977 research outputs found

    Adaptive quantum metrology under general Markovian noise

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    We consider a general model of unitary parameter estimation in presence of Markovian noise, where the parameter to be estimated is associated with the Hamiltonian part of the dynamics. In absence of noise, unitary parameter can be estimated with precision scaling as 1/T1/T, where TT is the total probing time. We provide a simple algebraic condition involving solely the operators appearing in the quantum Master equation, implying at most 1/T1/\sqrt{T} scaling of precision under the most general adaptive quantum estimation strategies. We also discuss the requirements a quantum error-correction like protocol must satisfy in order to regain the 1/T1/T precision scaling in case the above mentioned algebraic condition is not satisfied. Furthermore, we apply the developed methods to understand fundamental precision limits in atomic interferometry with many-body effects taken into account, shedding new light on the performance of non-linear metrological models.Comment: 13 pages, see also arXiv:1706.0244

    Catastrophic deformations of weller endoprosthesis heads

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    Catastrophic deformations of Weller endoprosthesis metal heads, done on account of penetration of bone cement molecules, which forced to surface of polyethylene cup and head are described in the paper. The deep and continuous scratch was about fifty times deeper and not very deep and discontinuous was about four times deeper in compare with the biggest high of irregularities of head surface occurring without presented changes. Conclusion shows that bone cement molecules, which forced to surface of polyethylene cup and head, produce some scratches on the metal heads of Weller endoprosthesis. Observed scratches on the heads surface were considerably deeper in compare with the basic roughness of surface. The direction of scratches is coincident with the vector of displacements on the surfaces of polyethylene cup and head contac

    Dynamic SLA Negotiation in Autonomic Federated Environments

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    Abstract. Federated computing environments offer requestors the ability to dynamically invoke services offered by collaborating providers in the virtual service network. Without an efficient resource management that includes Dynamic SLA Negotiation, however, the assignment of providers to customer’s requests cannot be optimized and cannot offer high reliability without relevant SLA guarantees. We propose a new SLA-based SERViceable Metacomputing Environment (SERVME) capable of matching providers based on QoS requirements and performing autonomic provisioning and deprovisioning of services according to dynamic requestor needs. This paper presents the SLA negotiation process that includes on-demand provisioning and uses an object-oriented SLA model for large-scale service-oriented systems supported by SERVME. An initial reference implementation in the SORCER environment is also described

    Influence of temperature on dynamics of birefringence switching in photochromic nematic phase

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    We present results of dynamic and fast switching of birefringence in a photochromic liquid-crystalline system as a function of the sample temperature. The system consists of photochromic molecules of 4-heptyl-4-methoxyazobenzene showing a liquid-crystalline nematic state close to room temperature. An experiment of dynamic birefringence switching was done in optical Kerr-effect set-up, where for the sample excitation, a picosecond-pulsed laser was used. Measurements were done for different temperatures of the sample in the liquid-crystalline nematic phase. We have proposed a mathematical model of dynamic, fast, and fully reversible birefringence changes. Theoretical estimations and experimental results have shown very good agreement. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3665123

    The beta-decay of 22Al

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    In an experiment performed at the LISE3 facility of GANIL, we studied the decay of 22Al produced by the fragmentation of a 36Ar primary beam. A beta-decay half-life of 91.1 +- 0.5 ms was measured. The beta-delayed one- and two-proton emission as well as beta-alpha and beta-delayed gamma decays were measured and allowed us to establish a partial decay scheme for this nucleus. New levels were determined in the daughter nucleus 22Mg. The comparison with model calculations strongly favours a spin-parity of 4+ for the ground state of 22Al

    Pulsed laser induced switching of birefringence in nematic phase of photochromic molecules

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    Fast and dynamic switching of liquid-crystalline photochromic system birefringence induced by pulsed laser has been observed. The system consisted of photochromic molecules of 4-heptyl-4-methoxyazobenzene showing liquid-crystalline nematic state close to the room temperature. Experiment of dynamic birefringence switching was done in optical Kerr effect (OKE) set-up, where for the sample excitation picosecond pulsed laser was used. Simultaneously, He-Ne laser was served as a probe beam source. Measurements were done for different voltages applied to the sample. Rise time constant was in the range of microseconds. Full reversibility of the OKE signal was observed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3559613

    Classical Proofs for the Quantum Collapsing Property of Classical Hash Functions

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    Hash functions are of fundamental importance in theoretical and in practical cryptography, and with the threat of quantum computers possibly emerging in the future, it is an urgent objective to understand the security of hash functions in the light of potential future quantum attacks. To this end, we reconsider the collapsing property of hash functions, as introduced by Unruh, which replaces the notion of collision resistance when considering quantum attacks. Our contribution is a formalism and a framework that offers significantly simpler proofs for the collapsing property of hash functions. With our framework, we can prove the collapsing property for hash domain extension constructions entirely by means of decomposing the iteration function into suitable elementary composition operations. In particular, given our framework, one can argue purely classically about the quantum-security of hash functions; this is in contrast to previous proofs which are in terms of sophisticated quantum-information-theoretic and quantum-algorithmic reasoning
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