55 research outputs found

    Cold three-body collisions in hydrogen-hydrogen-alkali atomic system

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    We have studied hydrogen-hydrogen-alkali three-body systems in the adiabatic hyperspherical representation. For the spin-stretched case, there exists a single XXH molecular state when XX is one of the bosonic alkali atoms: 7^7Li, 23^{23}Na, 39^{39}K, 87^{87}Rb and 133^{133}Cs. As a result, the {\em only} recombination process is the one that leads to formation of XXH molecules, H+H+XX→\rightarrowXXH+H, and such molecules will be stable against vibrational relaxation. We have calculated the collision rates for recombination and collision induced dissociation as well as the elastic cross-sections for H+XXH collisions up to a temperature of 0.5 K, including the partial wave contributions from JΠJ^\Pi=0+0^+ to 5−5^-. We have also found that there is just one three-body bound state for such systems for JΠJ^\Pi=0+0^+ and no bound states for higher angular momenta.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Superfluid phases of the three-species fermion gas

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    We discuss the zero temperature phase diagram of a dilute gas with three fermionic species. We make use of solvable limits to conjecture the behavior of the system in the "unitary" regions. The physics of the Thomas-Efimov effect plays a role in these considerations. We find a rich phase diagram with superfluid, gapless superfluid and inhomogeneous phases with different symmetry breaking patterns. We then discuss one particular possible experimental implementation in a system of ^6Li atoms and the possible phases arising in this system as an external magnetic field is varied across three overlaping Feshbach resonances. We also suggest how to experimentally distinguish the different phases.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, typos corrected and references adde

    Observation of an Efimov spectrum in an atomic system

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    In 1970 V. Efimov predicted a puzzling quantum-mechanical effect that is still of great interest today. He found that three particles subjected to a resonant pairwise interaction can join into an infinite number of loosely bound states even though each particle pair cannot bind. Interestingly, the properties of these aggregates, such as the peculiar geometric scaling of their energy spectrum, are universal, i.e. independent of the microscopic details of their components. Despite an extensive search in many different physical systems, including atoms, molecules and nuclei, the characteristic spectrum of Efimov trimer states still eludes observation. Here we report on the discovery of two bound trimer states of potassium atoms very close to the Efimov scenario, which we reveal by studying three-particle collisions in an ultracold gas. Our observation provides the first evidence of an Efimov spectrum and allows a direct test of its scaling behaviour, shedding new light onto the physics of few-body systems.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Dimer-atom-atom recombination in the universal four-boson system

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    The dimer-atom-atom recombination process in the system of four identical bosons with resonant interactions is studied. The description uses the exact Alt, Grassberger and Sandhas equations for the four-particle transition operators that are solved in the momentum-space framework. The dimer-dimer and atom-trimer channel contributions to the ultracold dimer-atom-atom recombination rate are calculated. The dimer-atom-atom recombination rate greatly exceeds the three-atom recombination rate.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Few-Body System

    Scattering length for helium atom-diatom collision

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    We present results on the scattering lengths of ^4He--^4He_2 and ^3He--^4He_2 collisions. We also study the consequence of varying the coupling constant of the atom-atom interaction.Comment: Contribution to Proceedings of the International Workshop ``Critical Stability of Few-Body Quantum Systems'' (Dresden, October 17--22, 2005

    A general theoretical description of N-body recombination

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    A formula for the cross section and event rate constant describing recombination of N particles are derived in terms of general S-matrix elements. Our result immediately yields the generalized Wigner threshold scaling for the recombination of N bosons. A semi-analytic formula encapsulates the overall scaling with energy and scattering length, as well as resonant modifications by the presence of borromean N-body states near the threshold collision energy in the entrance channel. We then apply our model to the case of four-boson recombination into an Efimov trimer and a free atom.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures RevTe

    BCS and BEC p-wave pairing in Bose-Fermi gases

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    The pairing of fermionic atoms in a mixture of atomic fermion and boson gases at zero temperature is investigated. The attractive interaction between fermions, that can be induced by density fluctuations of the bosonic background, can give rise to a superfluid phase in the Fermi component of the mixture. The atoms of both species are assumed to be in only one internal state, so that the pairing of fermions is effective only in odd-l channels. No assumption about the value of the ratio between the Fermi velocity and the sound velocity in the Bose gas is made in the derivation of the energy gap equation. The gap equation is solved without any particular "ansatz" for the pairing field or the effective interaction. The p-wave superfluidity is studied in detail. By increasing the strength and/or decreasing the range of the effective interaction a transition of the fermion pairing regime, from the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer state to a system of tightly bound couples can be realized. These composite bosons behave as a weakly-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate.Comment: 14 pages, 6 eps-figures. To be published in European Physical Journal

    The Hyperspherical Four-Fermion Problem

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    The problem of a few interacting fermions in quantum physics has sparked intense interest, particularly in recent years owing to connections with the behavior of superconductors, fermionic superfluids, and finite nuclei. This review addresses recent developments in the theoretical description of four fermions having finite-range interactions, stressing insights that have emerged from a hyperspherical coordinate perspective. The subject is complicated, so we have included many detailed formulas that will hopefully make these methods accessible to others interested in using them. The universality regime, where the dominant length scale in the problem is the two-body scattering length, is particularly stressed, including its implications for the famous BCS-BEC crossover problem Derivations and relevant formulas are also included for the calculation of challenging few-body processes such as recombination.Comment: 66 pages, 33 figure
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