21 research outputs found

    The effect of multiple adverse childhood experiences on health: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background A growing body of research identifies the harmful effects that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs; occurring during childhood or adolescence; eg, child maltreatment or exposure to domestic violence) have on health throughout life. Studies have quantified such effects for individual ACEs. However, ACEs frequently co-occur and no synthesis of findings from studies measuring the effect of multiple ACE types has been done. Methods In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched five electronic databases for cross-sectional, case-control, or cohort studies published up to May 6, 2016, reporting risks of health outcomes, consisting of substance use, sexual health, mental health, weight and physical exercise, violence, and physical health status and conditions, associated with multiple ACEs. We selected articles that presented risk estimates for individuals with at least four ACEs compared with those with none for outcomes with sufficient data for meta-analysis (at least four populations). Included studies also focused on adults aged at least 18 years with a sample size of at least 100. We excluded studies based on high-risk or clinical populations. We extracted data from published reports. We calculated pooled odds ratios (ORs) using a random-effects model. Findings Of 11 621 references identified by the search, 37 included studies provided risk estimates for 23 outcomes, with a total of 253 719 participants. Individuals with at least four ACEs were at increased risk of all health outcomes compared with individuals with no ACEs. Associations were weak or modest for physical inactivity, overweight or obesity, and diabetes (ORs of less than two); moderate for smoking, heavy alcohol use, poor self-rated health, cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disease (ORs of two to three), strong for sexual risk taking, mental ill health, and problematic alcohol use (ORs of more than three to six), and strongest for problematic drug use and interpersonal and self-directed violence (ORs of more than seven). We identified considerable heterogeneity (I 2 of > 75%) between estimates for almost half of the outcomes. Interpretation To have multiple ACEs is a major risk factor for many health conditions. The outcomes most strongly associated with multiple ACEs represent ACE risks for the next generation (eg, violence, mental illness, and substance use). To sustain improvements in public health requires a shift in focus to include prevention of ACEs, resilience building, and ACE-informed service provision. The Sustainable Development Goals provide a global platform to reduce ACEs and their life-course effect on health. Funding Public Health Wales. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licens

    Ingrid mamma felice e Sophia nei guai: maternità, divismo e scandali mediali sulle pagine di «Oggi » 1949-1959

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    This essay is an examination of two famous star scandals of the Fifties: the extramarital affair of Ingrid Bergman with Roberto Rossellini and that of Sophia Loren with Carlo Ponti. Focusing on the Italian popular magazine «Oggi»’s coverage of these stars’ scandals, my article aims to investigate popular discourses of sexuality and motherhood in relation to historical and social change in postwar Italy, in particular the interconnectedness of media scandals, star’s textual and extratextual images, and the symbolic construction of motherhood

    Brain excitability and connectivity of neuronal assemblies in Alzheimer's disease: from animal models to human findings

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    The human brain contains about 100 billion neurons forming an intricate network of innumerable connections, which continuously adapt and rewire themselves following inputs from external and internal environments as well as the physiological synaptic, dendritic and axonal sculpture during brain maturation and throughout the life span. Growing evidence supports the idea that Alzheimer's disease (AD) targets selected and functionally connected neuronal networks and, specifically, their synaptic terminals, affecting brain connectivity well before producing neuronal loss and compartmental atrophy. The understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the dismantling of neuronal circuits and the implementation of 'clinically oriented' methods to map-out the dynamic interactions amongst neuronal assemblies will enhance early/pre-symptomatic diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression. More important, this will open the avenues to innovative treatments, bridging the gap between molecular mechanisms and the variety of symptoms forming disease phenotype. In the present review a set of evidence supports the idea that altered brain connectivity, exhausted neural plasticity and aberrant neuronal activity are facets of the same coin linked to age-related neurodegenerative dementia of Alzheimer type. Investigating their respective roles in AD pathophysiology will help in translating findings from basic research to clinical applications

    NMR and EPR Structural Delineation of Copper(II) Complexes Formed by Kanamycin A in Water.

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    The complexes formed by kanamycin A at three different pH values (5.5, 7.4 and 12.0) were investigated by NMR and EPR spectroscopy. The interaction of the Cu(II) ion with the nitrogen of the C ring is apparent at all pH values. At higher pH also the amino group of ring A starts to be involved in the metal coordination sphere. This is accompanied by a switch in conformation of ring C. Structures are consistent with the involvement in the coordination sphere either of the 2 or 4 hydroxyl oxygens at pH 5.5 and the 5 and the 6 hydroxyl oxygens (or the ring oxygen) at pH 12.0

    How many parkinsonian patients are suitable candidates for deep brain stimulation of subthalamic nucleus? Results of a questionnaire

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    We used a CAPSIT-based questionnaire to estimate the percentage of parkinsonian patients suitable for subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) in a movement disorders clinic. We found that out of 641 consecutive PD patients only 1.6% fulfilled strict STN-DBS criteria. When we applied more flexible criteria, the percentage of eligibility increased to 4.5%. Most patients (60%) were ineligible because they did not satisfy multiple questionnaire items. Items related to disease severity were responsible for the largest number of exclusions. This knowledge will help make decisions on resource allocation in centres wishing to start DBS surger

    Lack of evidence for post-vaccine onset of autoimmune/lymphoproliferative disorders, during a nine-month follow-up in multiply vaccinated Italian military personnel

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    Anecdotal case reports, amplified by mass media and internet-based opinion groups, have recently indicated vaccinations as possibly responsible for autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation development. Multiply vaccinated Italian military personnel (group 1, operating in Italy, group 2, operating in Lebanon) were followed-up for nine months to monitor possible post-vaccine autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation onset. No serious adverse event was noticed in both groups. Multivariate analysis of intergroup differences only showed a significant association between lymphocyte increase and tetanus/diphtheria vaccine administration. A significant post-vaccine decrease in autoantibody positivity was observed. Autoantibodies were also studied by microarray analysis of self-proteins in subjects exposed to ≥4 concurrent vaccinations, without observing significant difference among baseline and one and nine months post-vaccine. Moreover, HLA-A2 subjects have been analyzed for the possible CD8T-cell response to apoptotic self-epitopes, without observing significant difference between baseline and one month post-vaccine. Multiple vaccinations in young adults are safe and not associated to autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation onset during a nine-month-long follow-up


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    Nel mondo la degenerazione maculare legata all’età (DMLE) è la principale causa di grave riduzione della vista (1). Negli USA questa malattia è responsabile di più del 54% dei casi di perdita della vista nella popolazione bianca (2). Studi epidemiologici indicano che più di 1 milione di Americani è affetto dalla forma neovascolare (vedi oltre) e 970 mila sono colpiti dalla forma atrofica (vedi oltre). Una recente revisione della letteratura ha mostrato che in Europa globalmente la prevalenza della DMLE nei soggetti di età compresa tra 65-75 anni varia dal 9 al 25%. Francia e Germania sono i paesi con più elevata prevalenza, rispettivamente 40% e 39%, mentre nel Regno Unito la prevalenza è del 3,5%. In Italia si stima che 1 milione di persone presenti segni di DMLE; ogni anno si registrano 20 mila nuovi casi della forma neovascolare che colpisce l’1% degli ultra 50enni, il 14% degli ultra 75enni e il 30% degli ultra 85enni. La cecità si manifesta in età avanzata: più dell’80% di quelli che ne sono affetti diventano ciechi dopo i 70 anni. La DMLE è due volte più frequente nelle donne rispetto agli uomini. L’esatta patogenesi di questa affezione rimane incerta; si tratta di una malattia multifattoriale legata all'interazione di fattori genetici e ambientali. Tra questi spicca il fumo di sigaretta. Quest’ultimo agirebbe attraverso lo stress ossidativo che è considerato uno dei principali meccanismi che influenzano l’insorgenza della DMLE. La DMLE può presentarsi in due forme: la secca (non essudativa o atrofica) e la umida (essudativa o neovascolare). • La forma secca è caratterizzata dalla comparsa nella macula delle drusen: si tratta di escrescenze di materiale colloide (lipidi, fosfolipidi, collagene) che si accumulano nella membrana di Bruch sottostante all’epitelio pigmentato retinico. Le drusen ostacolano l’ossigenazione e determinano la degenerazione dei fotorecettori, con atrofia e graduale riduzione dell’acuità. È stato evidenziato che più di 8 milioni di Americani hanno almeno una voluminosa drusen in un occhio e che in 3,6 milioni di questi sono presenti drusen bilaterali Di notevole rilevanza è il fatto che la forma secca può evolvere nella più grave forma umida. • La forma umida si manifesta con essudazione ed emorragie maculari, generate dalla neoangiogenesi coroidale, che determinano una rapida perdita della vista. La terapia standard della DMLE neovascolare è rappresentata dall’iniezione intravitreale di un farmaco anti-VEGF. Per prevenire e contrastare l’angiogenesi a livello oculare è necessario identificare molecole angiostatiche che siano dotate di scarsa o nulla tossicità e con via di somministrazione che sia la più semplice possibile. Studi molto recenti hanno dimostrato che il licopene, oltre a essere un potente antiossidante, possiede anche una spiccata attività antiangiogenica. Sahin et al., utilizzando cellule endoteliali umane, hanno infatti evidenziato che il licopene riduce in vitro, in modo dose-dipendente, la loro proliferazione, la loro migrazione e la formazione di neocapillari. L’inibizione dell’angiogenesi è stata confermata da altri studi in cui è stato osservato che questo effetto è la conseguenza di differenti meccanismi: • attività anti-VEGF; • azione anti TNF-α (pro-angiogenesi); • up-regolazione della IL-12 e dell’IFN-γ (citochine antiangiogenesi); • inibizione della MMP-2 (proteasi proangiogenesi) tramite l’attenuazione del VEGFR2. È stato sottolineato che il licopene esercita il suo effetto antiangiogenico a concentrazioni che possono essere raggiunte anche in vivo, ma, a causa della variabilità degli individui e del contenuto di licopene dei pomodori, non è ancora possibile indicare la quantità di questi ortaggi necessaria al raggiungimento dello scopo. È da tempo noto tuttavia che i livelli di licopene sono più bassi nei pazienti con DMLE e solo da poco è stato osservato che esiste una correlazione inversa tra livelli plasmatici di carotenoidi e presenza di questa grave malattia oculare e che ciò è particolarmente rilevante per il licopene che è risultato essere il solo carotenoide in grado di proteggere significativamente sia nei confronti della forma iniziale, sia ancor di più nei confronti della forma essudativa