4,548 research outputs found

    Ediacaran Obduction of a Fore-Arc Ophiolite in SW Iberia: A Turning Point in the Evolving Geodynamic Setting of Peri- Gondwana

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    The Calzadilla Ophiolite is an ensemble of mafic and ultramafic rocks that represents the transition between lower crust and upper mantle of a Cadomian (peri-Gondwanan) fore arc. Mapping and structural analysis of the ophiolite demonstrates that it was obducted in latest Ediacaran times, because the Ediacaran-Early Cambrian sedimentary series (Malcocinado Formation) discordantly covers it. The ophiolite and emplacement-related structures are affected by Variscan deformation (Devonian-Carboniferous), which includes SW verging overturned folds (D1) and thrusts (D2), upright folds (D3), extensional faults (D4), and later faults (D5). These phases of deformation are explained in the context of Variscan tectonics as the result of the progressive collision between Gondwana and Laurussia. Qualitative unstraining of Variscan deformation reveals the primary geometry of Ediacaran-Cambrian structures and uncovers the generation of east verging thrusts as responsible for the primary obduction of the Calzadilla Ophiolite. Restoration of planar and linear structures associated with this event indicates an Ediacaran, east directed obduction of the ophiolite, that is, emplacement of the Cadomian fore arc onto inner sections of the northern margin of Gondwana. According to regional data, the obduction separates two extension-dominated stages in the tectonic evolution of the African margin of northern Gondwana preserved in southern Europe. Preobduction extension brought about the onset and widening of fore-arc and back-arc basins in the external part of the continent, while postobduction extension facilitated the formation of extensional migmatitic domes, an oceanward migration of back-arc spreading centers across peri-Gondwana, and the eventual opening of a major basin such as the Rheic Ocean

    Competition between electron and phonon excitations in the scattering of nitrogen atoms and molecules off tungsten and silver surfaces

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    We investigate the role played by electron-hole pair and phonon excitations in the interaction of reactive gas molecules and atoms with metal surfaces. We present a theoretical framework that allows us to evaluate within a full-dimensional dynamics the combined contribution of both excitation mechanisms while the gas particle-surface interaction is described by an ab-initio potential energy surface. The model is applied to study energy dissipation in the scattering of N2_2 on W(110) and N on Ag(111). Our results show that phonon excitation is the dominant energy loss channel whereas electron-hole pair excitations represent a minor contribution. We substantiate that, even when the energy dissipated is quantitatively significant, important aspects of the scattering dynamics are well captured by the adiabatic approximation.Comment: 4pages and 3 figure

    Non-equilibrium Anisotropic Phases, Nucleation and Critical Behavior in a Driven Lennard-Jones Fluid

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    We describe short-time kinetic and steady-state properties of the non--equilibrium phases, namely, solid, liquid and gas anisotropic phases in a driven Lennard-Jones fluid. This is a computationally-convenient two-dimensional model which exhibits a net current and striped structures at low temperature, thus resembling many situations in nature. We here focus on both critical behavior and details of the nucleation process. In spite of the anisotropy of the late--time spinodal decomposition process, earlier nucleation seems to proceed by Smoluchowski coagulation and Ostwald ripening, which are known to account for nucleation in equilibrium, isotropic lattice systems and actual fluids. On the other hand, a detailed analysis of the system critical behavior rises some intriguing questions on the role of symmetries; this concerns the computer and field-theoretical modeling of non-equilibrium fluids.Comment: 7 pages, 9 ps figures, to appear in PR

    Nuevas aportaciones al estudio polínico de sedimentos del Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Cádiz, sur de España)

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    Nuevas apotaciones al estudio polínico de sedimentos del Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Cádiz, Sur de España). En este trabajo se completa el contenido polínico de una columna de sedimento de 300 cm, extraida de una zona semiturbosa de la Sierra del Aljibe en el Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Cádiz). Se discuten las variaciones polínicas porcentuales de los taxones identificados, consideradas de nuevo aquí a la luz de los nuevos datos, fundamentalmente la datación con radiocarbono, y se interpretan los diagramas polínicos resultantes en términos paleoecológicos. Por otro lado, y en base a estudios previos en el norte de Marruecos, zona de características ecológicas e históricas similares a la zona estudiada, se concluye el uso diferente del territorio a ambos lados del estrecho

    Análisis polínico de mieles en las regiones de Ouazzane y Costa Atlántica (Noroeste de Marruecos)

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    Análisis polínico de mieles en las regiones de Ouazzane y Costa Atlántica (Noroeste de Marruecos). Se ha realizado el análisis microscópico de 13 muestras de miel de las regiones de Ouazzane y Costa Atlántica. Las muestras fueron proporcionadas directamente por los apicultores, en su mayoría aficionados. Los resultados reflejan que el néctar de las flores es la principal fuente de miel en el territorio y que siete de las muestras son pobres polinicamente, con 4.600-47.800 GP (Clase I y II de Maurizio), dos muestras presentan una riqueza media, con 189.000-209.700 GP (Clase III), y cuatro son ricas o muy ricas, con 872.000-2.950.000 GP (Clases IV y V). Se han identificado 63 taxones por el análisis microscópico, resultando seis de las mieles monoflorales: dos de Eucalyptus sp., dos de Lythrum sp., una de Leucojum sp. y una de Citrus sp

    Morfología polínica de las especies de cítricos cultivadas en Andalucía occidental (España)

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    . Morfología polínica de las especies de cítricos cultivadas en Andalucía occidental (España). Se estudia la morfología polínica de seis especies de cítricos de los géneros Citrus (C. aurantium, C. deliciosa, C. grandis, C. limon y C. sinensis) y Fortunella (F. margarita), con los microscopios óptico y electrónico de barrido. Por los caracteres estudiados (polaridad, simetría, contorno (en visión ecuatorial y corte óptico meridiano y visión polar y corte ecuatorial), tamaño, número, tipo y dimensiones de las aberturas, grosor de la exina y ornamentación) se describe la morfología del polen y se discuten los resultados obtenidos.No es posible la separación de los dos géneros, pero se pueden diferenciar parte de las especies del género Citrus

    Caveolin-1 Modulates Mechanotransduction Responses to Substrate Stiffness through Actin-Dependent Control of YAP

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    The transcriptional regulator YAP orchestrates many cellular functions, including tissue homeostasis, organ growth control, and tumorigenesis. Mechanical stimuli are a key input to YAP activity, but the mechanisms controlling this regulation remain largely uncharacterized. We show that CAV1 positively modulates the YAP mechanoresponse to substrate stiffness through actin-cytoskeleton-dependent and Hippo-kinase-independent mechanisms. RHO activity is necessary, but not sufficient, for CAV1-dependent mechanoregulation of YAP activity. Systematic quantitative interactomic studies and image-based small interfering RNA (siRNA) screens provide evidence that this actin-dependent regulation is determined by YAP interaction with the 14-3-3 protein YWHAH. Constitutive YAP activation rescued phenotypes associated with CAV1 loss, including defective extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. CAV1-mediated control of YAP activity was validated in vivo in a model of pancreatitis-driven acinar-to-ductal metaplasia. We propose that this CAV1-YAP mechanotransduction system controls a significant share of cell programs linked to these two pivotal regulators, with potentially broad physiological and pathological implications. Moreno-Vicente et al. report that CAV1, a key component of PM mechanosensing caveolae, mediates adaptation to ECM rigidity by modulating YAP activity through the control of actin dynamics and phosphorylation-dependent interaction of YAP with the 14-3-3-domain protein YWHAH. Cav1-dependent YAP regulation drives two pathophysiological processes: ECM remodeling and pancreatic ADM. © 2018 The Author

    Fluencia de tableros MDF sometidos a carga constante y condiciones cíclicas de humedad relativa. Influencia del revestimiento de superficies

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    Four different strategies of surface coating (based on 80 g m2 melamin impregnated papers) were used on 19 mm thick commercial MDF panels to assess its reological behaviour under cyclic humidity conditions (20ºC 30 % rh-20ºC 90 % rh). Three different levels of stress (20 %, 30 % and 40 %), based on the ultimate load in bending, were used. Tests were conducted by means of the three points load system. For the same stress level, the relative creep of MDF panels was higher than that in particle boards with similar characteristics. This behaviour was just the opposite than the one exhibited by the panels when the comparison is made based on the same level of load (kg) Melamin coating seems to strongly influence the creep behaviour of the raw material, especially when surface and edge coating were combined.Cuatro tipos de acabados superficiales distintos, aplicados sobre tableros MDF comerciales de 19 mm de espesor, son empleados en el estudio del comportamiento reológico de los tableros MDF ante condiciones alternantes de humedad relativa (20ºC/30 % hr-20ºC/90 % hr). Para el análisis del comportamiento reológico de los tableros se consideran tres niveles de tensión distintos (20 %, 30 %y 40 %), calculados en función de la carga última de rotura a flexión. Los ensayos son efectuados aplicando la carga en punto medio. La fluencia relativa de los tableros MDF resulta ser superior a la exhibida por los tableros de partículas de similares características, observándose que los revestimientos melamínicos aplicados superficialmente influyen eficazmente en la mejora de su comportamiento reológico. Cuando la comparación entre tableros MDF y de partículas se efectúa considerando idénticos niveles de carga aplicada en vez de tensión, el resultado de la comparación resulta ser, justamente, el contrario