1,740 research outputs found

    Climate Change Impacts on Maize and Dry Bean Yields of smallholder farmers in Honduras

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    The rotation maize and dry bean provides the main food supply of smallholder farmers in Honduras. Crop model assessment of climate change impacts (2070?2099 compared to a 1961?1990 baseline) on a maize?dry bean rotation for several sites across a range of climatic zones and elevations in Honduras. Low productivity systems, together with an uncertain future climate, pose a high level of risk for food security. The cropping systems simulation dynamic model CropSyst was calibrated and validated upon field trail site at Zamorano, then run with baseline and future climate scenarios based upon general circulation models (GCM) and the ClimGen synthetic daily weather generator. Results indicate large uncertainty in crop production from various GCM simulations and future emissions scenarios, but generally reduced yields at low elevations by 0 % to 22 % in suitable areas for crop production and increased yield at the cooler, on the hillsides, where farming needs to reduce soil erosion with conservation techniques. Further studies are needed to investigate strategies to reduce impacts and to explore adaptation tactics

    El valor de ser maestro.

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    La teoría de la significación en Husserl.

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    Indicators of sustainability of agriculture and livestock in Spain - Indicadores de sostenibilidad de la agricultura y ganadería española

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    Sustainability is an adjective used to characterize agriculture according to the degree of fulfillment of goals. Those goals are related to agro-ecological, environmental and socio-economic dimensions. Sustainability is a dynamic and temporal character. In absolute terms there is not an ending value because it changes as its dimensions make it. Spain is one of the main agricultural countries of the European Union both in terms of crop land and value of productions. The object of this study is to present a methodology of sustainability account to be incorporated into national statistical and to assess their performance in the course of the years. For that reason the data sources used have been the statistics of the Department of Agriculture and from others database. We presented a set of indicators of sustainability and its evaluation in a time series of at least 30 years. The trend analysis offers the evolution of the numerical values of the indicators in terms of efficiency, physical units used for a unit of product or its value in euros. The analyzed crops have been: wheat, barley, maize, sunflower, sugar beet, wine grape, olive oil, citrus, melon and tomato. Physical indicators were: land, water, energy, erosion, soil organic matter, and carbon balance; socio-economic indicators were: agricultural final production, prices, income, employment and use of fertilizers. In general, all crops increased their productive efficiency, higher in irrigated than on dry land. Spanish agricultural carbon sequestration capacity has multiplied by five in the last seventy years, as a result of the increase in the productivity of crops, in terms of total biomass and the modification of the soil management techniques. Livestock sector presents data of pork, broilers and laying hen. Those showed an improvement in efficiency and economic indicators. Overall we can say that Spanish agriculture and livestock subsector have a tendency towards sustainability, being its main threats extreme meteorological factors and the instability of todays markets

    David Jochinke: Productor y Agrónomo australiano

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    David Jochinke es un joven agricultor y agrónomo por la Universidad de Melbourne y pertenece a una tercera generación de productores de la región de Wimmera en Australia. La revista Agricultura ha tenido la oportunidad de entrevistarle y acompañarle durante su reciente visita a España, como parte del trabajo de investigación que realiza para la prestigiosa asociación The Australian Nuffield Farming Association. El trabajo que ha planteado, y por el que ha sido premiado, estudia cómo los agricultores, por todo el mundo, influyen en las políticas que afectan a la agricultura, tanto a nivel local como a nivel internacional

    Una biorrefinería en zonas agrícolas en Extremadura: alternativa a los combustibles fósiles

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    Las oportunidades que presentan las áreas agrícolas y de dehesa bien implantadas, deberían aprovecharse de acuerdo a la actual coyuntura socio-económica. Ciertos cultivos, aún sin ser energéticos, son aprovechables gracias a sus restos como biocombustibles, de igual forma que los restos de poda de plantaciones o de sistemas de dehesa. Por ello no es descabellado plantear la lógica posibilidad de introducir biorrefinerías en ciertas zonas agrícolas

    Agrónomos por el mundo: un futuro sin hambre

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    Recoge primera graduación de los estudiantes de ingeniería agronómica por la Université du Lac Albert de Mahagi UNILAC (República Democrática del Congo)en 2017. Apadrinar esta primera promoción ha sido un motivo de gran satisfacción, pues es un primer paso para lograr un futuro sin hambre. El hambre cero es el segundo Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), dentro de los 17 objetivos que promueve la organización de las Naciones Unidas. Como los otros 16, este objetivo deberá estar cumplido antes del año 2030