150 research outputs found

    Patterns and frequency of anxiety in women undergoing gynaecological surgery

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    Patterns and frequency of anxiety in women undergoing gynaecological surgery Aims. Within a gynaecological surgical setting to identify the patterns and frequency of anxiety pre- and postoperatively; to identify any correlation between raised anxiety levels and postoperative pain; to identify events, from the patients’ perspective, that may increase or decrease anxiety in the pre- and postoperative periods. Background. It is well documented that surgery is associated with increased anxiety, which has an adverse impact on patient outcomes. Few studies have been conducted to obtain the patient’s perspective on the experience of anxiety and the events and situations that aggravate and ameliorate it. Method. The study used a mixed method approach. The sample consisted of women undergoing planned gynaecological surgery. Anxiety was assessed using the State Trait Anxiety Inventory. Trait anxiety was measured at the time of recruitment. State anxiety was then assessed at six time points during the pre- and postoperative periods. Postoperative pain was also measured using a 10 cm visual analogue scale. Taped semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted approximately a week after discharge. Results. State anxiety rose steadily from the night before surgery to the point of leaving the ward to go to theatre. Anxiety then increased sharply prior to the anaesthetic decreasing sharply afterwards. Patients with higher levels of trait anxiety were more likely to experience higher levels of anxiety throughout their admission. Elevated levels of pre- and postoperative anxiety were associated with increased levels of postoperative pain. Telephone interviews revealed a range of events/situations that patients recalled distressing them and many were related to inadequate information. Conclusion. This study found higher rates of anxiety than previously reported and anxiety levels appeared raised before admission to hospital. This has important clinical and research implications.Relevance to clinical practice. Patients with high levels of anxiety may be identified preoperatively and interventions designed to reduce anxiety could be targeted to this vulnerable group. Patient experiences can inform the delivery of services to meet their health needs better

    Colon cancer controls versus population controls in case-control studies of occupational risk factors

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    BACKGROUND: Since updated population registers do not exist in many countries it is often difficult to sample valid population controls from the study base to a case-control study. Use of patient controls is an alternative option if the exposure experience under study for these patients are interchangeable with the experience for population controls. Patient controls may even be preferable from population controls under certain conditions. In this study we examine if colon cancer patients can serve as surrogates for proper population controls in case-control studies of occupational risk factors. METHODS: The study was conducted from 1995 to 1997. Incident colon cancer controls (N = 428) aged 35–69 years with a histological verified diagnosis and population controls (N = 583) were selected. Altogether 254 (59%) of the colon cancer controls and 320 (55%) of the population controls were interviewed about occupational, medical and life style conditions. RESULTS: No statistical significant difference for educational level, medical history or smoking status was seen between the two control groups. There was evidence of a higher alcohol intake, less frequent work as a farmer and less exposure to pesticides among colon cancer controls. CONCLUSIONS: Use of colon cancer controls may provide valid exposure estimates in studies of many occupational risk factors for cancer, but not for studies on exposure related to farming

    Cross-national differences in clinically significant cannabis problems: epidemiologic evidence from 'cannabis-only' smokers in the United States, Mexico, and Colombia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Epidemiological studies show wide variability in the occurrence of cannabis smoking and related disorders across countries. This study aims to estimate cross-national variation in cannabis users' experience of clinically significant cannabis-related problems in three countries of the Americas, with a focus on cannabis users who may have tried alcohol or tobacco, but who have not used cocaine, heroin, LSD, or other internationally regulated drugs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data are from the World Mental Health Surveys Initiative and the National Latino and Asian American Study, with probability samples in Mexico (n = 4426), Colombia (n = 5,782) and the United States (USA; n = 8,228). The samples included 212 'cannabis only' users in Mexico, 260 in Colombia and 1,724 in the USA. Conditional GLM with GEE and 'exact' methods were used to estimate variation in the occurrence of clinically significant problems in cannabis only (CO) users across these surveyed populations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The experience of cannabis-related problems was quite infrequent among CO users in these countries, with weighted frequencies ranging from 1% to 5% across survey populations, and with no appreciable cross-national variation in general. CO users in Colombia proved to be an exception. As compared to CO users in the USA, the Colombia smokers were more likely to have experienced cannabis-associated 'social problems' (odds ratio, OR = 3.0; 95% CI = 1.4, 6.3; p = 0.004) and 'legal problems' (OR = 9.7; 95% CI = 2.7, 35.2; p = 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study's most remarkable finding may be the similarity in occurrence of cannabis-related problems in this cross-national comparison within the Americas. Wide cross-national variations in estimated population-level cumulative incidence of cannabis use disorders may be traced to large differences in cannabis smoking prevalence, rather than qualitative differences in cannabis experiences. More research is needed to identify conditions that might make cannabis-related social and legal problems more frequent in Colombia than in the USA.</p

    Toxoplasmosis-Related Knowledge and Practices Among Pregnant Women in the United States

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    Background: Infection with Toxoplasma gondii during pregnancy can lead to severe illness in the fetus. Many T. gondii infections are preventable by simple hygienic measures. Methods: We surveyed pregnant women in the US to determine their knowledge about toxoplasmosis and their practices to prevent infection. Volunteer obstetricians selected to be demographically representative of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recruited the participants. Results: Of 403 women responding to the survey, 48% indicated that they had heard or seen information about toxoplasmosis; however, only 7% were aware of being tested for the disease. Forty percent of responding women knew that toxoplasmosis is caused by an infection, but 21% thought that a poison causes it. The highest level of knowledge was about cats and T. gondii ; 61% responded that the organism is shed in the feces of infected cats and 60% responded that people could acquire toxoplasmosis by changing cat litter. There was a low level of knowledge about other risk factors; only 30% of the women were aware that T. gondii may be found in raw or undercooked meat. Nevertheless, a high percentage of women indicated that they do not eat undercooked meat during pregnancy and that they practice good hygienic measures such as washing their hands after handling raw meat, gardening or changing cat litter. Conclusion: Except for the risk of transmission from cats, knowledge among pregnant women about toxoplasmosis is low. However, toxoplasmosis-preventive practices are generally good, suggesting that providers should continue to offer education about practices that help prevent foodborne diseases in general as well as information about preventing toxoplasmosis specifically

    Improving Appropriate Use of Antifungal Medications: The Role of an Over-the-Counter Vaginal pH Self-Test Device

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    Objectives: To determine whether patients can understand and use the vaginal pH device in the diagnosis of vaginitis. To compare whether vaginal pH readings determined by patients and healthcare providers are similar. To determine whether vaginalpHcan reduce inappropriate over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal medication use and improve the correct diagnosis of vaginitis. Methods: One hundred and fifty-one women indicated their belief about the cause of their vaginal infection, read the instructions of the vaginal pH device package insert, used the device and interpreted the findings. The patient interpretations were compared with results obtained by healthcare providers, blinded to patient findings. Results: Over 96% of patients stated that they could easily read the instructions, use the vaginal pH device and interpret the readings. They obtained the same readings as healthcare professionals (Kappa = 0.9). Restricting the use of OTC antifungal medications to those individuals with vaginitis symptoms and vaginal pH ≤ 4.5 significantly reduced inappropriate use by approximately 50%, Fisher's exact test,p-value = 0.018. Conversely, seeking healthcare provider assessment with vaginal pH > 4.5, leads to correct diagnosis of vaginitis. Conclusions: The vaginal pH device can be used as an OTC diagnostic tool by consumers when a vaginal infection is suspected. Vaginal pH readings would direct patients whether to purchase an antifungal medication or seek professional diagnosis from a healthcare provider. Understanding and use of this vaginal pH device could reduce inappropriate use of OTC antifungal medications by approximately 50% and improve the correct diagnosis of vaginitis

    What is the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s Disease treated with vedolizumab?

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    Background: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is a serious condition linked to certain diseases and immunosuppressant therapies, including the α4 integrin antagonist natalizumab. No cases have been reported to date with vedolizumab, a selective antagonist of the α4β7 integrin expressed on gut-homing lymphocytes. This analysis aimed to describe the current and future expected occurrence of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with vedolizumab use, were the risk the same as in other populations in which this disease has been studied. Methods: The expected number of vedolizumab-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy cases was estimated up to May 19, 2016 and modelled up to 2034. These estimates were based on the cumulative exposure to the drug, assuming an equivalent risk to that of patients treated with natalizumab or those from other reference populations where progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy has been examined. Future cases were modelled based on similar risks and projected sales. Results: The cumulative vedolizumab exposure was estimated at 54,619 patient-years, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.0–6.75 cases per 100,000 patient-years. An estimated 30.2 (95% confidence interval 19.4–40.9) cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy would have occurred if vedolizumab had the same risk as that of natalizumab. There would be a 50% chance of the first case occurring by 2018, assuming an equivalent risk to the general population. Conclusions: These analyses indicate the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with vedolizumab is small, and unlikely to be above 6.75 cases per 100,000 patient-years