74 research outputs found

    Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A--F type stars. VIII. A giant planet orbiting the young star HD113337

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    In the frame of the search for extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around early-type main-sequence stars, we present the detection of a giant planet around the young F-type star HD113337. We estimated the age of the system to be 150 +100/-50 Myr. Interestingly, an IR excess attributed to a cold debris disk was previously detected on this star. The SOPHIE spectrograph on the 1.93m telescope at Observatoire de Haute-Provence was used to obtain ~300 spectra over 6 years. We used our SAFIR tool, dedicated to the spectra analysis of A and F stars, to derive the radial velocity variations. The data reveal a 324.0 +1.7/-3.3 days period that we attribute to a giant planet with a minimum mass of 2.83 +- 0.24 Mjup in an eccentric orbit with e=0.46 +- 0.04. A long-term quadratic drift, that we assign to be probably of stellar origin, is superimposed to the Keplerian solution.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XI. Three new companions and an orbit update: Giant planets in the habitable zone

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    We report the discovery of three new substellar companions to solar-type stars, HD191806, HD214823, and HD221585, based on radial velocity measurements obtained at the Haute-Provence Observatory. Data from the SOPHIE spectrograph are combined with observations acquired with its predecessor, ELODIE, to detect and characterise the orbital parameters of three new gaseous giant and brown dwarf candidates. Additionally, we combine SOPHIE data with velocities obtained at the Lick Observatory to improve the parameters of an already known giant planet companion, HD16175 b. Thanks to the use of different instruments, the data sets of all four targets span more than ten years. Zero-point offsets between instruments are dealt with using Bayesian priors to incorporate the information we possess on the SOPHIE/ELODIE offset based on previous studies. The reported companions have orbital periods between three and five years and minimum masses between 1.6 Mjup and 19 Mjup. Additionally, we find that the star HD191806 is experiencing a secular acceleration of over 11 \ms\ per year, potentially due to an additional stellar or substellar companion. A search for the astrometric signature of these companions was carried out using Hipparcos data. No orbit was detected, but a significant upper limit to the companion mass can be set for HD221585, whose companion must be substellar. With the exception of HD191806 b, the companions are located within the habitable zone of their host star. Therefore, satellites orbiting these objects could be a propitious place for life to develop.Comment: 12 pages + tables, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets VIII. A warm Neptune orbiting HD164595

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    High-precision radial velocity surveys explore the population of low-mass exoplanets orbiting bright stars. This allows accurately deriving their orbital parameters such as their occurrence rate and the statistical distribution of their properties. Based on this, models of planetary formation and evolution can be constrained. The SOPHIE spectrograph has been continuously improved in past years, and thanks to an appropriate correction of systematic instrumental drift, it is now reaching 2 m/s precision in radial velocity measurements on all timescales. As part of a dedicated radial velocity survey devoted to search for low-mass planets around a sample of 190 bright solar-type stars in the northern hemisphere, we report the detection of a warm Neptune with a minimum mass of 16.1 +- 2.7 Mearth orbiting the solar analog HD164595 in 40 +- 0.24 days . We also revised the parameters of the multiplanetary system around HD190360. We discuss this new detection in the context of the upcoming space mission CHEOPS, which is devoted to a transit search of bright stars harboring known exoplanets.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets VIII. Follow-up of ELODIE candidates: long-period brown-dwarf companions

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    Long-period brown dwarf companions detected in radial velocity surveys are important targets for direct imaging and astrometry to calibrate the mass-luminosity relation of substellar objects. Through a 20-year radial velocity monitoring of solar-type stars that began with ELODIE and was extended with SOPHIE spectrographs, giant exoplanets and brown dwarfs with orbital periods longer than ten years are discovered. We report the detection of five new potential brown dwarfs with minimum masses between 32 and 83 Jupiter mass orbiting solar-type stars with periods longer than ten years. An upper mass limit of these companions is provided using astrometric Hipparcos data, high-angular resolution imaging made with PUEO, and a deep analysis of the cross-correlation function of the main stellar spectra to search for blend effects or faint secondary components. These objects double the number of known brown dwarf companions with orbital periods longer than ten years and reinforce the conclusion that the occurrence of such objects increases with orbital separation. With a projected separation larger than 100 mas, all these brown dwarf candidates are appropriate targets for high-contrast and high angular resolution imaging.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&

    Three red suns in the sky: A transiting, terrestrial planet in a triple M-dwarf system at 6.9 pc

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    We present the discovery from Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) data of LTT 1445Ab. At a distance of 6.9 pc, it is the second nearest transiting exoplanet system found to date, and the closest one known for which the primary is an M dwarf. The host stellar system consists of three mid-to-late M dwarfs in a hierarchical configuration, which are blended in one TESS pixel. We use MEarth data and results from the Science Processing Operations Center data validation report to determine that the planet transits the primary star in the system. The planet has a radius of 1.38−0.12+0.13{1.38}_{-0.12}^{+0.13} R⊕{R}_{\oplus }, an orbital period of 5.35882−0.00031+0.00030{5.35882}_{-0.00031}^{+0.00030} days, and an equilibrium temperature of 433−27+28{433}_{-27}^{+28} K. With radial velocities from the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher, we place a 3σ upper mass limit of 8.4 M⊕{M}_{\oplus } on the planet. LTT 1445Ab provides one of the best opportunities to date for the spectroscopic study of the atmosphere of a terrestrial world. We also present a detailed characterization of the host stellar system. We use high-resolution spectroscopy and imaging to rule out the presence of any other close stellar or brown dwarf companions. Nineteen years of photometric monitoring of A and BC indicate a moderate amount of variability, in agreement with that observed in the TESS light-curve data. We derive a preliminary astrometric orbit for the BC pair that reveals an edge-on and eccentric configuration. The presence of a transiting planet in this system hints that the entire system may be co-planar, implying that the system may have formed from the early fragmentation of an individual protostellar core.Accepted manuscrip

    CICLOBIOMA: Proyecto Aprendizaje-Servicio Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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    CICLOBIOMA es un Proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en el marco de la “Convocatoria Proyectos Aprendizaje-Servicio Complutense 2019” y del Convenio suscrito entre la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y el Ayuntamiento de Madrid de 4 de julio de 2017 para impulsar proyectos basados en el aprendizaje-servicio. CICLOBIOMA consiste en el planteamiento y el desarrollo experimental de soluciones a problemas científicos con enorme proyección y calado social, que se enmarcan en los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS 11 y 12) y que tienen como meta reducir el impacto ambiental negativo de las ciudades mediante el aprovechamiento de residuos agroalimentarios para la producción de biomateriales y para la obtención de compuestos de alto valor en diferentes industrias

    The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets-XIX. A system including a cold sub-Neptune potentially transiting a V = 6.5 star HD88986

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    Transiting planets with orbital periods longer than 40 d are extremely rare among the 5000+ planets discovered so far. The lack of discoveries of this population poses a challenge to research into planetary demographics, formation, and evolution. Here, we present the detection and characterization of HD88986b, a potentially transiting sub-Neptune, possessing the longest orbital period among known transiting small planets (< 4 R⊕_{\oplus}) with a precise mass measurement (σM/M\sigma_M/M > 25%). Additionally, we identified the presence of a massive companion in a wider orbit around HD88986. Our analysis reveals that HD88986b, based on two potential single transits on sector 21 and sector 48 which are both consistent with the predicted transit time from the RV model, is potentially transiting. The joint analysis of RV and photometric data show that HD88986b has a radius of 2.49±\pm0.18 R⊕_{\oplus}, a mass of 17.2−3.8+4.0^{+4.0}_{-3.8} M⊕_{\oplus}, and it orbits every 146.05−0.40+0.43^{+0.43}_{-0.40} d around a subgiant HD88986 which is one of the closest and brightest exoplanet host stars (G2V type, R=1.543 ±\pm0.065 R⊙_{\odot}, V=6.47±0.016.47\pm 0.01 mag, distance=33.37±\pm0.04 pc). The nature of the outer, massive companion is still to be confirmed; a joint analysis of RVs, Hipparcos, and Gaia astrometric data shows that with a 3σ\sigma confidence interval, its semi-major axis is between 16.7 and 38.8 au and its mass is between 68 and 284 MJup_{Jup}. HD88986b's wide orbit suggests the planet did not undergo significant mass loss due to extreme-ultraviolet radiation from its host star. Therefore, it probably maintained its primordial composition, allowing us to probe its formation scenario. Furthermore, the cold nature of HD88986b (460±\pm8 K), thanks to its long orbital period, will open up exciting opportunities for future studies of cold atmosphere composition characterization.Comment: 37 pages, accepted to be published in A&

    A pair of tess planets spanning the radius valley around the nearby mid-m dwarf ltt 3780

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    We present the confirmation of two new planets transiting the nearby mid-M dwarf LTT 3780 (TIC 36724087, TOI-732, V=13.07V=13.07, Ks=8.204K_s=8.204, RsR_s=0.374 R⊙_{\odot}, MsM_s=0.401 M⊙_{\odot}, d=22 pc). The two planet candidates are identified in a single TESS sector and are validated with reconnaissance spectroscopy, ground-based photometric follow-up, and high-resolution imaging. With measured orbital periods of Pb=0.77P_b=0.77 days, Pc=12.25P_c=12.25 days and sizes rp,b=1.33±0.07r_{p,b}=1.33\pm 0.07 R⊕_{\oplus}, rp,c=2.30±0.16r_{p,c}=2.30\pm 0.16 R⊕_{\oplus}, the two planets span the radius valley in period-radius space around low mass stars thus making the system a laboratory to test competing theories of the emergence of the radius valley in that stellar mass regime. By combining 63 precise radial-velocity measurements from HARPS and HARPS-N, we measure planet masses of mp,b=2.62−0.46+0.48m_{p,b}=2.62^{+0.48}_{-0.46} M⊕_{\oplus} and mp,c=8.6−1.3+1.6m_{p,c}=8.6^{+1.6}_{-1.3} M⊕_{\oplus}, which indicates that LTT 3780b has a bulk composition consistent with being Earth-like, while LTT 3780c likely hosts an extended H/He envelope. We show that the recovered planetary masses are consistent with predictions from both photoevaporation and from core-powered mass loss models. The brightness and small size of LTT 3780, along with the measured planetary parameters, render LTT 3780b and c as accessible targets for atmospheric characterization of planets within the same planetary system and spanning the radius valley
