75 research outputs found

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema de publicación de rutas para compartir vehículo

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    Los smartphones, tablets y otros dispositivos de tamaño relativamente pequeño, han irrumpido desde hace unos años en los hogares convirtiéndose en herramientas de uso diario donde se satisfacen diversas necesidades de los usuarios, llegando a parecerse cada vez más a lo que sería un microordenador. Podemos encontrar una diversa variedad de aplicaciones para múltiples propósitos, como deporte, quemar calorías, sistemas de localización por GPS, etc. Esto hace de estos dispositivos un instrumento indispensable para el día a día. Cada vez es más habitual que la gente tenga la necesidad de compartir los gastos derivados del transporte., Ésta es la principal motivación de este trabajo cuyo objetivo fundamental es la realización de una aplicación que satisfaga estas necesidades, creando un sistema que permita facilitar la comunicación entre los usuarios donde se puedan publicar itinerarios que a los que realizan de forma habitual los conductores, permitiendo así la suscripción de los pasajeros en función de las plazas disponibles que destina los conductores.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    El camaleón común (Chamaeleo chamaeleon) en la península ibérica

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    Diseño e implementación de multiple description coding para aplicaciones P2P de vídeo bajo demanda

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    El uso de las redes P2P ha sufrido un gran crecimiento en los últimos años. Desde sus primeros usos para intercambiar archivos, su uso se ha extendido hacia otros servicios. Uno de ellos es la transmisión de vídeo bajo demanda. La mayoría de estas aplicaciones tratan a todos los peers por igual independientemente del ancho de banda disponible y de su capacidad de procesamiento. El Multiple Description Coding (MDC) permite la transmisión de vídeo en streaming por una red P2P en la que sus peers son heterogéneos, es decir, cada uno tiene unas características (ancho de banda, CPU) y dependiendo de ellas recibirá el vídeo con más o menos calidad. En este proyecto se ha llevado a cabo el desarrollo de una aplicación cliente – servidor, capaz de transmitir video en tiempo real a alta calidad donde el receptor es quien decide finalmente si lo reproducirá o no a dicha calidad, limitando el número de flujos de video que utiliza para la reconstrucción del vídeo final en función de tres posibles opciones (Alta, Media o Baja). Además el sistema soporta concurrencia, donde el número máximo de clientes simultáneos que se pueden manejar es configurable.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Power Profile Index: An Adjustable Metric for Load Monitoring in Road Cycling

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    Workload is calculated from exercise volume and intensity. In endurance sports, intensity has been measured using heart rate or RPE, giving rise to load indexes such as sRPE or TRIMP. In cycling, the advent of power meters led to new indexes, such as TSS. All these indexes have limitations, especially for high intensity exercise. Therefore, a new index for cycling is proposed, the Power Profile Index (PPi), which includes a weighting factor obtained from the relative exercise intensity and stage type. Using power data from 67 WorldTour cyclists and fatigue records in different stage types from 102 road cyclists, weighting factors for intensity and stage type were determined. Subsequently, the PPi was computed and compared to current indexes using data from a WorldTour team during the 2018 Tour de France. The proposed index showed a strong correlation with perceived fatigue as a function of stage type (R-2 = 0.9996), as well as no differences in the load quantification in different types of stage profiles (p = 0.292), something that does not occur with other indexes such as TSS, RPE, or eTRIMP (p < 0.001). Therefore, PPi is a new index capable of quantifying the high intensity efforts that produce greater fatigue, as well as considering the stage type

    Impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en los niveles de actividad física y sedentarismo en el alumnado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria: Diagnóstico y plan de acción

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    Actualmente las nuevas tecnologías están integradas en la sociedad y son una parte importante y significativa en la vida de los más jóvenes. Estas nuevas tecnologías en algunas ocasiones están relacionadas con un comportamiento sedentario que ha desembocado en la reducción de los niveles de actividad física de los niños, factor que está directamente relacionado con un incremento de la obesidad infantil. Se pretende buscar un nuevo enfoque en el que las nuevas tecnologías no supongan un cese de la actividad física, sino que la incrementen y ayuden a mejorar la motivación del alumnado hacia esta. Éstas se consideran como una oportunidad para incluir la actividad física en la vida de los alumnos, por lo que se trata de aprovechar la parte tan importante que estas suponen en su día a día y los niveles de atención que les suscitan para integrarlos en la asignatura de Educación Física

    Time to Treatment Prediction in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Based on New Transcriptional Patterns

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent lymphoproliferative syndrome in western countries. CLL evolution is frequently indolent, and treatment is mostly reserved for those patients with signs or symptoms of disease progression. In this work, we used RNA sequencing data from the International Cancer Genome Consortium CLL cohort to determine new gene expression patterns that correlate with clinical evolution.We determined that a 290-gene expression signature, in addition to immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region (IGHV) mutation status, stratifies patients into four groups with notably different time to first treatment. This finding was confirmed in an independent cohort. Similarly, we present a machine learning algorithm that predicts the need for treatment within the first 5 years following diagnosis using expression data from 2,198 genes. This predictor achieved 90% precision and 89% accuracy when classifying independent CLL cases. Our findings indicate that CLL progression risk largely correlates with particular transcriptomic patterns and paves the way for the identification of high-risk patients who might benefit from prompt therapy following diagnosis.S

    The association of germline variants with chronic lymphocytic leukemia outcome suggests the implication of novel genes and pathways in clinical evolution

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    Background Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent lymphoproliferative disorder in western countries and is characterized by a remarkable clinical heterogeneity. During the last decade, multiple genomic studies have identified a myriad of somatic events driving CLL proliferation and aggressivity. Nevertheless, and despite the mounting evidence of inherited risk for CLL development, the existence of germline variants associated with clinical outcomes has not been addressed in depth. Methods Exome sequencing data from control leukocytes of CLL patients involved in the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) was used for genotyping. Cox regression was used to detect variants associated with clinical outcomes. Gene and pathways level associations were also calculated. Results Single nucleotide polymorphisms in PPP4R2 and MAP3K4 were associated with earlier treatment need. A gene-level analysis evidenced a significant association of RIPK3 with both treatment need and survival. Furthermore, germline variability in pathways such as apoptosis, cell-cycle, pentose phosphate, GNα13 and Nitric oxide was associated with overall survival. Conclusion Our results support the existence of inherited conditionants of CLL evolution and points towards genes and pathways that may results useful as biomarkers of disease outcome. More research is needed to validate these findings.S

    Atypical presentation of immunoglobulin G4-related disease as subglottic stenosis: a case-based review

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    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently recognized fibro-inflammatory pathology that has been reported to affect principally the retroperitoneum, hepatobiliary system, salivary glands, orbital structures or lymph nodes. However, IgG4-RD with laryngeal involvement is a very rare entity. Our aims were to describe a case of subglottic stenosis as first and only manifestation of IgG4-RD and review the literature. A patient with IgG4-RD affecting the larynx that presented as subglottic stenosis is described. A MEDLINE database search of IgG4-RD cases with laryngopharyngeal manifestations was also conducted. A 30-year-old Caucasian woman was referred to a tertiary care hospital for dyspnea on exertion, which had been increasing for the last 4 months. Medical and surgical procedures revealed a subglottic stenosis, with a histological finding of IgG4 positive plasma cell infiltration. There was no evidence of other organ involvement. She was successfully treated with oral glucocorticoids and rituximab infusions. Glucocorticoids were rapidly tapered and the rituximab regimen was optimized, with no evidence of relapses. In the literature review, we found a total of 12 reported cases with laryngopharyngeal involvement, two of them with subglottic stenosis. IgG4-RD of the larynx is rare but should be considered after excluding more common disorders

    Somatostatin: From a supporting actor to the protagonist to explain the long-term effect of sleeve gastrectomy on glucose metabolism.

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    BACKGROUND: Bariatric/metabolic surgery has become the most effective treatment against type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The role of many gastrointestinal hormones in T2DM has been proposed, but the pathophysiological models described vary greatly depending on the anatomical rearrangements after surgery. We focus on somatostatin as a common factor in two of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in a healthy rodent model. We performed sleeve gastrectomy (SG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and also an experimental surgery without gastric involvement (intestinal resection of 50 % jejunum-ileum portion -IR50 %). METHODS: We used five groups of Wistar rats: fasting control, sham-operated, SG-operated, RYGB-operated and IR50-operated. We analysed several parameters 4 and 23 weeks after surgery: plasma SST-14/28 fractions, plasma glucose, insulin release and SST-producing cell expression in the duodenum and pancreatic islets. RESULTS: Numerous SST-producing cells in the duodenum but a low number in the pancreas and a long-term loss of glucose tolerance were observed in SG and RYGB animals. Additionally, a high plasma SST-28 fraction was found in animals after SG but not after RYGB. Finally, IR50 animals showed no differences versus controls. CONCLUSIONS: In our SG model the amplitude of insulin response after metabolic surgeries, is mediated by SST-28 plasma levels derived from the proportional compensatory effect of gastric SST-producing tissue ablation. In addition, a strong compensatory response to the surgical loss of gastric SST-producing cells, leads to long-term loss of insulin production after SG but not in the others. Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier GmbH.. All rights reserved

    The long-term failure of RYGB surgery in improving T2DM is related to hyperinsulinism.

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    BACKGROUND: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is the gold standard method for bariatric surgery and leads to substantial improvements in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. However, many patients experience relapses in diabetes five years after undergoing this aggressive surgical procedure. We focus on beta-cell population changes and absorptive intestinal consequences after RYGB in a healthy nonobese animal model after a long survival period. METHODS: For our purpose, we use three groups of Wistar rats: RYGB-operated, surgical control (Sham) and fasting control. We measure alpha-, beta-cell mass; transcription (Arx, and Pdx-1) and proliferation (Ki67) factors; glucose tolerance and insulin release after oral glucose tests; histological adaptive changes in the jejunum; and intestinal glucose transporters. RESULTS: Our results showed an early increase in insulin secretion after surgery, that decrease at the end of the study. The beta-cell mass reduces twenty-four weeks after RYGB, which coincides with decrease of Pdx-1 transcription promoter factor. These was coincident with an increase in alpha-mass and a high expression of Arx in RYGB group. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of all data showed beta-cell mass transdifferentiation into alpha-cell mass in RYGB rats. Due to long-term exhaustion of the beta-cell population by hyperinsulinism derived from digestive tract adaptation to surgery. Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier GmbH.. All rights reserved