211 research outputs found

    Fast network configuration in Software Defined Networking

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides a framework to dynamically adjust and re-program the data plane with the use of flow rules. The realization of highly adaptive SDNs with the ability to respond to changing demands or recover after a network failure in a short period of time, hinges on efficient updates of flow rules. We model the time to deploy a set of flow rules by the update time at the bottleneck switch, and formulate the problem of selecting paths to minimize the deployment time under feasibility constraints as a mixed integer linear program (MILP). To reduce the computation time of determining flow rules, we propose efficient heuristics designed to approximate the minimum-deployment-time solution by relaxing the MILP or selecting the paths sequentially. Through extensive simulations we show that our algorithms outperform current, shortest path based solutions by reducing the total network configuration time up to 55% while having similar packet loss, in the considered scenarios. We also demonstrate that in a networked environment with a certain fraction of failed links, our algorithms are able to reduce the average time to reestablish disrupted flows by 40%

    Sugar accumulation in 'Zweigelt' grapes as affected by "Traubenwelke"

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    "Traubenwelke" (berry shrivel, grape wilting), a physiological disorder during berry ripening, is a severe threat to grape production in numerous winegrowing areas worldwide. Investigations in Austrian viticulture, focusing on the particularly sensitive grape cultivar 'Blauer Zweigelt' (Vitis vinifera L.), showed that afflicted clusters exhibited insufficient colouring, loss of turgor, low sugar content and high acidity. The aim of this study was to determine the chronological disease development on the basis of the process of sugar accumulation in both unhealthy and healthy clusters in relation to the emergence of visual symptoms. Sugar accumulation in afflicted clusters stopped shortly after veraison, well (approx. 20 days) before visible symptoms were detectable, and subsequently the degree of ripeness remained unchanged until harvest. The results suggested that development of "Traubenwelke" initiated before veraison. Distal clusters were more frequently affected than proximal clusters, whereas the position of the shoot on the vine did not impact frequency of occurrence. The gas exchange of leaves positioned opposite to healthy clusters was not significantly different than that of leaves opposite to unhealthy clusters.

    Two classes of nonlocal Evolution Equations related by a shared Traveling Wave Problem

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    We consider reaction-diffusion equations and Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers (KdVB) equations, i.e. scalar conservation laws with diffusive-dispersive regularization. We review the existence of traveling wave solutions for these two classes of evolution equations. For classical equations the traveling wave problem (TWP) for a local KdVB equation can be identified with the TWP for a reaction-diffusion equation. In this article we study this relationship for these two classes of evolution equations with nonlocal diffusion/dispersion. This connection is especially useful, if the TW equation is not studied directly, but the existence of a TWS is proven using one of the evolution equations instead. Finally, we present three models from fluid dynamics and discuss the TWP via its link to associated reaction-diffusion equations

    Modelling geomagnetically induced currents in midlatitude Central Europe using a thin-sheet approach

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    Geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) in power systems, which can lead to transformer damage over the short and the long term, are a result of space weather events and geomagnetic variations. For a long time, only high-latitude areas were considered to be at risk from these currents, but recent studies show that considerable GICs also appear in midlatitude and equatorial countries. In this paper, we present initial results from a GIC model using a thin-sheet approach with detailed surface and subsurface conductivity models to compute the induced geoelectric field. The results are compared to measurements of direct currents in a transformer neutral and show very good agreement for short-period variations such as geomagnetic storms. Long-period signals such as quiet-day diurnal variations are not represented accurately, and we examine the cause of this misfit. The modelling of GICs from regionally varying geoelectric fields is discussed and shown to be an important factor contributing to overall model accuracy. We demonstrate that the Austrian power grid is susceptible to large GICs in the range of tens of amperes, particularly from strong geomagnetic variations in the eastā€“west direction

    Foundation ownership and shareholder value: an event study

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    Some of the largest listed firms in Western and Northern Europe are partly owned by foundations. So far, little research exists about the shareholder value effects of foundation ownership. This study aims to close this gap using an event study method. We find that equity markets show a positive reaction following the announcement by a foundation that it intends to decrease its ownership share, whereas we find no reaction when a foundation announces that it intends to increase its ownership share. The positive reaction to an announcement of an ownership share decrease is particularly strong when a foundation holds an equity stake of less than 25%. Further investigations show that our findings are specific for foundations as blockholders and do not occur with other blockholders. Overall, our study s


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    The purpose of this research paper is to analyse the value-based management commitment of automotive enterprises and to examine the factors that explain the control parameters in automotive industry. There have been a few empirical studies published in the Germanā€™s automotive sector but most of the existing studies failed to provide evidence of utilisation of value-based management in the strategic management in the automotive sector. The German automotive industryā€™s development is closely related to global economic developments. Previous research work has considered control parameters of enterprises but there is little evidence on the factors that explain which control parameters are used in automotive industry. A survey based on annual reports from the year 2008 to 2011 is used. In total, 20 annual reports of automotive companies were analysed. The results show that automotive companies, especially Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and listed suppliers, have committed to value-oriented management and have implemented value-oriented approaches. However, not all of the suppliers are communicating this in their reports. The results also show that Economic Value Added (EVA) is the leading key indicator in the automotive industry

    Integrative Analysis of the Mitochondrial Proteome in Yeast

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    In this study yeast mitochondria were used as a model system to apply, evaluate, and integrate different genomic approaches to define the proteins of an organelle. Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry applied to purified mitochondria identified 546 proteins. By expression analysis and comparison to other proteome studies, we demonstrate that the proteomic approach identifies primarily highly abundant proteins. By expanding our evaluation to other types of genomic approaches, including systematic deletion phenotype screening, expression profiling, subcellular localization studies, protein interaction analyses, and computational predictions, we show that an integration of approaches moves beyond the limitations of any single approach. We report the success of each approach by benchmarking it against a reference set of known mitochondrial proteins, and predict approximately 700 proteins associated with the mitochondrial organelle from the integration of 22 datasets. We show that a combination of complementary approaches like deletion phenotype screening and mass spectrometry can identify over 75% of the known mitochondrial proteome. These findings have implications for choosing optimal genome-wide approaches for the study of other cellular systems, including organelles and pathways in various species. Furthermore, our systematic identification of genes involved in mitochondrial function and biogenesis in yeast expands the candidate genes available for mapping Mendelian and complex mitochondrial disorders in humans
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