237 research outputs found

    The Importance of the Participatory Dimension in Urban Resilience Improvement Processes

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    This article discusses the approach adopted by the researchers into citizen participation in urban regeneration actions and projects. It describes the concepts of sustainability and habitability in relation to the urban environment and architecture within the framework of improving the resilience of our cities through the circular economy and decarbonisation processes in architecture. The authors review the participatory dimension of different urban regeneration actions carried out in Spain and the impact of this dimension on the results obtained by environmental, economic and social urban improvements. They then define possible strategies and methodological tools for integrating this dimension into traditional urban regeneration processes. The article presents case studies and their specific characteristics, and draws conclusions about their effectiveness and relevance. It also compares citizen-led interventions with interventions led by public administrations. Lastly, the authors analyse the potential reasons for success in these processes and projects, identifying weaknesses and proposing possible strategies for future development by researchers

    The Interactions between host glycobiology, bacterial microbiota, and viruses in the gut

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    Rotavirus (RV) and norovirus (NoV) are the major etiological agents of viral acute gastroenteritis worldwide. Host genetic factors, the histo-blood group antigens (HBGA), are associated with RV and NoV susceptibility and recent findings additionally point to HBGA as a factor modulating the intestinal microbial composition. In vitro and in vivo experiments in animal models established that the microbiota enhances RV and NoV infection, uncovering a triangular interplay between RV and NoV, host glycobiology, and the intestinal microbiota that ultimately influences viral infectivity. Studies on the microbiota composition in individuals displaying different RV and NoV susceptibilities allowed the identification of potential bacterial biomarkers, although mechanistic data on the virus-host-microbiota relation are still needed. The identification of the bacterial and HBGA interactions that are exploited by RV and NoV would place the intestinal microbiota as a new target for alternative therapies aimed at preventing and treating viral gastroenteritis

    Effects of Combined HIIT and Stroop on Strength Manifestations, Serve Speed and Accuracy in Recreational Tennis Players

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    Background: The importance of the serve in tennis players' performance is well known but no previous studies have analyzed the effects of both physical and cognitive fatigue on the speed and accuracy of the serve. This study analyzed the effect of a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with and without cognitive load on serve speed and accuracy, spirometry, and strength manifestation. Methods: 32 recreational players (25 men and 7 women; aged 21.40 +/- 1.52 years) performed a HIIT and a HIIT with a Stroop in recovery phases before performing a series of tennis services. Speed and accuracy of the services, spirometry, and strength manifestations were registered. Results: The main findings of the study showed that strength manifestations and spirometry were not affected by either protocol. A decrease in serve speed was observed in both protocols (p < 0.001) but service accuracy did not show impairments (p = 0.66). Conclusion: A combination of physical and mental fatigue may decrease serve speed but will not affect strength manifestations or spirometry negatively. These results could be caused by a response of the central nervous system to maintain the accuracy of the ball in presence of fatigu

    Analysis of the difficulty of a mathematics test using a componential model

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    En este trabajo se delimitan los componentes de dificultad que intervienen en la resolución de los ítems de un test de matemáticas que incluye 66 ítems de operaciones con números enteros positivos y negativos. Se estudia el ajuste al modelo de Rasch y se estiman los parámetros de dificultad de los componentes mediante el modelo LLTM de Fischer. Se retuvieron 8 de los 10 componentes propuestos. Los parámetros de dificultad predichos por el modelo LLTM y los estimados mediante el modelo de Rasch obtuvieron una relación lineal positiva elevada (r=0.8783). Los resultados de este estudio preliminar animan a seguir trabajando en el desarrollo de un sistema de Generación Automática de Items (GAI)The components involved in solving a test of mathematics are defined. The test include 66 items of operations with whole (positive and negative) numbers. The fit to Rasch model is studied and the difficulty parameters of components are estimated, using the Fischer LLTM model. 8 of 10 components were retained. A high linear relation was found between both difficulty parameters (r=0.8783). The results of this prior work are understood as a first promising step in order to design an automatic item generation systemEste trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos DGICYT PS94-0040 y DGES PB97-004

    Relevance of secretor status genotype and microbiota composition in susceptibility to rotavirus and norovirus infections in humans

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    Host genetic factors, such as histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs), are associated with susceptibility to norovirus (NoV) and rotavirus (RV) infections. Recent advances point to the gut microbiome as a key player necessary for a viral pathogen to cause infection. In vitro NoV attachment to host cells and resulting infections have been linked to interactions with certain bacterial types in the gut microbiota. We investigated the relationship between host genotype, gut microbiota, and viral infections. Saliva and fecal samples from 35 adult volunteers were analysed for secretor status genotype, the gut microbiota composition by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and salivary IgA titers to NoV and RV. Higher levels of IgA against NoV and RV were related to secretor-positive status. No significant differences were found between the FUT2 genotype groups, although the multivariate analysis showed a significant impact of host genotype on specific viral susceptibilities in the microbiome composition. A specific link was found between the abundance of certain bacterial groups, such as Faecalibacterium and Ruminococcus spp., and lower IgA titers against NoV and RV. As a conclusion, we can state that there is a link between host genetics, gut microbiota, and susceptibility to viral infections in humans

    VEHIOT: Design and Evaluation of an IoT Architecture Based on Low-Cost Devices to Be Embedded in Production Vehicles

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    Nowadays, the current vehicles are incorporating control systems in order to improve their stability and handling. These control systems need to know the vehicle dynamics through the variables (lateral acceleration, roll rate, roll angle, sideslip angle, etc.) that are obtained or estimated from sensors. For this goal, it is necessary to mount on vehicles not only low-cost sensors, but also low-cost embedded systems, which allow acquiring data from sensors and executing the developed algorithms to estimate and to control with novel higher speed computing. All these devices have to be integrated in an adequate architecture with enough performance in terms of accuracy, reliability and processing time. In this article, an architecture to carry out the estimation and control of vehicle dynamics has been developed. This architecture was designed considering the basic principles of IoT and integrates low-cost sensors and embedded hardware for orchestrating the experiments. A comparison of two different low-cost systems in terms of accuracy, acquisition time and reliability has been done. Both devices have been compared with the VBOX device from Racelogic, which has been used as the ground truth. The comparison has been made from tests carried out in a real vehicle. The lateral acceleration and roll rate have been analyzed in order to quantify the error of these devices.This work might not have been possible had it not been for the funds provided by the Spanish Government through the projects TRA2013-48030-C2-1-R and TRA2008-05373/AUT

    Kinetic Theory of a Confined Quasi-Two-Dimensional Gas of Hard Spheres

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    The dynamics of a system of hard spheres enclosed between two parallel plates separated a distance smaller than two particle diameters is described at the level of kinetic theory. The interest focuses on the behavior of the quasi-two-dimensional fluid seen when looking at the system from above or below. In the first part, a collisional model for the effective two-dimensional dynamics is analyzed. Although it is able to describe quite well the homogeneous evolution observed in the experiments, it is shown that it fails to predict the existence of non-equilibrium phase transitions, and in particular, the bimodal regime exhibited by the real system. A critical revision analysis of the model is presented , and as a starting point to get a more accurate description, the Boltzmann equation for the quasi-two-dimensional gas has been derived. In the elastic case, the solutions of the equation verify an H-theorem implying a monotonic tendency to a non-uniform steady state. As an example of application of the kinetic equation, here the evolution equations for the vertical and horizontal temperatures of the system are derived in the homogeneous approximation, and the results compared with molecular dynamics simulation results.España, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad FIS2014-53808-

    Stability analysis of the homogeneous hydrodynamics of a model for a confined granular gas

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    The linear hydrodynamic stability of a model for confined quasi-two-dimensional granular gases is analyzed. The system exhibits homogeneous hydrodynamics, i.e., there are macroscopic evolution equations for homogeneous states. The stability analysis is carried out around all these states and not only the homogeneous steady state reached eventually by the system. It is shown that in some cases the linear analysis is not enough to reach a definite conclusion on the stability, and molecular dynamics simulation results are presented to elucidate these cases. The analysis shows the relevance of nonlinear hydrodynamic contributions to describe the behavior of spontaneous fluctuations occurring in the system, that lead even to the transitory formation of clusters of particles. The conclusion is that the system is always stable. The relevance of the results for describing the instabilities of confined granular gases observed experimentally is discussed.España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Grant No. FIS2014-53808-

    Homogeneous steady state of a confined granular gas

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    The nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and kinetic theory for a model of a confined quasi-two-dimensional gas of inelastic hard spheres is presented. The dynamics of the particles includes an effective mechanism to transfer the energy injected in the vertical direction to the horizontal degrees of freedom. The Enskog approximation is formulated and used as the basis to investigate the temperature and the distribution function of the steady state eventually reached by the system. An exact scaling of the distribution function of the system having implications on the form of its moments is pointed out. The theoretical predictions are compared with numerical results obtained by a particle simulation method, and a good agreement is found.España Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Grant No. FIS2011-2446

    Higher use of techniques studied and performance in melee combat produce a higher psychophysiological stress response

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    We aimed to analyse the effectiveness of an operative training in soldiers' psychophysiological and melee combat performance. Nineteen soldiers performed a 50-hr training for 10 weeks. After training, they were divided into two groups: higher performance group (HPG) and lower performance group (LPG), then they conducted a realistic melee simulation where psychophysiological response, task performance, and the utilization of techniques learned were measured. HPG presented a significantly (p < 0.05) higher heart rate, blood lactate, and jump height; a lower blood oxygen saturation, task performance mark, use of studied techniques than LPG after the simulation; and a higher low frequency/high frequency ratio of heart rate variability previous the simulation than LPG. Independent of performance and the use of studied techniques by the participants, the melee simulation produced an increase in fight or flight response, increasing rated of stress and perceived exertion, sympathetic modulation, and physiological response. A specific melee combat training program induced different modifications in psychophysiological and task performance depending on the level of studied technique used. HPG presented a significantly higher cardiovascular response than LPG and time perception, and memory presented no differences between groups; also HPG presented a significantly higher use of studied techniques