234 research outputs found

    Voltaire et l'Affaire Calas au théùtre : une vraie cause au service des mythologies révolutionnaires

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    Le thĂ©Ăątre, au lendemain mĂȘme de la prise de la Bastille, s'Ă©tait affirmĂ© comme tribune rĂ©volutionnaire et « école du citoyen ». La dĂ©cision, de la part des assemblĂ©es rĂ©volutionnaires, de transporter les cendres de Voltaire au PanthĂ©on, ne pouvait manquer d'ĂȘtre une occasion pour cĂ©lĂ©brer le philosophe au thĂ©Ăątre et cinq piĂšces, toutes sur l'Affaire Calas, furent reprĂ©sentĂ©es entre le 17 dĂ©cembre 1790 et le 31 juillet 1791. Les cinq auteurs centrent leur action sur le drame familial et sur le climat de fanatisme religieux dans lequel elle s'Ă©tait dĂ©roulĂ©e. Deux mots, fanatisme et fanatique, reprĂ©sentent la pierre de touche et font le passage entre l'Ă©poque rĂ©elle de l'Affaire Calas (1761-1762) et l'Ă©poque de sa reprĂ©sentation thĂ©Ăątrale (1790-1791). Ils recouvrent l'Ă©vĂ©nement et son moment historique prĂ©cis, ils constituent une notion pour laquelle les philosophes s'Ă©taient battus et prennent la valeur d'un symbole paradigmatique que la RĂ©volution prĂ©tendait achevĂ©. Les piĂšces s'articulent selon un continuel renvoi entre le temps rĂ©el et le temps de la reprĂ©sentation : le passĂ© — le temps du fanatisme et du despotisme — annonce l'avenir — l'anĂ©antissement de l'un et de l'autre — qui est le prĂ©sent des spectateurs.The morning after the fall of the Bastille, theatre imposed itself as both a revolutionary pulpit and an "Ă©cole du citoyen" (a school for the citizen). The revolutionary assemblies' decision to transfer Voltaire's ashes to the PanthĂ©on was the occasion to celebrate the philosopher at the theatre : five plays, all regarding the Affaire Calas, where offered to the public between 17 December 1790 and 3 July 1791. All five authors based their plays on both the family drama and on the climate of religious fanaticism in which the former occurred. Fanaticism and fanatic are the words which act as the touchtone and which allow the transition from the historical period which is that of the Affaire Calas (1761-1762) to its presentation on the stage ( 1790-1791). The plays acquire structure through constant cross-reference opposing the historical period and the time of the dramatic representation : the past, a time of fanaticism and despotism, foreshadows the abolishment of both in the future; that is, the spectator's present

    Work in progress: germinal requirement in implementing an android, inquiry-based application in science education (AIBASE)

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    Inquiry-based learning is a teaching and learning method that support an active learning environment by enhancing the students’ capabilities to solve problems using critical thinking skills. Recently, information technology verifiably widely spreading learning model in the 21st -century education by contributing in enhancing students’ learning motivation. This study aims at initializing requirements for developing an android application based on the inquiry-based method in terms of the most suitable inquiry-based method that can be embedded into the application, based on inquiry components. This research draws upon literature review and screening of ten educational android applications. This research will provide valuable information regarding the suitable inquiry-based method that can be embedded through the implementation of educational android applicatio

    Coping with Territorial Stigma and Devalued Identities: How Do Social Representations of an Environmentally Degraded Place Affect Identity and Agency?

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    This article examines people-place relationships in a carbon-intensive area-i.e., heavily dependent on the steel industry and marked by severe environmental degradation-involved in the EU Just Transition Mechanism (Taranto, Italy). Drawing upon a psychosocial perspective grounded on social representations theory, this article focuses on intertwining the sense of place, identity processes, and agency to understand the dynamics of place stigma and identity devaluation. In-depth semi-structured interviews with active residents were thematically and discursively analyzed. The results suggest both theoretical and applied insights. Overall, they highlight a widely shared negative representation of the place related to territorial stigmatization, ambivalent place attachments, and devaluation of place-based and social identities. To cope with such processes and dynamics, identity processes seem to act as self-protective mechanisms both at a personal and social level. The article concludes by inviting a more comprehensive conceptualization of just transition, harm restoration, and related territorial planning to include the psychosocial processes underlying the community's well-being and identity

    Creative criteria to develop product design in life skills classroom

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    In the era of 21 st century, creative students are the national asset that can contribute to the development of society, nation and economic growth. Applying creative criteria in life skills subject, help in preparing students with skilled workforce, professionals, entrepreneurs and product designers that in line with the demand of the current technology. There is a gap where students try to copy or replicate the product design available around them, and these restricted them to think creatively in producing innovative product design. Therefore this study is to investigate problems faced by students in developing product design in life skills subject and secondly is to investigate how the process of developing the product design will contribute to student's creativity in producing a product. To date, this study will employ interview and observation method in order to gather rich input from the participants. In this study, experts who have more than five years of experiences in product design in Vocational Colleges involved for the interview sessions. In addition, the observation sessions also proceeded with students who took the life skills subject by monitoring their design project progress as to identify criteria that contribute to the discrepancy in developing product design in the classroom. At this stage, at about ten participants involved in this study and most of the participants were students from Vocational Colleges. Findings showed that, there were student self factors that restricted the students to be creative in designing a product in life skills subject. In addition by having conducive classroom environment and supported by guidance from the teachers, intensive discussions, active brainstorming sessions, and interactive interactions were among the activities that help students to be creative and eventually nurturing the students to innovate their product design in the classroom

    Le répertoire du Théùtre MoliÚre. 11 juin 1791 - 31 octobre 1791

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    Dans l’histoire du thĂ©Ăątre pendant la RĂ©volution, le ThĂ©Ăątre MoliĂšre, inaugurĂ© le 11 juin 1791, a une valeur symbolique forte: c’est la premiĂšre des salles construites Ă  Paris grĂące Ă  la loi du 13 janvier 1791 qui libĂ©ralisa la vie thĂ©Ăątrale. Notre Ă©tude du rĂ©pertoire s’arrĂȘte, d’un point de vue politique, Ă  l’AssemblĂ©e Constituante. Bien que celle-ci prenne fin le 30 septembre 1791, nous avons prolongĂ© les termes de notre enquĂȘte jusqu’à la reprĂ©sentation du Retour du PĂšre GĂ©rard Ă  sa ferme le 31 octobre, une piĂšce dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  un dĂ©putĂ© du tiers-Ă©tat, Michel GĂ©rard, un des types lĂ©gendaires de la Constituante, hĂ©ros populaire, incarnant le solide bon sens paysan.Pour la pĂ©riode du 11 juin au 31 octobre, il y eut dix-sept nouveautĂ©s et une quarantaine de reprises oĂč se cĂŽtoient Voltaire et CollĂ©, Diderot et Beaunoir, Marivaux et Dorvigny
 Les crĂ©ations sont en tension permanente avec les Ă©vĂ©nements et se ressentent de l’actualitĂ© politique. Les grands thĂšmes des piĂšces peuvent tous ĂȘtre mis en relation avec des «faits» historiques ou avec des principes rĂ©volutionnaires. Ils concernent la Constitution de 1791, l’émigration des nobles et la formation d’une armĂ©e ennemie, la conscription de la garde nationale, l’image du bon roi (aprĂšs l’acceptation de la Constitution de la part de Louis XVI), le despotisme, la fraternitĂ© universelle de la RĂ©volution, le bon sens paysan, sans oublier l’hommage aux «grands hommes» (Voltaire, Mirabeau et Rousseau). Le ThĂ©Ăątre MoliĂšre est nĂ© grĂące Ă  la RĂ©volution: il se veut thĂ©Ăątre de la RĂ©volution

    Biophysical and biological contributions of polyamine-coated carbon nanotubes and bidimensional buckypapers in the delivery of miRNAs to human cells

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    Recent findings in nanomedicine have revealed that carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be used as potential drug carriers, therapeutic agents and diagnostics tools. Moreover, due to their ability to cross cellular membranes, their nanosize dimension, high surface area and relatively good biocompatibility, CNTs have also been employed as a novel gene delivery vector system. In our previous work, we functionalized CNTs with two polyamine polymers, polyethyleneimine (PEI) and polyamidoamine dendrimer (PAMAM). These compounds have low cytotoxicity, ability to conjugate microRNAs (such as miR-503) and, at the same time, transfect efficiently endothelial cells. The parameters contributing to the good efficiency of transfection that we observed were not investigated in detail. In fact, the diameter and length of CNTs are important parameters to be taken into account when evaluating the effects on drug delivery efficiency. In order to investigate the biophysical and biological contributions of polymer-coated CNTs in delivery of miRNAs to human cells, we decided to investigate three different preparations, characterized by different dimensions and aspect ratios. In particular, we took into account very small CNTs, a suspension of CNTs starting from the commercial product and a 2D material based on CNTs (ie, buckypapers [BPs]) to examine the transfection efficiency of a rigid scaffold. In conclusion, we extensively investigated the biophysical and biological contributions of polyamine-coated CNTs and bidimensional BPs in the delivery of miRNAs to human cells, in order to optimize the transfection efficiency of these compounds to be employed as efficient drug delivery vectors in biomedical applications

    Cyberbullying among youth in Malaysia

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    The purpose of this research was to survey the current situation concerning cyberbullying among youth in Malaysia. Specifically, this research aimed at finding out the prevalence of cyberbullying among youth based on demographic data and the common types of cyberbullying tactic. The survey method was adopted as the research design in which a set of questionnaire was developed to collect the data. A total of 1406 respondents were selected in this research. In general, the research findings reveal that majority of the respondents had been cyberbullied before. The Malays community yielded the highest percentage of cyberbullied victims. In addition, the result also shows that female cyber users were usually targeted as the cyberbully victim. The most common type of cyberbully tactic was through receiving offensive/ pornographic materials. Effective and pragmatic steps have to be taken in order to mitigate the cyberbullying problem among Malaysian youth

    Role of Neutrophils in Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic syndrome caused by mutations in the CF Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene. In CF patients, chief morbidity and mortality are due to pulmonary manifestations. CFTR lack/dysfunction brings an altered ion flux through the airway epithelium and ablation of mucociliary clearance, which in turn ensues in colonization and infection by opportunistic bacterial pathogens and subsequent neutrophil‐dominated inflammation. This response eventually leads to the damage of the lung tissue. A host of inflammatory mediators attract, activate, and reprogramme neutrophils to survive (avoiding apoptosis) and produce a wealth of proteases and radical oxygen species. The protease/antiprotease imbalance and oxidative stress have multiple downstream effects, including impaired mucus clearance, increased and self‐perpetuating inflammation, and impaired immune responses, thus facilitating and fostering bacterial infections. On the other hand, CFTR lack or dysfunction is likely responsible for alterations in neutrophils concerning chemotaxis, phagocytosis, oxidative burst, degranulation, and neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation. A good opportunity to reveal new and non‐invasive biomarkers of CF lung disease is the evaluation of circulating neutrophils. Indeed, neutrophil responses are now investigated as outcomes of the aetiological therapies in CF, such as hypertonic saline, antiproteases, CFTR correctors and potentiators

    Question-led approach in designing Dijkstra algorithm game-based learning: A pilot study

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    Dijkstra algorithm is important to be understood because of its many uses. However, understanding it is challenging. Various methods to teach and learn had been researched, with mixed results. The study proposes questionled approach of the algorithm in a game-based learning context. The game designed based on an existing game model, developed and tested by students. Pre- and post-game tests compared and game feedback survey analysed. Results showed that students’ performance in graph data structure Dijkstra algorithm improved after playing the game where post-test mark was higher than pre-test. Game feedback were mostly positive, with areas of improvement. Students may use the game as a learning tool for self-regulated learning. Educators may get some ideas on how to design teaching tool using question-led approach

    Personalized Treatment of Vulvar Cancer

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    Vulvar cancer (VC) accounts for 5% of all gynecologic cancer and the most common histological type is squamous cell carcinoma (up to 90%
