890 research outputs found

    Trends and drivers in alternative thermal conversion of waste

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    IEA bioenergy Task 36 “Material and energy valorisation of waste in a circular economy” prepared this report about trends in waste management for the example of municipal solid waste (MSW). Within the waste hierarchy, recycling is given preference over recovery, and waste-to-energy (WtE) conversion is given preference over landfilling. MSW is non-hazardous household and commercial waste, of which more than one third typically is biogenic in origin. Incineration represents the state-of-the-art WtE technology; alternative thermal treatment technologies such as gasification and pyrolysis have had far fewer applications to MSW due to economic factors and relatively low technology readiness. This is a situation that is currently changing. Specifically in the European Union (EU) technologies develop and new pathways are sought. Major trends in the EU are driven by legislation and implementation goals, some of which are country specific: • banning of landfilling in combination with limited social acceptance and, in some countries, legal restrictions for additional incineration capacity • increasing waste generated or imported in combination with limited incineration capacities have led to increased waste treatment cost (gate fees) and waste exports • recycling rates that are lower than EU and national Circular Economy objectives • global demand for sustainable routes for waste processing, particularly with regards to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and • heightened social awareness and concerns about environmental impacts including climate change and marine littering. Key opportunities driven by these trends are related to the adoption of non-incineration thermal technologies • for energy recovery as a response to decreasing public acceptance for direct waste incineration, and • as a pathway to chemical recycling of waste, which accelerates the transition to a Circular Economy. This involves co-processing of biomass and waste to improve the economies of scale associated with biomass conversion plants. The upcoming report discusses both trends impacting solid waste management systems within EU countries as well as selected alternative thermal treatment technologies. Aspects concerning technology readiness and affordability are highlighted in this report as well as the need to combine mechanical waste pretreatment and sorting with thermochemical treatment in order to increase recycling rates and to improve economics

    Eclipsing binaries and fast rotators in the Kepler sample. Characterization via radial velocity analysis from Calar Alto

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    The Kepler mission has provided high-accurate photometric data in a long time span for more than two hundred thousands stars, looking for planetary transits. Among the detected candidates, the planetary nature of around 15% has been established or validated by different techniques. But additional data is needed to characterize the rest of the candidates and reject other possible configurations. We started a follow-up program to validate, confirm, and characterize some of the planet candidates. In this paper we present the radial velocity analysis (RV) of those presenting large variations, compatible with being eclipsing binaries. We also study those showing large rotational velocities, which prevents us from obtaining the necessary precision to detect planetary-like objects. We present new RV results for 13 Kepler objects of interest (KOIs) obtained with the CAFE spectrograph at the Calar Alto Observatory, and analyze their high-spatial resolution images and the Kepler light curves of some interesting cases. We have found five spectroscopic and eclipsing binaries. Among them, the case of KOI-3853 is of particular interest. This system is a new example of the so-called heartbeat stars, showing dynamic tidal distortions in the Kepler light curve. We have also detected duration and depth variations of the eclipse. We suggest possible scenarios to explain such effect, including the presence of a third substellar body possibly detected in our RV analysis. We also provide upper mass limits to the transiting companions of other six KOIs with large rotational velocities. This property prevents the RV method to obtain the necessary precision to detect planetary-like masses. Finally, we analyze the large RV variations of other two KOIs, incompatible with the presence of planetary-mass objects. These objects are likely to be stellar binaries but a longer timespan is still needed.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 18 pages, 9 figures, 17 tables. This version fixes an error affecting the values of tables A.1-A.13. The text remains unaltere

    Kepler-539: a young extrasolar system with two giant planets on wide orbits and in gravitational interaction

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    We confirm the planetary nature of Kepler-539b (aka Kepler object of interest K00372.01), a giant transiting exoplanet orbiting a solar-analogue G2 V star. The mass of Kepler-539b was accurately derived thanks to a series of precise radial velocity measurements obtained with the CAFE spectrograph mounted on the CAHA 2.2m telescope. A simultaneous fit of the radial-velocity data and Kepler photometry revealed that Kepler-539b is a dense Jupiter-like planet with a mass of Mp = 0.97 Mjup and a radius of Rp = 0.747 Rjup, making a complete circular revolution around its parent star in 125.6 days. The semi-major axis of the orbit is roughly 0.5 au, implying that the planet is at roughly 0.45 au from the habitable zone. By analysing the mid-transit times of the 12 transit events of Kepler-539b recorded by the Kepler spacecraft, we found a clear modulated transit time variation (TTV), which is attributable to the presence of a planet c in a wider orbit. The few timings available do not allow us to precisely estimate the properties of Kepler-539c and our analysis suggests that it has a mass between 1.2 and 3.6 Mjup, revolving on a very eccentric orbit (0.4<e<0.6) with a period larger than 1000 days. The high eccentricity of planet c is the probable cause of the TTV modulation of planet b. The analysis of the CAFE spectra revealed a relatively high photospheric lithium content, A(Li)=2.48 dex, which, together with both a gyrochronological and isochronal analysis, suggests that the parent star is relatively young.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Kepler-447b: a hot-Jupiter with an extremely grazing transit

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    We present the radial velocity confirmation of the extrasolar planet Kepler-447b, initially detected as a candidate by the Kepler mission. In this work, we analyze its transit signal and the radial velocity data obtained with the Calar Alto Fiber-fed Echelle spectrograph (CAFE). By simultaneously modeling both datasets, we obtain the orbital and physical properties of the system. According to our results, Kepler-447b is a Jupiter-mass planet (Mp=1.370.46+0.48 MJupM_p=1.37^{+0.48}_{-0.46}~M_{\rm Jup}), with an estimated radius of Rp=1.650.56+0.59 RJupR_p=1.65^{+0.59}_{-0.56}~R_{\rm Jup} (uncertainties provided in this work are 3σ3\sigma unless specified). This translates into a sub-Jupiter density. The planet revolves every 7.8\sim7.8 days in a slightly eccentric orbit (e=0.1230.036+0.037e=0.123^{+0.037}_{-0.036}) around a G8V star with detected activity in the Kepler light curve. Kepler-447b transits its host with a large impact parameter (b=1.0760.086+0.112b=1.076^{+0.112}_{-0.086}), being one of the few planetary grazing transits confirmed so far and the first in the Kepler large crop of exoplanets. We estimate that only around 20% of the projected planet disk occults the stellar disk. The relatively large uncertainties in the planet radius are due to the large impact parameter and short duration of the transit. Planets with such an extremely large impact parameter can be used to detect and analyze interesting configurations such as additional perturbing bodies, stellar pulsations, rotation of a non-spherical planet, or polar spot-crossing events. All these scenarios would periodically modify the transit properties (depth, duration, and time of mid-transit), what could be detectable with sufficient accurate photometry. Short-cadence photometric data (at the 1 minute level) would help in the search for these exotic configurations in grazing planetary transits like that of Kepler-447b.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 13 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. This version replaces an earlier version of the pape

    A Cross-Flow Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Curcuminoids from Curcuma longa L.: Process Design to Avoid Degradation

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    Rhizomes of Curcuma longa L. are well known for their content of curcuminoids, which are compounds with interesting biological activity against various inflammatory states and diseases. Curcuminoids can degrade during processing. This piece of work investigates fast, efficient and cost-effective metabolite recovery from turmeric under ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). An analytical evaluation of curcuminoid stability under sonication in different solvents is reported for the first time. HPLC and quantitative 1H-NMR were used. Under the applied conditions, EtOAc was found to be the optimal extraction medium, rather than EtOH, due to its lower radical generation, which facilitates better curcuminoid stability. Kinetic characterization, by means of the Peleg equation, was applied for single-step UAE on two different rhizome granulometries. Over a time of 90 min, maximum extraction yields were 25.63% and 47.56% for 6 and 2 mm matrix powders, respectively. However, it was observed that the largest portion of curcuminoid recovery was achieved in the first 30 min. Model outcomes were used as the basis for the design of a suitable multi-step cross-flow approach that supports and emphasizes the disruptive role of cavitation. The maximum curcuminoid yield was achieved over three steps (92.10%) and four steps (80.04%), for lower and higher granulometries, respectively. Finally, the central role of the solvent was further confirmed by turmeric oleoresin purification. The EtOAc extract was purified via crystallization, and a 95% pure curcuminoid product was isolated without any chromatographic procedure. No suitable crystallization was observed for the EtOH extract

    New transit observations for HAT-P-30 b, HAT-P-37 b, TrES-5 b, WASP-28 b, WASP-36 b, and WASP-39 b

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    We present new transit light curves for planets in six extrasolar planetary systems. They were acquired with 0.4-2.2 m telescopes located in west Asia, Europe, and South America. When combined with literature data, they allowed us to redetermine system parameters in a homogeneous way. Our results for individual systems are in agreement with values reported in previous studies. We refined transit ephemerides and reduced uncertainties of orbital periods by a factor between 2 and 7. No sign of any variations in transit times was detected for the planets studied.Comment: Submitted to Acta Astronomic

    The Mass-Radius Relationship for Very Low Mass Stars: Four New Discoveries from the HATSouth Survey

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    We report the discovery of four transiting F-M binary systems with companions between 0.1-0.2 Msun in mass by the HATSouth survey. These systems have been characterised via a global analysis of the HATSouth discovery data, combined with high-resolution radial velocities and accurate transit photometry observations. We determined the masses and radii of the component stars using a combination of two methods: isochrone fitting of spectroscopic primary star parameters, and equating spectroscopic primary star rotation velocity with spin-orbit synchronisation. These new very low mass companions are HATS550-016B (0.110 -0.006/+0.005 Msun, 0.147 -0.004/+0.003 Rsun), HATS551-019B (0.17 -0.01/+0.01 Msun, 0.18 -0.01/+0.01 Rsun), HATS551-021B (0.132 -0.005/+0.014 Msun, 0.154 -0.008/+0.006 Rsun), HATS553-001B (0.20 -0.02/+0.01 Msun, 0.22 -0.01/+0.01 Rsun). We examine our sample in the context of the radius anomaly for fully-convective low mass stars. Combining our sample with the 13 other well-studied very low mass stars, we find a tentative 5% systematic deviation between the measured radii and theoretical isochrone models.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Qatar Exoplanet Survey : Qatar-3b, Qatar-4b and Qatar-5b

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    We report the discovery of Qatar-3b, Qatar-4b, and Qatar-5b, three new transiting planets identified by the Qatar Exoplanet Survey (QES). The three planets belong to the hot Jupiter family, with orbital periods of PQ3bP_{Q3b}=2.50792 days, PQ4bP_{Q4b}=1.80539 days, and PQ5bP_{Q5b}=2.87923 days. Follow-up spectroscopic observations reveal the masses of the planets to be MQ3bM_{Q3b}=4.31±0.47\pm0.47 MJM_{\rm J}, MQ4bM_{Q4b}=6.10±0.54 \pm0.54 MJM_{\rm J}, and MQ5bM_{Q5b} = 4.32±0.18 \pm0.18 MJM_{\rm J}, while model fits to the transit light curves yield radii of RQ3bR_{Q3b} = 1.096±0.14 \pm0.14 RJR_{\rm J}, RQ4bR_{Q4b} = 1.135±0.11 \pm0.11 RJR_{\rm J}, and RQ5bR_{Q5b} = 1.107±0.064 \pm0.064 RJR_{\rm J}. The host stars are low-mass main sequence stars with masses and radii MQ3M_{Q3} = 1.145±0.064 \pm0.064 MM_{\odot}, MQ4M_{Q4} = 0.896±0.048 \pm0.048 MM_{\odot}, MQ5M_{Q5} = 1.128±0.056 \pm0.056 MM_{\odot} and RQ3R_{Q3} = 1.272±0.14 \pm0.14 RR_{\odot}, RQ4R_{Q4} = 0.849±0.063\pm0.063 RR_{\odot} and RQ5R_{Q5} = 1.076±0.051\pm0.051 RR_{\odot} for Qatar-3, 4 and 5 respectively. The V magnitudes of the three host stars are VQ3V_{Q3}=12.88, VQ4V_{Q4}=13.60, and VQ5V_{Q5}=12.82. All three new planets can be classified as heavy hot Jupiters (M > 4 MJM_{J}).Comment: 13Pages, 8Figure

    Therapeutic Effect of Iron Citrate in Blocking Calcium Deposition in High Pi-Calcified VSMC: Role of Autophagy and Apoptosis

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    In chronic kidney disease (CKD), the first cause of mortality is cardiovascular disease induced mainly by vascular calcification (VC). Recently, iron-based phosphate binders have been proposed in advanced CKD to treat hyperphosphatemia. We studied the effect of iron citrate (iron) on the progression of calcification in high-phosphate (Pi) calcified VSMC. Iron arrested further calcification when added on days 7\u201315 in the presence of high Pi (1.30 \ub1 0.03 vs 0.61 \ub1 0.02; OD/mg protein; day 15; Pi vs Pi + Fe, p &lt; 0.01). We next investigated apoptosis and autophagy. Adding iron to high-Pi-treated VSMC, on days 7\u201311, decreased apoptotic cell number (17.3 \ub1 2.6 vs 11.6 \ub1 1.6; Annexin V; % positive cells; day 11; Pi vs Pi + Fe; p &lt; 0.05). The result was confirmed thorough analysis of apoptotic nuclei both in VSMCs and aortic rings treated on days 7\u201315 (3.8 \ub1 0.2 vs 2.3 \ub1 0.3 and 4.0 \ub1 0.3 vs 2.2 \ub1 0.2; apoptotic nuclei; arbitrary score; day 15; Pi vs Pi + Fe; VSMCs and aortic rings; p &lt; 0.05). Studying the prosurvival axis GAS6/AXL, we found that iron treatment on days 9\u201314 counteracted protein high-Pi-stimulated down-regulation and induced its de novo synthesis. Moreover, iron added on days 9\u201315 potentiated autophagy, as detected by an increased number of autophagosomes with damaged mitochondria and an increase in autophagic flux. Highlighting the effect of iron on apoptosis, we demonstrated its action in blocking the H2O2-induced increase in calcification added both before high Pi treatment and when the calcification was already exacerbated. In conclusion, we demonstrate that iron arrests further high Pi-induced calcium deposition through an anti-apoptotic action and the induction of autophagy on established calcified VSMC