2,939 research outputs found

    Transmittivity measurements by means of squeezed vacuum light

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    A method for measuring the transmittivity of optical samples by using squeezed--vacuum radiation is illustrated. A squeezed vacuum field generated by a below--threshold optical parametric oscillator is propagated through a nondispersive medium and detected by a homodyne apparatus. The variance of the detected quadrature is used for measuring the transmittivity. With this method it is drastically reduced the number of photons passing through the sample during the measurement interval. The results of some tests are reported.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Gauged extended supergravity without cosmological constant: no-scale structure and supersymmetry breaking

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    We consider the interplay of duality symmetries and gauged isometries of supergravity models giving N-extended, spontaneously broken supergravity with a no-scale structure. Some examples, motivated by superstring and M-theory compactifications are described.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 16 pages. Invited paper to appear in the review section of the IJMP

    Homodyne extimation of quantum states purity by exploiting covariant uncertainty relation

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    We experimentally verify uncertainty relations for mixed states in the tomographic representation by measuring the radiation field tomograms, i.e. homodyne distributions. Thermal states of single-mode radiation field are discussed in details as paradigm of mixed quantum state. By considering the connection between generalised uncertainty relations and optical tomograms is seen that the purity of the states can be retrieved by statistical analysis of the homodyne data. The purity parameter assumes a relevant role in quantum information where the effective fidelities of protocols depend critically on the purity of the information carrier states. In this contest the homodyne detector becomes an easy to handle purity-meter for the state on-line with a running quantum information protocol.Comment: accepted for publication into Physica Script

    N=4 gauged supergravity and a IIB orientifold with fluxes

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    We analyze the properties of a spontaneously broken D=4, N=4 supergravity without cosmological constant, obtained by gauging translational isometries of its classical scalar manifold. This theory offers a suitable low energy description of the super-Higgs phases of certain Type-IIB orientifold compactifications with 3-form fluxes turned on. We study its N=3,2,1,0 phases and their classical moduli spaces and we show that this theory is an example of no-scale extended supergravity.Comment: Misprints corrected. Version appeared on NJP 4 (2002)7

    Superconformal field theories from IIB spectroscopy on AdS5Ă—T11AdS_5\times T^{11}

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    We report on tests of the AdS/CFT correspondence that are made possible by complete knowledge of the Kaluza-Klein mass spectrum of type IIB supergravity on AdS5Ă—T11AdS_5 \times T^{11} with T^{11}=SU(2)^2/U(1). After briefly discussing general multiplet shortening conditions in SU(2,2|1) and PSU(2,2|4), we compare various types of short SU(2,2|1) supermultiplets on AdS_5 and different families of boundary operators with protected dimensions. The supergravity analysis predicts the occurrence in the SCFT at leading order in N and g_s N, of extra towers of long multiplets whose dimensions are rational but not protected by supersymmetry.Comment: 11 pages, To appear in the proceedings of the STRINGS '99 conference, Potsdam (Germany), 19-25 July 199

    Off-shell N=2 tensor supermultiplets

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    A multiplet calculus is presented for an arbitrary number n of N=2 tensor supermultiplets. For rigid supersymmetry the known couplings are reproduced. In the superconformal case the target spaces parametrized by the scalar fields are cones over (3n-1)-dimensional spaces encoded in homogeneous SU(2) invariant potentials, subject to certain constraints. The coupling to conformal supergravity enables the derivation of a large class of supergravity Lagrangians with vector and tensor multiplets and hypermultiplets. Dualizing the tensor fields into scalars leads to hypermultiplets with hyperkahler or quaternion-Kahler target spaces with at least n abelian isometries. It is demonstrated how to use the calculus for the construction of Lagrangians containing higher-derivative couplings of tensor multiplets. For the application of the c-map between vector and tensor supermultiplets to Lagrangians with higher-order derivatives, an off-shell version of this map is proposed. Various other implications of the results are discussed. As an example an elegant derivation of the classification of 4-dimensional quaternion-Kahler manifolds with two commuting isometries is given.Comment: 36 page

    Polarization entangled photon-pair source based on quantum nonlinear photonics and interferometry

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    We present a versatile, high-brightness, guided-wave source of polarization entangled photons, emitted at a telecom wavelength. Photon-pairs are generated using an integrated type-0 nonlinear waveguide, and subsequently prepared in a polarization entangled state via a stabilized fiber interferometer. We show that the single photon emission wavelength can be tuned over more than 50 nm, whereas the single photon spectral bandwidth can be chosen at will over more than five orders of magnitude (from 25 MHz to 4 THz). Moreover, by performing entanglement analysis, we demonstrate a high degree of control of the quantum state via the violation of the Bell inequalities by more than 40 standard deviations. This makes this scheme suitable for a wide range of quantum optics experiments, ranging from fundamental research to quantum information applications. We report on details of the setup, as well as on the characterization of all included components, previously outlined in F. Kaiser et al. (2013 Laser Phys. Lett. 10, 045202).Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Thermal modification and alkyl ketene dimer effects on the surface protection of deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara Roxb.) wood

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate the multiple effects of both thermal modification and alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) on the deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara Roxb.) wood surface, before and after an irradiation test. The physical and chemical changes that occurred on the cedar wood samples due to the combined effect of these modifications were evaluated by measuring their wettability and colour and using attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses. The surface analysis by XPS showed the expected variability among the sampled layers for unmodified and thermally modified cedar wood samples and a uniform composition after the AKD coverage, regardless of their pre-treatments. The FTIR spectra before the irradiation test showed that the hydrophobicity of the samples was ensured by the formation of carbonyl groups originating from the reaction between the AKD and hydroxyl groups of cellulose, which is related to the presence of the absorption band between 1700 cm−1 and 1750 cm−1. Markedly, after the irradiation test, a degradation of the amorphous cellulose component occurred, showing that photoisomerisation to the enolic form took place. Overall, although uniform AKD coverage was derived from the surface analysis and wetting test, the combined ATR-FTIR results and colour measurements showed that it could not provide permanent protection to the underlying wood structure due to its own tendency to degrade mainly in colour over time, under the action of UV rays and atmospheric agents

    Invariant Differential Operators and Characters of the AdS_4 Algebra

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    The aim of this paper is to apply systematically to AdS_4 some modern tools in the representation theory of Lie algebras which are easily generalised to the supersymmetric and quantum group settings and necessary for applications to string theory and integrable models. Here we introduce the necessary representations of the AdS_4 algebra and group. We give explicitly all singular (null) vectors of the reducible AdS_4 Verma modules. These are used to obtain the AdS_4 invariant differential operators. Using this we display a new structure - a diagram involving four partially equivalent reducible representations one of which contains all finite-dimensional irreps of the AdS_4 algebra. We study in more detail the cases involving UIRs, in particular, the Di and the Rac singletons, and the massless UIRs. In the massless case we discover the structure of sets of 2s_0-1 conserved currents for each spin s_0 UIR, s_0=1,3/2,... All massless cases are contained in a one-parameter subfamily of the quartet diagrams mentioned above, the parameter being the spin s_0. Further we give the classification of the so(5,C) irreps presented in a diagramatic way which makes easy the derivation of all character formulae. The paper concludes with a speculation on the possible applications of the character formulae to integrable models.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, TEX-harvmac with input files: amssym.def, amssym.tex, epsf.tex; version 2 1 reference added; v3: minor corrections; v.4: minor corrections, v.5: minor corrections to conform with version in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen; v.6.: small correction and addition in subsections 4.1 & 4.

    Lectures on Gauged Supergravity and Flux Compactifications

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    The low-energy effective theories describing string compactifications in the presence of fluxes are so-called gauged supergravities: deformations of the standard abelian supergravity theories. The deformation parameters can be identified with the various possible (geometric and non-geometric) flux components. In these lecture notes we review the construction of gauged supergravities in a manifestly duality covariant way and illustrate the construction in several examples.Comment: 48 pages, lectures given at the RTN Winter School on Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theories, CERN, January 200
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