471 research outputs found

    Towards the Grounding of Abstract Words: A Neural Network Model for Cognitive Robots

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    In this paper, a model based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) extends the symbol grounding mechanism toabstract words for cognitive robots. The aim of this work is to obtain a semantic representation of abstract concepts through the grounding in sensorimotor experiences for a humanoid robotic platform. Simulation experiments have been developed on a software environment for the iCub robot. Words that express general actions with a sensorimotor component are first taught to the simulated robot. During the training stage the robot first learns to perform a set of basic action primitives through the mechanism of direct grounding. Subsequently, the grounding of action primitives, acquired via direct sensorimotor experience, is transferred to higher-order words via linguistic descriptions. The idea is that by combining words grounded in sensorimotor experience the simulated robot can acquire more abstract concepts. The experiments aim to teach the robot the meaning of abstract words by making it experience sensorimotor actions. The iCub humanoid robot will be used for testing experiments on a real robotic architecture

    The role of sulfate-rich fluids in heavy rare earth enrichment at the Dashigou carbonatite deposit, Huanglongpu, China

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    The Huanglongpu carbonatites are located in the north-western part of the Qinling orogenic belt in central China. Calcite carbonatite dykes at the Dashigou open pit are unusual due to their enrichment in heavy rare earth elements (HREE) relative to light rare earth elements (LREE), leading to a flat REE pattern, and in that the majority of dykes have a quartz core. They also host economic concentrations of molybdenite. The calcite carbonatite dykes show two styles of mineralogy according to the degree of hydrothermal reworking, and these are reflected in REE distribution and concentration. The REE in the little-altered calcite carbonatite occur mostly in magmatic REE minerals, mainly monazite-(Ce), and typically have ΣLREE/(HREE+Y) ratios from 9.9 to 17. In hydrothermally altered calcite carbonatites, magmatic monazite-(Ce) is partially replaced to fully replaced by HREE-enriched secondary phases and the rocks have ΣLREE/(HREE+Y) ratios from 1.1 to 3.8. The fluid responsible for hydrothermal REE redistribution is preserved in fluid inclusions in the quartz lenses. The bulk of the quartz lacks fluid inclusions but is cut by two later hydrothermal quartz generations, both containing sulfate-rich fluid inclusions with sulfate typically present as multiple trapped solids, as well as in solution. The estimated total sulfate content of fluid inclusions ranges from 6 to >33 wt.% K2SO4 equivalent. We interpret these heterogeneous fluid inclusions to be the result of reaction of sulfate-rich fluids with the calcite carbonatite dykes. The final HREE enrichment is due to a combination of factors: (1) the progressive HREE enrichment of later magmatic calcite created a HREE-enriched source; (2) REE–SO42– complexing allowed the REE to be redistributed without fractionation; and (3) secondary REE mineralisation was dominated by minerals such as HREE-enriched fluorocarbonates, xenotime-(Y) and churchite-(Y) whose crystal structures tends to favour HREE

    Delivering Preventive Health Care Information to More versus Less Health-Oriented Consumers: A Comparative Demographic Analysis

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    Preventive health care (PHC) is the awareness and efforts a person undertakes to enhance and preserve physical, mental, and emotional health for today and future. Although PHC information is widely available, people are not utilizing the information to improve their health. We examine PHC information sources utilized by persons who are more health-oriented vs. less health-oriented. The less health-oriented individuals were identified as: low educational attainment, low income, men, younger age, unmarried, and non-White. A factor analysis produced three primary sources of PHC information sources: print, institutional, and electronic and audio-visual delivery systems. An ANOVA compared how more health-oriented individuals differed from less health-oriented individuals regarding the importance of PHC information sources. As expected, men and unmarried individuals placed less importance on PHC sources information. Younger individuals placed greater importance on institutional and electronic sources of PHC information. Furthermore, non-Whites considered institutional sources of PHC to be more important than Whites, and those without college degrees considered print sources to be more important than those with college degree. There were no differences among income groups

    An Attitudinal Analysis of Preventive Health Care Information Users: With Insights from Social Media

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    As the U.S. health care system continues to restructure itself, an increased emphasis on preventive health care will be a very important component. It is vital that preventive health care information (PHCI) be readily accessible and applied. This research explores the impact of social media as a source for accessing PHCI. Specifically, it examines how individuals rate active vs. passive internet delivery systems (IDS) to gather PHCI. Results of the study indicated that online health forums (active IDS) were the most popular source of PHCI, whereas Facebook and Twitter were most unpopular. On the whole, accessing PHCI via active IDS was strongly linked with those that were PHC oriented, and may become an important source of choice for PHCI

    Modelling mental rotation in cognitive robots

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    Mental rotation concerns the cognitive processes that allow an agent mentally to rotate the image of an object in order to solve a given task, for example to say if two objects with different orientations are the same or different. Here we present a system-level bio-constrained model, developed within a neurorobotics framework, that provides an embodied account of mental rotation processes relying on neural mechanisms involving motor affordance encoding, motor simulation and the anticipation of the sensory consequences of actions (both visual and proprioceptive). This model and methodology are in agreement with the most recent theoretical and empirical research on mental rotation. The model was validated through experiments with a simulated humanoid robot (iCub) engaged in solving a classical mental rotation test. The results of the test show that the robot is able to solve the task and, in agreement with data from psychology experiments, exhibits response times linearly dependent on the angular disparity between the objects. This model represents a novel detailed operational account of the embodied brain mechanisms that may underlie mental rotation. © The Author(s) 2013

    Toward the next generation of research into small area effects on health : a synthesis of multilevel investigations published since July 1998.

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    To map out area effects on health research, this study had the following aims: (1) to inventory multilevel investigations of area effects on self rated health, cardiovascular diseases and risk factors, and mortality among adults; (2) to describe and critically discuss methodological approaches employed and results observed; and (3) to formulate selected recommendations for advancing the study of area effects on health. Overall, 86 studies were inventoried. Although several innovative methodological approaches and analytical designs were found, small areas are most often operationalised using administrative and statistical spatial units. Most studies used indicators of area socioeconomic status derived from censuses, and few provided information on the validity and reliability of measures of exposures. A consistent finding was that a significant portion of the variation in health is associated with area context independently of individual characteristics. Area effects on health, although significant in most studies, often depend on the health outcome studied, the measure of area exposure used, and the spatial scale at which associations are examined

    Who is Making Lifestyle Changes Due to Preventive Health Care Information? A 10 Year Comparison Study

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    This paper sought to describe from a set of 6 demographic and 13 lifestyle change variables the person who is significantly and positively impacted by preventive health care information (PHCI). Based on past research, six hypotheses were developed. Three of the six hypotheses were accepted. In addition, there were significant relationships for each of the six demographic variables with at least one of the lifestyle change variables. Those who are seeking and are positively impacted by PHCI are better educated, female, and (depending upon the lifestyle change variable in question) fall into a definite age category. There is partial support that more PHCI-oriented persons are married and have higher income. The most important lifestyle changes emanating from PHCI were “changes in eating habits,” “having periodic physician checkups,” “utilizing nutritional labeling,” and “not smoking.” “Getting regular exercise,” “losing weight,” “consuming less alcohol,” “reducing stress” and “changing sleeping habits,” were associated with the utilization of PHC information, but to a lesser extent

    Preventive Health Care Information Delivery Systems: Is Social Media Relevant?

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    Preventive Health Care (PHC) is the awareness and efforts a person undertakes to enhance and preserve physical, mental, and emotional health for today and the future. This research examines the importance of online delivery systems as sources of PHC information. It examines how health care consumers respond to various online PHC delivery systems, with a special emphasis on social media (SM). Specifically different demographic groups are compared to determine the importance each group places on various online delivery systems. The results of a survey showed the 35-44 year old group placing the greatest importance of retrieving PHC information online. Older consumers indicated less importance for online delivery systems. Better-educated consumers indicated greater importance for formal online sources of PHC information. Likewise women considered formal sources more important than men. Among ethnic groups, Hispanics considered online sources most important

    Light rare earth element redistribution during hydrothermal alteration at the Okorusu carbonatite complex, Namibia

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    The Cretaceous Okorusu carbonatite, Namibia, includes diopside-bearing and pegmatitic calcite carbonatites, both exhibiting hydrothermally altered mineral assemblages. In unaltered carbonatite, Sr, Ba and rare earth elements (REE) are hosted principally by calcite and fluorapatite. However, in hydrothermally altered carbonatites, small (<50 µm) parisite-(Ce) grains are the dominant REE host, while Ba and Sr are hosted in baryte, celestine, strontianite and witherite. Hydrothermal calcite has a much lower trace-element content than the original, magmatic calcite. Regardless of the low REE contents of the hydrothermal calcite, the REE patterns are similar to those of parisite-(Ce), magmatic minerals and mafic rocks associated with the carbonatites. These similarities suggest that hydrothermal alteration remobilised REE from magmatic minerals, predominantly calcite, without significant fractionation or addition from an external source. Barium and Sr released during alteration were mainly reprecipitated as sulfates. The breakdown of magmatic pyrite into iron hydroxide is inferred to be the main source of sulfate. The behaviour of sulfur suggests that the hydrothermal fluid was somewhat oxidising and it may have been part of a geothermal circulation system. Late hydrothermal massive fluorite replaced the calcite carbonatites at Okorusu and resulted in extensive chemical change, suggesting continued magmatic contributions to the fluid system
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