1,000 research outputs found

    Cadmium and arsenic-induced-stress differentially modulates Arabidopsis root architecture, peroxisome distribution, enzymatic activities and their nitric oxide content

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    In plant cells, cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) exert toxicity mainly by inducing oxidative stress through an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), and their detoxification. Nitric oxide (NO) is a RNS acting as signalling molecule coordinating plant development and stress responses, but also as oxidative stress inducer, depending on its cellular concentration. Peroxisomes are versatile organelles involved in plant metabolism and signalling, with a role in cellular redox balance thanks to their antioxidant enzymes, and their RNS (mainly NO) and ROS. This study analysed Cd or As effects on peroxisomes, and NO production and distribution in the root system, including primary root (PR) and lateral roots (LRs). Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type and transgenic plants enabling peroxisomes to be visualized in vivo, through the expression of the 35S-cyan fluorescent protein fused to the peroxisomal targeting signal1 (PTS1) were used. Peroxisomal enzymatic activities including the antioxidant catalase, the H2O2-generating glycolate oxidase, and the hydroxypyruvate reductase, and root system morphology were also evaluated under Cd/As exposure. Results showed that Cd and As differently modulate these activities, however, catalase activity was inhibited by both. Moreover, Arabidopsis root system was altered, with the pollutants differently affecting PR growth, but similarly enhancing LR formation. Only in the PR apex, and not in LR one, Cd more than As caused significant changes in peroxisome distribution, size, and in peroxisomal NO content. By contrast, neither pollutant caused significant changes in peroxisomes size and peroxisomal NO content in the LR apex

    Anisotropic conjugated polymer chain conformation tailors the energy migration in nanofibers

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    Conjugated polymers are complex multi-chromophore systems, with emission properties strongly dependent on the electronic energy transfer through active sub-units. Although the packing of the conjugated chains in the solid state is known to be a key factor to tailor the electronic energy transfer and the resulting optical properties, most of the current solution-based processing methods do not allow for effectively controlling the molecular order, thus making the full unveiling of energy transfer mechanisms very complex. Here we report on conjugated polymer fibers with tailored internal molecular order, leading to a significant enhancement of the emission quantum yield. Steady state and femtosecond time-resolved polarized spectroscopies evidence that excitation is directed toward those chromophores oriented along the fiber axis, on a typical timescale of picoseconds. These aligned and more extended chromophores, resulting from the high stretching rate and electric field applied during the fiber spinning process, lead to improved emission properties. Conjugated polymer fibers are relevant to develop optoelectronic plastic devices with enhanced and anisotropic properties.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, 1 table in Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2016

    Nitric oxide alleviates cadmium- but not arsenic-induced damages in rice roots

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    Nitric oxide (NO) has signalling roles in plant stress responses. Cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) soil pollutants alter plant development, mainly the root-system, by increasing NO-content, triggering reactive oxygen species (ROS), and forming peroxynitrite by NO-reaction with the superoxide anion. Interactions of NO with ROS and peroxynitrite seem important for plant tolerance to heavy metal(oid)s, but the mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear. Our goal was to investigate NO-involvement in rice (Oryza sativa L.) root-system after exposure to Cd or As, to highlight possible differences in NO-behaviour between the two pollutants. To the aim, morpho-histological, chemical and epifluorescence analyses were carried out on roots of different origin in the root-system, under exposure to Cd or As, combined or not with sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a NO-donor compound. Results show that increased intracellular NO levels alleviate the root-system alterations induced by Cd, i.e., inhibition of adventitious root elongation and lateral root formation, increment in lignin deposition in the sclerenchyma/endodermis cell-walls, but, even if reducing As-induced endodermis lignification, do not recover the majority of the As-damages, i.e., enhancement of AR-elongation, reduction of LR-formation, anomalous tissue-proliferation. However, NO decreases both Cd and As uptake, without affecting the pollutants translocation-capability from roots to shoots. Moreover, NO reduces the Cd-induced, but not the As-induced, ROS levels by triggering peroxynitrite production. Altogether, results highlight a different behaviour of NO in modulating rice root-system response to the toxicity of the heavy metal Cd and the metalloid As, which depends by the NO-interaction with the specific pollutant

    Cadmium and arsenic affect root development in Oryza sativa L. negatively interacting with auxin

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    Cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As), non essential, but toxic, elements for animals and plants are frequently present in paddy fields. Oryza sativa L., a staple food for at least the half of world population, easily absorbs As and Cd by the root, and in this organ the pollutants evoke consistent damages, reducing/modifying the root system. Auxins are key hormones in regulating all developmental processes, including root organogenesis. Moreover, plants respond to environmental stresses, such as those caused by Cd and As, by changing levels and distribution of endogenous phytohormones. Even though the effects of Cd and As on the roots have been investigated in some species, it remains necessary to deepen the knowledge about the cross-talk between these toxic elements and auxin during root formation and development, in particular in agronomically important plants, such as rice. Hence, the research goal was to investigate the interactions between Cd and As, alone or combined, and auxin during the development of rice roots. To reach the aim, morphological, histological and histochemical analyses were carried out on seedlings, exposed or not to Cd and/or As, belonging to the wild type and transgenic lines useful for monitoring indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) localization, i.e., OsDR5:GUS, and IAA cellular influx and efflux, i.e., OsAUX1:GUS and OsPIN5b:GUS. Moreover, the transcript levels of the YUCCA2 and ASA2, IAA biosynthetic genes were also monitored in Cd and/or As exposed wild type seedlings. The results highlight that As and Cd affect cyto-histology and morphology of the roots. In particular, they alter the lateral root primordia organization and development with negative consequences on root system architecture. This is due to a disturbance of IAA biosynthesis and transport, as indicated by the altered expression of both ASA2 and YUCCA2 biosynthetic genes, and AUX1 and PIN5b transporter genes

    CaracterizaciĂłn superficial de pigmentos sobre artefactos paleolĂ­ticos de la zona de los Montes Albanos (Roma, Italia) por microscopĂ­a Ăłptica y espectroscopĂ­a raman

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    Preliminary results of the characterization of red pigmentations on paleolithic artefacts from the southern area of Montes Albanos (Rome, Italy) are presented. The set of materials consists of three decorated rounded pebblestones and a cortical flint blade typologically attributable to the Upper Paleolithic (Final Epigravetense, 14,000-12,000 cal BP). The findings were observed with optical microscope Nikon SMZ 1000/800 with magnifications of 1x to 6.3x. In two pebblestones, one decorated with parallel engravings, residues of ocher were detected in association with traces of use. In the third one, stained red dye was observed to form geometric patterns. Finally, reddish pigmentations were located on the cortical dorsal surface of a flint blade. To characterize chemically the coloring agent detected, macro-microscopically, Raman spectroscopy was used, a technique that allowed the study of the nature of the residues and the detection of additional organic materials whose presence must be related to post-depositional contaminations produced by the manipulation or/and surface exposure of artifacts

    Ring-shaped morphological features and interpreted small seamounts between southern Quebec (Canada) and the New England seamounts (USA) and their possible association with the New England hotspot track

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     Enhancements of recently available high-resolution multibeam echosounder data from the western Gulf of Maine and Atlantic continental margin and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and digital elevation model data from southeastern Quebec (Canada) and the northeastern United States have revealed numerous ring-shaped morphological features and interpreted small seamounts between the Monteregian Hills igneous province and the New England seamounts. The morphological features onshore are mainly ring-shaped depressions, several of which surround mapped igneous intrusions in the Monteregian Hills igneous province and White Mountain magma series. Most of the rings offshore are also depressions, although a few rings are curved ridges above the seafloor. The largest ring in the western Gulf of Maine is the 30-km-diameter Tillies ring that lies 20 km east of Cape Ann, MA. Several small (<3 km in diameter) round, flat-topped submerged hills that we interpret to be volcanic necks are also present beneath the western Gulf of Maine. The rings between Cape Cod and the continental slope are more subtle because of thicker sediments and poorer spatial resolution of the sonar data in this area. The southernmost ring-shaped features are located on the continental slope and upper continental rise and coincide with the northwestern end of the New England seamount chain. The concentration of these features between the Monteregian Hills igneous province and the New England seamounts suggests that they are igneous features that may be associated with the New England hotspot track.

    Comparative Raman Study of Organic-Free and Surfactant-Capped Rod-Shaped Anatase TiO2 Nanocrystals

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    Excitation of lattice vibrations in nanostructured anatase TiO2 frequently occurs at energy values differing from that found for the corresponding bulk phase. Particularly, investigations have long aimed at establishing a correlation between the low-frequency E-g(1) mode and the mean crystallite size on the basis of phonon-confinement models. Here, we report a detailed Raman study, supported by X-ray diffraction analyses, on anatase TiO2 nanocrystals with rod-shaped morphology and variable geometric parameters, prepared by colloidal wet-chemical routes. By examining the anomalous shifts of the E-g(1) mode in the spectra of surfactant-capped nanorods and in those of corresponding organic-free derivatives (obtained by a suitable thermal oxidative treatment), an insight into the impact of exposed facets and of the coherent crystalline domain size on Raman-active lattice vibrational modes has been gained. Our investigation offers a ground for clarifying the current lack of consensus as to the applicability of phonon-confinement models for drawing information on the size of surface-functionalized TiO2 nanocrystals upon analysis of their Raman features

    Identification, full-length genome sequencing, and field survey of citrus vein enation virus in Italy

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    Citrus vein enation virus (CVEV) was described in Spain and then it has been reported in several citrus growing areas of Asia, America and Australia. Here, the occurrence of CVEV in Italy has been documented for the first time. The full genome sequence of a CVEV Italian isolate (14Q) was determined by high-throughput sequencing and the presence of the virus was confirmed by RT-PCR and graft-transmission to indicator plants, from which the virus was recovered six-months post-inoculation. Phylogenetic analysis based on the full-length genome of CVEV isolates from different countries showed that they are phylogenetically related to each other based on their geographic origin, rather than on their host and that the Italian isolate is more closely related to the Spanish isolate than to the other ones. A field survey revealed the presence of CVEV in some areas of Campania region (southern Italy), prevalently infecting lemon trees. In the frame of this survey, kumquat was identified for the first time as a host of CVEV. No symptoms were observed in the field so far. The infection of asymptomatic hosts and the transmission by aphid species present in Italy increase the risk that the virus could further spread

    Nitric oxide cooperates with auxin to mitigate the alterations in the root system caused by cadmium and arsenic

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    Oryza sativa L. is a worldwide food-crop frequently growing in cadmium (Cd)/arsenic (As) polluted soils, with its root-system as the first target of the pollutants. Root-system development involves the establishment of optimal indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) levels, also requiring the conversion of the IAA natural precursor indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) into IAA, causing nitric oxide (NO) formation. Nitric oxide is a stress-signaling molecule. In rice, a negative interaction of Cd or As with endogenous auxin has been demonstrated, as some NO protective effects. However, a synergism between the natural auxins (IAA and/or IBA) and NO was not yet determined and might be important for ameliorating rice metal(oid)-tolerance. With this aim, the stress caused by Cd/As toxicity in the root cells and the possible recovery by either NO or auxins (IAA/IBA) were evaluated after Cd or As (arsenate) exposure, combined or not with the NO-donor compound sodium-nitroprusside (SNP). Root fresh weight, membrane electrolyte leakage, and H2O2 production were also measured. Moreover, endogenous IAA/IBA contents, transcription-levels of OsYUCCA1 and OsASA2 IAA-biosynthetic-genes, and expression of the IAA-influx-carrier OsAUX1 and the IAA-responsive DR5::GUS construct were analyzed, and NO-epifluorescence levels were measured. Results showed that membrane injury by enhanced electrolyte leakage occurred under both pollutants and was reduced by the treatment with SNP only in Cd-presence. By contrast, no membrane injury was caused by either exogenous NO or IAA or IBA. Cd- and As-toxicity also resulted into a decreased root fresh weight, mitigated by the combination of each pollutant with either IAA or IBA. Cd and As decreased the endogenous NO-content, increased H2O2 formation, and altered auxin biosynthesis, levels and distribution in both adventitious (ARs) and mainly lateral roots (LRs). The SNP-formed NO counteracted the pollutants’ effects on auxin distribution/levels, reduced H2O2 formation in Cd-presence, and enhanced AUX1-expression, mainly in As-presence. Each exogenous auxin, but mainly IBA, combined with Cd or As at 10 µM, mitigated the pollutants’ effects by increasing LR-production and by increasing NO-content in the case of Cd. Altogether, results demonstrate that NO and auxin(s) work together in the rice root system to counteract the specific toxic-effects of each pollutant

    A new variant of Xylella fastidiosa subspecies multiplex detected in different host plants in the recently emerged outbreak in the region of Tuscany, Italy

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    The vector-borne bacterial pathogen Xylella fastidiosa is widely distributed in the Americas; in the last decade it has emerged as a serious threat for agricultural crops, natural environment and landscape in Europe. Following the first EU outbreak in 2013 in southern Italy, associated with a severe disease in olive trees, annual mandatory surveys are now in place in the Member States, leading to the discovery of bacterial outbreaks in different countries. Among the latest findings, an outbreak has been reported in the Italian region of Tuscany, with infections identified in seven different plant species. In this work, we report the isolation and the genetic characterization of isolates associated with this newly discovered outbreak. Multilocus sequence typing approach revealed the occurrence of isolates harbouring a new sequence type, denoted ST87, genetically related to strains of subsp. multiplex, but different from the genotypes of this subspecies previously characterized in Europe. Five cultured strains were successfully recovered from four of the seven host plants, an important achievement for advancing the studies on genomics and pathogenicity of these isolates and thus assess their potential threat for European agriculture
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