230 research outputs found

    Análisis comparativo de las propiedades térmicas y mecánicas de bloques de paja y tierra compactada versus sistemas constructivos de mampostería tradicional

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    Straw is a material with benefits of resistance to humidity, thermal and acoustic insulation. Therefore, this paper studies thermal and mechanical properties of a constructive solution manufactured with straw and compressed earth, in order to compare it with traditional systems. The methodology is applied research and was developed in 3 phases: characterization of thermal and mechanical properties of the material, analysis of the temperature behaviour of 4 product types through simulations in ANSYS and development at 1:1 scale of 4 block types. The results obtained are contrasted with literature of traditional systems. The results show improvements in thermal performance of the composite material of straw and compressed earth, compared to products made of clay, concrete, adobe, among others. Nevertheless, the characterization of mechanical strength is inferior to traditional products. Notwithstanding, the material meets minimum non-structural standards. Finally, temperature behaviour of perforated block typologies reduces interior surfaces 7.31 °C, compared to solid typologies. The feasibility of implementing new construction solutions is based the recognition of the properties of the material and its benefits for architecture.La paja es un material para la construcción milenario con beneficios de aislamiento térmico, acústico y resistencia a la humedad. Sin embargo, requiere complementarse con otros materiales y/o sistemas estructurales para ser autoportante. Partiendo de las ventajas anteriores, este trabajo estudia las propiedades térmicas y mecánicas de una solución constructiva para un sistema alternativo de paja y tierra compactada, con el fin de compararlo con sistemas tradicionales. La metodología es investigación aplicada, la cual se desarrolló en 3 fases: caracterización de las propiedades térmicas y mecánicas del material, diseño y desarrollo a escala 1:1 de 4 tipologías de bloque y, análisis del comportamiento de la temperatura según los diseños a través de simulaciones en ANSYS. Además, el estudio comparativo de los sistemas tradicionales se desarrolla a lo largo de la investigación, de tal manera que los resultados obtenidos se contrastan con la literatura. Los resultados demuestran las ventajas de soluciones constructivas compuestas de paja y tierra compactada gracias a las mejoras del rendimiento térmico. La caracterización de propiedades térmicas del material de estudio resalta la baja conductividad en comparación con productos de arcilla, hormigón, adobe, entre otros. Sin embargo, la caracterización de resistencia mecánica es inferior a los productos tradicionales. No obstante, la muestra cumple los estándares mínimos no estructurales para vivienda rural. Por último, el comportamiento de temperatura de las tipologías de bloques con perforaciones reduce hasta 7.31°C las superficies interiores, comparados con las tipologías de bloque macizo. La viabilidad de implementar nuevas soluciones constructivas se sustenta en el reconocimiento de las propiedades del material y sus bondades para la arquitectura

    Estrategia intervencionista dirigida a la prevención y control de la COVID-19 en Consolación del Sur

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    Introduction: COVID-19 is a public health emergency of international importance and a rapidly spreading global epidemic.Objective: to design a comprehensive strategy of prevention and control of the disease from the local context in Consolación del Sur municipality.Methods: a study of technological development in health services and systems, of a descriptive and cross-sectional-observational type, carried out with 13 patients infected with COVID-19, and the statement of quarantine status in a community of Consolación del Sur municipality. The design of the strategy, the methodological and technical documents issued by the Ministry of Public Health in Cuba and PAHO/WHO were reviewed.Results: health actions were designed with an intersectorial approach related to the pre-epidemic stage and the local autochthonous transmission stage; emphasizing on the health actions from the Primary Health Care.Conclusions: in the international health context resulting from COVID-19, it is necessary to improve health and intersectoral actions involving all of the society.Introducción: la COVID-19 es una emergencia de salud pública de importancia internacional y una epidemia mundial de rápida propagación.Objetivo: diseñar una estrategia integral de prevención y control a la enfermedad desde el contexto local en Consolación del Sur. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de desarrollo tecnológico en servicios y sistemas de salud, de tipo observacional descriptivo y transversal, que tuvo como universo a 13 pacientes contagiados con la COVID 19, y la declaración de estado de cuarentena en una comunidad del municipio Consolación del Sur. Para el diseño de la estrategia se tomaron en cuenta los documentos técnicos metodológicos emitidos por el Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba y organizaciones como la OPS/OMS.Resultados: se diseñaron acciones de salud con enfoque intersectorial relacionadas con la etapa pre-epidémica y la de transmisión autóctona local, se hizo énfasis en las acciones de salud desde la Atención Primaria de Salud. Conclusiones: en el contexto sanitario internacional producto de la COVID- 19, se impone perfeccionar acciones de salud e intersectoriales que involucren a todos los actores de la sociedad

    Empoderamiento de la mujer rural e indígena en México a través de grupos productivos y microempresas sociales

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    Women participation in productive groups is a mechanism towards gender equity, empowerment, and poverty reduction (García-Horta y Zapata- Martelo, 2012, Mair, Marti y Ventresca, 2012), these are all part of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Development Agenda for 2030 (PNUD, 2017). Public policy programs and Microcredits that support rural women organized in productive groups, look forward to generate economic growth and social wellness (Yunus, 2007, Pokhriyal, Rani y Uniyal, 2014), women in productive groups can become a micro-social business, which add social value, look towards communities’ development, contribute to social advancement and generate economic benefit (Defourny, 2014, Peredo y Christman, 2006). The objective of this article is to analyze women empowerment from their participation in social microbusiness supported by microcredits or government programs. Research is guided under a descriptive documental design methodology; based on a literature review of articles relating both concepts: empowerment and social microbusiness First the concept of empowerment is explained, then its approach to microcredits and public policy programs, next we clarify the social business concept, to finally contrast cases around the world. As a result, we propose a preliminary integrative model that incorporates both theories and tends to include this vulnerable group. We conclude empathy, education, and accompaniment are needed to built social microbusiness (Yunus, 2007, Pokhriyal, Rani y Uniyal, 2014) that contribute to local development (Defourny, 2014, Peredo y Chrisman, 2006).La organización de las mujeres indígenas y rurales en grupos productivos y microempresas pretende ser un mecanismo hacia el empoderamiento, combate a la pobreza, y equidad de género, los tres son Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda para el Desarrollo al 2030 de las Naciones Unidas (PNUD, 2017); en México, dichos objetivos se abordan desde el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, PND (2013-2018), donde además se establece como estrategia transversal la perspectiva de género para ser aplicada en el diseño e implementación de políticas, programas y presupuestos sectoriales, se define como prioridad atender el rezago social de la población en especial de las minorías (OCDE, 2017). El objetivo del presente artículo busca evidenciar la relación del empoderamiento de las mujeres rurales e indígenas a través de su participación en emprendimientos de proyectos productivos y microempresas sociales. La investigación se realiza bajo una metodología de tipo descriptiva con diseño documental a partir de una revisión de literatura de publicaciones que relacionan ambos conceptos. Como resultado de la investigación se propone un modelo preliminar integrador que considera factores de ambas teorías y pretende conducir a la inclusión de este grupo vulnerable. Se concluye que se requiere de acompañamiento, empatía y capacitación para construir Microempresas socialesque agregan valor social (Yunus, 2007, Pokhriyal, Rani y Uniyal, 2014) y aportan al desarrollo local (Defourny, 2014, Peredo y Chrisman, 2006)

    Interrelation of individual, country and activity constraints in motor activities of daily living among typically developing children: a cross-sectional comparison of spanish and dutch populations

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    [Abstract] Motor performance is influenced by individual, environmental, and task constraints. Children perform differently according to individual (i.e., sex), environmental (i.e., country), and task (i.e., type of activity) factors. However, little is known about the effect of the interaction between sex and country factors across different activities of daily living (ADL) learning, participation, and performance. The main aim of this study was to examine the relationship between sex, country, and type of activity in motor-based ADL learning, participation, and performance in five-to-eight-year-old, typically developing children. Additionally, we aimed to compare the prevalence of probable Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) across sex and country. The DCDDaily-Q was used to assess ADL learning, participation, and performance in 300 age and sex-matched children from Spain and The Netherlands. The prevalence of probable DCD was determined based on the total ADL performance score. Results showed that differences in ADL learning, participation and performance differed across sex and country (p < 0.05). Prevalence of probable DCD was statistically similar in both countries. These findings show that daily participation and performance in typically developing children may be influenced by individual, country, and task constraints, and that country and sex may have different influences on particular tasks.Xunta de Galicia: ED481A-2018/15

    Internal consistency of the Regional Brewer Calibration Centre for Europe triad during the period 2005–2016

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    Total ozone column measurements can be made using Brewer spectrophotometers, which are calibrated periodically in intercomparison campaigns with respect to a reference instrument. In 2003, the Regional Brewer Calibration Centre for Europe (RBCC-E) was established at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (Canary Islands, Spain), and since 2011 the RBCC-E has transferred its calibration based on the Langley method using travelling standard(s) that are wholly and independently calibrated at Izaña. This work is focused on reporting the consistency of the measurements of the RBCC-E triad (Brewer instruments #157, #183 and #185) made at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory during the period 2005–2016. In order to study the long-term precision of the RBCC-E triad, it must be taken into account that each Brewer takes a large number of measurements every day and, hence, it becomes necessary to calculate a representative value of all of them. This value was calculated from two different methods previously used to study the long-term behaviour of the world reference triad (Toronto triad) and Arosa triad. Applying their procedures to the data from the RBCC-E triad allows the comparison of the three instruments. In daily averages, applying the procedure used for the world reference triad, the RBCC-E triad presents a relative standard deviation equal to σ = 0.41%, which is calculated as the mean of the individual values for each Brewer (σ157 = 0.362%, σ183 = 0.453% and σ185 = 0.428%). Alternatively, using the procedure used to analyse the Arosa triad, the RBCC-E presents a relative standard deviation of about σ = 0.5%. In monthly averages, the method used for the data from the world reference triad gives a relative standard deviation mean equal to σ = 0.3% (σ157 = 0.33%, σ183 = 0.34% and σ185 = 0.23%). However, the procedure of the Arosa triad gives monthly values of σ = 0.5%. In this work, two ozone data sets are analysed: the first includes all the ozone measurements available, while the second only includes the simultaneous measurements of all three instruments. Furthermore, this paper also describes the Langley method used to determine the extraterrestrial constant (ETC) for the RBCC-E triad, the necessary first step toward accurate ozone calculation. Finally, the short-term or intraday consistency is also studied to identify the effect of the solar zenith angle on the precision of the RBCC-E triad.This work has been supported by the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) within the joint research project ENV59 “Traceability for atmospheric total column ozone” (ATMOZ)

    Productivity of two cowpea cultivars in tobacco agroecosystems of Pinar del Río, Cuba

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    The objective of this research was to determine the productivity of INIFAT 93 and INIFAT 94 cultivars of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in tobacco agroecosystems in Pinar del Río. Between April and July 2019, field experiments were established in agricultural settings of Guane and San Juan y Martínez, characterized by a leached yellowish Ferralitic soil. Sowing was done manually at 0.60 m between rows and 0.15 m between plants. The evaluations were carried out at harvest time and growth variables (biomass), yield components and crop index were considered for each cultivar and agroecosystem. Higher biological productivity was achieved with INIFAT 94, although the differentiated response between cultivars, for biomass values, was more accentuated in San Juan and Martínez. Yield components were favored in INIFAT 94; while the lowest variability and highest efficiency in the conversion of economically useful biomass was obtained with INIFAT 93. The agricultural productivity of the INIFAT 94 cultivar exceeded that of INIFAT 93 by more than 25 % in the two agroecosystems, with values higher than 1.0 t/ha.El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la productividad de los cultivares INIFAT 93 e INIFAT 94 de frijol caupí (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) en agroecosistemas tabacaleros de Pinar del Río. Durante el periodo abril – julio de 2019, se establecieron experimentos de campo en escenarios agrícolas de Guane y San Juan y Martínez, caracterizados por un suelo Ferralítico Amarillento lixiviado. La siembra se realizó de forma manual a una distancia de 0,60 m entre surcos y de 0,15 m entre plantas. Las evaluaciones se realizaron al momento de la cosecha y se consideraron variables de crecimiento (biomasa), componentes del rendimiento e índice de cosecha para cada cultivar y agroecosistema. Se alcanzó mayor productividad biológica con INIFAT 94, aunque la respuesta diferenciada entre los cultivares, para los valores de biomasa, fue más acentuada en San Juan y Martínez. Los componentes del rendimiento se favorecieron en INIFAT 94; mientras que, la menor variabilidad y mayor eficiencia en la conversión de biomasa económicamente útil se obtuvo con INIFAT 93. La productividad agrícola del cultivar INIFAT 94 excedió más del 25 % la de INIFAT 93 en los dos agroecosistemas, con valores superiores a 1,0 t/ha

    Stability of the RBCC-E Triad during the period 2005 - 2015

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    Póster elaborado para el Quadrennial Ozone Symposium celebrado en Edinburgh los días 4–9 de septiembre de 2016

    Preliminar results on the operative cosine correction in EUBREWNET

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    Póster elaborado para el Quadrennial Ozone Symposium celebrado en Edinburgh los días 4–9 de septiembre de 2016

    Brewer direct irradiance measurements: polarization effects

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    Comunicación presentada en: COST ES1207, Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer/Metrology Open Workshop celebrado del 17 al 20 de mayo de 2016 en Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal