2,264 research outputs found

    A Case Study in Matching Service Descriptions to Implementations in an Existing System

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    A number of companies are trying to migrate large monolithic software systems to Service Oriented Architectures. A common approach to do this is to first identify and describe desired services (i.e., create a model), and then to locate portions of code within the existing system that implement the described services. In this paper we describe a detailed case study we undertook to match a model to an open-source business application. We describe the systematic methodology we used, the results of the exercise, as well as several observations that throw light on the nature of this problem. We also suggest and validate heuristics that are likely to be useful in partially automating the process of matching service descriptions to implementations.Comment: 20 pages, 19 pdf figure

    Quantifying dynamical spillover in co-evolving multiplex networks

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    Multiplex networks (a system of multiple networks that have different types of links but share a common set of nodes) arise naturally in a wide spectrum of fields. Theoretical studies show that in such multiplex networks, correlated edge dynamics between the layers can have a profound effect on dynamical processes. However, how to extract the correlations from real-world systems is an outstanding challenge. Here we provide a null model based on Markov chains to quantify correlations in edge dynamics found in longitudinal data of multiplex networks. We use this approach on two different data sets: the network of trade and alliances between nation states, and the email and co-commit networks between developers of open source software. We establish the existence of "dynamical spillover" showing the correlated formation (or deletion) of edges of different types as the system evolves. The details of the dynamics over time provide insight into potential causal pathways

    Robust Bain distortion in the premartensite phase of platinum substituted Ni2MnGa magnetic shape memory alloy

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    The premartensite phase of shape memory and magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) is believed to be a precursor state of the martensite phase with preserved austenite phase symmetry. The thermodynamic stability of the premartensite phase and its relation to the martensitic phase is still an unresolved issue, even though it is critical to the understanding of the functional properties of MSMAs. We present here unambiguous evidence for macroscopic symmetry breaking leading to robust Bain distortion in the premartensite phase of 10% Pt substituted Ni2MnGa. We show that the robust Bain distorted premartensite (T2) phase results from another premartensite (T1) phase with preserved cubic-like symmetry through an isostructural phase transition. The T2 phase finally transforms to the martensite phase with additional Bain distortion on further cooling. Our results demonstrate that the premartensite phase should not be considered as a precursor state with the preserved symmetry of the cubic austenite phase

    Galactic accretion and the outer structure of galaxies in the CDM model

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    We have combined the semi-analytic galaxy formation model of Guo et al. (2011) with the particle-tagging technique of Cooper et al. (2010) to predict galaxy surface brightness profiles in a representative sample of ~1900 massive dark matter haloes (10^12--10^14 M_sol) from the Millennium II Lambda-CDM N-body simulation. Here we present our method and basic results focusing on the outer regions of galaxies, consisting of stars accreted in mergers. These simulations cover scales from the stellar haloes of Milky Way-like galaxies to the 'cD envelopes' of groups and clusters, and resolve low surface brightness substructure such as tidal streams. We find that the surface density of accreted stellar mass around the central galaxies of dark matter haloes is well described by a Sersic profile, the radial scale and amplitude of which vary systematically with halo mass (M_200). The total stellar mass surface density profile breaks at the radius where accreted stars start to dominate over stars formed in the galaxy itself. This break disappears with increasing M_200 because accreted stars contribute more of the total mass of galaxies, and is less distinct when the same galaxies are averaged in bins of stellar mass, because of scatter in the relation between M_star and M_200. To test our model we have derived average stellar mass surface density profiles for massive galaxies at z~0.08 by stacking SDSS images. Our model agrees well with these stacked profiles and with other data from the literature, and makes predictions that can be more rigorously tested by future surveys that extend the analysis of the outer structure of galaxies to fainter isophotes. We conclude that it is likely that the outer structure of the spheroidal components of galaxies is largely determined by collisionless merging during their hierarchical assemblyComment: Accepted by MNRAS. Shortened following referee's report, conclusions unchanged. 21 pages, 15 figure

    Assessment of reward responsiveness in the response bias probabilistic reward task in rats: implications for cross-species translational research

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    Mood disorders, such as major depressive disorder, are characterized by abnormal reward responsiveness. The Response Bias Probabilistic Reward Task (hereafter referred to as probabilistic reward task (PRT)) quantifies reward responsiveness in human subjects, and an equivalent animal assessment is needed to facilitate preclinical translational research. Thus, the goals of the present studies were to develop, validate and characterize a rat analog of the PRT. Adult male Wistar and Long–Evans rats were trained in operant testing chambers to discriminate between two tone stimuli that varied in duration (0.5 and 2 s). During a subsequent test session consisting of 100 trials, the two tones were made ambiguous (0.9 and 1.6 s) and correct identification of one tone was reinforced with a food pellet three times more frequently than the other tone. In subsequent experiments, Wistar rats were administered either a low dose of the dopamine D2/D3 receptor agonist pramipexole (0.1 mg kg−1, subcutaneous) or the psychostimulant amphetamine (0.5 mg kg−1, intraperitoneal) before the test session. Similar to human subjects, both rat strains developed a response bias toward the more frequently reinforced stimulus, reflecting robust reward responsiveness. Mirroring prior findings in humans, a low dose of pramipexole blunted response bias. Moreover, in rats, amphetamine potentiated response bias. These results indicate that in rats, reward responsiveness can be quantified and bidirectionally modulated by pharmacological manipulations that alter striatal dopamine transmission. Thus, this new procedure in rats, which is conceptually and procedurally analogous to the one used in humans, provides a reverse translational platform to investigate abnormal reward responsiveness across species

    Predictors of dental visits among primary school children in the rural Australian community of Lithgow

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    Background: Regular dental attendance is significant in maintaining and improving children’s oral health and well-being. This study aims to determine the factors that predict and influence dental visits in primary school children residing in the rural community of Lithgow, New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Methods: All six primary schools of Lithgow were approached to participate in a cross-sectional survey prior to implementing water fluoridation in 2014. Children aged 6–13 years (n = 667) were clinically examined for their oral health status and parents were requested to complete a questionnaire on fluoride history, diet, last dental visit, and socio-demographic characteristics. Multiple logistic regression analyses were employed to examine the independent predictors of a 6-monthly and a yearly dental visit. Results: Overall, 53% of children visited a dentist within six months and 77% within twelve months. In multiple logistic regression analyses, age of the child and private health insurance coverage were significantly associated with both 6-monthly and twelve-month dental visits. In addition, each serve of chocolate consumption was significantly associated with a 27% higher odds (OR = 1.27, 95% CI: 1.05-1.54) of a 6-monthly dental visit. Conclusion: It is imperative that the socio-demographic and dietary factors that influence child oral health must be effectively addressed when developing the oral health promotion policies to ensure better oral health outcomes.James Rufus John, Haider Mannan, Subrat Nargundkar, Mario D’Souza, Loc Giang Do and Amit Aror

    Energy drinks' effect on pre adult development of drosophila melanogaster

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    Quality of energy drinks consumed by an organism has a significant effect on an organism�s fitness. In the present investigation D. melanogaster were reared in Alternative natural energy drink based media, Synthetic energy drink based media and Wheat cream agar media. Feeding rate and pre adult development in these energy drinks, based media were studied. Results revealed that flies fed on alternative natural energy drink had consumed significantly greater quantity of food than those flies fed on synthetic energy drink and wheat cream agar media. Egg to larva, larva to pupa and pupa to adult viability was found to be significantly greater in alternative natural energy drink, whereas in larva to pupa viability wheat cream agar media was greater. This suggests that the consumption of alternative natural energy drink was beneficial in pre adult development of D. melanogaster

    Correlated multiplexity and connectivity of multiplex random networks

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    Nodes in a complex networked system often engage in more than one type of interactions among them; they form a multiplex network with multiple types of links. In real-world complex systems, a node's degree for one type of links and that for the other are not randomly distributed but correlated, which we term correlated multiplexity. In this paper we study a simple model of multiplex random networks and demonstrate that the correlated multiplexity can drastically affect the properties of giant component in the network. Specifically, when the degrees of a node for different interactions in a duplex Erdos-Renyi network are maximally correlated, the network contains the giant component for any nonzero link densities. In contrast, when the degrees of a node are maximally anti-correlated, the emergence of giant component is significantly delayed, yet the entire network becomes connected into a single component at a finite link density. We also discuss the mixing patterns and the cases with imperfect correlated multiplexity.Comment: Revised version, 12 pages, 6 figure