3 research outputs found

    Web-Based Crash Data Querying Tool

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    Stovky tisíc chybových hlásení denne je zozbieraných od používateľov operačných systémov Fedora a CentOS prostredníctvom nástroja Automatic Bug Reporting Tool. Po spracovaní sú tieto dáta odosielané na Fedora Analysis Framework server, ktorý má slúžiť vývojárom a správcom jednotlivých komponent operačného systému na analýzu nedostatkov. V súčasnej dobe poskytuje Fedora Analysis Framework štatistické dáta s možnosťou základného filtrovania. Cieľom tejto práce je navrhnúť a implementovať nástroj na triedenie, filtrovanie a spájanie dát, ktorý uľahčí určovanie priority práce vývojárov. Návrh sady nástrojov je založený na analýze existujúcich riešení, nedostatkoch nahlásených v repozitári projektu Fedora Analysis Framework a informácií získaných priamo od používateľov tohoto nástroja.Hundred of thousands crash reports are collected from Fedora and CentOS users every day by Automatic Bug Reporting Tool. Processed data are sent to Fedora Analysis Framework server and used by developers and operating system component maintainers to find common problems. Fedora Analysis Framework provides statistic data and a basic way to filter them. The aim of this thesis is to design and implement tool to sort, filter and join the reports, which will help developers to prioritize their work. The design of this toolset is based on existing solutions, issues reported in Fedora Analysis Framework project repository and information provided by its users.

    SL-COMP: Competition of Solvers for Separation Logic

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    International audienceSL-COMP aims at bringing together researchers interested on improving the state of the art of the automated deduction methods for Separation Logic (SL). The event took place twice until now and collected more than 1K problems for different fragments of SL. The input format of problems is based on the SMT-LIB format and therefore fully typed; only one new command is added to SMT-LIB's list, the command for the declaration of the heap's type. The SMT-LIB theory of SL comes with ten logics, some of them being combinations of SL with linear arithmetics. The competition's divisions are defined by the logic fragment, the kind of decision problem (satisfiability or entailment) and the presence of quantifiers. Until now, SL-COMP has been run on the StarExec platform, where the benchmark set and the binaries of participant solvers are freely available. The benchmark set is also available with the competition's documentation on a public repository in GitHub