46 research outputs found
Swój „Obcy”. Wewnętrzni uchodźcy w Gruzji
Strangers in their own country. Internally Displaced Persons After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia participated in the armed conflicts over South Ossetia (1991-1992 and 2008) and Abkhazia (1992-1993). As a consequence, Georgia had to accept forced displaced persons. The following thesis focuses on the Abkhazian conflict, its causes and effects. The thesis is based on the analysis of the specific situation of IDPs which has gone on since 1993. The thesis describes the living conditions and prospects of the group of Abkhazian Georgians who were displaced within the territory of their own country and became internally displaced persons
Finding optimal frequency and spatial filters accompanying blind signal separation of\\ EEG data for SSVEP-based BCI
Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a device which allows paralyzed people to navigate a robot, prosthesis or wheelchair using only their own brains’ reactions. By creating a direct communication pathway between the human brain and a machine, without muscles contractions or activity from within the peripheral nervous system, BCI makes mapping person’s intentions onto directive signals possible. One of the most commonly utilized phenomena in BCI is steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP). If subject focuses attention on the flashing stimulus (with specified frequency) presented on the computer screen, a signal of the same frequency will appear in his or hers visual cortex and from there it can be measured. When there is more than one stimulus on the screen (each flashing with a different frequency) then based on the outcomes of the signal analysis we can predict at which of these objects (e.g., rectangles) subject was/is looking at that particular moment. Proper preprocessing steps have taken place in order to obtain maximally accurate stimuli recognition (as the specific frequency). In the current article, we compared various preprocessing and processing methods for BCI purposes. Combinations of spatial and temporal filtration methods and the proceeding blind source separation (BSS) were evaluated in terms of the resulting decoding accuracy. Canonical-correlation analysis (CCA) to signals classification was used
Electrochemical Activity and Electrical Properties of Optimized Polypyrrole Coatings on Iron
In this work, electrochemical activity and electrical properties of polypyrrole (PPy) coated iron electrodes have been investigated. PPy film was electrochemically polymerized from sodium salicylate aqueous solution under conditions, which provided an increase of iron corrosion resistance. It was noticed that the pH of the solution and the applied electrode potential range during the study of the polymer properties had an influence on the observed electroactivity of PPy. The electroactivity of PPy was retained in neutral solution when the potential was scanned between −0.6 and 0.3 V. Also the resistance behavior of the synthesized polymer film as a function of the electrode potential during doping/dedoping processes was studied. Determination of the resistance was based on the impedance spectroscopy measurements and was performed in air, in order to avoid the influence of the solution resistance on the resistance of the studied polymer. Depending on the redox properties, the pH of solution and the potential range, different resistances of the polymer film during the doping/dedoping process can be obtained
Fabrication of poly(vinyl alcohol)-graphene quantum dots coated with poly(3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) for supercapacitor
Conducting nanofiber composed of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) was prepared for symmetrical supercapacitor through electrospinning and electropolymerization techniques. The formation of PVA nanofibers with the addition of GQDs was excellently prepared with the average diameter of 55.66 ± 27 nm. Field emission scanning electron microscopy images revealed that cauliflower‐like structure of PEDOT was successfully coated on PVA‐GQD electrospun nanofibers. PVA‐GQD/PEDOT nanocomposite exhibited the highest specific capacitance of 291.86 F/g compared with PVA/PEDOT (220.73 F/g) and PEDOT (161.48 F/g). PVA‐GQD/PEDOT also demonstrated a high specific energy and specific power of 16.95 and 984.48 W/kg, respectively, at 2.0 A/g current density. PVA‐GQD/PEDOT exhibited the lowest resistance of charge transfer (Rct) and equivalent series resistance compared with PEDOT and PVA/PEDOT, indicating that the fast ion diffusion between the electrode and electrolyte interface. PVA‐GQD/PEDOT nanocomposite also showed an excellent stability with retention of 98% after 1000 cycles
Methods of imaging assisting medical diagnostics
Omówiono problemy fizjologiczne i techniczne występujące w identyfikacji cech organizmu człowieka za pomoca współczesnych metod obrazowania. Skoncentrowano się na specyfice wykorzystywanych zjawisk, przykładach stosowanych metod obrazowania oraz czynnikach warunkujących wiarygodność otrzymywanych wyników. uwypuklono obecne znaczenieoraz perspektywy skojarzonego zastosowania różnych metod obrazowania w minimalnie inwazyjnej diagnostyce i terapii.Psyhological and technical problems specyfying the identification of human organism attributes with current imaging methods are presented. The examples of imaging methods as well as factors affecting the reliability of examination results. Especially, great importance of still developing combined application of different imaging methods in modern medical diagnostics and therapy have been emphasized
Significance of metrology and measurement engineering in the modern interdisciplinary education
Pomiary są nieodłącznym elementem zawodowego i codziennego życia każdego człowieka. Umiejętność przeprowadzania pomiaru polega m.in. na dobraniu takich metod i aparatury oraz warunków, by uzyskana dokładność była wystarczająca. W niniejszym artykule, nawiązując do wyzwań współczesnej metrologii, zwrócono uwagę na zauważalne w niej tendencje do rozwoju nowych technik i narzędzi pomiarowych. Podkreślono wagę, jaką dla sprawności realizacji interdyscyplinarnych zadań dydaktycznych ma jedność nauczania i badań naukowych. Zwrócono także uwagę na znaczenie aktywizacji studentów.Measurements are the inherent elements of human professional and everyday life. In the article, linking to the challenges of the present metrology, the attention was paid to perceptible in her tendencies to the development of new techniques and measuring tools. The unity of teaching and scientific investigations is considered because of its positive influence on the efficiency of the realization of interdisciplinary didactic tasks. The attention was also turned on the great importance of students activation. One of the most important didactic tasks is to encourage the students to explore the complex interdisciplinary fields. The nature of the topics is reflected in how the lectures and laboratory experiments are accepted and understood by students. There is necessity to work well in a well-integrated interdisciplinary team. The influence of important relation between teachers and students on efficiency of education should be taken into consideration. Authoress in many places used her own experience acquired within many years of work with measuring equipment and many years of the teaching of metrological subjects
Swój „Obcy”. Wewnętrzni uchodźcy w Gruzji
Strangers in their own country. Internally Displaced Persons After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia participated in the armed conflicts over South Ossetia (1991-1992 and 2008) and Abkhazia (1992-1993). As a consequence, Georgia had to accept forced displaced persons. The following thesis focuses on the Abkhazian conflict, its causes and effects. The thesis is based on the analysis of the specific situation of IDPs which has gone on since 1993. The thesis describes the living conditions and prospects of the group of Abkhazian Georgians who were displaced within the territory of their own country and became internally displaced persons
Status and perspectives of development in biomeasurements
Omówiono problemy fizjologiczne i techniczne występujące w pomiarach wykonywanych w celu identyfikacji cech organizmu człowieka. Skoncentrowano się na specyfice wykorzystywanych zjawisk, rodzaju mierzonych wielkości, stosowanych czujnikach i metodach pomiarowych oraz czynnikach warunkujących wiarygodność otrzymywanych wyników. Uwypuklono obecne znaczenie oraz perspektywy zastosowania w diagnostyce medycznej przetwarzania optoelektronicznego.In the paper, some poblems referring to biomeasurements have been presented, with focus on phenomena to be utilized, kinds of quantities to be measured, types of measuring sensors and methods performed, and factors affecting reliability of results to be obtained. Important advantages of optoelectronic processing have been emphasized
Application of the LabVIEW environment for modelling of optical tissues properties
W artykule zaprezentowano wykorzystanie środowiska LabVIEW do badania transmitancji obiektów biologicznych poddanych w celach pomiarowych transiluminacji promieniowaniem z zakresu VIS. Przyjęty do badań model obiektu ma strukturę warstwową. Obiekty złożone są z różnych jakościowo warstw tkanek, które mogą być zestawione w dowolnej kolejności i grubości. Każda warstwa o zadanej grubości opisana jest współczynnikami optycznymi, charakteryzującymi absorpcję, rozpraszanie i anizotropię rozpraszania. Wyniki modelowania prezentowane są w formie graficznej na oscylogramie oraz w postaci ciągu liczb w tabeli. Dane mogą być zapisane do pliku tekstowego lub konwertowane do skoroszytu Microsoft Excel. Zastosowany algorytm pozwala na prowadzenie symulacji wpływu długości drogi optycznej na natężenie promieniowania przepuszczonego przez ośrodki optyczne. Za pomocą oscylogramu można przeprowadzić analizę charakterystycznych punktów i rozdzielić czynniki transmitancji dla optycznie cienkich i optycznie grubych składowych drogi optycznej. Zastosowanie w modelowaniu wspomagania komputerowego przyspiesza proces obliczeń, jest także narzędzim wspomagającym pozyskiwanie danych, umożliwia tworzenie wirtualnych wariantów modelu i doskonalenie metod badania w warunkach rzeczywistych.In the paper the description of a program for modeling optical tissues properties is presented. this program that utilizes LabVIEW environment has been written in the language G and can be used for investigation of biological objects transilluminated with VIS radiation. The investigated object model os of layered homogenous structure. Each layer is described by its thickness and optical coefficients, which specify absorption, scattering and anisotropy of scattering. Tissue layers my be arranged into various sets, changing arrangement order and thickness of particular layers. The total optical transmittances of object are collected in tables and illustrated with respective plots. Data to be obtained allow a program user to record them as text files or convert to MS Excel file. The applied algorithm makes it possible to perform simulation how the optical pathway influences the intensity of light transmitted throught optical media. Oscillograms enable analysis of the characteristic points where a given component layer is either optically thin or thick. Modelling with computer aid increases the speed of calculations and data collection as well as makes possible creating virtual variants of a model and improving measurements of real objects