142 research outputs found

    Effects of systematic and random errors on the retrieval of particle microphysical properties from multiwavelength lidar measurements using inversion with regularization

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    In this work we study the effects of systematic and random errors on the inversion of multiwavelength (MW) lidar data using the well-known regularization technique to obtain vertically resolved aerosol microphysical properties. The software implementation used here was developed at the Physics Instrumentation Center (PIC) in Troitsk (Russia) in conjunction with the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. Its applicability to Raman lidar systems based on backscattering measurements at three wavelengths (355, 532 and 1064 nm) and extinction measurements at two wavelengths (355 and 532 nm) has been demonstrated widely. The systematic error sensitivity is quantified by first determining the retrieved parameters for a given set of optical input data consistent with three different sets of aerosol physical parameters. Then each optical input is perturbed by varying amounts and the inversion is repeated. Using bimodal aerosol size distributions, we find a generally linear dependence of the retrieved errors in the microphysical properties on the induced systematic errors in the optical data. For the retrievals of effective radius, number/surface/volume concentrations and fine-mode radius and volume, we find that these results are not significantly affected by the range of the constraints used in inversions. But significant sensitivity was found to the allowed range of the imaginary part of the particle refractive index. Our results also indicate that there exists an additive property for the deviations induced by the biases present in the individual optical data. This property permits the results here to be used to predict deviations in retrieved parameters when multiple input optical data are biased simultaneously as well as to study the influence of random errors on the retrievals. The above results are applied to questions regarding lidar design, in particular for the spaceborne multiwavelength lidar under consideration for the upcoming ACE mission.This work was supported by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through projects CGL2010-18782 and CSD2007-00067, the Andalusian Regional Government through projects P10-RNM-6299 and P08-RNM-3568, the EU through ACTRIS project (EU INFRA-2010-1.1.16-262254) and the Postdoctoral Program of the University of Granada

    Columnar aerosol properties from sun-and-star photometry: statistical comparisons and day-to-night dynamic

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    This work presents the first analysis of long-term correlative day-to-night columnar aerosol optical properties. The aim is to better understand columnar aerosol dynamic from ground-based observations, which are poorly studied until now. To this end we have used a combination of sun-and-star photometry measurements acquired in the city of Granada (37.16° N, 3.60° W, 680 m a.s.l.; South-East of Spain) from 2007 to 2010. For the whole study period, mean aerosol optical depth (AOD) around 440 nm (± standard deviation) is 0.18 ± 0.10 and 0.19 ± 0.11 for daytime and nighttime, respectively, while the mean Angström exponent (α) is 1.0 ± 0.4 and 0.9 ± 0.4 for daytime and nighttime. The ANOVA statistical tests reveal that there are no significant differences between AOD and α obtained at daytime and those at nighttime. Additionally, the mean daytime values of AOD and α obtained during this study period are coherent with the values obtained in the surrounding AERONET stations. On the other hand, AOD around 440 nm present evident seasonal patterns characterised by large values in summer (mean value of 0.20 ± 0.10 both at daytime and nighttime) and low values in winter (mean value of 0.15 ± 0.09 at daytime and 0.17 ± 0.10 at nighttime). The Angström exponents also present seasonal patterns, but with low values in summer (mean values of 0.8 ± 0.4 and 0.9 ± 0.4 at day- and night-time) and relatively large values in winter (mean values of 1.2 ± 0.4 and 1.0 ± 0.3 at daytime and nighttime). These seasonal patterns are explained by the differences in the meteorological conditions and by the differences in the strength of the aerosol sources. To take more insight about the changes in aerosol particles between day and night, the spectral differences of the Angström exponent as function of the Angström exponent are also studied. These analyses reveal increases of the fine mode radius and of the fine mode contribution to AOD during nighttime, being more remarkable in the summer seasons. These variations are explained by the changes of the local aerosol sources and by the meteorological conditions between daytime and nighttime, as well as aerosol aging processes. Case studies during summer and winter for different aerosol loads and types are also presented to clearly illustrate these findings.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through projects CGL2008-01330-E/CLI (Spanish Lidar Network), CGL2010-18782, CSD2007-00067 and CGL2011-13580-E/CLI; by the Andalusian Regional Government through projects P10-RNM-6299 and P08-RNM-3568; by the EU ACTRIS project (EU INFRA-2010-1.1.16-262254), and by the Postdoctoral Programme of the University of Granada

    Cloud Screening and Quality Control Algorithm for Star Photometer Data: Assessment with Lidar Measurements and with All-sky Images

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    This paper presents the development and set up of a cloud screening and data quality control algorithm for a star photometer based on CCD camera as detector. These algorithms are necessary for passive remote sensing techniques to retrieve the columnar aerosol optical depth, delta Ae(lambda), and precipitable water vapor content, W, at nighttime. This cloud screening procedure consists of calculating moving averages of delta Ae() and W under different time-windows combined with a procedure for detecting outliers. Additionally, to avoid undesirable Ae(lambda) and W fluctuations caused by the atmospheric turbulence, the data are averaged on 30 min. The algorithm is applied to the star photometer deployed in the city of Granada (37.16 N, 3.60 W, 680 ma.s.l.; South-East of Spain) for the measurements acquired between March 2007 and September 2009. The algorithm is evaluated with correlative measurements registered by a lidar system and also with all-sky images obtained at the sunset and sunrise of the previous and following days. Promising results are obtained detecting cloud-affected data. Additionally, the cloud screening algorithm has been evaluated under different aerosol conditions including Saharan dust intrusion, biomass burning and pollution events

    EARLINET: towards an advanced sustainable European aerosol lidar network

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    The European Aerosol Research Lidar Network, EARLINET, was founded in 2000 as a research project for establishing a quantitative, comprehensive, and statistically significant database for the horizontal, vertical, and temporal distribution of aerosols on a continental scale. Since then EARLINET has continued to provide the most extensive collection of ground-based data for the aerosol vertical distribution over Europe. This paper gives an overview of the network's main developments since 2000 and introduces the dedicated EARLINET special issue, which reports on the present innovative and comprehensive technical solutions and scientific results related to the use of advanced lidar remote sensing techniques for the study of aerosol properties as developed within the network in the last 13 years. Since 2000, EARLINET has developed greatly in terms of number of stations and spatial distribution: from 17 stations in 10 countries in 2000 to 27 stations in 16 countries in 2013. EARLINET has developed greatly also in terms of technological advances with the spread of advanced multiwavelength Raman lidar stations in Europe. The developments for the quality assurance strategy, the optimization of instruments and data processing, and the dissemination of data have contributed to a significant improvement of the network towards a more sustainable observing system, with an increase in the observing capability and a reduction of operational costs. Consequently, EARLINET data have already been extensively used for many climatological studies, long-range transport events, Saharan dust outbreaks, plumes from volcanic eruptions, and for model evaluation and satellite data validation and integration. Future plans are aimed at continuous measurements and near-real-time data delivery in close cooperation with other ground-based networks, such as in the ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network) www.actris.net, and with the modeling and satellite community, linking the research community with the operational world, with the aim of establishing of the atmospheric part of the European component of the integrated global observing system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Sensitivity of UV Erythemal Radiation to Total Ozone Changes under Different Sky Conditions: Results for Granada, Spain

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: AntĂłn, M.; et al. Sensitivity of UV Erythemal Radiation to Total Ozone Changes under Different Sky Conditions: Results for Granada, Spain. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 92(1): 215-219 (2016), which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/php.12539 . This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingThis paper focuses on the analysis of the sensitivity of UV erythemal radiation (UVER) to variations of the total ozone column (TOC) under different sky conditions at Granada (southeastern Spain). The sensitivity is studied both in relative terms by means of the Radiation Amplification Factor (RAF) and in absolute terms using the Ozone Efficiency (OE). These two variables are determined for diverse sky conditions characterized by the cloud cover information given by a sky camera (in oktas) and the cloud optical depth (COD) estimated from global solar radiation measurements. As expected, in absolute terms, the TOC variations cause substantially smaller UVER changes during completely overcast situations than during cloud-free cases. For instance, the OE (SZA=30Âș, TOC=290 DU) decreases from 0.68 mW/m2 per unit of TOC (0 oktas) to 0.50 mW/m2 per unit of TOC (8 oktas). However, the opposite is observed when the analysis is performed in relative terms. Thus, the RAF (determined for SZA cases below 80Âș) increases from 1.1 for cloud-free cases (0 oktas) to 1.4 for completely overcast situations (8 oktas). This opposite behavior is also found when both RAF and OE are analyzed as functions of COD. Thus, while the OE strongly decreases with increasing COD, the RAF increases as COD increases.European Commission Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme through ACTRIS 2 project (H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015-654109).Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through projects CGL2011-29921-C02-01, CGL2013-45410-R, CGL2014-56255-C2-1-R.Andalusia Regional Government through projects P10-RNM-6299 and P12-RNM-2409

    Aerosol radiative effects in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared spectral ranges using long-term aerosol data series over the Iberian Peninsula

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    A better understanding of aerosol radiative properties is a crucial challenge for climate change studies. This study aims at providing a complete characterization of aerosol radiative effects in different spectral ranges within the shortwave (SW) solar spectrum. For this purpose, long-term data sets of aerosol properties from six AERONET stations located in the Iberian Peninsula (southwestern Europe) have been analyzed in terms of climatological characterization and inter-annual changes. Aerosol information was used as input for the libRadtran model in order to determine the aerosol radiative effect (ARE) at the surface in the ultraviolet (AREUV), visible (AREVIS), near-infrared (ARENIR), and the entire SW range (ARESW) under cloud-free conditions. Over the whole Iberian Peninsula, yearly aerosol radiative effects in the different spectral ranges were found to be −1.1 < AREUV < −0.7, −5.7 < AREVIS < −3.5, −2.6 < ARENIR < −1.6, and −8.8 < ARESW < −5.7 (in W m−2). Monthly means of ARE showed a seasonal pattern with larger values in spring and summer. The aerosol forcing efficiency (AFE), ARE per unit of aerosol optical depth, has also been evaluated in the four spectral ranges. AFE exhibited a dependence on single scattering albedo as well as a weaker one on the Ångström exponent. AFE is larger (in absolute value) for small and absorbing particles. The contributions of the UV, VIS, and NIR ranges to the SW efficiency varied with the aerosol types. The predominant aerosol size determined the fractions AFEVIS/AFESW and AFENIR/AFESW. The AFEVIS was the dominant contributor for all aerosol types, although non-absorbing large particles caused more even contribution of VIS and NIR intervals. The AFEUV / AFESW ratio showed a higher value in the case of absorbing fine particles

    Aerosol number fluxes and concentrations over a southern European urban area

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    Although cities are an important source of aerosol particles, aerosol number flux measurements over urban areas are scarce. These measurements are however important as they can allow us to identify the different sources/sinks of aerosol particles and quantify their emission contributions. Therefore, they can help us to understand the aerosol impacts on human health and climate, and to design effective mitigation strategies through the reduction of urban aerosol emissions. In this work we analyze the aerosol number concentrations and fluxes for particles with diameters larger than 2.5 nm measured by eddy covariance technique at an urban area (Granada city, Spain) from November 2016 to April 2018. This is the first study of particle number flux in an urban area in the Iberian Peninsula and is one of the few current studies that report long-term aerosol number flux measurements. The results suggest that, on average, Granada urban area acted as a net source for atmospheric aerosol particles with median particle number flux of 150 x 10(6) m(-2) s(-1). Downward negative fluxes were observed in only 12% of the analyzed data, and most of them were observed during high aerosol load conditions. Both aerosol number fluxes and concentrations were maximum in winter and 50% larger than those measured in summer due to the increased emissions from domestic heating, burning of residual agricultural waste in the agricultural area surrounding the site, as well as to the lower aerosol dilution effects during winter. The analysis of the seasonal diurnal variability of the aerosol number concentration revealed the significant impact of traffic emissions on aerosol population over Granada urban area in all seasons. It also shows the impact of domestic heating and agricultural waste burning emissions in winter as well as the influence of new particle formation processes in summer and spring seasons. Closer analysis by wind sector demonstrated that both aerosol concentrations and fluxes from urban sector (where high density of anthropogenic sources is located) were lower than those from rural sector (which includes agricultural area but also the main highway of the city). This evidences the strong impact of aerosol emissions from traffic circulating on the highway on aerosol population over our measurement site.Peer reviewe

    Multi year aerosol characterization in the tropical Andes and in adjacent Amazonia using AERONET measurements

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    This work focuses on the analysis of columnar aerosol properties in the complex geophysical tropical region of South America within 10-20 South and 50-70 West. The region is quite varied and encompasses a significant part of Amazonia (lowlands) as well as high mountains in the Andes (highlands,~4000 m a.s.l.). Several AERONET stations were included to study the aerosol optical characteristics of the lowlands (Rio Branco, Ji Parana and Cuiaba in Brazil and Santa Cruz in Bolivia) and the highlands (La Paz, Bolivia) during the 2000-2014 period. Biomass-burning is by far the most important source of aerosol in the lowlands, particularly during the dry season (August-October). Multi-annual variability was investigated and showed very strong burning activity in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010. This resulted in smoke characterized by correspondingly strong, above-average AODs (aerosol optical depths) and homogeneous single scattering albedo (SSA) across all the stations (~0.93). For other years, however, SSA differences arise between the northern stations (Rio Branco and Ji Parana) with SSAs of ~0.95 and the southern stations (Cuiaba and Santa Cruz) with lower SSAs of ~0.85.Such differences are explained by the different types of vegetation burned in the two different regions. In the highlands, however, the transport of biomass burning smoke is found to be sporadic in nature. This sporadicity results in highly variable indicators of aerosol load and type (Angstrom exponent and fine mode fraction) with moderately significant increases in both. Regional dust and local pollution are the background aerosol in this highland region, whose elevation places it close to the free troposphere. Transported smoke particles were generally found to be more optical absorbing than in the lowlands: the hypothesis to explain this is the significantly higher amount of water vapor in Amazonia relative to the high mountain areas. The air-mass transport to La Paz was investigated using the HYSPLIT air-concentration five-days back trajectories. Two different patterns were clearly differentiated: westerly winds from the Pacific that clean the atmosphere and easterly winds favoring the transport of particles from Amazonia.Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF) ACE_GFAT (grant agreement No 659398).European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 654109, ACTRIS-2

    P14 282. Endocarditis protésica. experiencia de 20 años

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    ObjetivosRevisamos la experiencia de nuestro centro en endocarditis protĂ©sica (EP).Material y mĂ©todosEntre 1990–2010, se intervienen 62 casos, que representaron el 23% de 276 casos totales de endocarditis y 2,46% de pacientes valvulares (precoces 0,58% con 20 casos, tardĂ­as 1,68% con 42 casos). No hubo diferencias en tipo ni localizaciĂłn de las prĂłtesis, ni en incidencia entre las dos dĂ©cadas (2,59% en 1990–2000 y 2,32% en 2000–2010). Edad media 59 años. GĂ©rmenes: S. viridans 20,9%; S. epidermidis 16,1%; S. aureus 11,6%; C. burnetii 9,6%; enterococos 8%; difteroides 6,4%; hongos 6,4%. En un 8% de los casos se encontraron gĂ©rmenes raros aislados, mientras que no se identificĂł germen en 12,9%. Se intervinieron de forma urgente el 30% de pacientes (19 casos, el 45% de formas precoces y el 23% de formas tardĂ­as).ResultadosLa mortalidad precoz fue del 16%, a expensas sobre todo de EP precoz (12%). La supervivencia global a 10 años fue del 50%, con diferencias entre los dos grupos (EP precoz 15%; EP tardĂ­a 66%). El 70% de supervivientes se encuentra actualmente en clase funcional I-II/IV.ConclusiĂłnLa EP sigue teniendo una incidencia relativamente elevada en nuestro medio. La EP precoz tiene una mortalidad muy elevada. La cirugĂ­a de la EP tardĂ­a tiene muy buenos resultados a largo plazo

    Correction of a lunar-irradiance model for aerosol optical depth retrieval and comparison with a star photometer

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    The emergence of Moon photometers is allowing measurements of lunar irradiance over the world and increasing the potential to derive aerosol optical depth (AOD) at night-time, which is very important in polar areas. Actually, new photometers implement the latest technological advances that permit lunar-irradiance measurements together with classical Sun photometry measurements. However, a proper use of these instruments for AOD retrieval requires accurate time-dependent knowledge of the extraterrestrial lunar irradiance over time due to its fast change throughout the Moon's cycle. This paper uses the RIMO (ROLO Implementation for Moon's Observation) model (an implementation of the ROLO – RObotic Lunar Observatory – model) to estimate the AOD at night-time assuming that the calibration of the solar channels can be transferred to the Moon by a vicarious method. However, the obtained AOD values using a Cimel CE318-T Sun–sky–Moon photometer for 98 pristine nights with low and stable AOD at the Izaña Observatory (Tenerife, Spain) are not in agreement with the expected (low and stable) AOD values estimated by linear interpolations from daytime values obtained during the previous evening and the following morning. Actually, AOD calculated using RIMO shows negative values and with a marked cycle dependent on the optical air mass. The differences between the AOD obtained using RIMO and the expected values are assumed to be associated with inaccuracies in the RIMO model, and these differences are used to calculate the RIMO correction factor (RCF). The RCF is a proposed correction factor that, multiplied by the RIMO value, gives an effective extraterrestrial lunar irradiance that provides AOD closer to the expected values. The RCF varies with the Moon phase angle (MPA) and with wavelength, ranging from 1.01 to 1.14, which reveals an overall underestimation of RIMO compared to the lunar irradiance. These obtained RCF values are modelled for each photometer wavelength to a second-order polynomial as a function of MPA. The AOD derived by this proposed method is compared with the independent AOD measurements obtained by a star photometer at Granada (Spain) for 2 years. The mean of the Moon–star AOD differences is between −0.015 and −0.005, and the standard deviation (SD) is between 0.03 and 0.04 (which is reduced to about 0.01 if 1 month of data affected by instrumental issues is not included in the analysis) for 440, 500, 675, and 870 nm; however, for 380 nm, the mean and standard deviation of these differences are higher. The Moon–star AOD differences are also analysed as a function of MPA, showing no significant dependence.This research has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grant no. RTI2018-097864-b-I00); the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant nos. CGL2016-81092-R and CGL2017-90884-REDT); the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant no. ACTRIS IMP 871115); and the Andalusia Regional Government (grant no. P18-RT-3820)
