83 research outputs found

    Epidemiological, Clinical, Patient-Reported and Economic Burden of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease) in Spain: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: This study describes the epidemiological, clinical, patient-reported and economic burden of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), in Spain. Methods: A systematic review was performed of observational studies reporting the epidemiological, clinical, patient-reported and economic burden of IBD in the Spanish population, from 2011 to 2021. Original articles and conference abstracts published in English or Spanish were eligible. Results: A total of 45 publications were included in the review. The incidence of IBD in adults ranged from 9.6 to 44.3 per 100,000 inhabitants (4.6 to 18.5 for CD and 3.4 to 26.5 for UC). The incidence increased between 1.5- and twofold from 2000 to 2016 (regionally). Up to 6.0% (CD) and 3.0% (UC) IBD-associated mortality was reported. Disease onset predominantly occurs between 30 and 40 years (more delayed for UC than CD). Most frequently reported gastrointestinal manifestations are rectal bleeding in UC and weight loss in CD. Extraintestinal manifestations (EIM) have been described in up to 47.4% of patients with CD and 48.1% of patients with UC. Psychiatric comorbidities were frequently reported in both CD and UC (depression up to 20% and anxiety up to 11%). Reduced health-related quality of life (HRQoL) compared to the general population was reported. Significant symptomatology was associated with high levels of anxiety, depression, stress and lower HRQoL. Main healthcare resources reported were emergency department visits (24.0%), hospitalization (14.7%), surgery (up to 11%) and use of biologics (up to 60%), especially in CD. Direct and indirect annual costs per patient with UC were €1754.1 and €399.3, respectively. Conclusion: Patients with CD and UC present a high disease burden which negatively impacts their HRQoL, leading to elevated use of resources.Sponsorship for this study and Rapid Service Fee were funded by Lilly

    Estudio del proceso histórico durante la Prehistoria y la Antigüedad en la cuenca del Alto Almanzora (Almería)

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    In this paper we will make known the starting points, preliminary results and new considerations regarding the population distribution through out Prehistory and Ancient Times in the Almanzora Valley (Almería). Prehistoric settlements have been localised both in the valley and the mountains, and since the Iberian period, dwellings have concentrated in the valley.En este trabajo se exponen los puntos de partida, resultados preliminares y nuevas consideraciones en torno al poblamiento durante la Prehistoria y la Antigüedad en la cuenca del Alto Almanzora (Almería). El poblamiento prehistórico se ha constatado tanto en el ámbito del valle como en el de montaña, mientras que a partir de época ibérica, éste se centrará en el fondo del valle

    Acoustic assessment and distribution of the main pelagic fish species in the ICES Subdivision IXa South during the ECOCADIZ 0813 Spanish survey (August 2013).

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    The present working document summarises the main results from the Spanish (pelagic ecosystem‐) acoustic survey conducted by IEO between 2nd and 13th August 2013 in the Portuguese and Spanish shelf waters (20‐200 m isobaths) off the Gulf of Cadiz onboard the R/V “Cornide de Saavedra”. The survey dates were somewhat delayed in relation to the usual ones and to the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) peak spawning as well. Abundance and biomass estimates are given for all the mid‐sized and small pelagic fish species susceptible of being acoustically assessed according to their occurrence and abundance levels in the study area. The distribution of these species is also shown from the mapping of their back‐scattering energies. The bulk of the anchovy population was concentrated in the Spanish shelf, with a residual nucleus to the west of Cape Santa Maria. A delay of the usual survey dates may be the reason of a higher relative importance of smaller anchovies in the population as a probable consequence of the incorporation of the first waves of recently recruited juveniles to the adult population. The total biomass estimated for anchovy was 8.5 thousand tonnes (609 million fish), the lowest estimate in its series. Sardine showed a distribution pattern almost complementary to that described for anchovy, with higher densities occurring over the inner‐middle shelf of both extremes of the surveyed area, mainly west to Cape Santa Maria, and in shallower waters than anchovy. Sardine yielded a total of 9.7 thousand tonnes (232 million fish). The 2013 sardine estimate was also the lowest one in its series and corroborates a clear recent decline in the population which has also been evidenced by the PELAGO surveys. Chub mackerel was present all over the surveyed area although showed a more “oceanic” distribution in the westernmost waters. The species was the most important in terms of assessed biomass, rendering estimates of 31.3 thousand tonnes (333 million fish). Acoustic estimates for jack and horse‐mackerel species (Trachurus spp.), and bogue (Boops boops) are also given in the WD. No acoustic estimates either for mackerel S. scombrus or round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) were computed because their incidental occurrence in the study area during the survey

    Estudios históricos 5 : arquitectura y diseño

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    1 archivo PDF (174 páginas)"El diseño en el periodo virreinal es un estudio que contempla una revisión histórico-artística de algunos de los acontecimientos más relevantes dentro del desarrollo urbano iberoamericano, por decirlo con un término aglutinador que lo identifique. La visión de un pasado común, con las actuales herramientas metodológicas que la interdisciplinariedad exige, es el resultado de una tarea viva y vigorosa que el presente libro entrega a los estudiosos del tema, fruto del trabajo en equipo del grupo de Historia del Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco"

    Alterations in Circulating Monocytes Predict COVID-19 Severity and Include Chromatin Modifications Still Detectable Six Months after Recovery

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    This study was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (COVID-19 research call COV20/00181)—co-financed by the European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve Europe” and by Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid (CÍVICO study 2020/0082). R.L.G. and O.C.M. hold a research contract “Rio Hortega” (CM19/00120 and CM19/00092, respectively) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. MCL holds a predoctoral fellowship (FPU19/06393) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.An early analysis of circulating monocytes may be critical for predicting COVID-19 course and its sequelae. In 131 untreated, acute COVID-19 patients at emergency room arrival, monocytes showed decreased surface molecule expression, including low HLA-DR, in association with an inflammatory cytokine status and limited anti-SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell response. Most of these alterations had normalized in post-COVID-19 patients 6 months after discharge. Acute COVID-19 monocytes transcriptome showed upregulation of anti-inflammatory tissue repair genes such as BCL6, AREG and IL-10 and increased accessibility of chromatin. Some of these transcriptomic and epigenetic features still remained in post-COVID-19 monocytes. Importantly, a poorer expression of surface molecules and low IRF1 gene transcription in circulating monocytes at admission defined a COVID-19 patient group with impaired SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell response and increased risk of requiring intensive care or dying. An early analysis of monocytes may be useful for COVID-19 patient stratification and for designing innate immunity-focused therapies.Depto. de MedicinaFac. de MedicinaTRUEUnión EuropeaMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)Comunidad de MadridInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIpu