1,104 research outputs found

    Existence and Uniqueness of Tri-tronqu\'ee Solutions of the second Painlev\'e hierarchy

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    The first five classical Painlev\'e equations are known to have solutions described by divergent asymptotic power series near infinity. Here we prove that such solutions also exist for the infinite hierarchy of equations associated with the second Painlev\'e equation. Moreover we prove that these are unique in certain sectors near infinity.Comment: 13 pages, Late

    Averaging facial expression over time

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    The visual system groups similar features, objects, and motion (e.g., Gestalt grouping). Recent work suggests that the computation underlying perceptual grouping may be one of summary statistical representation. Summary representation occurs for low-level features, such as size, motion, and position, and even for high level stimuli, including faces; for example, observers accurately perceive the average expression in a group of faces (J

    Vector-soliton collision dynamics in nonlinear optical fibers

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    We consider the interactions of two identical, orthogonally polarized vector solitons in a nonlinear optical fiber with two polarization directions, described by a coupled pair of nonlinear Schroedinger equations. We study a low-dimensional model system of Hamiltonian ODE derived by Ueda and Kath and also studied by Tan and Yang. We derive a further simplified model which has similar dynamics but is more amenable to analysis. Sufficiently fast solitons move by each other without much interaction, but below a critical velocity the solitons may be captured. In certain bands of initial velocities the solitons are initially captured, but separate after passing each other twice, a phenomenon known as the two-bounce or two-pass resonance. We derive an analytic formula for the critical velocity. Using matched asymptotic expansions for separatrix crossing, we determine the location of these "resonance windows." Numerical simulations of the ODE models show they compare quite well with the asymptotic theory.Comment: 32 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    The Composition of Titan's Lower Atmosphere and Simple Surface Volatiles as Measured by the Cassini-Huygens Probe Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer Experiment

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    The Cassini-Huygens Probe Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) determined the composition of the Titan atmosphere from ~140km altitude to the surface. After landing, it returned composition data of gases evaporated from the surface. Height profiles of molecular nitrogen (N2), methane (CH4) and molecular hydrogen (H2) were determined. Traces were detected on the surface of evaporating methane, ethane (C2H6), acetylene (C2H2), cyanogen (C2N2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The methane data showed evidence that methane precipitation occurred recently. The methane mole fraction was (1.48+/-0.09) x 10(exp -2) in the lower stratosphere (139.8 km to 75.5 km) and (5.65+/-0.18) x 10(exp -2) near the surface (6.7 km to the surface). The molecular hydrogen mole fraction was (1.01+/-0.16) x 10(exp -3) in the atmosphere and (9.90+/-0.17) x 10(exp -4) on the surface. Isotope ratios were 167.7+/-0.6 for N-14/N-15 in molecular nitrogen, 91.1+/-1.4 for C-12/C-13 in methane and (1.35+/-0.30) x 10(exp -4) for D/H in molecular hydrogen. The mole fractions of Ar-36 and radiogenic Ar-40 are (2.1+/-0.8) x 10(exp -7) and (3.39 +/-0.12) x 10(exp -5) respectively. Ne-22 has been tentatively identified at a mole fraction of (2.8+/-2.1) x 10(exp -7) Krypton and xenon were below the detection threshold of 1 x 10(exp -8) mole fraction. Science data were not retrieved from the gas chromatograph subsystem as the abundance of the organic trace gases in the atmosphere and on the ground did not reach the detection threshold. Results previously published from the GCMS experiment are superseded by this publication