378 research outputs found

    From Jokun to Onnagata: Performance, Aesthetics, and the Cultivation of Femininity during the Edo Period.

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    M.A. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Subtracting and Fitting Histograms using Profile Likelihood

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    It is known that many interesting signals expected at LHC are of unknown shape and strongly contaminated by background events. These signals will be dif cult to detect during the rst years of LHC operation due to the initial low luminosity. In this work, one presents a method of subtracting histograms based on the pro le likelihood function when the background is previously estimated by Monte Carlo events and one has low statistics. Estimators for the signal in each bin of the histogram difference are calculated so as limits for the signals with 68.3% of Con dence Level in a low statistics case when one has a exponential background and a Gaussian signal. The method can also be used to t histograms when the signal shape is known. Our results show a good performance and avoid the problem of negative values when subtracting histograms

    On resumming periodic orbits in the spectra of integrable systems

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    Spectral determinants have proven to be valuable tools for resumming the periodic orbits in the Gutzwiller trace formula of chaotic systems. We investigate these tools in the context of integrable systems to which these techniques have not been previously applied. Our specific model is a stroboscopic map of an integrable Hamiltonian system with quadratic action dependence, for which each stage of the semiclassical approximation can be controlled. It is found that large errors occur in the semiclassical traces due to edge corrections which may be neglected if the eigenvalues are obtained by Fourier transformation over the long time dynamics. However, these errors cause serious harm to the spectral approximations of an integrable system obtained via the spectral determinants. The symmetry property of the spectral determinant does not generally alleviate the error, since it sometimes sheds a pair of eigenvalues from the unit circle. By taking into account the leading order asymptotics of the edge corrections, the spectral determinant method makes a significant recovery

    Much or More? Experiments of Rationality and Spite with School Children

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    Copyright © 2014 North American Journal of Pyschology.In a competitive environment the maximization of self-interest and the minimization of the other's interest can be seen as the two faces of the same coin. However, these motivations can lead to very different behaviors. In order to understand how these are expressed, we designed an experiment to measure the ability of children and teenagers to react to stimuli that induce behavior to act as a rational player (maximization of self interest) or as a spiteful player (minimization of other's interest). Each player faced the following dilemma: maximizing pay-off and incurring the risk of having a lower pay-off; or alternatively guaranteeing one’s own pay-off was not smaller than the opponent’s pay-off. A prize was attributed proportionally to the pay-off (Treatment 1) or to the player with highest pay-off (Treatment 2), which meant that the optimal behavior was different for each treatment. We performed experiments with 398 Portuguese children and teenagers and found evidence that younger children tended to be maximizers (in both variants) and that teenagers tended towards rational behavior when it was best for them and towards spiteful behavior when the latter was more advantageous

    CaractĂšres gĂ©nĂ©raux et Ă©tude histologique du dĂ©veloppement embryonnaire du crabe terrestre, cardisoma armatum, herklots, 1851 (decapoda gecarcinidae) de CĂŽte d’Ivoire

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    Cardisoma armatum, est une espĂšce de crabe de terre rencontrĂ©e en Afrique de l’ouest en particulier en CĂŽte d’Ivoire. Des observations rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l’oeil nu, Ă  la loupe binoculaire photographique et au microscope optique suite au traitement histologique ont permis la mise en Ă©vidence de quelques critĂšres d’identification de l’espĂšce et l’établissement du processus de dĂ©veloppement embryonnaire qui se dĂ©roule chez les femelles ovigĂšres. Cardisoma armatum est constituĂ© d’une carapace quadrangulaire recouvrant l’exosquelette segmentĂ© sur lequel sont fixĂ©s cinq paires de pattes. Les crabes des deux sexes possĂšdent un abdomen rudimentaire. Celui des mĂąles en forme d’un « V» renversĂ©, recouvre les plĂ©opodes ou organes reproducteurs externes. Une paire de testicule et une paire de canaux dĂ©fĂ©rents reprĂ©sentent les organes reproducteurs internes. Les femelles prĂ©sentent un abdomen ovalaire sur lequel sont fixĂ©s des plĂ©opodes biramĂ©s garnis de soies. Il recouvre les gonopores, partie externe du systĂšme reproducteur. L’ovaire et une paire de spermathĂšques reprĂ©sentent les organes reproducteurs internes.Le dĂ©veloppement embryonnaire implique les processus de transformations de l’oeuf tĂ©lolĂ©cithe en une larve. Les oeufs fĂ©condĂ©s exsudent de la cavitĂ© des femelles gravides au travers des gonopores et s’accrochent aux soies des plĂ©opodes biramĂ©s. Ces derniĂšres deviennent ainsi, des femelles ovigĂšres au niveau de l’abdomen desquelles se dĂ©roule l’embryogenĂšse qui comporte les Ă©tapes de la segmentation, la gastrulation et l’organogenĂšse. Au plan macroscopique les oeufs fĂ©condĂ©s et les germes forment une grappe dont la coloration passe de l’orange au jaune, au gris et enfin au noir. L’évolution des couleurs et de l’aspect des germes correspondent au plan microscopique Ă  l’élaboration progressive au sein des germes des territoires prĂ©somptifs. Le processus fait apparaĂźtre distinctement emballĂ© dans la membrane de fĂ©condation l’embryon formĂ© du cĂ©phalothorax et de l’abdomen. Le processus de l’embryogenĂšse chez Cardisoma armatum suit le schĂ©ma dĂ©jĂ  observĂ© chez Callinectes amnicola.Mots-clĂ©s : crabes Cardisoma armatum, caractĂšres gĂ©nĂ©raux, Ă©tudes histologique du dĂ©veloppement embryonnaire

    Ordering in a spin glass under applied magnetic field

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    Torque, torque relaxation, and magnetization measurements on a AuFe spin glass sample are reported. The experiments carried out up to 7 T show a transverse irreversibility line in the (H,T) plane up to high applied fields, and a distinct strong longitudinal irreversibility line at lower fields. The data demonstrate for that this type of sample, a Heisenberg spin glass with moderately strong anisotropy, the spin glass ordered state survives under high applied fields in contrast to predictions of certain "droplet" type scaling models. The overall phase diagram closely ressembles those of mean field or chiral models, which both have replica symmetry breaking transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for PR
