68 research outputs found
Tratamiento y prevención de patologías en sistemas de concreto estructural utilizados en la avenida Paseo de la República (Vía Expresa) en la intersección de los tramos Av. Javier Prado- Av. Canadá en la provincia de Lima
La presente investigación se refiere al tratamiento y prevención de las patologías del hormigón
estructural usado en la Avenida Paseo de la República en la intersección de los tramos Avenida Javier
Prado- Avenida Canadá de la Ciudad de Lima, Departamento de Lima. La patología del concreto define
como aquella porción de la duración que se describe a las cifras, causas potenciales y análisis del
desperfecto que se observan en las placas del concreto estructural.
La primera etapa tiene como propósito el planteamiento y delimitación del problema; el proceso
detallado de la patología, también del inadecuado mantenimiento estructural, la importancia, las
limitaciones, el problema general, los objetivos e hipótesis. Así mismo, la segunda etapa consiste en el
marco histórico con revistas científicas y citas bibliográficas, para proponer múltiples recomendaciones
para el tratamiento de los diferentes tipos de daños.
El tercer capítulo, abarca las variables, la metodología utilizada, tipo de estudio. También
usamos los ensayos no destructivos tales como: ensayo del esclerómetro (se utiliza el del laboratorio
UPN), ensayo de carbonatación.
El cuarto capítulo, menciona el avance de la investigación, en la que se observa los
El quinto capítulo, describe los resultados obtenidos, diagnóstico del elemento estructural en la
Avenida Paseo de la República en la intersección de los tramos Avenida Javier Prado- Avenida Canadá.
Finalmente encontramos los capítulos sexto, séptimo y octavo, que contiene la discusión, las
conclusiones y las recomendaciones de dicha investigación.
Todo ello, establece que los muros estructurales de la avenida Paseo de la República, necesitan
mantenimiento adecuado, ya que se detecta diversos tipos patologías en su estructura.The present investigation refers to the treatment and prevention of structural concrete pathologies
used in Paseo de la Republica Avenue at the intersection of the sections avenue Javier Prado – Avenue
Canada of the in Lima City, Department of Lima. The pathology of concrete is pointed out as that portion
of the durability that is described to the figures, potential causes and analysis of the damage observed by
the structures of the structural concrete.
The first stage has as purpose the approach and delimitation of the problem; the detailed process
of pathology, also observed an inadequate structural maintenance, the importance, the limitation, the
general problem, the objectives and hypotheses.
Likewise, the second stage consists of a historical framework with scientific magazines and books
of several citations, in order to propose multiple recommendations for the treatment of different
pathological types.
The third chapter covers the variables, the methodology used, and type of study. We also use
non-destructive tests such as: sclerometer test (the UPN laboratory is used), carbonation test.
The fourth chapter mentions the development of the investigation, in which the procedures are
The fifth chapter describes the results obtained, diagnosis of the structure element on Avenue
Paseo de la Republica at the intersection of the sections Avenue Javier Prado - Avenue Canada.
Finally, we find the sixth, seventh and eighth chapters, which contains the discussion, conclusions
and recommendations of said investigation.
All this, establishes that the structural walls of the Avenue Paseo de la Republica, need adequate
maintenance, since it detects various types of pathologies in its structure
JOB IN©: Desarrollo de una plataforma para la preselección 'SMART' para el sector HORECA
This study has as main aim to apply, spread and validate JOB IN®. This is a platform that automates recruitment, preselection and selection processes for candidates for the hostelery and food services sector, from the analysis and identification of the competences and key psycho-social processes for a high quality performance in their position. For tool validation purposes a sample of 363 candidates was considered , ages between 18 and 56 years old, being more frequent people under 20 years old (53,5%) that were looking for his first job on the industry. 53,7% of the sample were women. For results validation of the tool, other two tests were used: HORECA-5 and Overall Personality Assessment Scale (OPERAS).Our results indicate that the platform JOB IN® is a system that has the characteristics to be considered 'smart' since it enhances accessibility and quality of recruitment and preselection processes of the candidates in the hostelry sector. All aspects of the platform shown a very discreet reliability (alpha=.546). Additionally, high and significative correlations between JOB IN® scale facets and the scales of HORECA-5 and OPERAS
Influencia de los factores externos en el aprendizaje significativo en niños de 4 años de la I.E N° 210 Santa Maria de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2016
La presente investigación titulada: “INFLUENCIA DE LOS FACTORES
N° 210 “SANTA MARÍA” DE LA CIUDAD DE TRUJILLO – 2016”, tiene como
objetivo principal determinar, si hay influencia de los factores externos en el
aprendizaje significativo en los niños de 4 años de la “I.E N° 210 Santa María” de
la ciudad de Trujillo – 2016.
La investigación es de tipo básico con un diseño descriptivo correlacional dado
que se trabajó con el 100% de la población por las 90 encuestas aplicadas a
cada padre y a cada niño de 4 años, utilizando como instrumentos la escala
valorativa “Factores Externos” y la escala valorativa “Aprendizaje Significativo”.
La primera escala valorativa “Factores Externos” con 5 ítems divididos en 4
dimensiones: alimentación, infraestructura, sociológico y psicológico; y la
segunda escala “Escala Valorativa”, arrojando un resultado de RHO de
Spearman de valor 0,818, podríamos afirmar que existe una muy fuerte relación
entre las variables factores externos y aprendizaje significativo. Respecto a
la hipótesis de la correlación de Spearman, una vez realizada se obtuvo un pvalor
0,000 el cual es menor que el valor estadístico de prueba p:0.05 , por
ende, podríamos decir que hay suficiente información estadística que confirma
que es altamente confiable. La dimensión alimentación arroja un coeficiente
RHO de Spearman de valor 0.585 tenemos suficiente información estadística de
que a mayor percepción de la dimensión alimentación habrá mayor aumento
en la percepción del aprendizaje significativo. La dimensión infraestructura
arroja con un coeficiente RHO de Spearman de valor 0.532 tenemos suficiente
información estadística de que a mayor percepción de la dimensión
infraestructura habrá mayor aumento en la percepción del aprendizaje
significativo. La dimensión sociológica arroja un coeficiente RHO de
Spearman de valor 0.599 tenemos suficiente información estadística de que a
mayor percepción de la dimensión sociológica habrá mayor aumento en la
percepción del aprendizaje significativo y de respecto a la dimensión
psicológico arroja un coeficiente RHO de Spearman de valor 0.604 tenemos suficiente información estadística de que a mayor percepción de la dimensión
psicológica habrá mayor aumento en la percepción del aprendizaje
Los instrumentos empleados fueron validados por jueces expertos y son confiables estadísticamente. La muestra fue de 90 niños, los resultados demostraron que se cumplió la hipótesis H
1: “Sí, hay influencia de los factores externos en el aprendizaje significativos en
niños de 4 años de la “I.E. N° 210 Santa María” de la ciudad de Trujillo –
2016”. Por ende, la correlación entre Factores Externos y Aprendizaje Significativo es
altamente significativa con un RHO de Spearman de valor 0,818.The present investigation entitled: ""INFLUENCE OF THE EXTERNAL FACTORS
SANTA MARÍA ""OF THE CITY OF TRUJILLO - 2016"", had as main objective to
determine, if there is influence of the external factors in the significant learning of
children of 4 years of the IE No. 210 ""Santa María"" of the city of Trujillo - 2016.
This was a basic type of research with a Descriptive Correlation design given that
100% of the population was worked on by the 90 surveys applied to each parent
and each 4-year-old child, using as instruments the ""External Factors"" rating scale
and the scale ""Meaningful Learning"".
The first valuation scale ""External Factors"" with 5 items divided into 4 Dimensions:
Food, Infrastructure, Sociological and Psychological; and the second ""Scale of
Value"" scale, yielding a Spearman RHO result of 0.818 value, we could affirm that
there is a very strong relationship between the variables external factors and
significant learning, in addition to the hypothesis of the Spearman correlation, a
Once this was done, a p-value of 0.000 was obtained, which is less than the
statistical test value p: 0.05, so we could say that there is enough statistical
information that is considered and is highly reliable. The feeding dimension yields
a Spearman RHO coefficient of value 0.585. We have enough statistical
information that the greater the perception of the feeding dimension, there will be a
greater increase in the perception of meaningful learning. The infrastructure
dimension gives a Spearman RHO coefficient of 0.532 value. We have enough
statistical information that the greater the perception of the infrastructure
dimension, there will be a greater increase in the perception of meaningful
learning. The sociological dimension gives a Spearman RHO coefficient of 0.599
we have enough statistical information that the greater the perception of the
sociological dimension there will be greater increase in the perception of
meaningful learning and the psychological dimension yields a ROR of Spearman
of 0.604 we have enough information statistics that a greater perception of the
psychological dimension will increase the perception of meaningful learning. The instruments that were validated by expert judges and are statistically reliable.
The sample was of 90 children, the results showed that the hypothesis H1 was
fulfilled that says: ""Yes, there is influence of the external factors in the significant
learning in children of 4 years of the I.E. N ° 210 ""Santa María"" of the city of Trujillo
- 2016 "" The correlation between External Factors and Significant Learning is highly
significant with a Spearman RHO of 0.818 value.Tesi
Planeamiento estratégico de la provincia de Alto Amazonas
La provincia de Alto Amazonas se encuentra en la región Loreto, en el norte del
Perú. Se encuentra ubicada al Sur Oeste del departamento de Loreto, en las cuencas de los
ríos Marañón, Huallaga, Nucuray y Paranapura, en un rango altitudinal entre 800 msnm en
el occidente, en las montañas subandinas y 120 msnm en el llano aluvial. La provincia está
conformada por seis distritos, los cuales son: (a) Yurimaguas, (b) Balsapuerto, (c) Jeberos,
(d) Laguna, (e) Santa Cruz y (f) Teniente César López Rojas, siendo Yurimaguas la capital
de la provincia, clave para el desarrollo de la misma, del departamento y de la región.
En relación con el tema económico, la provincia de Alto Amazonas cuenta con una
Población Económicamente Activa (PEA) de 33,372 habitantes y se desarrollan
principalmente actividades primarias o extractivas como la agrícola, pecuaria, de caza y
silvicultura, pesca y extracción de canteras, que sumado hace un total de 52.76% de la
PEA. La segunda actividad de importancia en la provincia es la terciaria con un total de
40.24%, donde destaca el comercio con 11.73%, y, finalmente, con solo el 7% la actividad
secundaria o industrial.
El planeamiento estratégico desarrollado para la provincia de Alto Amazonas, en la
región de Loreto, ha sido proyectado al 2030 y tiene como objetivo establecer las
estrategias, basadas en el análisis del entorno interno de la provincia, y políticas que
permitirán el crecimiento económico y social de Alto Amazonas. Actualmente su población
se dedica al comercio y la producción agrícola, siendo sus principales productos: el camu
camu, el cacao y la palma aceitera.
La visión, misión y valores han sido definidos a partir de la estructura social de la
provincia, la cual busca convertirse en una de las más competitivas del país a partir de su
crecimiento económico, mediante el aprovechamiento de sus recursos, la explotación de su
potencial comercial interoceánico, la expansión de su turismo, el desarrollo agropecuario y
la mejora de la calidad de vida de su población. Para lograrlo se han formulado los
siguientes objetivos de largo plazo: (a) incrementar el PBI del sector comercio en productos
y servicios finales, a través del desarrollo del comercio interoceánico; (b) desarrollar el
sector agropecuario, mediante la ejecución de políticas que fomenten la productividad y el
intercambio comercial; (c) lograr la interconectividad de todos los distritos de Alto
Amazonas en un 100%; (d) incrementar la esperanza de vida en la población a través de la
reducción de la desnutrición crónica y la mejora de los servicios de salud; (e) disminuir la
tasa estimada de analfabetismo de la población e (f) incrementar el número de turistas que
visitan la provincia. Todo ello con el propósito de garantizar un desarrollo sostenible en el
tiempo, en beneficio de los pobladores de la provincia, y alcanzar un nivel competitivo que
contribuirá al desarrollo de la provincia, región y del paísThe province of Alto Amazonas is located in the Loreto region, in northern Peru. It
is located to the South West of the department of Loreto, in the basins of the Marañón,
Huallaga, Nucuray and Paranapura rivers, in an altitudinal range between 800 masl in the
west, in the sub-Andean mountains and 120 masl in the alluvial plain. The province is made
up of six districts, which are: (a) Yurimaguas, (b) Balsapuerto, (c) Jeberos, (d) Laguna, (e)
Santa Cruz and (f) Lieutenant César López Rojas, being Yurimaguas the capital of the
province, key to the development of the same, the department and the region.
In relation to the economic issue, the province of Alto Amazonas has an
Economically Active Population (EAP) of 33,372 inhabitants and mainly primary or
extractive activities are developed, such as agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry,
fishing and quarrying, which added a total of 52.76% of the PEA. The second activity of
importance in the province is tertiary with a total of 40.24%, where trade stands out with
11.73%, and, finally, with only 7% secondary or industrial activity.
The strategic plan developed for the province of Alto Amazonas, in the Loreto
region, has been projected to the year 2030, and aims to establish strategies, based on the
analysis of the province's internal environment, and policies will allow economic and social
growth of Alto Amazonas. Currently, its population is dedicated to the commerce and the
agricultural production, being its main products: the camu camu, the cacao and the oil
Vision, mission and values have been defined from the social structure of the
province, which seeks to become one of the most competitive in the country from its
economic growth, through the use of its resources, the exploitation of its interoceanic
commercial potential, the expansion of its tourism, agricultural development and the
improvement of the quality of life of its population. To achieve this, the following longterm
objectives have been formulated: (a) increase the PIB of the trade sector in final
products and services, through the development of interoceanic trade; (b) develop the
agricultural sector through the implementation of policies that promote productivity and
commercial exchange; (c) achieve the interconnectivity of all the districts of Alto
Amazonas by 100%; (d) increase the life expectancy in the population through the
reduction of chronic malnutrition and the improvement of health services; (e) decrease the
estimated illiteracy rate of the population and (f) increase the number of tourists visiting the
province. All this with the purpose of guaranteeing a sustainable development over time,
for the benefit of the inhabitants of the province, and reaching a competitive level that will
contribute to the development of the province, region and countryTesi
Strip Center Qhatu Plaza
El presente documento refiere al desarrollo detallado de todas las etapas involucradas en la ejecuci?n de nuestro proyecto Qhatu Plaza que como parte de nuestra cartera de proyectos de construcci?n diferenciamos a modo de Infraestructura innovadora, un modelo distinto de centros comerciales estandarizados en la zona de influencia de Ate Vitarte ? Lima
Apolipoprotein E4 Impairs Neuronal Insulin Signaling by Trapping Insulin Receptor in the Endosomes
【Abstract】Diabetes and impaired brain insulin signaling are linked to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The association between diabetes and AD-associated amyloid pathology is stronger among carriers of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 gene allele, the strongest genetic risk factor for late-onset AD. Here we report that apoE4 impairs neuronal insulin signaling in human apoE-targeted replacement (TR) mice in an age-dependent manner. High-fat diet (HFD) accelerates these effects in apoE4-TR mice at middle age. In primary neurons, apoE4 interacts with insulin receptor and impairs its trafficking by trapping it in the endosomes, leading to impaired insulin signaling and insulin-stimulated mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis. In aging brains, the increased apoE4 aggregation and compromised endosomal function further exacerbate the inhibitory effects of apoE4 on insulin signaling and related functions. Together, our study provides novel mechanistic insights into the pathogenic mechanisms of apoE4 and insulin resistance in AD.This work was supported by NIH grants R01AG035355 , R37AG027924 , RF1AG051504 , and R01AG046205 (to G.B.), a grant from the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund (to G.B.), a fellowship from the BrightFocus Foundation A2016346F (to C.-C.L.), a grant from Alzheimer’s Association AARG-17-500335 (to C.-C.L.), a pilot project grant from Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center P50AG016574 (to N.Z.), and Younkin fellowship from Mayo Clinic (to N.Z.). We thank Linda Rousseau and Monica Castanedes-Casey for helping with the preparation of mouse brain slices and the immunohistochemical staining
The Helicobacter pylori Genome Project : insights into H. pylori population structure from analysis of a worldwide collection of complete genomes
Helicobacter pylori, a dominant member of the gastric microbiota, shares co-evolutionary history with humans. This has led to the development of genetically distinct H. pylori subpopulations associated with the geographic origin of the host and with differential gastric disease risk. Here, we provide insights into H. pylori population structure as a part of the Helicobacter pylori Genome Project (HpGP), a multi-disciplinary initiative aimed at elucidating H. pylori pathogenesis and identifying new therapeutic targets. We collected 1011 well-characterized clinical strains from 50 countries and generated high-quality genome sequences. We analysed core genome diversity and population structure of the HpGP dataset and 255 worldwide reference genomes to outline the ancestral contribution to Eurasian, African, and American populations. We found evidence of substantial contribution of population hpNorthAsia and subpopulation hspUral in Northern European H. pylori. The genomes of H. pylori isolated from northern and southern Indigenous Americans differed in that bacteria isolated in northern Indigenous communities were more similar to North Asian H. pylori while the southern had higher relatedness to hpEastAsia. Notably, we also found a highly clonal yet geographically dispersed North American subpopulation, which is negative for the cag pathogenicity island, and present in 7% of sequenced US genomes. We expect the HpGP dataset and the corresponding strains to become a major asset for H. pylori genomics
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