1,253 research outputs found

    Histology and gametogenesis in Heleobia piscium (Cochliopidae) from the Multiple Use Reserve ‘‘Isla Martín García,’’ Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Heleobia piscium (d’Orbigny, 1835), a member of the Cochliopidae family found only in South America, is distributed from Entre Ríos, Delta del Paraná, and the littoral of the Río de la Plata down as far as to Punta Indio (Buenos Aires), the southernmost limit of the snail’s geographical distribution. To date, little information is available regarding the reproductive cycle of species within this family either in Argentina or throughout South America. The present work analyzed the histology of the reproductive system of the gonochoric species H. piscium and determined the stages oogenesis and spermatogenesis under natural conditions. Specimens of H. piscium were collected in the Multiple-Use Natural Reserve Isla Martín García, located in the Upper Río de la Plata estuary to the south of the mouth of the Uruguay River. The gametogenic cycle in both sexes was found to consist of the following stages: early maturation, maturation, and evacuation. The maturation period was found to extend from January to October and evacuation of the gametes to start in November and end in February (summer in the Southern Hemisphere). The results indicated the H. piscium exhibit a reproductive cycle without a resting period

    Autoformación mediante una práctica profesional reflexiva

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    [ES]La principal finalidad de esta indagación era que la autora llegara a ser la mejor profesional posible de Educación Infantil mediante el aprovechamiento de todas las opciones a su alcance. Se beneficiará su futuro alumnado al tener acceso a una educación de mayor calidad. Se utilizó la metodología de la investigaciónacción por haberse demostrado repetidamente su idoneidad para el autoestudio sistemático. Se aplicó durante las dos estancias en Centros correspondientes a las asignaturas de Prácticum (I y II, cursos 2013-2014 y 2014-2015, respectivamente) de la formación inicial. Como técnicas de recogida de datos, se optó por la observación y el diario profesional. Ambos permitieron registrar la información de interés, centrada en detectar las limitaciones para el desarrollo de la docencia. Esto permitió plantear estrategias para superar dichas limitaciones, que, al ser puestas en práctica, favorecieron ciertas mejoras. Finalmente, tras un análisis crítico y reflexivo de toda la información recogida, se obtuvieron interesantes resultados, que indujeron conclusiones propicias para ser consideradas, en aras de seguir perfeccionando la propia práctica docente.[EN]The main aim of this research was that the author could become the best possible Kindergarten professional by means of making the most of all the options within range. Her pupils will take advantage of this variety as it conveys a higher status in their education. The researchaction methodology was used as it has been repeatedly proved to be suitable for a systematic selfstudy. It was carried out through the two stays in Educational Centres inside the Practicum subjects (I and II, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic years, respectively) of the Initial Training. As far as data capture techniques, her choices were observation and professional diary planner. Both allowed her noting down significant information, focused on detecting all possible handicaps for the teaching development. This guaranteed setting out different strategies to sort problems out which, once performed, definitely provoked improvements. Finally, after critically and objectively analysing the data capture, some relevant results were got, which led to outstanding conclusions to be considered, in order to keep bettering the teaching process itself

    Epidemiología y factores pronósticos de la candidemia en adultos: identificación de factores para aislamiento de especies resistentes a azoles

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    Falta palabras claveEl adecuado conocimiento de la epidemiología de la candidemia en nuestro área permitirá establecer la distribución porcentual de las principales especies de Candida, comparar la incidencia en diferentes grupos de pacientes, así como realizar estudios de sensibilidad de las especies aisladas. Analizaremos los factores de riesgo para el aislamiento de especies resistentes a fluconazol con confirmación microbiológica, hecho de gran trascendencia para el clínico a la hora de escoger tratamiento antifúngico empírico. No podemos olvidar que un tratamiento antifúngico inadecuado se asocia a mayor mortalidad en pacientes con candidemia. La mortalidad de los pacientes con candidemia puede llegar a superar el 40%. El impacto de determinadas actuaciones sobre la supervivencia de estos pacientes, como la precocidad en el tratamiento antifúngico y la retirada del CVC, realizada de forma sistemática, no está actualmente bien caracterizado en la candidemia. Realizaremos un abordaje novedoso y de gran interés en el manejo de la candidemia, al completar este análisis estratificándolo por subgrupos según el foco origen de la candidemia. Finalmente, determinados grupos poblacionales de alto riesgo, como pueden ser los pacientes con compromiso del normal funcionamiento del sistema inmunitario, presentan una situación de riesgo específico relacionada con la frecuente necesidad de largos periodos de profilaxis antifúngica, pudiendo presentar en este contexto episodios de candidemia de brecha, entidad con peculiaridades en su manejo y en su pronóstico. Por tanto, su estudio y caracterización se presenta muy necesario para definir la estrategia terapéutica correcta en estos casos

    Crescimento individual de Drepanotrema cimex (Moricand, 1839) (Pulmonata, Planorbidae) de Arenalcito, Reserva Natural de Usos Múltiples “Isla Martín García”, Argentina

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    The species of the genus Drepanotrema, most of them endemic to the Neotropical region, belong to the Planorbidae. Of the nine species of this genus, six are found in Argentina. The present investigation analysed the individual growth of Drepanotrema cimex in Arenalcito pond (34°11’ S, 58°15’ W), Martín García Island Natural Reserve of Multiple Uses, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. A total of 14 samples were collected (n = 1931) from February 2006 to June 2007. Five environmental variables were measured: water temperature, dissolved oxygen (mg L-1), electrical conductivity (S cm-1), total dissolved solids, and pH. The individual growth of the species was analysed mathematically by means of the von Bertalanffy equation, where: Lt = 5,6(1-e-2,0592 (t-0,293)). The parameter L was estimated by the Ford-Walford Method. The population of D. cimex was characterised by a complex and dynamic size structure throughout the annual cycle. The analysis of the curves revealed unimodal (2006) and polymodal (April to June 2007) distributions, which pattern served to identify the existence of cohorts within the population studied.As espécies do gênero Drepanotrema, a maioria delas endêmicas da região Neotropical, pertencem ao Planorbidae. Das nove espécies desta família, seis são encontradas na Argentina. Este artigo analisa o crescimento individual de Drepanotrema cimex na lagoa de Arenalcito, Reserva Natural de Usos Múltiples Ilha Martín García, Buenos Aires, Argentina (34°11’ S - 58°15’ W). A amostragem foi realizada entre fevereiro de 2006 e junho de 2007. Durante o curso das campanhas foram obtidas 14 amostras (n = 1931). Cinco variáveis ambientais foram medidas: temperatura da água, oxigênio dissolvido (mg L-1), condutividade elétrica (uS cm-1), sólidos dissolvidos e pH. O crescimento individual das espécies foi analisada matematicamente por meio da equação de von Bertalanffy em que: Lt = 5,6 (1-e-2, 0592 (t-0, 293)). O paràmetro L foi estimada pe lo método de Ford-Walford. A população de D.cimex foi caracterizada por uma estrutura complexa e dinâmica de tamanho ao longo do ciclo anual. A análise das curvas mostrou distribuições unimodais (2006) e polimodais (abril-junho 2007), identificando a existência de coortes na população estudada.Fil: Martín, Stella Maris. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División de Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Díaz, Ana Carolina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División de Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Rumi, A.. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División de Zoología Invertebrados; Argentin

    Primer registro de Cecilioides Acicula (Müller, 1774) Ferussaciidae, en la Provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Cecilioides acicula (Müller, 1774) es una especie perteneciente a la familia Ferussaciidae, nativa del centro y oeste de Europa, Mediterráneo, Arabia, norte de África y centro de Asia. La acción humana contribuyó a su dispersión por diferentes partes del planeta, Norte de Europa, Isla de Mallorca, Azores, islas Canarias, África del Sur, Australia, Nueva Zelanda. En América del Norte fue citada en Canadá y Bermuda, Estados Unidos de América Pennsylvania, Florida, California, Virginia, New Jersey, New México y Hawaii. América Central en Barbados. En América del Sur hasta la fecha en Uruguay: Punta Ballena (Maldonado) y Argentina: Rosario (Santa Fe). El objetivo de este trabajo es comunicar la presencia de esta especie introducida en la provincia de Buenos Aires, específicamente en la ciudad de La Plata. Es una especie de hábitos subterráneos, en los estratos inferiores de suelos húmedos entre hojarasca, piedras y raíces, apareciendo raramente en la superficie. Es común hallarla entre restos óseos de sepulturas antiguas. Los cinco ejemplares de Cecilioides acicula fueron obtenidos de muestras de sedimento asociadas a restos humanos y envolturas proveniente de exhumaciones legales realizadas en el Cementerio Municipal de La Plata, los cuales fueron inhumados a 40 cm de profundidad y posteriormente donados a la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas –UNLP-. La dispersión de esta especie como la de muchos otros gasterópodos terrestres fue debido al traslado de plantas ornamentales con su sustrato. Este nuevo aporte amplía su distribución geográfica en la Argentina para la provincia de Buenos Aires. Cabe mencionar que la forma de vida subterránea, su preferencia por sustratos calcáreos y el hecho de ser hallada en suelos de cementerios que actúan como refugios, podría ser el motivo de la escasez de registros. Agradecimientos: PIP0796-2014; Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo UNLP- FCNyM - N727 y N783

    Are health e-mavens the new patient influencers?

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    Even though the healthcare industry is usually considered a rather traditional and slowly evolving sector, change is happening. Digitalization is transforming the way of obtaining medical advice and treatment and the Internet has become a key source for the seeking of healthcare information. It has allowed people to turn into more active collaborators in matters of their own health by enabling them to easily search and share information with other patients. Although research points out the growing importance of user-generated content in many sectors and its positive impact on information credibility, trust, engagement, and, ultimately, customer behavior (Malthouse et al., 2016), there is a lack of attention to this topic in healthcare. In this brief review, we address this gap by analyzing the role of health e-mavens, which are a particular type of influencers that possesses both expertise and online social influence. We lastly illustrate possible benefits of their impact on other to the different parties involved and affected by this phenomenon

    Carbon nanostructured films modified by metal nanoparticles supported on filtering membranes for electroanalysis

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    A novel methodology to prepare sensors based on carbon nanostructures electrodes modified by metal nanoparticles is proposed. As a proof of concept, a novel bismuth nanoparticle/carbon nanofiber (Bi-NPs/CNF) electrode and a carbon nanotube (CNT)/gold nanoparticle (Au-NPs) have been developed. Bi-NPs/CNF films were prepared by 1) filtering a dispersion of CNFs on a polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) filter, and 2) filtering a dispersion of Bi-NPs chemically synthesized through this CNF/PTFE film. Next the electrode is prepared by sticking the Bi-NPs/CNF/PTFE film on a PET substrate. In this work, Bi-NPs/CNF ratio was optimized using a Cd2+ solution as a probe sample. The Cd anodic stripping peak intensity, registered by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV), is selected as target signal. The voltammograms registered for Cd stripping with this Bi-NPs/CNF/PTFE electrode showed well-defined and highly reproducible electrochemical. The optimized Bi-NPs/CNF electrode exhibits a Cd2+ detection limit of 53.57 ppb. To demonstrate the utility and versatility of this methodology, single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) were selected to prepare a completely different electrode. Thus, the new Au-NPs/SWCNT/PTFE electrode was tested with a multiresponse technique. In this case, UV/Vis absorption spectroelectrochemistry experiments were carried out for studying dopamine, demonstrating the good performance of the Au-NPs/SWCNT electrode developed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2014-61914-EXP, CTQ2014-55583-R, TEC2014-51940-C2-2R, CTQ2015-71955-REDT) and Junta de Castilla y León (BU033-U16)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2014-61914-EXP, CTQ2014-55583-R, TEC2014-51940-C2-2R, CTQ2015-71955-REDT) and Junta de Castilla y León (BU033-U16

    Pajaritos y pajarracos: personajes y símbolos de la cosmología Maya

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    Cada día es más evidente la gran importancia que tuvieron los pájaros en el pensamiento religioso, en los mitos y los rituales de los mayas antiguos. Hay descripciones, identificaciones e interpretaciones de tales animales, pero la dificultad estriba en hallar el verdadero sentido de sus vínculos con los personajes destacados de la iconografía sagrada, con los dioses o los héroes, un vínculo que llega a ser auténtica convergencia en la función y el sentido. Aquí trataremos de analizar el simbolismo de algunos de estos pájaros y su papel en las creencias prehispánicas, guiándonos sobre todo por su aparición emblemática junto a seres sobrenaturales principales

    Plectranthus ecklonii Benth: A comprehensive review into its phytochemistry and exerted biological activities

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    Ethnopharmacological Relevance: Plectranthus genus (Lamiaceae family) contain several species with acknowledged ethnopharmacological uses, such as, for gastrointestinal and respiratory-related problems, due to their anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. The bioactivity of isolated medicinal compounds from this genus justifies the increased interest in recent times for species of Plectranthus, placing them in the spotlight for natural product drug development.Aim of the study: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first review on the biological activities of Plectranthus ecklonii Benth. As such, the aim of this review was three-fold: 1) to summarize the chemical compounds isolated from P. ecklonii; 2) to collate the biological activities and mechanisms of action of these compounds from in vitro studies; and 3) to evaluate the documented uses and potential applications of this species, in order to postulate on the direction of pharmaceutical uses of this species.Materials and methods: An extensive database retrieval was performed using the electronic databases Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect. The search criteria consisted of the keywords "Plectranthus ecklonii", "Plectranthus ecklonii + review", "Plectranthus ecklonii + diterpenes" or "Plectranthus ecklonii + abietanes", "ecklonii + parviflorone D", searched individually and as combinations. Eligibility criteria were set out and titles in English, Portuguese and Spanish were reviewed, with all references included dating from 1970 to 2021. A total of 169 papers were selected and included. Chemical structures were drawn using ChemDraw 20.0, CID numbers were searched in PubChem and the PRISMA diagram was created using PowerPoint 2012.Results: To date, a total of 28 compounds have been isolated from P. ecklonii, including diterpenes, triterpenes, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamic acids. Most focused on the antimicrobial action of its constituents, although compounds have demonstrated other bioactivities, namely antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor. The most recent studies emphasize the diterpenoids, particularly parviflorone D, with the help of nanotechnology.Conclusions: The widespread ethnobotanical and traditional uses of P. ecklonii can be scientifically justified by a range of biological activities, demonstrated by isolated secondary metabolites. These bioactivities showcase the potential of this species in the development of economically important active pharmaceutical ingredients, particularly in anticancer therapy.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Instituto Lusófono de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (ILIND