2,409 research outputs found

    X-ray and UV correlation in the quiescent emission of Cen X-4, evidence of accretion and reprocessing

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    We conducted the first long-term (60 days), multiwavelength (optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray) simultaneous monitoring of Cen X-4 with daily Swift observations, with the goal of understanding variability in the low mass X-ray binary Cen X-4 during quiescence. We found Cen X-4 to be highly variable in all energy bands on timescales from days to months, with the strongest quiescent variability a factor of 22 drop in the X-ray count rate in only 4 days. The X-ray, UV and optical (V band) emission are correlated on timescales down to less than 110 s. The shape of the correlation is a power law with index gamma about 0.2-0.6. The X-ray spectrum is well fitted by a hydrogen NS atmosphere (kT=59-80 eV) and a power law (with spectral index Gamma=1.4-2.0), with the spectral shape remaining constant as the flux varies. Both components vary in tandem, with each responsible for about 50% of the total X-ray flux, implying that they are physically linked. We conclude that the X-rays are likely generated by matter accreting down to the NS surface. Moreover, based on the short timescale of the correlation, we also unambiguously demonstrate that the UV emission can not be due to either thermal emission from the stream impact point, or a standard optically thick, geometrically thin disc. The spectral energy distribution shows a small UV emitting region, too hot to arise from the accretion disk, that we identified as a hot spot on the companion star. Therefore, the UV emission is most likely produced by reprocessing from the companion star, indeed the vertical size of the disc is small and can only reprocess a marginal fraction of the X-ray emission. We also found the accretion disc in quiescence to likely be UV faint, with a minimal contribution to the whole UV flux.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Proc. Int. Conf. Physics at the Magnetospheric Boundary, Geneva, Switzerland (25-28 June, 2013

    Modulations in Multi-Periodic Blue Variables in the LMC

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    As shown by Mennickent, et al(2003), a subset of the blue variable stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud exhibit brightness variability of small amplitude in the period range 2.4 to 16 days as well as larger amplitude variability with periods of 140 to 600 days, with a remarkably tight relation between the long and the short periods. Our re-examination of these objects has led to the discovery of additional variability. The Fourier spectra of 11 of their 30 objects have 3 or 4 peaks above the noise level and a linear relation of the form f_a = 2(f_b - f_L) among three of the frequencies. An explanation of this relation requires an interplay between the binary motion and that of a third object. The two frequency relations together with the Fourier amplitude ratios pose a challenging modeling problem.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Astrophysical Journal (in press

    Daily, multiwavelength Swift monitoring of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary Cen X-4: evidence for accretion and reprocessing during quiescence

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    We conducted the first long-term (60 days), multiwavelength (optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray) simultaneous monitoring of Cen X-4 with daily Swift observations from June to August 2012, with the goal of understanding variability in the low mass X-ray binary Cen X-4 during quiescence. We found Cen X-4 to be highly variable in all energy bands on timescales from days to months, with the strongest quiescent variability a factor of 22 drop in the X-ray count rate in only 4 days. The X-ray, UV and optical (V band) emission are correlated on timescales down to less than 110 s. The shape of the correlation is a power law with index gamma about 0.2-0.6. The X-ray spectrum is well fitted by a hydrogen NS atmosphere (kT=59-80 eV) and a power law (with spectral index Gamma=1.4-2.0), with the spectral shape remaining constant as the flux varies. Both components vary in tandem, with each responsible for about 50% of the total X-ray flux, implying that they are physically linked. We conclude that the X-rays are likely generated by matter accreting down to the NS surface. Moreover, based on the short timescale of the correlation, we also unambiguously demonstrate that the UV emission can not be due to either thermal emission from the stream impact point, or a standard optically thick, geometrically thin disc. The spectral energy distribution shows a small UV emitting region, too hot to arise from the accretion disk, that we identified as a hot spot on the companion star. Therefore, the UV emission is most likely produced by reprocessing from the companion star, indeed the vertical size of the disc is small and can only reprocess a marginal fraction of the X-ray emission. We also found the accretion disc in quiescence to likely be UV faint, with a minimal contribution to the whole UV flux.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Water column productivity and temperature predict coral reef regeneration across the Indo-Pacific

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    Predicted increases in seawater temperatures accelerate coral reef decline due to mortality by heat-driven coral bleaching. Alteration of the natural nutrient environment of reef corals reduces tolerance of corals to heat and light stress and thus will exacerbate impacts of global warming on reefs. Still, many reefs demonstrate remarkable regeneration from past stress events. This paper investigates the effects of sea surface temperature (SST) and water column productivity on recovery of coral reefs. In 71 Indo-Pacific sites, coral cover changes over the past 1-3 decades correlated negative-exponentially with mean SST, chlorophyll a, and SST rise. At six monitoring sites (Persian/Arabian Gulf, Red Sea, northern and southern Galápagos, Easter Island, Panama), over half of all corals were <31 years, implying that measured environmental variables indeed shaped populations and community. An Indo-Pacific-wide model suggests reefs in the northwest and central Indian Ocean, as well as the central west Pacific, are at highest risk of degradation, and those at high latitudes the least. The model pinpoints regions where coral reefs presently have the best chances for survival. However, reefs best buffered against temperature and nutrient effects are those that current studies suggest to be most at peril from future ocean acidification

    Effects of mechanical ventilation at low lung volume on respiratory mechanics and nitric oxide exhalation in normal rabbits

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    Lung mechanics, exhaled NO (NOe), and TNF-(alpha) in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were assessed in eight closed and eight open chest, normal anesthetized rabbits undergoing prolonged (3-4 h) mechanical ventilation (MV) at low volume with physiological tidal volumes (10 ml/kg). Relative to initial MV on positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), MV at low volume increased lung quasi-static elastance (+267 and +281%), airway (+471 and +382%) and viscolelastic resistance (+480 and +294%), and decreased NOe (-42 and -25%) in closed and open chest rabbits, respectively. After restoration of PEEP, viscoelastic resistance returned to control, whereas airway resistance remained elevated (+120 and +31%) and NOe low (-25 and -20%) in both groups of rabbits. Elastance remained elevated (+23%) only in closed-chest animals, being associated with interstitial pulmonary edema, as reflected by increased lung wet-to-dry weight ratio with normal albumin concentration in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. In contrast, in 16 additional closed- and open-chest rabbits, there were no changes of lung mechanics or NOe after prolonged MV on PEEP only. At the end of prolonged MV, TNF-(alpha) was practically undetectable in serum, whereas its concentration in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was low and similar in animals subjected or not subjected to ventilation at low volume (62 vs. 43 pg/ml). These results indicate that mechanical injury of peripheral airways due to their cyclic opening and closing during ventilation at low volume results in changes in lung mechanics and reduction in NOe and that these alterations are not mediated by a proinflammatory process, since this is expressed by TNF-(alpha) levels

    Local Field Potential Modeling Predicts Dense Activation in Cerebellar Granule Cells Clusters under LTP and LTD Control

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    Local field-potentials (LFPs) are generated by neuronal ensembles and contain information about the activity of single neurons. Here, the LFPs of the cerebellar granular layer and their changes during long-term synaptic plasticity (LTP and LTD) were recorded in response to punctate facial stimulation in the rat in vivo. The LFP comprised a trigeminal (T) and a cortical (C) wave. T and C, which derived from independent granule cell clusters, co-varied during LTP and LTD. To extract information about the underlying cellular activities, the LFP was reconstructed using a repetitive convolution (ReConv) of the extracellular potential generated by a detailed multicompartmental model of the granule cell. The mossy fiber input patterns were determined using a Blind Source Separation (BSS) algorithm. The major component of the LFP was generated by the granule cell spike Na+ current, which caused a powerful sink in the axon initial segment with the source located in the soma and dendrites. Reproducing the LFP changes observed during LTP and LTD required modifications in both release probability and intrinsic excitability at the mossy fiber-granule cells relay. Synaptic plasticity and Golgi cell feed-forward inhibition proved critical for controlling the percentage of active granule cells, which was 11% in standard conditions but ranged from 3% during LTD to 21% during LTP and raised over 50% when inhibition was reduced. The emerging picture is that of independent (but neighboring) trigeminal and cortical channels, in which synaptic plasticity and feed-forward inhibition effectively regulate the number of discharging granule cells and emitted spikes generating “dense” activity clusters in the cerebellar granular layer

    Vector meson photoproduction studied in its radiative decay channel

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    We provide an analysis of vector meson photoproduction in the channel of the vector meson decaying into a pseudoscalar meson plus a photon, i.e. VPγV\to P\gamma. It is shown that non-trivial kinematic correlations arise from the measurement of the PγP\gamma angular distributions in the overall c.m. system in comparison with those in the vector-meson-rest frame. In terms of the vector meson density matrix elements, the implication of such kinematic correlations in the measurement of polarization observables is discussed. For the ω\omega meson production, due to its relatively large branching ratios for ωπ0γ\omega\to\pi^0\gamma, additional events from this channel may enrich the information about the reaction mechanism and improve the statistics of the recent measurement of polarized beam asymmetries by the GRAAL Collaboration. For ϕηγ\phi\to \eta\gamma, ρπγ\rho\to \pi\gamma, and KKγK^*\to K\gamma, we expect that additional information about the spin structure of the vector meson production vertex can be derived.Comment: Revtex, 14 pages, 2 eps figures; Version accepted by PR

    Influence of the disorder on tracer dispersion in a flow channel

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    Tracer dispersion is studied experimentally in periodic or disordered arrays of beads in a capillary tube. Dispersion is measured from light absorption variations near the outlet following a steplike injection of dye at the inlet. Visualizations using dye and pure glycerol are also performed in similar geometries. Taylor dispersion is dominant both in an empty tube and for a periodic array of beads: the dispersivity l_dl\_d increases with the P\'eclet number PePe respectively as PePe and Pe0.82Pe^{0.82} and is larger by a factor of 8 in the second case. In a disordered packing of smaller beads (1/3 of the tube diameter) geometrical dispersion associated to the disorder of the flow field is dominant with a constant value of l_dl\_d reached at high P\'eclet numbers. The minimum dispersivity is slightly higher than in homogeneous nonconsolidated packings of small grains, likely due heterogeneities resulting from wall effects. In a disordered packing with the same beads as in the periodic configuration, l_dl\_d is up to 20 times lower than in the latter and varies as PeαPe^\alpha with α=0.5\alpha = 0.5 or =0.69= 0.69 (depending on the fluid viscosity). A simple model accounting for this latter result is suggested.Comment: available online at http://www.edpsciences.org/journal/index.cfm?edpsname=epjap&niv1=contents&niv2=archive

    Nonlinear Interaction of Transversal Modes in a CO2 Laser

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    We show the possibility of achieving experimentally a Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation for the nonlinear interaction of two transverse modes (l=±1l = \pm 1) in a CO2CO_2 laser. The system has a basic O(2) symmetry which is perturbed by some symmetry-breaking effects that still preserve the Z2Z_2 symmetry. The pattern dynamics near this codimension two bifurcation under such symmetries is described. This dynamics changes drastically when the laser properties are modified.Comment: 16 pages, 0 figure

    Emergence of associative learning in a neuromorphic inference network

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    Objective. In the theoretical framework of predictive coding and active inference, the brain can be viewed as instantiating a rich generative model of the world that predicts incoming sensory data while continuously updating its parameters via minimization of prediction errors. While this theory has been successfully applied to cognitive processes-by modelling the activity of functional neural networks at a mesoscopic scale-the validity of the approach when modelling neurons as an ensemble of inferring agents, in a biologically plausible architecture, remained to be explored.Approach.We modelled a simplified cerebellar circuit with individual neurons acting as Bayesian agents to simulate the classical delayed eyeblink conditioning protocol. Neurons and synapses adjusted their activity to minimize their prediction error, which was used as the network cost function. This cerebellar network was then implemented in hardware by replicating digital neuronal elements via a low-power microcontroller.Main results. Persistent changes of synaptic strength-that mirrored neurophysiological observations-emerged via local (neurocentric) prediction error minimization, leading to the expression of associative learning. The same paradigm was effectively emulated in low-power hardware showing remarkably efficient performance compared to conventional neuromorphic architectures.Significance. These findings show that: (a) an ensemble of free energy minimizing neurons-organized in a biological plausible architecture-can recapitulate functional self-organization observed in nature, such as associative plasticity, and (b) a neuromorphic network of inference units can learn unsupervised tasks without embedding predefined learning rules in the circuit, thus providing a potential avenue to a novel form of brain-inspired artificial intelligence