7 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial potential of wild edible herbaceous species

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    Natural products, either as pure compounds or as standardized extracts, provide unlimited opportunities to control microbial growth, owing to their chemical composition and diversity. Many herb and spice extracts possess antimicrobial activity against a range of bacteria, yeast, and moulds. Because of their antimicrobial properties, they could be very useful, either as food preservatives or as natural biopesticides. In particular, extracts from wild edible herbaceous species are rich in phenolic compounds. A wide variety of phenolics derived from herbs and spices possesses potent biological activities contributing to their effect against spoilage microorganisms. Many studies have pointed out the antimicrobial properties of certain classes of phenolic compounds, such as hydroxybenzoic, coumaric, and caffeic acid derivatives, flavonoids and coumarins, catechin, epicatechin, proanthocyanidins, and tannins. Moreover, some authors studied the relationship between molecular structure and antimicrobial activity of some phenolic compounds. The antimicrobial activity of polyphenols is principally due to inhibition of some important cellular functions (nucleic acid synthesis, cytoplasmatic membrane functionality, etc.) and to disruption of membrane integrity with consequent leakage of cellular contents. This chapter reviews the most important phenol-rich wild edible herbaceous species known within the Mediterranean area, highlighting the relationship between phenolic composition and antimicrobial activity of their extracts. Moreover, the problem of standardization and safety of plant extracts is analyzed in the light of the latest literature

    Heterogeneity of Adult Cardiac Stem Cells

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    Cardiac biology and heart regeneration have been intensively investigated and debated in the last 15 years. Nowadays, the well-established and old dogma that the adult heart lacks of any myocyte-regenerative capacity has been firmly overturned by the evidence of cardiomyocyte renewal throughout the mammalian life as part of normal organ cell homeostasis, which is increased in response to injury. Concurrently, reproducible evidences from independent laboratories have convincingly shown that the adult heart possesses a pool of multipotent cardiac stem/progenitor cells (CSCs or CPCs) capable of sustaining cardiomyocyte and vascular tissue refreshment after injury. CSC transplantation in animal models displays an effective regenerative potential and may be helpful to treat chronic heart failure (CHF), obviating at the poor/modest results using non-cardiac cells in clinical trials. Nevertheless, the degree/significance of cardiomyocyte turnover in the adult heart, which is insufficient to regenerate extensive damage from ischemic and non-ischemic origin, remains strongly disputed. Concurrently, different methodologies used to detect CSCs in situ have created the paradox of the adult heart harboring more than seven different cardiac progenitor populations. The latter was likely secondary to the intrinsic heterogeneity of any regenerative cell agent in an adult tissue but also to the confusion created by the heterogeneity of the cell population identified by a single cell marker used to detect the CSCs in situ. On the other hand, some recent studies using genetic fate mapping strategies claimed that CSCs are an irrelevant endogenous source of new cardiomyocytes in the adult. On the basis of these contradictory findings, here we critically reviewed the available data on adult CSC biology and their role in myocardial cell homeostasis and repair

    Notes for genera – Ascomycota

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    Knowledge of the relationships and thus the classification of fungi, has developed rapidly with increasingly widespread use of molecular techniques, over the past 10--15 years, and continues to accelerate. Several genera have been found to be polyphyletic, and their generic concepts have subsequently been emended. New names have thus been introduced for species which are phylogenetically distinct from the type species of particular genera. The ending of the separate naming of morphs of the same species in 2011, has also caused changes in fungal generic names. In order to facilitate access to all important changes, it was desirable to compile these in a single document. The present article provides a list of generic names of Ascomycota (approximately 6500 accepted names published to the end of 2016), including those which are lichen-forming. Notes and summaries of the changes since the last edition of `Ainsworth Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi' in 2008 are provided. The notes include the number of accepted species, classification, type species (with location of the type material), culture availability, life-styles, distribution, and selected publications that have appeared since 2008. This work is intended to provide the foundation for updating the ascomycete component of the ``Without prejudice list of generic names of Fungi'' published in 2013, which will be developed into a list of protected generic names. This will be subjected to the XIXth International Botanical Congress in Shenzhen in July 2017 agreeing to a modification in the rules relating to protected lists, and scrutiny by procedures determined by the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi (NCF). The previously invalidly published generic names Barriopsis, Collophora (as Collophorina), Cryomyces, Dematiopleospora, Heterospora (as Heterosporicola), Lithophila, Palmomyces (as Palmaria) and Saxomyces are validated, as are two previously invalid family names, Bartaliniaceae and Wiesneriomycetaceae. Four species of Lalaria, which were invalidly published are transferred to Taphrina and validated as new combinations. Catenomycopsis Tibell Constant. is reduced under Chaenothecopsis Vain., while Dichomera Cooke is reduced under Botryosphaeria Ces. De Not. (Art. 59)