34 research outputs found

    Antibody responses to the RTS,S/AS01E vaccine and plasmodium falciparum antigens after a booster dose within the phase 3 trial in Mozambique

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    Study of immune correlates against malaria after vaccination with RTS,S/ASO1E: a comphrensive immunological arm of a Phase III double-blind, randomize, controlled multi-centre trial (MAL067).Dades primàries associades a l'article publicat a NPJ Vaccines, vol. 5 [https://doi.org/10.1038/s41541-020-0192-7]The RTS,S/AS01E vaccine has shown consistent but partial vaccine efficacy in a pediatric phase 3 26 clinical trial using a 3-dose immunization schedule. A fourth dose 18 months after the primary 27 vaccination was shown to restore the waning efficacy. However, only total IgG against the 28 immunodominant malaria vaccine epitope has been analyzed following the booster. To better 29 characterize the magnitude, nature and longevity of the immune response to the booster, we 30 measured levels of total IgM, IgG and IgG1-4 subclasses against three constructs of the 31 circumsporozoite protein (CSP) and the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg, also present in RTS,S) 32 by quantitative suspension array technology in 50 subjects in the phase 3 trial in Manhiça, 33 Mozambique. To explore the impact of vaccination on naturally acquired immune responses, we 34 measured antibodies to P. falciparum antigens not included in RTS,S. We found increased IgG, 35 IgG1, IgG3 and IgG4, but not IgG2 nor IgM, levels against vaccine antigens one month after the 4th 36 dose. Overall, antibody responses to the booster dose were lower than the initial peak 37 response to primary immunization and children had higher IgG and IgG1 levels than infants. 38 Higher anti-Rh5 IgG and IgG1-4 levels were detected after the booster dose, suggesting that RTS,S 39 partial protection could increase some blood stage antibody responses. Our work shows that the 40 response to the RTS,S/AS01E booster dose is different from the primary vaccine immune 41 response and highlights the dynamic changes in subclass antibody patterns upon the vaccine 42 booster and with acquisition of adaptive immunity to malaria

    Distinct helper T cell type 1 and 2 responses associated with malaria protection and risk in RTS,S/AS01E vaccinees

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    Background The RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine has moderate efficacy, lower in infants than children. Current efforts to enhance RTS,S/AS01E efficacy would benefit from learning about the vaccine-induced immunity and identifying correlates of malaria protection, which could, for instance, inform the choice of adjuvants. Here, we sought cellular immunity-based correlates of malaria protection and risk associated with RTS,S/AS01E vaccination. Methods We performed a matched case-control study nested within the multicenter African RTS,S/AS01E phase 3 trial. Children and infant samples from 57 clinical malaria cases (32 RTS,S/25 comparator vaccinees) and 152 controls without malaria (106 RTS,S/46 comparator vaccinees) were analyzed. We measured 30 markers by Luminex following RTS,S/AS01E antigen stimulation of cells 1 month postimmunization. Crude concentrations and ratios of antigen to background control were analyzed. Results Interleukin (IL) 2 and IL-5 ratios were associated with RTS,S/AS01E vaccination (adjusted P ≤ .01). IL-5 circumsporozoite protein (CSP) ratios, a helper T cell type 2 cytokine, correlated with higher odds of malaria in RTS,S/AS01E vaccinees (odds ratio, 1.17 per 10% increases of CSP ratios; P value adjusted for multiple testing = .03). In multimarker analysis, the helper T cell type 1 (TH1)–related markers interferon-γ, IL-15, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor protected from subsequent malaria, in contrast to IL-5 and RANTES, which increased the odds of malaria. Conclusions RTS,S/AS01E-induced IL-5 may be a surrogate of lack of protection, whereas TH1-related responses may be involved in protective mechanisms. Efforts to develop second-generation vaccine candidates may concentrate on adjuvants that modulate the immune system to support enhanced TH1 responses and decreased IL-5 responses

    drLumi: An open-source package to manage data, calibrate, and conduct quality control of multiplex bead-based immunoassays data analysis

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    Multiplex bead-based immunoassays are used to measure concentrations of several analytes simultaneously. These assays include control standard curves (SC) to reduce between-plate variability and normalize quantitation of analytes of biological samples. Suboptimal calibration might result in large random error and decreased number of samples with analyte concentrations within the limits of quantification. Suboptimal calibration may be a consequence of poor fitness of the functions used for the SC, the treatment of the background noise and the method used to estimate the limits of quantification. Currently assessment of fitness of curves is largely dependent on operator and that may add additional error. Moreover, there is no software to automate data managing and quality control. In this article we present a R package, drLumi, with functions for managing data, calibrating assays and performing quality control. To optimize the assay the package implements: i) three dose-response functions, ii) four approaches for treating background noise and iii) three methods for estimating limits of quantifications. Other implemented functions are focused on the quality control of the fitted standard curve: detection of outliers, estimation of the confidence or prediction interval, and estimation of summary statistics. With demonstration purpose, we apply the software to 30 cytokines, chemokines and growth factors measured in a multiplex bead-based immunoassay in a study aiming to measure correlates of risk or protection from malaria of the RTS,S malaria vaccine nested in the Phase 3 randomized controlled trial of this vaccine

    Baseline exposure, antibody subclass, and hepatitis B response differentially affect malaria protective immunity following RTS,S/AS01E vaccination in African children

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    Background: The RTS,S/AS01E vaccine provides partial protection against malaria in African children, but immune responses have only been partially characterized and do not reliably predict protective efficacy. We aimed to evaluate comprehensively the immunogenicity of the vaccine at peak response, the factors affecting it, and the antibodies associated with protection against clinical malaria in young African children participating in the multicenter phase 3 trial for licensure. Methods: We measured total IgM, IgG, and IgG1–4 subclass antibodies to three constructs of the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (CSP) and hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) that are part of the RTS,S vaccine, by quantitative suspension array technology. Plasma and serum samples were analyzed in 195 infants and children from two sites in Ghana (Kintampo) and Mozambique (Manhiça) with different transmission intensities using a case-control study design. We applied regression models and machine learning techniques to analyze immunogenicity, correlates of protection, and factors affecting them. Results: RTS,S/AS01E induced IgM and IgG, predominantly IgG1 and IgG3, but also IgG2 and IgG4, subclass responses. Age, site, previous malaria episodes, and baseline characteristics including antibodies to CSP and other antigens reflecting malaria exposure and maternal IgGs, nutritional status, and hemoglobin concentration, significantly affected vaccine immunogenicity. We identified distinct signatures of malaria protection and risk in RTS,S/AS01E but not in comparator vaccinees. IgG2 and IgG4 responses to RTS,S antigens post-vaccination, and anti-CSP and anti-P. falciparum antibody levels pre-vaccination, were associated with malaria risk over 1-year follow-up. In contrast, antibody responses to HBsAg (all isotypes, subclasses, and timepoints) and post-vaccination IgG1 and IgG3 to CSP C-terminus and NANP were associated with protection. Age and site affected the relative contribution of responses in the correlates identified. Conclusions: Cytophilic IgG responses to the C-terminal and NANP repeat regions of CSP and anti-HBsAg antibodies induced by RTS,S/AS01E vaccination were associated with malaria protection. In contrast, higher malaria exposure at baseline and non-cytophilic IgG responses to CSP were associated with disease risk. Data provide new correlates of vaccine success and failure in African children and reveal key insights into the mode of action that can guide development of more efficacious next-generation vaccines

    Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein for Invasive Bacterial Pneumonia Diagnosis among Children in Mozambique, a Malaria-Endemic Area

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    Background: Pneumonia is the major cause of mortality and morbidity in children worldwide. Procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are used in developed countries to differentiate between viral and bacterial causes of pneumonia. Validity of these markers needs to be further explored in Africa. Methodology and Principal Findings: We assessed the utility of PCT and CRP to differentiate viral from invasive bacterial pneumonia in children <5 years hospitalized with clinical severe pneumonia (CSP) in rural Mozambique, a malaria-endemic area with high HIV prevalence. Prognostic capacity of these markers was also evaluated. Out of 835 children with CSP, 87 fulfilled definition of viral pneumonia and 89 of invasive bacterial pneumonia. In absence of malaria parasites, levels of PCT and CRP were lower in the viral group when compared to the invasive bacterial one (PCT: median = 0.21 versus 8.31 ng/ml, p<0.001; CRP: 18.3 vs. 185.35 mg/l, p<0.001). However, in presence of malaria parasites distribution between clinical groups overlapped (PCT: median = 23.1 vs. 21.75 ng/ml, p = 0.825; CRP: median = 96.8 vs. 217.4 mg/l, p = 0.052). None of the two markers could predict mortality. Conclusions: Presence of malaria parasites should be taken into consideration, either for clinical or epidemiological purposes, if using PCT or CRP to differentiate viral from invasive bacterial pneumonia in malaria-endemic areas

    Erythropoietin levels are not independently associated with malaria-attributable severe disease in Mozambican children.

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    BACKGROUND: Severe malaria is difficult to differentiate from other forms of malaria or other infections with similar symptoms. Any parameter associated to malaria-attributable severe disease could help to improve severe malaria diagnosis. METHODOLOGY: This study assessed the relation between erythropoietin (EPO) and malaria-attributable severe disease in an area of Mozambique with moderate malaria transmission. 211 children <5 years, recruited at Manhiça District Hospital or in the surrounding villages, were included in one of the following groups: severe malaria (SM, n = 44), hospital malaria without severity (HM, n = 49), uncomplicated malaria (UM, n = 47), invasive bacterial infection without malaria parasites (IBI, n = 39) and healthy community controls (C, n = 32). Malaria was diagnosed by microscopy and IBI by blood/cerebrospinal fluid culture. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Mean EPO concentration in the control group was 20.95 U/l (SD = 2.96 U/l). Values in this group were lower when compared to each of the clinical groups (p = 0.026 C versus UM, p<0.001 C vs HM, p<0.001 C vs SM and p<0.001 C vs IBI). In the 3 malaria groups, values increased with severity [mean = 40.82 U/l (SD = 4.07 U/l), 125.91 U/l (SD = 4.99U/l) and 320.87 U/l (SD = 5.91U/l) for UM, HM and SM, respectively, p<0.001]. The IBI group [mean = 101.75 U/l (SD = 4.12 U/l)] presented lower values than the SM one (p = 0.002). In spite of the differences, values overlapped between study groups and EPO levels were only associated to hemoglobin. Hemoglobin means of the clinical groups were 93.98 g/dl (SD = 14.77 g/dl) for UM, 75.96 g/dl (SD = 16.48 g/dl) for HM, 64.34 g/dl (SD = 22.99 g/dl) for SM and 75.67 g/dl (SD = 16.58 g/dl) for IBI. CONCLUSIONS: Although EPO levels increase according to malaria severity and are higher in severe malaria than in bacteremia, the utility of EPO to distinguish malaria-attributable severe disease is limited due to the overlap of values between the study groups and the main role of hemoglobin in the expression of EPO

    RTS,S/AS01E immunization increases antibody responses to vaccine-unrelated Plasmodium falciparum antigens associated with protection against clinical malaria in African children:a case-control study

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    BACKGROUND: Vaccination and naturally acquired immunity against microbial pathogens may have complex interactions that influence disease outcomes. To date, only vaccine-specific immune responses have routinely been investigated in malaria vaccine trials conducted in endemic areas. We hypothesized that RTS,S/A01E immunization affects acquisition of antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum antigens not included in the vaccine and that such responses have an impact on overall malaria protective immunity. METHODS: We evaluated IgM and IgG responses to 38 P. falciparum proteins putatively involved in naturally acquired immunity to malaria in 195 young children participating in a case-control study nested within the African phase 3 clinical trial of RTS,S/AS01E (MAL055 NCT00866619) in two sites of different transmission intensity (Kintampo high and Manhiça moderate/low). We measured antibody levels by quantitative suspension array technology and applied regression models, multimarker analysis, and machine learning techniques to analyze factors affecting their levels and correlates of protection. RESULTS: RTS,S/AS01E immunization decreased antibody responses to parasite antigens considered as markers of exposure (MSP142, AMA1) and levels correlated with risk of clinical malaria over 1-year follow-up. In addition, we show for the first time that RTS,S vaccination increased IgG levels to a specific group of pre-erythrocytic and blood-stage antigens (MSP5, MSP1 block 2, RH4.2, EBA140, and SSP2/TRAP) which levels correlated with protection against clinical malaria (odds ratio [95% confidence interval] 0.53 [0.3-0.93], p = 0.03, for MSP1; 0.52 [0.26-0.98], p = 0.05, for SSP2) in multivariable logistic regression analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Increased antibody responses to specific P. falciparum antigens in subjects immunized with this partially efficacious vaccine upon natural infection may contribute to overall protective immunity against malaria. Inclusion of such antigens in multivalent constructs could result in more efficacious second-generation multistage vaccines

    Viral hepatitis in Latin America and the Caribbean: a public health challenge

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    Viral hepatitis (VH) is an emergent concern in public health agendas worldwide. More than one million people die annually from hepatitis and 57% and 78% of global cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma cases, respectively, are caused by VH. The burden of disease caused by hepatitis in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is high. Data on hepatitis has been collected in several countries, but more accurate and comparable studies are needed. Hepatitis B vaccination and screening of donated blood are routine practices in the region. However, integrated policies covering prevention and control of disease caused by all types of hepatitis viruses are scarce. Existing preventive measures need to be reinforced. Attention must be paid to at-risk populations, awareness campaigns, and water and food safety. Affordable access to diagnosis and treatment, population screening, referral to health services and monitoring of positive cases are among the main challenges currently posed by VH in LAC. The World Health Organization framework and Pan American Health Organization regional strategy, defined in response to resolution WHA63.18 of the World Health Assembly, may help to overcome these difficulties. Successful experiences in the fight against hepatitis in some LAC countries may also provide very interesting solutions for the region

    Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein for invasive bacterial pneumonia diagnosis among children in Mozambique, a malaria-endemic area

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    Background: Pneumonia is the major cause of mortality and morbidity in children worldwide. Procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are used in developed countries to differentiate between viral and bacterial causes of pneumonia. Validity of these markers needs to be further explored in Africa. Methodology and Principal Findings: We assessed the utility of PCT and CRP to differentiate viral from invasive bacterial pneumonia in children <5 years hospitalized with clinical severe pneumonia (CSP) in rural Mozambique, a malaria-endemic area with high HIV prevalence. Prognostic capacity of these markers was also evaluated. Out of 835 children with CSP, 87 fulfilled definition of viral pneumonia and 89 of invasive bacterial pneumonia. In absence of malaria parasites, levels of PCT and CRP were lower in the viral group when compared to the invasive bacterial one (PCT: median = 0.21 versus 8.31 ng/ml, p<0.001; CRP: 18.3 vs. 185.35 mg/l, p<0.001). However, in presence of malaria parasites distribution between clinical groups overlapped (PCT: median = 23.1 vs. 21.75 ng/ml, p = 0.825; CRP: median = 96.8 vs. 217.4 mg/l, p = 0.052). None of the two markers could predict mortality. Conclusions: Presence of malaria parasites should be taken into consideration, either for clinical or epidemiological purposes, if using PCT or CRP to differentiate viral from invasive bacterial pneumonia in malaria-endemic areas

    Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein for invasive bacterial pneumonia diagnosis among children in Mozambique, a malaria-endemic area

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    Background: Pneumonia is the major cause of mortality and morbidity in children worldwide. Procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are used in developed countries to differentiate between viral and bacterial causes of pneumonia. Validity of these markers needs to be further explored in Africa. Methodology and Principal Findings: We assessed the utility of PCT and CRP to differentiate viral from invasive bacterial pneumonia in children <5 years hospitalized with clinical severe pneumonia (CSP) in rural Mozambique, a malaria-endemic area with high HIV prevalence. Prognostic capacity of these markers was also evaluated. Out of 835 children with CSP, 87 fulfilled definition of viral pneumonia and 89 of invasive bacterial pneumonia. In absence of malaria parasites, levels of PCT and CRP were lower in the viral group when compared to the invasive bacterial one (PCT: median = 0.21 versus 8.31 ng/ml, p<0.001; CRP: 18.3 vs. 185.35 mg/l, p<0.001). However, in presence of malaria parasites distribution between clinical groups overlapped (PCT: median = 23.1 vs. 21.75 ng/ml, p = 0.825; CRP: median = 96.8 vs. 217.4 mg/l, p = 0.052). None of the two markers could predict mortality. Conclusions: Presence of malaria parasites should be taken into consideration, either for clinical or epidemiological purposes, if using PCT or CRP to differentiate viral from invasive bacterial pneumonia in malaria-endemic areas