic strategies used by the teachers and the mathematics score cannot but convey perplexity, since the results relative to student-oriented, formative assessment and teacher-directed instruction are clearly contradictory to the solid previous evidence. The data do not allow us to explain this paradoxical result. We dare to point to a conjecture that we find plausible. All these complex variables are informed through questionnaires responded to by students and require a great degree of inference in the answers. Future studies must consider the complexity of the measured variables as well as the students' perception and understanding of them