534 research outputs found

    Neue Aspekte Eisen- und Kobalt-katalysierter Kreuzkupplungsreaktionen

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entwicklung neuer direkter Kreuzkupplungsreaktionen unter Eisen- und Kobalt-Katalyse beschrieben. Hierbei ist ein neuartiges Konzept zur Domino-Eisenkatalyse entwickelt worden. Der eingesetzte Eisen-Katalysator katalysiert hierbei sowohl die Bildung der Organomagnesiumverbindung als auch die anschließende Kreuzkupplungsreaktion. Eine separate Synthese von gefahrgeneigten Metallorganylen und eine oft erforderliche, langsame Zudosierung wird durch die intermediäre Bildung der nukleophilen Spezies umgangen. Dies führt zu einer Verringerung des Gefahrenpotenzials in technischen Anwendungen und einer erhöhten Toleranz gegenüber empfindlichen funktionellen Gruppen am Kupplungspartner. Weiterhin werden in mechanistischen Experimenten der Einfluss des Aminadditivs und die Reaktivität der gebildeten niedervalenten Übergangsmetall-Spezies untersucht. Mit Hilfe von experimentellen Beobachtungen werden Mechanismen für die direkte Kreuzkupplung unter Eisen- und Kobalt-Katalyse postuliert. Neben der Entwicklung einer Aryl-Alkyl-Kreuzkupplungsreaktion werden außerdem neue effiziente Methoden zur Alkenyl-Alkyl, Alkenyl-Aryl und Aryl-Aryl-Kreuzkupplung vorgestellt. Weiterhin wird die Entwicklung einer chemoselektiven Hydrodehalogenierungsreaktion unter Verwendung von katalytischen Mengen an Eisensalzen behandelt

    Pain and Stress Measurement During General Anesthesia Using the Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia

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    Measuring intraoperative pain and stress during general anesthesia is still problematic. Instead of having access to meaningful and robust pain measurements, anesthetists must use their experience and intuition to ensure a proper pain therapy. The correct dosage of analgesics is crucial for a stable patient, since underdosing may lead to neurogenic shock. Overdosing can result in critically low blood pressures and heart rates.Several possible approaches towards measuring pain have been proposed in the last years. We briefly summarize them and evaluate their usability in a general anesthesia setting. A promising approach is given by the Analgesia Nociception Index. We developed an advanced algorithm, called the Surgical Analgesia Index, which improves its concept for the use in a fully connected smart operating room. This paper is dedicated to its description, preliminary validation and comparison against the original index

    Методические указания к лабораторной работе "Синхронизация потоков в параллельном программировании на языке C#"

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    Предлагаемые методические указания помогут студентам познакомиться со средствами синхронизации потоков для разработки многопоточных приложений на языке С# для платформы NET Framework и расширить свои умения в параллельном программировании. Методические указания содержат необходимые теоретические сведения, а также рекомендации для выполнения лабораторных работ

    Impact of Financial Pyramids on Well-being of the Russian Society

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    The article considers the impact of financial pyramids on a man’s well-being in terms of the key domains: financial situation, social environment, education, employment, and health. The authors determinate the financial pyramid as a scheme of interaction of the organizer and participants. In a financial pyramid participants' contributions are not a source of investments and it is redistributed between them. It is important to understand that the participants of a financial pyramid are able to lose contributions. The major negative effects of financial pyramids on socio-economical and psychological wellbeing of a man and society in Russia were revealed. We detected their effect on: 1) a financial situation, i.e. financial losses of participants of financial pyramids; 2) man’s psycho-emotional state; 3) decision-making of various social groups, i.e. intensification of their cognitive distortions. An instrument of social and economic policies of Russia aimed at mitigating negative effects of financial pyramids was suggested and described. The instrument will enable to enhance confidence of population in financial institutions and their services

    (596) Scheila in outburst: a probable collision event in the main asteroid belt

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    Descripción basada en el artículo versión final de la editora. Texto completo versión preprint.Images of asteroid (596) Scheila have been acquired at various dates after the discovery of the 2010 outburst. Assuming a short-duration event scenario, as suggested by the quick vanishing of the dust tail brightness with time, and numerically integrating the equation of motion of individual particles ejected from the surface, we have developed a tail model from which we estimate the parameters associated with the geometry of the ejection, the size distribution, and the velocity distribution of the ejected particles, as well as the total mass ejected. We found a weak inverse power-law dependence of ejection velocity versus particle radius, with velocities ranging from 50 to 80 m s–1 for particle radii in the range from 5 cm to 8 × 10–5 cm, respectively. These velocities are very different from those expected from ice sublimation at the asteroid heliocentric distance (~3 AU) and suggest a collision scenario as a likely cause of the outburst. We found that the ejected particles are distributed in size following a power law of index -3, and, based on the ejecta mass and scaling laws, the impactor size is estimated at 30-90 m in radius, assuming an impact velocity of ~5 km s–1, and the same density (1500 kg m–3) for the asteroid as for the projectile. We have inferred an asymmetry in the ejecta along the axis normal to the asteroid orbit plane, a likely indicator of an oblique impact. The impact is estimated to have occurred on November 27, with an accuracy not better than ±3 days.Peer reviewe

    Optimizing PEEP in ARDS: comparison of diverse EIT parameters

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    Although EIT is a promising technique optimizing ventilator settings, the best approach that leads to an improved clinical outcome is still unknown. Against the background that diverse EIT derived parameters have been published in the last years, clinical studies focusing on defined outcome parameters have to clarify pros and cons of these measures. The aim of this study was to compare several EIT parameters in an animal trial of ARDS

    Investigating photo-catalytic activity of metal-ceramic composites in eosin degradation using complex iron compounds

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    Iron-containing metal-ceramic composites based on silicon nitrides, titanium, and sialon were investigated in terms of their phase composition, as well as identification and evaluation of acid-base surface centers. It is shown that the base Lewis centers and the acid centers of Brensted are prevalent on the surface of the materials. The photocatalytic activity of composites was examined in the process of eosin degradation in presence of Н[2]О[2] and EDTA. The composites based on nitrides of silicon and titanium demonstrate the highest activity under ferric complex system conditions