895 research outputs found

    ¿Todo Incluido? Rutas hacia lo prohibido. Una aproximación teórica a la figura del turista consumidor de sexo infantil

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    El turismo sexual infantil es una realidad poco estudiada y por ende, prácticamente desconocida. Sabemos a través de la escasa literatura hallada que existen dos maneras de entender este fenómeno. De un lado, es tratado como crimen o delito, y del otro, como relación económica en contextos de desigualdad. Ambos abordajes dotan de significados dicotómicos la misma terminología concerniente a este tema. En esta investigación teórica se explora la figura del turista consumidor de sexo infantil, el cual es uno de los actores principales dentro de esta industria, a pesar de que los pocos estudios existentes se hayan centrado habitualmente en la oferta. La criminalización e invisibilización de su figura desde el ideal moderno occidental colisiona con los resultados extraídos de los escasos estudios científicos existentes sobre la materia, donde se desdibuja su imagen homogeneizada.There have been very few studies of child sex tourism, which is therefore an area about which there is very little knowledge. We know from the existing literature that there are two ways to understand this reality, each of which give dichotomic meanings to the terminology associated with this area. The tourist who consumes sex with minors is one of the principal actors within this industry, although the few existing studies have centred on the supply side. The criminalization and the invisibilization of the figure of the consumer from the perspective of a modern Western ideal, clashes with the results from the very limited number of scientific studies of this field

    Accesibilidad web. La nueva era de las WCAG 2.1, la transición de las futuras WCAG 3.0.

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    Durante las últimas décadas se han realizado esfuerzos por parte de los diferentes sectores de la sociedad para eliminar las barreras tanto físicas como tecnológicas para que todos los ciudadanos se pudieran desenvolver en cualquier medio sin ningún tipo de restricción, independientemente de su discapacidad. La accesibilidad Web cobra especial importancia en este ámbito, ya que aporta soluciones para que cualquier usuario pueda acceder al contenido Web, cuando existe una limitación física o tecnológica. Ahora nos encontramos ante un momento de transición, donde las Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) cobran especial relevancia para adaptarse a las actuales necesidades tecnológicas como una nueva versión recomendada de accesibilidad Web. Este estudio aporta una propuesta de mejora en el método de análisis de accesibilidad Web basado en herramientas de evaluación automáticas que complementan la revisión manual del experto, facilitando la valoración de los resultados obtenidos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Exploring WHO communication during the COVID 19 pandemic through the WHO website based on W3C guidelines: accessible for all?

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    Health crisis situations generate greater attention and dependence on reliable and truthful information from citizens, especially from those organisations that represent authority on the subject, such as the World Health Organization (WHO). In times of global pandemics such as COVID-19, the WHO message “health for all” takes on great communicative importance, especially from the point of view of the prevention of the disease and recommendations for action. Therefore, any communication must be understandable and accessible by all types of people, regardless of their technology, language, culture or disability (physical or mental), according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), taking on special relevance for public health content. This study analysed whether the WHO is accessible in its digital version for all groups of citizens according to the widely accepted standards in the field of the Internet. The conclusion reached was that not all the information is accessible in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, which implies that there are groups that are, to some extent, left out, especially affecting the elderly. This study can contribute to the development of proposals and suggest ways in which to improve the accessibility of health content to groups especially vulnerable in this pandemic.This research has received funds from a Plan Propio of University of Malaga and UMA18-FEDERJA-148

    Role of the Cytoskeletal Actomyosin Complex in the Motility of Cyanobacteria and Fungal Spores

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    This study demonstrates the involvement of the cytoskeleton in the movement of cyanobacteria and fungal spores to their hosts to establish a state of symbiosis or pathogenicity. The term symbiosis sensu lato is referred not only to commensalism and mutualism but also to the parasitic aberrations. The establishment of association implies that the endohabitant can move on a wet surface until finding an entry point in the exohabitant surface. In aqueous media, the exohabitant secretes glycoproteins that form a chemoattraction gradient for the invading cells. In lichens, the gradient consists of fungal lectins whose function is to recognize a compatible green alga or cyanobacterium. In the case of pathogens, the secreted proteins usually are a mixture that includes false quorum and chemoattractant signals, and cell wall digestive enzymes. The results indicate that fungal lectins and defense proteins bind to specific cell wall receptors for signaling the activation of cytoskeleton, causing successive cycles of cell contraction-relaxation that permits the migration of the endohabitant. In this study, different biochemical and microscopy techniques have been used. The mechanisms through which the cytoskeleton carries out these cycles of cell contractionrelaxation are described, being this a remarkable advance compared to previous results

    El relato mapuche como elemento para promover la comprensión lectora y la convivencia intercultural

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    This article is the outcome of research carried out at the Faculty of Education of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in 2005. It was entitled «Dialogic interaction with multicultural literary texts as a means to encourage harmonious coexistence within diversity». This paper starts with a brief introduction followed by theoretical background on intercultural education, Mapuche culture and narrative, social understanding and reading comprehension. It continues with a description of the process of selection of Mapuche narrative. The authors also propose didactic guidelines to encourage reading comprehension and intercultural coexistence. As an example, the article also includes a Mapuche story – El Sumpall – and suggests methodological guidelines to use with students.L’article est le résultat d’une recherche réalisée dans L’université «Pontificia Universidad Católica du Chili», –Faculté d’Éducation– pendant l’année 2005. Son titre était «L’interaction dialogique avec des textes littéraires pluriculturelles pour favoriser une convivialité harmonique dans la diversité» L’écrit, à la suite d’une brève introduction, propose des références théoriques sur l’éducation interculturelle, la culture Mapuche et ses récits, la convivialité harmonique et la comprensión lectrice. Ensuite, il décrit le processus suivi pour sélectionner les récits du peuple Mapuche et propose une approche didactique dans la finalité de promouvoir la compréhension lectrice et la convivialité interculturelle. Comme exemple, on trouvera y inclus le récit Mapuche «El Sumpall» et la proposition de travail avec les étudiants

    An Overview of Mechanical Tests for Polymeric Biomaterial Scaffolds Used in Tissue Engineering

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    Mechanical characterization of polymeric biomaterial scaffolds is essential to allow biomaterials that interface with tissues and tissue engineered constructs to be developed with appropriate mechanical strength. However, the fragility of these materials makes their mechanical characterization in a quantitative manner highly challenging. Here we report an overview of testing techniques for the characterization of mechanical properties of films, membranes, hydrogels and fibers commonly used as scaffolds in tissue engineering applications

    Maintenance of immune tolerance by Foxp3+ regulatory T cells requires CD69 expression

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    Although FoxP3+ regulatory T cells are key players in the maintenance of immune tolerance and autoimmunity, the lack of specific markers constitute an obstacle to their use for immunotherapy protocols. In this study, we have investigated the role of the C-type lectin receptor CD69 in the suppressor function of Tregs and maintenance of immune tolerance towards harmless inhaled antigens. We identified a novel FoxP3+CD69+ Treg subset capable to maintain immune tolerance and protect to developing inflammation. Although CD69+ and CD69-FoxP3+ Tregs exist in homeostasis, only CD69-expressing Tregs express high levels of CTLA-4, ICOS, CD38 and GITR suppression-associated markers, secrete high amounts of TGFβand have potent suppressor activity. This activity is regulated by STAT5 and ERK signaling pathways and is impaired by antibody-mediated down-regulation of CD69 expression. Moreover, immunotherapy with FoxP3+CD69+ Tregs restores the homeostasis in Cd69-/- mice, that fail to induce tolerance, and is also highly proficient in the prevention of inflammation. The identification of the FoxP3+CD69+ Treg subset paves the way toward the development of new therapeutic strategies to control immune homeostasis and autoimmunity.This work was supported by funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: SAF2011-27330 to P.M., SAF2010-15106 to M.L.T and SAF2011-25834 to F.S-M.; grant INDISNET (S2010/BMD-2332) from Comunidad de Madrid and RETICS Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (RD12/0042/0056) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III to P.M and F. S-M; and ERC-2011-AdG294340-GENTRIS to F.S-M. J.R.C. was supported by a CNIC post-doctoral fellowship, R. S-D is funded with a pre-doctoral fellowship from Comunidad de Madrid and E.R.B. and A.M-M. were supported by a FPI pre-doctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The CNIC is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Pro CNIC Foundation.Peer Reviewe