164 research outputs found

    Serve profile of male and female professional tennis players at the 2015 Roland Garros Grand Slam tournament

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    The aim of this study was to compare the serve statistics profile of male and female high-level tennis players. In all, 111 tennis singles matches of the Roland Garros 2015 tennis tournament were collected and 10 variables related to first and second serve were analyzed according to service box (deuce and advantage sides) and landing location (wide, body and T-areas). The results show: (a) men served faster than women; (b) men served a higher percentage of serves at T-area on deuce side (35.0 vs 27.7%) and at the wide zone on advantage side (44.1 vs 36.7%) with first serves, while women hit more to the body on both sides; (c) men won a higher percentage of points with their first serve compared to women at any zone on both sides, except for the T-area on deuce side; (d) with their second serve, men placed a greater percentage of serves in the T-area on deuce side (28.0 vs 21.8%) and wide on the advantage side, whereas women directed more to the body on the advantage side (41.4 vs 33.5%); (e) men won a higher percentage of points with their second serve when they placed it to the body zone on deuce side (54.1 vs 47.1%) and at the T-area on the advantage side (64.4% vs 44.1%). Our conclusions are that with respect to gender, players showed differing serve patterns. Men served faster, with higher success and placed their serves more frequently to the external areas of the service boxes, while women directed a higher percentage of serves to the body of their opponent

    CARACTERIZACIÓN MOLECULAR DE Azospirillum sp., Azotobacter sp. Y Pseudomonas sp. PROMOTORAS DEL CRECIMIENTO VEGETAL DE CULTIVOS DE Solanum tuberosum y Zea mays

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    Con el objetivo de generar un banco autóctono con bacterias promotoras del crecimiento vegetal (PGPR) y su posterior utilización como inoculantes del suelo que disminuyan la fertilización química, se tomaron muestras de raíces de cultivos de papa (Solanum tuberosum Var Canchan) y de maíz (Zea mayz Var Blanco mejorado) tratados con cinco tipos de abonamiento: estiércol de ovino, cuy y vacuno, fertilización química y sin fertilizante, de las cuales se aislaron cepas de bacterias nitrificantes correspondientes a los géneros Azospirillum, Azotobacter y Pseudomonas. Las bacterias fueron diferenciadas en base a su morfología, poder generador de auxinas, solubilización de fosfatos, reacción a la catalasa, oxidasa y similaridad genética previa amplificación de la región del mRNA 16S. Los resultados muestran una amplia base genética que necesita ser caracterizada e identificada exhaustivamente. La producción de AIA en Azospirillum llegó hasta niveles de 120 ppm; 118 ppm para el género Azotobacter y 115 ppm en Pseudomonas fluorescens. De cepas seleccionadas, el DNA fue secuenciado, comparado con la Base de Datos del GenBank  e identificadas hasta especie, tales como Azospirillum brasilense; Azotobacter vinelandii,  A. choccrococum, A. nigricans y A. salinestris. Las secuencias amplificadas con los primer universales 9-27F y 1542R para las cepas de Azospirillum, Azotobacter y Pseudomonas fluorescens utilizados para este estudio no están reportados en la base de datos del GenBank. Palabras clave: Bacterias promotoras del crecimiento vegetal (PGPR), Azospirillum sp, Azotobacter sp, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Acido Indol Acético, Solubilización de fosfatos.ABSTRACTWith the aim of generating a native bank with Promoting Grow Plant Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and their later use as inoculates of the soils that diminishes the chemical fertilization, samples were taken from roots of cultures of potato (Solanum tuberosum Var Canchan) and of maize (Zea mayz Var Improved white) dealt with five types of fertilization: ovine, bovine guinea and pig manure, chemical fertilization and without fertilizer, of which strains of nitrogen-fixing bacteria corresponding to the genera Azospirillum, Azotobacter and Pseudomonas were isolated. The bacteria were differentiated on the basis of their morphology, generating power of auxins, phosphate solubilization, reaction to the catalase, oxidasa and genetic similarity previous amplification of the region of rRNA 16S. The results show an ample genetic base that exhaustive need to be characterized and to be identified. The production of AIA in Azospirillum arrived until 120 levels of ppm; 118 ppm for the genera Azotobacter and 115 ppm in Pseudomonas fluorecens. Of selected strains, the DNA was sequenced, compared with Base of Data the GenBank and identified until species, such as Azospirillum brasilense; Azotobacter vinelandii, A. choccrococum, A. nigricans and A. salinestris. The sequences amplified with primer universal 9-27F and 1542R for the strains of Azospirillum, Azotobacter and Pseudomonas fluorescens used for this study are not reported in the data base of the GenBank.Key words: Promoting Grow Plant Rhizobacteria (PGPR), Azospirillum sp., Azotobacter sp., Pseudomonas fluorescens, Acetic Indol Acid, phosphate solubilization.

    Spectra of weighted algebras of holomorphic functions

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    We consider weighted algebras of holomorphic functions on a Banach space. We determine conditions on a family of weights that assure that the corresponding weighted space is an algebra or has polynomial Schauder decompositions. We study the spectra of weighted algebras and endow them with an analytic structure. We also deal with composition operators and algebra homomorphisms, in particular to investigate how their induced mappings act on the analytic structure of the spectrum. Moreover, a Banach-Stone type question is addressed.Comment: 25 pages Corrected typo

    Quantum mechanics and elements of reality inferred from joint measurements

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    The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument on quantum mechanics incompleteness is formulated in terms of elements of reality inferred from joint (as opposed to alternative) measurements, in two examples involving entangled states of three spin-1/2 particles. The same states allow us to obtain proofs of the incompatibility between quantum mechanics and elements of reality.Comment: LaTeX, 12 page

    Proposed experimental tests of the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem

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    For a two-particle two-state system, sets of compatible propositions exist for which quantum mechanics and noncontextual hidden-variable theories make conflicting predictions for every individual system whatever its quantum state. This permits a simple all-or-nothing state-independent experimental verification of the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem.Comment: LaTeX, 8 page

    Structural equations model with influential variables on the urban quality of life. Case study: Cienfuegos’ city, Cuba

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    Este artículo presenta un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que miden la calidad de vida urbana (CVU), tomando como referencia la ciudad de Cienfuegos (Cuba). El objetivo es determinar las variables que influyen en la calidad de vida urbana, para ello se desarrolla un procedimiento que permite el diseño de dos modelos: uno desde la dimensión objetiva y otro desde la dimensión subjetiva de este concepto. Como principal resultado se muestra un modelo de relaciones entre indicadores de gestión, a partir de información suministrada por los decisores locales y otro modelo que relaciona indicadores de percepción, con información dada por los ciudadanos. La comparación entre ambos modelos permite generalizar qué variables, tales como la salud, la vivienda, los ingresos personales y la carga contaminante al medio ambiente son factores determinantes en la CVU de la ciudad.This paper presents a structural equations model (SEM) that measure the Urban Quality of Life (UQoL), taking as reference Cienfuegos's city (Cuba). The objective is to determine the variables that influence the UQoL, to develop a procedure that allows the design of two models: one from the objective dimension and the other from the subjective dimension of this concept. As main results a model of relations of management indicators, given by local decision makers and another model that relates perception indicators, given by citizens is showed. The comparison between these models makes it possible to generalize that variables such as health, housing and income are determining factors in the UQoL of Cienfuegos's city

    Effects of multicomponent training and detraining on the fitness of older adults with or at risk of frailty: results of a 10-month quasi-experimental study

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    The aims of this study were (1) to analyse the effects of a 6-month multicomponent training (MCT) on the physical fitness of older adults with or at risk of frailty; (2) to study the consequences of a 4-month detraining period; (3) to analyse the influence of frailty status on the training and detraining adaptations. A total of 102 robust, frail and prefrail older adults (80.1 ± 6.1 y) were divided into an intervention (TRAIN) and control group (CON). The TRAIN performed a 6-month MCT, while the CON continued with their usual lifestyle. Fitness assessment was mainly based on the Senior Fitness Test. Four evaluations were carried out; at baseline, and at 3, 6 and 10 months from baseline. Linear mixed models were performed to analyse group by time interactions and to compare differences in changes within groups between different time points. After 6-month MCT, TRAIN showed greater improvements for all fitness variables (group effects p < 0.05, except for flexibility) when compared to the CON. During the 4-month detraining period, TRAIN significantly decreased their balance, upper-limb flexibility and upper and lower-limb strength (all p < 0.05). CON only decreased upper-limb flexibility. When accounting for frailty status in the TRAIN, the frail-prefrail showed lower adaptations to the training and were more affected by detraining than the robust. The presented MCT is a good strategy to improve fitness in this population, but its positive effects are limited in time. It is, therefore, critical to avoid detraining periods

    Intermediate snowpack melt-out dates guarantee the highest seasonal grasslands greening in the Pyrenees

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    In mountain areas, the phenology and productivity of grassland are closely related to snow dynamics. However, the influence that snow melt timing has on grassland growing still needs further attention for a full understanding, particularly at high spatial resolution. Aiming to reduce this knowledge gap, this work exploits 1 m resolution snow depth and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index observations acquired with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle at a sub-alpine site in the Pyrenees. During two snow seasons (2019–2020 and 2020–2021), 14 NDVI and 17 snow depth distributions were acquired over 48 ha. Despite the snow dynamics being different in the two seasons, the response of grasslands greening to snow melt-out exhibited a very similar pattern in both. The NDVI temporal evolution in areas with distinct melt-out dates reveals that sectors where the melt-out date occurs in late April or early May (optimum melt-out) reach the maximum vegetation productivity. Zones with an earlier or a later melt-out rarely reach peak NDVI values. The results obtained in this study area, suggest that knowledge about snow depth distribution is not needed to understand NDVI grassland dynamics. The analysis did not reveal a clear link between the spatial variability in snow duration and the diversity and richness of grassland communities within the study area