18,098 research outputs found

    On the accretion of phantom energy onto wormholes

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    By using a properly generalized accretion formalism it is argued that the accretion of phantom energy onto a wormhole does not make the size of the wormhole throat to comovingly scale with the scale factor of the universe, but instead induces an increase of that size so big that the wormhole can engulf the universe itself before it reaches the big rip singularity, at least relative to an asymptotic observer.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Synchronization in a ring of pulsating oscillators with bidirectional couplings

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    We study the dynamical behavior of an ensemble of oscillators interacting through short range bidirectional pulses. The geometry is 1D with periodic boundary conditions. Our interest is twofold. To explore the conditions required to reach fully synchronization and to invewstigate the time needed to get such state. We present both theoretical and numerical results.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Int. J. Bifurc. and Chao

    The entangled accelerating universe

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    Using the known result that the nucleation of baby universes in correlated pairs is equivalent to spacetime squeezing, we show in this letter that there exists a T-duality symmetry between two-dimensional warp drives, which are physically expressible as localized de Sitter little universes, and two dimensional Tolman-Hawking and Gidding-Strominger baby universes respectively correlated in pairs, so that the creation of warp drives is also equivalent to spacetime squeezing. Perhaps more importantly, it has been also seen that the nucleation of warp drives entails a violation of the Bell's inequalities, and hence the phenomena of quantum entanglement, complementarity and wave function collapse. These results are generalized to the case of any dynamically accelerating universe filled with dark or phantom energy whose creation is also physically equivalent to spacetime squeezing and to the violation of the Bell's inequalities, so that the universe we are living in should be governed by essential sharp quantum theory laws and must be a quantum entangled system

    The oxygen abundance in the IFU era

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    Spatially-resolved information of gas-phase emission provided by integral field units (IFUs) are allowing us to perform a new generation of emission-line surveys, based on large samples of HII regions and full two-dimensional coverage. Here we present two highlights of our current studies employing this technique: 1) A statistical approach to the abundance gradients of spiral galaxies, which indicates an -universal- radial gradient for oxygen abundance; and 2) The discovery of a new scaling relation of HII regions in spiral galaxies, the "local" mass-metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, Proceedings of the X Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society held on July 9-13, 2012, in Valencia, Spai

    The metamorphic evolution of the Santiago Unit, NW Spain

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    [Resumen] La Unidad de Santiago se sitúa en la base de una gran unidad alóctona constituída por rocas básicas y ultrabásicas de carácter ofiolítico. Está compuesta por neises (de edad Ordovícica), esquistos albíticos, micaesquistos y anfibolitas. Esta unidad ha sido afectada por dos metamorfismos de diferentes características termobáricas, entre los cuales se desarrolla una fase de deformación, caracterizada por una importante deformación por cizalla, que es la responsable del emplazamiento de la unidad y de los materiales superiores (Complejo de Ordes) Ordenes, en su posición actual. El primer metamorfismo, posee características de un gradiente de alta presión y baja temperatura, que evoluciona desde la facies de los esquistos glaucofánicos hasta la facies de las anfibolitas epidóticas, la cual se alcanza al principio de la segunda fase. Durante el posterior desarrollo de esta segunda fase, existe una retrogradación a facies de los esquistos verdes con abundante formación de clorita. El segundo metamorfismo tiene lugar simultáneamente con la tercera fase; posee un carácter más local y corresponde a un metamorfismo de tipo térmico que se halla en relación con las intrusiones ígneas que se sitúan principalmente en el borde externo de esta unidad. Si comparamos la evolución del metamorfismo en la Unidad de Santiago y en la Unidad de Malpica-Tui, parece que estas dos unidades hayan sufrido una historia metamórfica similar en cuanto al primer metamorfismo, alcanzándose en la Unidad de Santiago condiciones inferiores de presión y temperatura.[Abstract] The Santiago Unit is located at the base of a big, mainly ophiolitic, allochthonous unit and is composed by Ordovician alkaline gneis, feldespatic' schists and mafic schists. This unit has undergone two metamorphisms, which show different termobaric features. Both metamorphisms were separated by an important deformation phase, with shear induced microestructures. It corresponds with the emplacement of this thrust unit and upper materials (Ordenes Complec), into its actual position. The fust metamorphism, had characteristics of a high P. low T. and ranges from blue-schist to epidote-amphibolite facies at the beginning of the second deformation phase. During the development of the latest stages of this phase, there were taken an overprinting of this metamorphism by a green schist one with clorite supplied. The second metamorphism was developed mainly during the third deformation phase, and belong to a high T.low P. facies series. This is more locally developed around granitic intrusions. Metamorphic evolution in the Santiago unit and Malpica-Tui unit, seems to be alike, but Santiago unit has reached lower P. -T. conditions than the other unit

    Three types of Gabbros in the Toledo Complex

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    [Resumen] Los avances cartográficos realizados en el complejo de mayor extensión y variedad litológica de la cordillera hercínica de Europa, el Complejo de Ordenes, situado en el NW de España, están centrados en dos temas: la extensión y correlación de los materiales del entorno del complejo de Ordenes, y la extensión de los metasedimentos de bajo grado que ocupan su parte superior. Como consecuencia de esto y, unido a los problemas que plantea la actual Zona de Galicia- Tras-os Montes, se propone la abolici6n de esta última y la individualizaci6n de los materiales que forman los clásicos complejos y los de su entorno en una zona: La Zona de los Complejos Luso-Galaicos. Esta zona se caracteriza por la existencia de una importante actividad ígnea prehercínica con abundantes manifestaciones de rocas básicas y por la existencia de fen6menos metam6rficos y tectónicos que no están representados en la zona inferior o Zona Centro Ibén'ca y que tienen carácter retrógrado a medida que transcurre la deformación, lo cual, junto al análisis de sus estructuras, pone de manifiesto otra de sus grandes características definitorias, su aloctonía. Además, la diversidad litológica, la posici6n constante que ocupan los grandes grur0S litol6gicos dentro de la estructuraci6n de los complejos y, la variedad de los procesos tect6nicos y metamórficos permiten una división de La Zona de los Complejos LusoGalaicos en tres dominios que según su posici6n actual son: FJ Dominio de Santiago- Cavaleiros, que ocupa la posición inferior, El Dominio de CareónOrtegal, y El Dominio de Sada-Lagoa, que ocupa la posici6n más alta dentro de la Zona de los Complejos Luso-Galaicos.[Abstract] A new canography affecting to the materials of the large complex in the European hercynian belt, The Ordenes Complex, are principally centered in the extension of the outer units and the low grade unit situated on top of the complex, together with the inconsistency of the actual Galicia Tras os Montes Zone, let's to. propose de abolition of the later and the definition of a new «The Luso-Galaicos Complex Zone» more realistic from the cartographic point of view and more in agreement with the geological characteristics commonly used to make geological division zones. ' «The Luso-Galaicos Complex zone» can be defined and distinguishes fr~m the lower Central iberian Zone by an important prehercynian igneous activity with basic and ultrabasic rocks, and by the existence of metamorphic and tectonic phenomena which are not recorded in the lower Central Iberian Zone. Thediversity of metamorphic processes has a cornmon characteristic, their retrograde trajectory, during the regional fabric development, which give us other of their important property, their allocthonous character. Moreover the lithologic diversity, the constant position in the nappe pile, and the variety of metamorphic and tectonic processes let's to propose a division in three domains: the lower Santiago --Cavaleiros Domain, The Careón-- Ortegal Domain and the upper Sada-Lagoa Domain