809 research outputs found


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    The objective of the paper is to estimate the relationship between institutional gearing and economic growth for 32 economies of the world. For this it is considered that institutional gearing is the positive effect that one institution has over another, but also above all the system that generates innovation. In addition, other variables were included that affect innovation. To do this, we estimate a data model panel with fixed effects for the period 2011-2015. The results show that institutional gearing, high technology exports and capital stock have a positive effect on economic growth. We conclude that the positive effect of the existence of an institution on another institution and on the system of innovation (institutional gearing) has a positive effect on the economic growth of the countries used

    Predicting Proteome-Early Drug Induced Cardiac Toxicity Relationships (Pro-EDICToRs) with Node Overlapping Parameters (NOPs) of a new class of Blood Mass-Spectra graphs

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    The 11th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry session Computational ChemistryBlood Serum Proteome-Mass Spectra (SP-MS) may allow detecting Proteome-Early Drug Induced Cardiac Toxicity Relationships (called here Pro-EDICToRs). However, due to the thousands of proteins in the SP identifying general Pro-EDICToRs patterns instead of a single protein marker may represents a more realistic alternative. In this sense, first we introduced a novel Cartesian 2D spectrum graph for SP-MS. Next, we introduced the graph node-overlapping parameters (nopk) to numerically characterize SP-MS using them as inputs to seek a Quantitative Proteome-Toxicity Relationship (QPTR) classifier for Pro-EDICToRs with accuracy higher than 80%. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the nopk values present in the QPTR model explains with one factor (F1) the 82.7% of variance. Next, these nopk values were used to construct by the first time a Pro-EDICToRs Complex Network having nodes (samples) linked by edges (similarity between two samples). We compared the topology of two sub-networks (cardiac toxicity and control samples); finding extreme relative differences for the re-linking (P) and Zagreb (M2) indices (9.5 and 54.2 % respectively) out of 11 parameters. We also compared subnetworks with well known ideal random networks including Barabasi-Albert, Kleinberg Small World, Erdos-Renyi, and Epsstein Power Law models. Finally, we proposed Partial Order (PO) schemes of the 115 samples based on LDA-probabilities, F1-scores and/or network node degrees. PCA-CN and LDA-PCA based POs with Tanimoto’s coefficients equal or higher than 0.75 are promising for the study of Pro-EDICToRs. These results shows that simple QPTRs models based on MS graph numerical parameters are an interesting tool for proteome researchThe authors thank projects funded by the Xunta de Galicia (PXIB20304PR and BTF20302PR) and the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (PI061457). González-Díaz H. acknowledges tenure track research position funded by the Program Isidro Parga Pondal, Xunta de Galici

    Adição ao trabalho e interação familiar em enfermeiros

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    This study aims to identify the prevalence of workaholism and work-family interaction, their relationship and their variation according sociodemographic and occupational characteristics among nurses. A quantitative, descriptive, correlational and transversal study was conducted with a sample of 839 Portuguese nurses. Regarding workaholism, 27% of workaholic nurses were identified, scoring a higher mean value for excessive work. For work-family interaction, the dimensions showing the highest mean values were the negative work-family interaction and the positive family-work interaction. The variables identified as significant predictors of workaholism were the work-family interaction (39%), occupational variables (10.6%) and sociodemographic variables (1.2%). Among the occupational and professional variables, the women, age equal or less than 37 years and perception of stressful work, were highlighted. The confirmation of workaholism in nurses, as well as its predictive variables are significantly important for professionals and organizations to better understand the impact of this phenomenon, particularly in mental health and to encourage the development of programmes aiming to promote health at the workplace.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a prevalência da adição ao trabalho, os níveis de interação trabalho-família e a relação destes com características sociodemográficas e laborais em enfermeiros. Estudo quantitativo, descritivo, correcional e transversal numa amostra de 839 enfermeiros de Portugal continental. Relativamente à adição ao trabalho, identificaram-se 27,1% de enfermeiros adictos, com valor médio superior no trabalho excessivo. No que respeita à interação trabalho-família, as dimensões com médias superiores foram a interação negativa trabalho-família e a interação positiva família-trabalho. As variáveis identificadas como preditores significativos da adição ao trabalho foram a interação trabalhofamília (39%), as variáveis laborais (10,6%) e as sociodemográficas (1,2%). Das variáveis laborais e profissionais salienta-se o sexo feminino, idade igual ou inferior a 37 anos e a perceção de trabalho stressante. A confirmação deste fenómeno em enfermeiros, assim como, das variáveis que o podem potenciar, possibilita ao profissional e às organizações, uma maior consciencialização dos seus impactos, nomeadamente na saúde mental incentivando o desenvolvimento de programas que visem a promoção de saúde no local de trabalho.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychometric properties of the Portuguese Dutch Work Addiction Scale

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    Objective: To analyse the psychometric properties of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale in a sample of Portuguese nurses. Method: A methodological study was conducted with 1,030 Portuguese nurses. A sociodemographic/professional questionnaire and the Dutch Work Addiction Scale applied between October and December 2019. Results: The Confirmatory Factorial Analyses confirmed the factorial structure of two dimensions, namely Working Excessively (α = .730) and Working Compulsively (α = .752), grounded on the theoretical model of workaholism; the reliability values were considered adequate. Nurses presented a moderate level of workaholism, with a higher mean value for Working Excessively. Conclusion: The results raised the issue of workaholism and highlighted the need for further study. The Portuguese version of the DUWAS presented good psychometric characteristics and can be considered a valid and useful instrument to identify this problem.Objetivo Analisar as propriedades psicométricas da Dutch Work Addiction Scale (Duwas) numa amostra de enfermeiros portugueses. Método Foi realizado um estudo metodológico com 1.030 enfermeiros portugueses. Um questionário sociodemográfico/profissional e a Duwas foram aplicados entre outubro e dezembro de 2019. Resultados A Análise Fatorial Confirmatória confirmou a estrutura fatorial de duas dimensões, a saber Trabalhar Excessivamente (α = 0,730) e Trabalhar Compulsivamente (α = 0,752), embasado no modelo teórico de workaholism; os valores de confiabilidade foram considerados adequados. Os enfermeiros apresentaram nível moderado de workaholism, com maior valor médio para Trabalhar Excessivamente. Conclusão Os resultados levantaram a questão da adição ao trabalho e destacaram a necessidade de estudos mais aprofundados. A versão em português do Duwas apresentou boas características psicométricas e pode ser considerada um instrumento válido e útil para identificar esse problema.Objetivo Analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Dutch Work Addiction Scale (Duwas) en una muestra de enfermeros portugueses. Método Se realizó un estudio metodológico con 1.030 enfermeras portuguesas. Un cuestionario sociodemográfico/profesional y la Duwas fueron aplicados entre octubre y diciembre de 2019. Resultados Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios confirmaron la estructura factorial de dos dimensiones, a saber, Trabajar en exceso (α = .730) y Trabajar de forma compulsiva (α = .752), basado en el modelo teórico de la adicción al trabajo; los valores de fiabilidad se consideraron adecuados. Los enfermeros presentaron un nivel moderado de adicción al trabajo, con un valor medio más alto para Trabajar en exceso. Conclusión Los resultados plantearon el problema de la adicción al trabajo y destacaron la necesidad de realizar más estudios. La versión portuguesa del Duwas presentó buenas características psicométricas y puede considerarse un instrumento válido y útil para identificar este problema.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of a fluorosis prevention educational program : a randomized field trial

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    A 2-group randomized field trial was conducted to evaluate the impact of a fluorosis educational preventive program in mother´s knowledge and practices, and on the urine fluoride concentration of their preschool children. A group of 139 mother-child pairs participated in the study. Randomly, children were assigned to an intervention group, their mothers were participants of an educational program, or a control group (CG); including 69 and 70 child-mother pairs, respectively, the follow-up period was six months. Mother´s knowledge and practices were evaluated and children´s first urine sample was used to measure fluoride concentration at the beginning of the study and at the end of the follow-up period. The mean age of the children was 4.18 (sd 0.62) years-old at baseline. Mothers in the IG improved their knowledge and practices associated with fluorosis risk factors. Adequate knowledge about the amount of toothpaste to use for brushing improved in the IG (p=0.006). In 82.1% of the children in the IG showed decrease in urine fluoride concentration was observed (p< 0.001), no significant differences were shown in the CG. Mothers participating in an education program improved their knowledge and practices, reducing the risk of dental fluorosis in their children who showed a decreased on their urine F concentration