48 research outputs found

    La perspectiva de género en la formación del profesorado de música

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    El contexto educativo interviene en la perpetuación de la política de género y contribuye a la construcción de una identidad personal marcada por el género. Por ello, la inclusión de la reflexión coeducativa en la formación de profesores especialistas en educación musical resulta esencial para una mejor definición de su ejercicio profesional

    Becoming a Music Teacher at the Conservatoire: A Study from the Persepctive of Beginning Music Teachers

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    A pesar de que son muy abundantes los estudios generales sobre los profesores noveles, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional; en lo que se refiere a la enseñanza de la música, y concretamente, a la que tiene lugar en los conservatorios, existen sólo algunas investigaciones que traten el tema. Este estudio analiza la opinión de un grupo de profesores noveles de música, en cuanto a su preparación para la docencia y ofrece una visión amplia del tema desde la perspectiva de sus protagonistas.General studies about beginning teachers are very common both nationally and internationally. However in terms of music education only a handful of studies have dealt with the lives of music teachers at conservatoires. In this paper the opinions of a group of beginning music teachers are analyzed in terms of how they consider their own preparation for teaching at a conservatoire at the starting point of their careers. The purpose is to present a broad view of this subject of music teaching from the perspective of the same people involved in the process

    Music teacher education in the Baltic countries

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    El presente artículo analiza los currículos de las principales instituciones de educación superior que se dedican a la formación del profesorado de educación musical en los países bálticos. En estas páginas presentamos tanto la nueva organización en ciclos de dichas enseñanzas implantada en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (Grado, Máster y Doctorado), como el análisis de los diferentes planes de estudio y del planteamiento didáctico o técnicomusical que subyace en la organización de dichos estudios, que evidencia en qué medida la idiosincrasia de cada país y de sus centros docentes determina perfiles del profesorado de educación musical de lo más dispares.This article discusses the music teacher education curricula of some major institutions of higher education in the Baltic countries. We discuss both the new structure in cycles implemented in the frame of the European Space of Higher education (Bachelor, Máster's degree and Doctorate) as well as the analysis of the different programmes and the instructional-based or music-skill-based approach underlying in the organization of this degrees. This analysis denotes to what extent the idiosyncrasy of every country and its teaching institutions determines different profiles of the music teachers.Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    Creative problem solving as teaching competence, the discourse of teachers

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    La importancia del fomento de la solución creativa de problemas en educación superior es cada vez más reconocida; y asimismo, los beneficios que aporta van siendo progresivamente valorados, así como su papel clave en la era de la información. A pesar de esto, es muy poca la investigación que existe sobre la solución creativa de problemas como competencia docente. Se entrevistó a 12 docentes mexicanos y los datos fueron sometidos a un análisis de contenido con un enfoque cualitativo, con el objetivo de examinar su perspectiva sobre la importancia del uso de la solución creativa de problemas en educación superior. Los resultados muestran que los profesores consideran la solución creativa de problemas muy importante por su vinculación con la producción de conocimiento desde una perspectiva innovadora y por la conexión existente entre el empleo de estrategias creativas y la motivación del alumnado. Se hacen diferentes propuestas para promover su uso en las instituciones de educación superiorThere is an increasing awareness of the importance of fostering creative problem solving in higher education; and its benefits have also been increasingly recognized, as well as its key role in the information age. In spite of this recognition, there has been little research exploring creative problem solving as teaching competence. Twelve Mexican professors were interviewed and the data were submitted to content analysis with a qualitative approach, to address the examining professors’ view of the importance attributed to creative problem solving in higher education. The outcomes indicate that all professors consider creative problem solving very important due to its role in the production of knowledge from an innovative perspective; they agree as well in recognizing the connection between using creative strategies and students’ motivation. Different suggestions are made in order to enhance professors and students’ use of creative problem solving in higher education institution

    Teaching fingerings in the bassoon: implications for teacher training

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    La educación musical como profesión necesita de profundos cambios pedagógicos y curriculares que exigen del músico que se convierta en un profesional capaz de analizar de forma crítica su desempeño como profesor, para poder así desarrollar e implementar las estrategias didácticas que más favorezcan los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de su instrumento. En el caso concreto del fagot, el tema de las digitaciones suscita gran interés entre los profesionales de este instrumento, pero hasta la fecha no se ha realizado ningún estudio minucioso sobre la enseñanza de las mismas, por lo que tampoco existen criterios homogéneos sobre las competencias que deben adquirir los alumnos, lo que no sólo afecta a cómo se enseña y aprende a tocar el instrumento, sino que condiciona también el desarrollo profesional de los fagotistas. Por todo ello, hemos desarrollado una investigación con la que pretendemos ayudar a mejorar el estudio del fagot a partir del análisis de las digitaciones, y contribuir con ello a la formación de profesionales competentes que manejen los elementos conceptuales necesarios para reflexionar y comprender su práctica docente.Abstract: Music education as a profession needs profound pedagogical and curriculum changes that require the musician to become a profesional capable of critically analyzing his performance as a teacher, in order to develop and implement the teaching strategies that most favor the teaching-learning processes of the instrument In the specific case of bassoon, the issue of fingerings is of great interest among the professionals of this instrument, the issue of fingerings is of great interest among professionals of this instrument, but so far there have not been any detailed studies on the teaching of fingering, there are no homogeneous criteria on the skills that students should acquire, which not only affects how the instrument is taught and learned to play, but also the professional development of the bassoonists. Therefore we have developed research with which we will try to help improve the study of bassoon through the analysis of fingerings. Our aim is to contribute to the training of competent professionals that handle the necessary conceptual elements for thinking about and understanding their teaching practice

    Bassoon fingerings Atlas (German system)

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    Prediction analysis of academic dropout in students of the Pablo de Olavide University

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    Academic dropout among university students represents one of the problems faced by educational systems. This preliminary study presents an approach to the phenomenon of academic failure at the Pablo de Olavide University in Spain through the determination of the factors linked to students continuing with their studies, and the subsequent establishment of risk groups. The study consisted of applying an instrument to diagnose the risk of academic dropout among a sample of 70 students from the Pablo de Olavide University (from now on, UPO). The instrument was applied at the beginning of the second semester. Unlike the objective posed by the aforementioned authors (the search for factors linked to students continuing their university studies), the use that we made of the survey was to predict non-persistence (dropout). The average overall score achieved for all of the items allows us to confirm that the student population surveyed seems to be more oriented to continuing with their studies than dropping out, although 15.71% of them show a high risk of dropping out, and most notably more than half of those taking a degree in Business Studies present this high level of risk. In the case of the UPO students the direct associations between the independent variables regarding the dependent variable were present in all of the factors (attitude and behavior, commitment, socio-economic background, and motivation) with a value of p lower than 0.05. Comparing these data to those obtained with students from different universities in Andalusia, it was found that the risk groups of UPO students are less inclined to dropping out than those from other universities, and their level of commitment is lower, although their attitude and behavior are somewhat better. Finally, socio-economic background is a less significant factor for UPO students.R?+?D?+?I projects FEDER Andalusia 2014-2020 B-SEJ-516-UGR1

    Curricular reform in orchestra teaching: A qualitative study of the pedagogical approach of music conservatories

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    Los cambios que a nivel político, económico y social se vienen produciendo en los últimos años y su repercusión en el ámbito educativo, han provocado un replanteamiento de los procesos educativos, muy particularmente de los métodos y los recursos utilizados hasta el momento en las aulas. La educación musical, y en concreto la que se ofrece en los conservatorios de música (indistintamente de que estos impartan enseñanzas elementales, profesionales o superiores), exige profundos cambios pedagógicos y curriculares que permitan a los profesores convertirse en profesionales capaces de analizar de forma crítica su desempeño como docentes, para poder así desarrollar e implementar las estrategias didácticas que más favorezcan los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de su materia. En este contexto de renovación curricular y didáctica, presentamos una investigación centrada en los conservatorios de música, y cuyo objetivo no ha sido otro que conocer la realidad de las clases de orquesta y otras agrupaciones musicales que se configuran en estos centros. A través del análisis de documentos y la entrevista semiestructurada como herramientas de investigación, hemos podido comprender el valor que estas materias colectivas cobran, tanto en el devenir de la institución, como en la formación musical de los estudiantes. Con este trabajo salen a la luz conclusiones tan importantes como la necesidad de reorientar el modelo pedagógico actual hacia un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje más centrado en el trabajo en grupo, para que el estudio individual encuentre su proyección y continuación lógica en las diferentes agrupaciones, y estas se conviertan en la motivación necesaria para afrontar el trabajo más personal de estudio técnico del instrumento.The changes occurring at a political, economic and social level in recent years and their impact on the educational field have led to a rethinking of educational processes, particularly the methods and resources used in the classroom setting. Music education, especially, that provided by music conservatories (regardless of whether teaching relates to elementary, professional or advanced levels), requires profound pedagogical and curricular changes. This allows teachers to critically analyse their professional performance by developing and implementing didactic strategies which enhance the teaching-learning processes pertaining to their subject. In this context of curricular and didactic renewal, the present research focuses on music conservatories and aims to identify specific elements of the experience of orchestra classes and other musical groups formed there. An analysis was conducted of documents and semi-structured interviews were performed. This enabled better understanding of the value held by this subject both in terms of the future developments of conservatories and the musical development of their students. The present work highlights the need to reorient the current pedagogical model towards a teaching-learning process that is more focused on group work. This will ensure that individual study extends into different group settings and that such settings will provide the necessary personal motivation to enhance mastery of musical instrument techniques

    Professional competences and selective procedures of teachers: Application of an analytical vision to corporal and musical expression

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    The current constantly changing educational system requires reflexions about the role of teaching staff in the realm of corporal expression (in this case in primary education). These enable discovery and understanding of the professional competencies present in teaching practice, and how they are used in current selective processes. Thus, a qualitative study is presented that reports a case study using semi-structured interviews and focus groups as data collection tools, alongside a normative analysis of literature. In this sense, the study seeks to generate information about the importance of the professional competencies of teachers of Physical Education and Music Education in exercising corporal expression. This serves as a basis for a quality education that respects the characteristics present in the teaching environment and is sculpted to the specific needs of the pupils being taught. All of this aims to examine to what extent these competencies are present in current selective processes used by teachers within educational administrations, in this case, in the context of the autonomous community of Andalusia. In conclusion, selective systems will be deliberated in turn with the aim of proposing lines of research that offer more coherence and avoid the strong contradictions currently found within epistemological development in the training processes of teachers. The foundations for teacher selection that should be common when accessing the current system of public teaching will also be considered

    El aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera mediante la música

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    Music has multiple characteristics that make it an ideal tool for teaching and learning languages. Although some research has been done on this subject, there are still many areas to explore. This quantitative research presents survey data from 178 students of Spanish as a Foreign Language to better understand how adult learners use music and other media in their practice of Spanish. Non-parametric statistical tests were carried out. Data showed participants used music more frequently than other media as a means to practice Spanish outside of the classroom, despite having difficulties understanding the lyrics. Also, musical training was found to be an indicator of a higher level of lyrical comprehension. It was concluded that the growing popularity of Spanish language music, changes in music consumption, and the democratization of listening platforms –along with the ability that songs have to generate well-being and to create links, as well as to represent the target culture– were decisive factors in the use of songs in the learning of Spanish as a foreign language.La música cuenta con unas características que la convierten en una herramienta idónea en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de idiomas. Si bien el mundo académico ha investigado al respecto, existen aún cuestiones sobre las que prácticamente no se ha indagado. En esta investigación cuantitativa, 178 estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera participaron contestando un cuestionario que buscaba conocer la manera en que estudiantes adultos usaban la música y otros medios para su práctica del español. Se realizaron pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas. A pesar de que los participantes declararon encontrar dificultades a la hora de entender las canciones, afirmaron que la música era el medio que más utilizaban para el aprendizaje de español. Además, se identificó el entrenamiento musical como indicador de un mayor entendimiento de las letras de canciones. Se concluyó que la popularidad creciente de la música en español, los cambios en el consumo musical y la democratización de las plataformas de escucha –junto con la capacidad de las canciones para generar bienestar, crear vínculos e impulsar la cultura meta– eran factores decisivos en el uso de las mismas en el aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera (ELE)