7,024 research outputs found

    Search for vertical stratification of metals in atmospheres of blue horizontal-branch stars

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    The observed abundance peculiarities of many chemical species relative to the expected cluster metallicity in blue horizontal-branch (BHB) stars presumably appear as a result of atomic diffusion in the photosphere. The slow rotation (typically vsini<v\sin{i}< 10 km s1^{-1}) of BHB stars with effective temperatures Teff>T_{\rm eff}> 11,500 K supports this idea since the diffusion mechanism is only effective in a stable stellar atmosphere. In this work we search for observational evidence of vertical chemical stratification in the atmospheres of six hot BHB stars: B84, B267 and B279 in M15 and WF2-2541, WF4-3085 and WF4-3485 in M13. We undertake an abundance stratification analysis of the stellar atmospheres of the aforementioned stars, based on acquired Keck HIRES spectra. We have found from our numerical simulations that three stars (B267, B279 and WF2-2541) show clear signatures of the vertical stratification of iron whose abundance increases toward the lower atmosphere, while the other two stars (B84 and WF4-3485) do not. For WF4-3085 the iron stratification results are inconclusive. B267 also shows a signature of titanium stratification. Our estimates for radial velocity, vsiniv\sin{i} and overall iron, titanium and phosphorus abundances agree with previously published data for these stars after taking the measurement errors into account. The results support the hypothesis regarding the efficiency of atomic diffusion in the stellar atmospheres of BHB stars with Teff>T_{\rm eff}> 11,500 K.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Magnetic anomalies in single crystalline ErPd2Si2

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    Considering certain interesting features in the previously reported 166Er Moessbauer effect and neutron diffraction data on the polycrystalline form of ErPd2Si2 crystallizing in ThCr2Si2-type tetragonal structure, we have carried out magnetic measurements (1.8 to 300 K) on the single crystalline form of this compound. We observe significant anisotropy in the absolute values of magnetization (indicating that the easy axis is c-axis) as well as in the features due to magnetic ordering in the plot of magnetic susceptibility (chi) versus temperature (T) at low temperatures. The chi(T) data reveal that there is a pseudo-low dimensional magnetic order setting in at 4.8 K, with a three-dimensional antiferromagnetic ordering setting in at a lower temperature (3.8 K). A new finding in the chi(T) data is that, for H//, but not for H//, there is a broad shoulder in the range 8-20 K, indicative of the existence of magnetic correlations above 5 K as well, which could be related to the previously reported slow-relaxation-dominated Moessbauer spectra. Interestingly, the temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity is found to be isotropic; no feature due to magnetic ordering could be detected in the electrical resistivity data at low temperatures, which is attributed to magnetic Brillioun-zone boundary gap effects. The results reveal complex nature of the magnetism of this compound

    An Overview of the Rotational Behavior of Metal--Poor Stars

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    The present paper describes the behavior of the rotational velocity in metal--poor stars ([Fe/H]<-0.5 dex) in different evolutionary stages, based on Vsini values from the literature. Our sample is comprised of stars in the field and some Galactic globular clusters, including stars on the main sequence, the red giant branch (RGB), and the horizontal branch (HB). The metal--poor stars are, mainly, slow rotators, and their Vsini distribution along the HR diagram is quite homogeneous. Nevertheless, a few moderate to high values of Vsini are found in stars located on the main sequence and on the HB. We show that the overall distribution of Vsini values is basically independent of metallicity for the stars in our sample. In particular, the fast-rotating main sequence stars in our sample present similar rotation rates as their metal-rich counterparts, suggesting that some of them may actually be fairly young, in spite of their low metallicity, or else that at least some of them would be better classified as blue straggler stars. We do not find significant evidence of evolution in Vsini values as a function of position on the RGB; in particular, we do not confirm previous suggestions that stars close to the RGB tip rotate faster than their less evolved counterparts. While the presence of fast rotators among moderately cool blue HB stars has been suggested to be due to angular momentum transport from a stellar core that has retained significant angular momentum during its prior evolution, we find that any such transport mechanisms must likely operate very fast as the star arrives on the zero-age HB (ZAHB), since we do not find a link between evolution off the ZAHB and Vsini values. We present an extensive tabulation of all quantities discussed in this paper, including rotation velocities, temperatures, gravitieComment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Vertical abundance stratification in the blue horizontal branch star HD135485

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    It is commonly believed that the observed overabundances of many chemical species relative to the expected cluster metallicity in blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars appear as a result of atomic diffusion in the photosphere. The slow rotation of BHB stars (with T_eff > 11,500K), typically v sin{i} < 10 km/s, is consistent with this idea. In this work we search for observational evidence of vertical chemical stratification in the atmosphere of HD135485. If this evidence exists, it will demonstrate the importance of atomic diffusion processes in the atmospheres of BHB stars. We undertake an extensive abundance stratification analysis of the atmosphere of HD135485, based on recently acquired high resolution and S/N CFHT ESPaDOnS spectra and a McDonald-CE spectrum. Our numerical simulations show that nitrogen and sulfur reveal signatures of vertical abundance stratification in the stellar atmosphere. It appears that the abundances of these elements increase toward the upper atmosphere. This fact cannot be explained by the influence of microturbulent velocity, because oxygen, carbon, neon, argon, titanium and chromium do not show similar behavior and their abundances remain constant throughout the atmosphere. It seems that the iron abundance may increase marginally toward the lower atmosphere. This is the first demonstration of vertical abundance stratification of metals in a BHB star.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted to A&

    Drosophila Chitinase 2 is expressed in chitin producing organs for cuticle formation.

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    The architecture of the outer body wall cuticle is fundamental to protect arthropods against invading pathogens and numerous other harmful stresses. Such robust cuticles are formed by parallel running chitin microfibrils. Molting and also local wounding leads to dynamic assembly and disassembly of the chitin-matrix throughout development. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms that organize proper chitin-matrix formation are poorly known. Recently we identified a key region for cuticle thickening at the apical cell surface, the cuticle assembly zone, where Obstructor-A (Obst-A) coordinates the formation of the chitin-matrix. Obst-A binds chitin and the deacetylase Serpentine (Serp) in a core complex, which is required for chitin-matrix maturation and preservation. Here we present evidence that Chitinase 2 (Cht2) could be essential for this molecular machinery. We show that Cht2 is expressed in the chitin-matrix of epidermis, trachea, and the digestive system. There, Cht2 is enriched at the apical cell surface and the dense chitin-matrix. We further show that in Cht2 knockdown larvae the assembly zone is rudimentary, preventing normal cuticle formation and pore canal organization. As sequence similarities of Cht2 and the core complex proteins indicate evolutionarily conserved molecular mechanisms, our findings suggest that Cht2 is involved in chitin formation also in other insects

    Towards Automated Benchmarking of Atomistic Forcefields: Neat Liquid Densities and Static Dielectric Constants from the ThermoML Data Archive

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    Atomistic molecular simulations are a powerful way to make quantitative predictions, but the accuracy of these predictions depends entirely on the quality of the forcefield employed. While experimental measurements of fundamental physical properties offer a straightforward approach for evaluating forcefield quality, the bulk of this information has been tied up in formats that are not machine-readable. Compiling benchmark datasets of physical properties from non-machine-readable sources require substantial human effort and is prone to accumulation of human errors, hindering the development of reproducible benchmarks of forcefield accuracy. Here, we examine the feasibility of benchmarking atomistic forcefields against the NIST ThermoML data archive of physicochemical measurements, which aggregates thousands of experimental measurements in a portable, machine-readable, self-annotating format. As a proof of concept, we present a detailed benchmark of the generalized Amber small molecule forcefield (GAFF) using the AM1-BCC charge model against measurements (specifically bulk liquid densities and static dielectric constants at ambient pressure) automatically extracted from the archive, and discuss the extent of available data. The results of this benchmark highlight a general problem with fixed-charge forcefields in the representation low dielectric environments such as those seen in binding cavities or biological membranes

    Research Note: Benefits and Drawbacks of Pre-bloom Applications of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) for Stem Elongation in Sauvignon blanc

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    Dense grape clusters have a high predisposition to bunch rot. An elongation of cluster stems could resultin a loosening of the cluster structure. To achieve such an elongation, gibberellic acid (GA3; 10 ppm)was applied to Sauvignon blanc either when three, five, seven, nine, 11 or 13 leaves were unfolded or atfull bloom in the 2010 season. In the present season, all applications led to stem elongation, a reductionof cluster compactness as well as a reduction of bunch rot severity. The density index proved to be anefficient tool to describe the predisposition of grape clusters to bunch rot. Best success was achieved if theapplication took place when seven leaves were unfolded. In the subsequent season (2011; the year followingthe year of application), the number of inflorescences per shoot, the length of the clusters, as well as theyield were considerably reduced, especially in the treatments with promising positive effects on the clusterstructure and disease severity. Hence, the present study shows the loosening potential as well as the riskof pre-bloom gibberellic acid applications. Due to the observed negative resultant effects, the pre-bloomapplication of GA3 at the present concentration (10 ppm) cannot yet be recommended for practical use inSauvignon blanc