12 research outputs found

    [Natījat al-naẓar fī nukhbat al-fikar...etc., 1077, i.e. 1666 and 1086, i.e., 1676].

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    A fine copy of a commentary on a treatise on the technical terms used in the science of ḥadīth by Ibn Ḥajar al-ʻAsqalānī (d.1449), Nukhbat al-fikar fī musṭalaḥ ahl al-athar, summarizing the work of Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ al-Shahrazūrī (d.1245). Followed by a lengthy thabat or ijāzah granted to ʻAbd al-Qādir ibn Yaḥyá ibn Jumʻah al-Baṣīr al-Baṣrī by ʻAbd al-Ḥayy ibn Aḥmad Ibn al-ʻImād, itself followed by an ijāzah granted to Ḥusayn ibn Naẓmīʻzādah by the holder of the previous ijāzah.Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 499Origin: As appears in colophon on p.122, composition of Natījat al-naẓar completed in last tenth of Ramaḍān 817 [December 1414]. Transcription of this copy executed by Nāṣir Aṣlān and completed 26 Shawwāl 1086 [ca. 13 January 1676]. As appears in colophon on p.165, ijāzah or thabat composed and granted to ʻAbd al-Qādir ibn Yaḥyá ibn Jumʻah al-Baṣīr al-Baṣrī by Abū al-Falāḥ ʻAbd al-Ḥayy ibn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Ibn al-ʻImād in Madrasat al-Salīmīyah and completed in Damascus 8 Rabīʻ I 1077 [ca. 8 September 1666]. This copy of the ijāzah transcribed from that in his hand "ونقل هذا الثبت من خط المجيز ابي الفلاح الشيخ عبد الحي عفي الله عنه بمنه وكرمه امين". The recipient is the granter of the final ijāzah, dated 13 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1086 [ca. 29 January 1676].Accompanying materials: a. Inventory cataloguing slip in hand of Winifred Smeaton Thomas (pp.1-2) -- b. Acquisitions slip from Yahuda (pp.3-4) -- c. Two more inventory cataloguing slips in hand of Winifred Smeaton Thomas (pp.5-8) -- d. Portion of a page ripped from a printed book (pp.9-10).Former shelfmark: From inner front cover and spine label, "IL 386" (likely supplied by Yahuda, see acquisitions slip).Binding: Boards covered in shell marbled paper (mainly in green-blue, purple, and yellow) with tan leather over spine ; Type III binding (without flap) ; pastedowns and flyleaves in beige wove paper ; resewn in heavy cream thread, six stations ; overall in fair condition with some abrasion, lifting and losses of paper, etc.Support: European and non-European laid paper ; mainly European laid paper with 7 laid lines per cm. (vertical), chain lines spaced 28 mm. apart (horizontal), three crescents watermark (perpendicular to chains, 80 mm. long, see p.22), crown-star-crescent watermark (see p.18,19,34,35, etc.) and "V G" under trefoil countermark (compare the three marks of no.249 in Nikolaev, Watermarks of the Ottoman Empire, dated 1673), well-burnished and sturdy ; final two quires in non-European laid paper with roughly 9-10 laid lines per cm. (horizontal), extremely indistinct in most leaves though obviously curved where visible, thin, crisp, highly burnished to glossy, beige to dark cream in color.Decoration: Keywords and abbreviation symbols (mainly sigla) rubricated ; textual dividers in the form of red inverted commas ; overlining in red.Script: Naskh ; three main 'Syrian' (Palestinian [?]) hands ; main work in a compact, elegant hand, virtually serifless (though miniscule serifs appear irregularly and sharp right-ward serif appears on shaqq of kāf) with effect of tilt to the left, descenders mainly curvilinear though occasional rāʼ and bowl / foot of nūn, lām, sīn, ṣāḍ, etc. quite flat and stiff, pointing in distinct dots, kāf mashqūqah preferred ; ijāzah or thabat in another fine hand, partially seriffed and quite freely ligatured with effect of tilt to the left and of words descending to baseline, quite rounded with curvlinear descenders, pointing in strokes rather than distinct dots ; final ijāzah appears to be in still a different hand, serifless with effect of slight tilt to the left, words occasionally descending to baseline, open and closed counters.Layout: Written in 23 lines per page.Collation: i, 7 IV(56), VI (68), V (78), ii ; chiefly quaternions ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (includes inserts).Colophon: [Natījat al-naẓar] "Authorial," rectangular, reads "وكان الفراغ من وضع هذا الشرح في العشر الاخير من رمضان سنة سبع عشرة وثمان مائة بالقاهرة المعزية حرسها الله تعالى" ; "Scribal," triangular, reads "وكان الفراغ من نسخته يوم الاثنين يوم سته وعشرين في شهر شوال سنة الف وستة وثمانين من بعد الهجرة النبوية على صاحبها افضل الصلاة واكمل السلام على يد اقل عباد الله الراجي رحمته ... ناصر اصلان غفر الله له ولوالديه ولاستاذيه ولجميع المسلمين والحمد لله رب العالمين امين اللهم امين م م م م م م م" ; [Thabat / Ijāzah] "Authorial" and "Scribal," reads "قال ذلك بفمه ورقمه بقلمه افقر العباد ... ابو الفلاح عبد الحي بن احمد بن محمد بن العماد [؟] وفقه الله لقول السداد ... فكتب وصحح [؟] ذلك بمدرسة السليمية من صالحية دمشق ... نهار الاربعاء ثامن شهر ربيع الاول سنة سبع وسبعين والف جعلها الله خالصة لوجه امين"Explicit: [Natījat al-naẓar] "يعني ان علماء الحديث صنفوا في غالب الانواع المذكورة في الخاتمة وهي من قبيل النقل المحضر وهذا خاتمة هذا الكتاب والله الموفق والهادي للصواب لا رب سواه ولا معبود الا اياه" ; [Thabat / Ijāzah] "ثم صحب ابن عمه علي ابن ابي طالب رضي الله تعالى عنه واختص به وبصحبته حتى توفى ومات ابن عباس رضي الله عنه في رمضان سنة ثمان وستين وعاش ثلاثا وثمانين سنةIncipit: [Natījat al-naẓar] "الحمد لله الذي شرح حرج الصدور لنخبة الفكر في علوم الخبر وفتح مرتج الامور من مسالك العبر للصحيح النظر ... اما بعد فان الكتاب المسمى نخبة الفكر في مصطلح اهل الاثر من مصنفات الشيخ الامام ... الفضل شهاب الدين ابن حجر ..." ; [Thabat / Ijāzah] "الحمد لله الذي رفع لاهل الحديث ... وكساهم بدعاء نبيهم من النضرة جلبابا ... وبعد فان علم الحديث اشرف العلوم على الاطلاق ... هذا وان اشد من رأيت عنايته بهذا الشأن ... الشيخ عبد القادر ابن يحيى اغا بن جمعة اغا البصري مولدا الاثري الخبري الاصولي الحنبلي مذهبا ومعتقدا ..."Title supplied by cataloguer from 'title page' (p.11).Ms. composite codex.4. p.165-p.166 : [Ijāzah granted to Ḥusayn ibn Naẓmīʻzādah by ʻAbd al-Qādir ibn Yaḥyá ibn Jumʻah al-Baṣīr al-Baṣrī] / ʻAbd al-Qādir ibn Yaḥyá ibn Jumʻah al-Baṣīr al-Baṣrī.3. p.126-p.165 : [Thabat or ijāzah granted to ʻAbd al-Qādir ibn Yaḥyá ibn Jumʻah al-Baṣīr al-Baṣrī by ʻAbd al-Ḥayy ibn Aḥmad Ibn al-ʻImād] / ʻAbd al-Ḥayy ibn Aḥmad Ibn al-ʻImād.2. p.123-p.125 : [blank].1. p.12-p.122 : Natījat al-naẓar fī nukhbat al-fikar / Kamāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan al-Taymī al-Dārimī.Witkam, J. J. "The human element between text and reader: the ijāza in Arabic manuscripts." In The codicology of Islamic manuscripts: proceedings of the Second Conference of Al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation, 4-5 December 1993. Ed. Yasin Dutton, (London: Al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation, 1995) :Nikolaev, Vsevolod. Watermarks of the mediaeval Ottoman documents in Bulgarian libraries. In Watermarks of the Ottoman Empire, volume 1. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1954.Ḥājjī Khalīfah. Kashf al-ẓunūn,Brockelmann, C. GAL,Brockelmann, C. GAL,A fine copy of a commentary on a treatise on the technical terms used in the science of ḥadīth by Ibn Ḥajar al-ʻAsqalānī (d.1449), Nukhbat al-fikar fī musṭalaḥ ahl al-athar, summarizing the work of Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ al-Shahrazūrī (d.1245). Followed by a lengthy thabat or ijāzah granted to ʻAbd al-Qādir ibn Yaḥyá ibn Jumʻah al-Baṣīr al-Baṣrī by ʻAbd al-Ḥayy ibn Aḥmad Ibn al-ʻImād, itself followed by an ijāzah granted to Ḥusayn ibn Naẓmīʻzādah by the holder of the previous ijāzah.Mode of access: Internet.Acquired in 1926 from the bookseller Isaac Benjamin S.E. Yahuda via purchase transacted on his behalf by Abraham Shalom Yahuda (1877-1951), his younger brother.Waqf statement on 'title page' (p.11) in name of Aḥmad al-Wālī in Raqqah accompanied by oval seal impression (partially obscured), statement reads "وقفت هذا الكتاب المسمى بنخبة الفكر وقفا صحيحا طالبا لرضا الله العليم وهاربا من عذابه الاليم بحيث لا يباع ولا يوهب ولا يرهن واجري على الحي الكريم يوم لا ينفع ولا بنون الا من اتى الله بقلب سليم وانا الفقير الى الله الغني احمد الوالي بمحروسة رقة" ; brief statement of same waqf appears again on p.80 accompanied by oval seal impression of wāqif ; occasional marginal corrections ; a second ijāzah granted to Ḥusayn ibn Naẓmīʻzādah ( حسين المشهور بابن نظمي زاده ) by the recipient of the first ijāzah, ʻAbd al-Qādir ibn Yaḥyá al-Baṣīr al-Baṣrī, via qirāʼah for Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and for those other books of ḥadīth, tafsīr and fiqh he was authorized to transmit including the preceding thabat granted to him by Abū al-Falāḥ ʻAbd al-Ḥayy, this ijāzah is dated 13 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1086 [ca. 29 January 1676] and accompanied by an impression of the oval seal of ʻAbd al-Qādir reading "عبد القادر ارحم يا عظيم يا قادر ١٠٨٣" and apparently dated 1083 [1672 or 3]

    ḤaramandḤimā: Sacred Space in the Pre-Islamic Ḥijāz

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    The Prophet’s Inheritance: Medina’s Emergence as a Holy City in the First–Third/Seventh–Ninth Centuries

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    The Construction of a Sacred Topography

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    Conclusion: From Yathrib to the Prophet’s City

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    Following in the Prophet’s Footsteps, Visiting His Grave: Early Islamic Pilgrimage to Medina

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    Muḥammad and the ‘Constitution of Medina’: The Declaration of Medina’sḤaram

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