61 research outputs found

    Cerca de patrons per l'anàlisi de la significació biològica en experiments d'estrès tèrmic

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    L'objectiu principal del projecte és, a partir de les dades d'expressió gènica obtingudes de l'organisme del llevat mitjançant la tècnica dels macroarrays, trobar grups de gens que es comporten de manera similar. Per fer això, un cop netejades les dades, s'ha implementat l'algorisme DIB-C basat en les primeres i segones diferències entre un instant de temps i el següent. Categoritzant aquestes diferències s'obté un patró per a cada gen que ens permet crear els clusters. Un cop obtinguts els grups de gens i per ajudar a l'investigador a interpretar els resultats, s'aplicarà un anàlisi d'enriquiment. Aquest anàlisi servirà per de nir quines funcions tenen els gens dels clusters en els processos moleculars que es donen dins la cèl·lula, atès que se suposa que els gens d'un mateix cluster tindran un paper semblant.. Trobar la metodologia adient per a determinar els patrons de comportament dels gens del llevat de cervesa en un experiments d'estrès tèrmic (heat shock) en el quals s'han realitzat mesures al llarg de 12 instants de temps posteriorment a l'efecte tèrmic. La cerca d'aquests patrons ha de permetre agrupar els gens en grups homogenis en quant al comportament al llarg del temps, de cara a en un futur poder determinar funcions que s'adaptin a aquests patrons

    Cerca de patrons per l'anàlisi de la significació biològica en experiments d'estrès tèrmic

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    L'objectiu principal del projecte és, a partir de les dades d'expressió gènica obtingudes de l'organisme del llevat mitjançant la tècnica dels macroarrays, trobar grups de gens que es comporten de manera similar. Per fer això, un cop netejades les dades, s'ha implementat l'algorisme DIB-C basat en les primeres i segones diferències entre un instant de temps i el següent. Categoritzant aquestes diferències s'obté un patró per a cada gen que ens permet crear els clusters. Un cop obtinguts els grups de gens i per ajudar a l'investigador a interpretar els resultats, s'aplicarà un anàlisi d'enriquiment. Aquest anàlisi servirà per de nir quines funcions tenen els gens dels clusters en els processos moleculars que es donen dins la cèl·lula, atès que se suposa que els gens d'un mateix cluster tindran un paper semblant.. Trobar la metodologia adient per a determinar els patrons de comportament dels gens del llevat de cervesa en un experiments d'estrès tèrmic (heat shock) en el quals s'han realitzat mesures al llarg de 12 instants de temps posteriorment a l'efecte tèrmic. La cerca d'aquests patrons ha de permetre agrupar els gens en grups homogenis en quant al comportament al llarg del temps, de cara a en un futur poder determinar funcions que s'adaptin a aquests patrons

    Wanderer, an interactive viewer to explore DNA methylation and gene expression data in human cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) offers a multilayered view of genomics and epigenomics data of many human cancer types. However, the retrieval of expression and methylation data from TCGA is a cumbersome and time-consuming task.RESULTS:Wanderer is an intuitive Web tool allowing real time access and visualization of gene expression and DNA methylation profiles from TCGA. Given a gene query and selection of a TCGA dataset (e.g., colon adenocarcinomas), the Web resource provides the expression profile, at the single exon level, and the DNA methylation levels of HumanMethylation450 BeadChip loci inside or in the vicinity of the queried gene. Graphic and table outputs include individual and summary data as well as statistical tests, allowing the comparison of tumor and normal profiles and the exploration along the genomic locus and across tumor collections. CONCLUSIONS: Wanderer offers a simple interface to straightforward access to TCGA data, amenable to experimentalists and clinicians without bioinformatics expertise. Wanderer may be accessed at http://maplab.catwanderer

    The epigenetic landscape of Alu repeats delineates the structural and functional genomic architecture of colon cancer cells

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    Cancer cells exhibit multiple epigenetic changes with prominent local DNA hypermethylation and widespread hypomethylation affecting large chromosomal domains. Epigenome studies often disregard the study of repeat elements owing to technical complexity and their undefined role in genome regulation. We have developed NSUMA (Next-generation Sequencing of UnMethylated Alu), a cost-effective approach allowing the unambiguous interrogation of DNA methylation in more than 130,000 individual Alu elements, the most abundant retrotransposon in the human genome. DNA methylation profiles of Alu repeats have been analyzed in colon cancers and normal tissues using NSUMA and whole-genome bisulfite sequencing. Normal cells show a low proportion of unmethylated Alu (1%-4%) that may increase up to 10-fold in cancer cells. In normal cells, unmethylated Alu elements tend to locate in the vicinity of functionally rich regions and display epigenetic features consistent with a direct impact on genome regulation. In cancer cells, Alu repeats are more resistant to hypomethylation than other retroelements. Genome segmentation based on high/low rates of Alu hypomethylation allows the identification of genomic compartments with differential genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptomic features. Alu hypomethylated regions show low transcriptional activity, late DNA replication, and its extent is associated with higher chromosomal instability. Our analysis demonstrates that Alu retroelements contribute to define the epigenetic landscape of normal and cancer cells and provides a unique resource on the epigenetic dynamics of a principal, but largely unexplored, component of the primate genome

    Identification of intergenerational epigenetic inheritance by whole genome DNA methylation analysis in trios

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    Genome-wide association studies have identified thousands of loci associated with common diseases and traits. However, a large fraction of heritability remains unexplained. Epigenetic modifications, such as the observed in DNA methylation have been proposed as a mechanism of intergenerational inheritance. To investigate the potential contribution of DNA methylation to the missing heritability, we analysed the methylomes of four healthy trios (two parents and one offspring) using whole genome bisulphite sequencing. Of the 1.5 million CpGs (19%) with over 20% variability between parents in at least one family and compatible with a Mendelian inheritance pattern, only 3488 CpGs (0.2%) lacked correlation with any SNP in the genome, marking them as potential sites for intergenerational epigenetic inheritance. These markers were distributed genome-wide, with some preference to be located in promoters. They displayed a bimodal distribution, being either fully methylated or unmethylated, and were often found at the boundaries of genomic regions with high/low GC content. This analysis provides a starting point for future investigations into the missing heritability of simple and complex traits

    Epigenetics override pro-inflammatory PTGS transcriptomic signature towards selective hyperactivation of PGE 2 in colorectal cancer

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.[Background]: Misregulation of the PTGS (prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase, also known as cyclooxygenase or COX) pathway may lead to the accumulation of pro-inflammatory signals, which constitutes a hallmark of cancer. To get insight into the role of this signaling pathway in colorectal cancer (CRC), we have characterized the transcriptional and epigenetic landscapes of the PTGS pathway genes in normal and cancer cells. [Results]: Data from four independent series of CRC patients (502 tumors including adenomas and carcinomas and 222 adjacent normal tissues) and two series of colon mucosae from 69 healthy donors have been included in the study. Gene expression was analyzed by real-time PCR and Affymetrix U219 arrays. DNA methylation was analyzed by bisulfite sequencing, dissociation curves, and HumanMethylation450K arrays. Most CRC patients show selective transcriptional deregulation of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of prostanoids and their receptors in both tumor and its adjacent mucosa. DNA methylation alterations exclusively affect the tumor tissue (both adenomas and carcinomas), redirecting the transcriptional deregulation to activation of prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) function and blockade of other biologically active prostaglandins. In particular, PTGIS, PTGER3, PTGFR, and AKR1B1 were hypermethylated in more than 40 % of all analyzed tumors. [Conclusions]: The transcriptional and epigenetic profiling of the PTGS pathway provides important clues on the biology of the tumor and its microenvironment. This analysis renders candidate markers with potential clinical applicability in risk assessment and early diagnosis and for the design of new therapeutic strategies.IC was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/28464/2006); JC was funded by a FPI fellowship. ADV was supported in part by a contract from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (PTC2011-1091). This work was supported by the MINECO(SAF2011/23638, SAF2014/52492), the Catalan Institute of Oncology and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant PI11-01439, RD12/0042/0019 and CIBERESP CB06/02/2005), the Generalitat de Catalunya (grant 2014SGR647), and the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC).Peer Reviewe

    Ability of a polygenic risk score to refine colorectal cancer risk in Lynch syndrome

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    Background: Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) have been used to stratify colorectal cancer (CRC) risk in the general population, whereas its role in Lynch syndrome (LS), the most common type of hereditary CRC, is still conflicting. We aimed to assess the ability of PRS to refine CRC risk prediction in European-descendant individuals with LS. Methods: 1465 individuals with LS (557 MLH1, 517 MSH2/EPCAM, 299 MSH6 and 92 PMS2) and 5656 CRC-free population-based controls from two independent cohorts were included. A 91-SNP PRS was applied. A Cox proportional hazard regression model with 'family' as a random effect and a logistic regression analysis, followed by a meta-analysis combining both cohorts were conducted. Results: Overall, we did not observe a statistically significant association between PRS and CRC risk in the entire cohort. Nevertheless, PRS was significantly associated with a slightly increased risk of CRC or advanced adenoma (AA), in those with CRC diagnosed <50 years and in individuals with multiple CRCs or AAs diagnosed <60 years. Conclusion: The PRS may slightly influence CRC risk in individuals with LS in particular in more extreme phenotypes such as early-onset disease. However, the study design and recruitment strategy strongly influence the results of PRS studies. A separate analysis by genes and its combination with other genetic and non-genetic risk factors will help refine its role as a risk modifier in LS

    Epigenetics override pro-inflammatory PTGS transcriptomic signature towards selective hyperactivation of PGE2 in colorectal cancer.

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    BACKGROUND: Misregulation of the PTGS (prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase, also known as cyclooxygenase or COX) pathway may lead to the accumulation of pro-inflammatory signals, which constitutes a hallmark of cancer. To get insight into the role of this signaling pathway in colorectal cancer (CRC), we have characterized the transcriptional and epigenetic landscapes of the PTGS pathway genes in normal and cancer cells. RESULTS: Data from four independent series of CRC patients (502 tumors including adenomas and carcinomas and 222 adjacent normal tissues) and two series of colon mucosae from 69 healthy donors have been included in the study. Gene expression was analyzed by real-time PCR and Affymetrix U219 arrays. DNA methylation was analyzed by bisulfite sequencing, dissociation curves, and HumanMethylation450K arrays. Most CRC patients show selective transcriptional deregulation of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of prostanoids and their receptors in both tumor and its adjacent mucosa. DNA methylation alterations exclusively affect the tumor tissue (both adenomas and carcinomas), redirecting the transcriptional deregulation to activation of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) function and blockade of other biologically active prostaglandins. In particular, PTGIS, PTGER3, PTGFR, and AKR1B1 were hypermethylated in more than 40 % of all analyzed tumors. CONCLUSIONS: The transcriptional and epigenetic profiling of the PTGS pathway provides important clues on the biology of the tumor and its microenvironment. This analysis renders candidate markers with potential clinical applicability in risk assessment and early diagnosis and for the design of new therapeutic strategies

    Identifying causal models between genetically regulated methylation patterns and gene expression in healthy colon tissue

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    Background: DNA methylation is involved in the regulation of gene expression and phenotypic variation, but the inter-relationship between genetic variation, DNA methylation and gene expression remains poorly understood. Here we combine the analysis of genetic variants related to methylation markers (methylation quantitative trait loci: mQTLs) and gene expression (expression quantitative trait loci: eQTLs) with methylation markers related to gene expression (expression quantitative trait methylation: eQTMs), to provide novel insights into the genetic/epigenetic architecture of colocalizing molecular markers. Results: Normal mucosa from 100 patients with colon cancer and 50 healthy donors included in the Colonomics project have been analyzed. Linear models have been used to find mQTLs and eQTMs within 1 Mb of the target gene. From 32,446 eQTLs previously detected, we found a total of 6850 SNPs, 114 CpGs and 52 genes interrelated, generating 13,987 significant combinations of co-occurring associations (meQTLs) after Bonferromi correction. Non-redundant meQTLs were 54, enriched in genes involved in metabolism of glucose and xenobiotics and immune system. SNPs in meQTLs were enriched in regulatory elements (enhancers and promoters) compared to random SNPs within 1 Mb of genes. Three colorectal cancer GWAS SNPs were related to methylation changes, and four SNPs were related to chemerin levels. Bayesian networks have been used to identify putative causal relationships among associated SNPs, CpG and gene expression triads. We identified that most of these combinations showed the canonical pathway of methylation markers causes gene expression variation (60.1%) or non-causal relationship between methylation and gene expression (33.9%); however, in up to 6% of these combinations, gene expression was causing variation in methylation markers. Conclusions: In this study we provided a characterization of the regulation between genetic variants and inter-dependent methylation markers and gene expression in a set of 150 healthy colon tissue samples. This is an important finding for the understanding of molecular susceptibility on colon-related complex diseases

    Identification of a Twelve-microRNA Signature with Prognostic Value in Stage II Microsatellite Stable Colon Cancer

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    Simple Summary Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most prevalent cancers, and approximately a quarter of patients diagnosed at stage II exhibit a significant risk of recurrence. In this study, we successfully identified a microRNA (miRNA) signature allowing the recognition of patients at high recurrence risk. The validity of these findings has been confirmed through an entirely separate group of patients diagnosed with stage II microsatellite stability (MSS) colon adenocarcinoma (COAD). Most of the miRNAs present in the signature have demonstrated prognostic relevance in various other cancer types. Upon examining their gene targets, we discovered that some of these miRNAs are intricately involved in pivotal pathways of cancer progression. We aimed to identify and validate a set of miRNAs that could serve as a prognostic signature useful to determine the recurrence risk for patients with COAD. Small RNAs from tumors of 100 stage II, untreated, MSS colon cancer patients were sequenced for the discovery step. For this purpose, we built an miRNA score using an elastic net Cox regression model based on the disease-free survival status. Patients were grouped into high or low recurrence risk categories based on the median value of the score. We then validated these results in an independent sample of stage II microsatellite stable tumor tissues, with a hazard ratio of 3.24, (CI95% = 1.05-10.0) and a 10-year area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.67. Functional analysis of the miRNAs present in the signature identified key pathways in cancer progression. In conclusion, the proposed signature of 12 miRNAs can contribute to improving the prediction of disease relapse in patients with stage II MSS colorectal cancer, and might be useful in deciding which patients may benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy