121 research outputs found

    Ekološki značaj primene elektro-inovativnog uređaja u procesu suzbijanja Ambrosia artemisiifolia L

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    Large amounts of aerosols that linger in the atmosphere are becoming carriers of pollen. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L has the ability to produce large amounts of pollen. Given the high adaptability of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L for the dissemination of the big problem is its suppression. In practice, the most common method of combating Ambrosia is the use of different groups of herbicides which adversely affects the environment. Therefore, the aim of the paper is set to investigate the efficacy of the treatment plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L supply via innovative devices in the stage of development of vegetative growth of the plants after harvest of wheat. The first results were visible after only 20 minutes, and the total number of plants in the treatment was destroyed after 5 days.Velike količine aerosola koje se zadržavaju u atmosferi postaju nosači polena. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L ima sposobnost produkcije velike količine polena. S obzirom na veliku adaptibilnost Ambrosia artemisiifolia L pri širenju veliki problem je njeno suzbijanje. U praksi najčešća metoda suzbijanja ambrozije je korišćenje različitih grupa herbicida čime se negativno utiče na životnu sredinu. Zato je za cilj rada postavljeno da se istraži efikasnost tretmana biljaka Ambrosia artemisiifolia L naponom preko inovativnog uređaja u fenofazi vegetativnog porasta biljaka posle žetve pšenice. Prvi rezultati su bili vidljivi posle samo 20 minuta, a ukupan broj biljaka u tretmanu bio je uništen posle 5 dana


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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence foliar application of the microbiological preparation (EM Aktiv) with a mixture of different groups of microorganisms (on different genotypes of wheat in sustainable agricultural production on the weight of 1000 grains and grain yield.) The research was conducted in the period 2016/2017-2018/2019 (factor A) in the region of Vojvodina, Serbia,  which  includes four varieties  of wheat (factor B). Factor C three variants of nitrogen are provided for wheat nutrition: 129, 106 and 83 kgˑha-1. During the vegetation, applications were performed with the microbiological preparation "EM Aktiv": F0 129 kgˑha-1 without EM, F1 129 kgˑha-1 + 1 x EM; F2 106 kgˑha-1 + 2 x EM; F3 83 kgˑha-1 + 3 x EM. At the end of the growing season, the weight of 1000 grains and the grain yield were measured. Factors A and  B had an effect on the increase of the tested traits p<0.01. The highest values were recorded in 2018/2019.  Factor C affected an increase in the weight of 1000 grains from 0.14% (F3) to 1.91% (F1). The differences in grain yield were significantly influenced by treatments (C) (p<0.05). The increase was from 1.91 % (F3) to 4.76 % (F1)

    Effect of low frequency electromagnetic field and biological components on yield and quality of seed in the sustainable production of soybean

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    Istraživanja su sprovedena u periodu 2013-2015 na oglednom dobru Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom sadu, na zemljištu tipa karbonatni černozem u okviru održive proizvodnje soje...Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, on soil type chernozem carbonate within the sustainable production of soybeans. In the research was included soybean cultivar Valjevka, 0 maturity group, the length of the vegetation period to 120 days. The field experiment was conducted in a split plot design with four replications with randomized design (total 18 variants). The research included three factors: Factor A are years, because on the yield of soybean grain affecting agrometeorological conditions in the phenological stages of vegetative and generative growth. Factor B are different types and amounts of fertilizers. For plant nutrition was used poultry manure (N 4,5%, P2O5 2,7%, K2O 2,2%, MgO) in three different amounts of Ø (control), 750 kg/ha and 1300 kg/ha in combination with microbiological preparation “EM Aktiv” (incorporation of soil and foliar treatments) which are products of life activities large groups of effective microorganisms: Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus lactis, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Rodobacter sphaeroides, Saccharomyces carevisiae, Candida utilis, Streptomyces albus, Streptomyces griseus, Aspergillus oryzae, Mucor hiemalis. Faktor " is the stimulation of seeds with low-frequency electromagnetic fields, or with dashed sinusoidal wave (sinusoid) so called pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF), which is performed with the device of specific spectral content of low frequencies from 15 Hz exposure 30 minutes, performed immediately before sowing. The aim of this study was to examine the basic morphological characteristics, the amount of grain yield, the qualitative traits (contents of protein, oil and phytate phosphorus) soybean cultivars grown in the system of sustainable agricultural production. In addition, the aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the applied factors on the production characteristics of the soil: agrochemical properties (content of easily accessible form of nitrogen) and the basic parameters of the biological value of soil as seen through the total abundance of microorganisms, number of physiological and systematic group (Azotobacter, aminoheterotrophs, oligonitrophilic bacteria, fungi and Actinomycetes)..

    Proizvodnja soje i mogućnost ekonomične upotrebe mineralnih đubriva

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    The trial was carried out in the period 2007-2010 at the experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. Study was based on applied different fertilizer doses (mineral fertilizers and harvest residues of the previous crop). Trial variants were arranged in a randomized block design and they included: 0 kg N ha-1 without ploughing under crop residues; 0 kg N ha-1 + crop residues; 50 kg N ha-1 + crop residues; 150 kg N ha-1 + crop residues; 250 kg N ha-1 + crop residues. There were two trial sub-variants with and without soybean seed inoculation within each variant. Seed of soybean cultivar Proteinka (maturity group 0) was inoculated directly before planting, using microbial fertilizer NS-Nitragin containing a mixture of selected highly effective Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains. Seed inoculation produced statistically highly significant yield increases in all four trial years, while the variants with higher doses of nitrogen applied under a preceding crop showed increases in mineral nitrogen uptake from the soil without adequate increases in soybean yield. The application of microbial fertilizers and ploughing under crop residues evidently ensured high yields of soybean, even with reduced doses of nitrogen fertilizer applied to a preceding crop.Eksperiment je izveden u periodu 2007-2010. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad. Studija je zasnovana na primenjenim različitim varijantama đubriva (mineralna đubriva i biljni ostaci prethodnog useva). Varijante ogleda su raspoređene po slučajnom blok sistemu: 0 kg N ha-1 bez zaoravanja žetvenih ostataka; 0 kg N ha-1 + žetveni ostaci; 50 kg N ha-1 + žetveni ostaci; 150 kg N ha-1 + žetveni ostaci; 250 kg N ha-1 + žetveni ostaci. U okviru svake varijante postojale su dve pod-varijante sa i bez inokulacije semena soje. Seme soje sorte Proteinka (0 grupa zrenja) je neposredno pre setve inokulisano mikrobiološkim đubrivom NS-Nitragin koje sadrži mešavinu odabranih visoko efikasnih sojeva bakterija Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Inokulacija semena dovela je do statistički veoma značajnog povećanja prinosa u sve četiri godine istraživanja, dok su varijante sa visokim dozama azota primenjene pod predusev dovele do povećanja usvajanja mineralnog azota iz zemljišta bez odgovarajućeg povećanja prinosa soje. Primena mikrobioloških đubriva i zaoravanje biljnih ostataka može da obezbedi visoke prinose soje, čak i pri smanjenim dozama azotnih đubriva koje su primenjene u prethodnom usevu

    Uticaj efektivnih mikroorganizama na parametre biogenosti zemljišta u rizosferi različitih genotipova soje i prinosa soje

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effects of applying effective microorganisms (EM) on the basic microbiological parameters of soil and soybean yield biological value. The research was conducted in the period 2016-2018. Factor A are the years 2016-2018, factor B are soybean genotypes Galina, Sava, Rubin, and factor C application of EM: variant 1 was control, variant 2 was EM in soil 20 lha-1 and foliar treatment in the stage of plant development from three to four trefoils and budding stage, 5 lha-1, variant 3 was NPK fertilizer (8:15:15), 300 kgha-1, and variant 4 was a combination of variant 2 and variant 3. During full flowering, the basic parameters of soil biogenicity were determined by the total number of microorganisms (TNB) and the number of azotobacter (AZT) and grain yield at the end of the growing period. The examined factors had a statistically significant influence on the examined parameters. Soil biogenicity parameters in variant 4 EM + NPK were statistically significantly (p lt 0.01) higher than control and variant 3. Variant 2 affected a higher number of p lt 0.01 compared to control, while compared to other variants significance was p lt 0.05 (factor B). The highest number of all examined parameters was in the rhizosphere of Rubin genotype (factor C). Variant 2 with EM increased in yield of 13.29% compared to the control which was at the level (p lt 0.05) and with the application of EM + NPK variant 4 the yield was higher by 15.95% which was at the level (p lt 0.01) of significance.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi efekat primene efektivnih mikroorganizama (EM) na osnovne mikrobiološke parametre biogenosti zemljišta i visinu prinosa zrna soje. Istraživanja su sprovedena u periodu 2016-2018. Faktor A su gpdine 2016-2018; faktor B genotip soje Galina, Sava, Rubin i faktor C primena EM: varijanta 1kontrola, varijanta 2-EM u zemljište 20 l/ha i folijarni tretmana u fazi razvoja biljaka od tri do četiri troliske i fazi butonizacije, 5 lha-1); varijanta 3-NPK đubriva (8:15:15), 300 kgha-1 i varijanta 4 - varijanta 2 + varijanta 3. U toku punog cvetanja utvrđeni su osnovni parametri biogenosti zemljišta ukupan broj mikroorganizama (TNB) i brojnost azotobaktera (AZB) i visinu prinosa zrna na kraju vegetacije. Ispitivani faktori su imali statistički značajan uticaj na ispitivane parametre. Parametri biogenosti zemljišta kod varijante 4 EM+NPK statistički značajno (p lt 0,01) bili veći od kontrole i varijante 3. Varijanta 2 uticala je naveću brojnost p lt 0,01 u odnosu na kontrolu dok u odnosu na druge varijante značajnost je bila p lt 0,05 (factor B). U rizosferi genotipa Rubin utvrđena je najveća brojnost svih ispitivanih parametara (faktor C). Varijanta 2 sa EM uticala je na povećanje prinosa od 13,29% u odnosu na kontrolu što je bilo na nivou (p lt 0,05), a sa primenom EM+NPK varijanta 4 prinos je bio veći za 15,95% što je bilo na nivou (p lt 0,01) značajnosti

    Possibility of wheat production in an integral system

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence foliar application of the microbiological preparation (EM Aktiv) with a mixture of different groups of microorganisms (on different genotypes of wheat in sustainable agricultural production on the weight of 1000 grains and grain yield.) The research was conducted in the period 2016/2017-2018/2019 (factor A) in the region of Vojvodina, Serbia, which includes four varieties of wheat (factor B). Factor C three variants of nitrogen are provided for wheat nutrition: 129, 106 and 83 kgˑha-1. During the vegetation, applications were performed with the microbiological preparation "EM Aktiv": F0 129 kgˑha-1 without EM, F1 129 kgˑha-1 + 1 x EM; F2 106 kgˑha-1 + 2 x EM; F3 83 kgˑha-1 + 3 x EM. At the end of the growing season, the weight of 1000 grains and the grain yield were measured. Factors A and B had an effect on the increase of the tested traits p<0.01. The highest values were recorded in 2018/2019. Factor C affected an increase in the weight of 1000 grains from 0.14% (F3) to 1.91% (F1). The differences in grain yield were significantly influenced by treatments (C) (p<0.05). The increase was from 1.91 % (F3) to 4.76 % (F1)

    Possibility of wheat production in an integral system

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence foliar application of the microbiological preparation (EM Aktiv) with a mixture of different groups of microorganisms (on different genotypes of wheat in sustainable agricultural production on the weight of 1000 grains and grain yield.) The research was conducted in the period 2016/2017-2018/2019 (factor A) in the region of Vojvodina, Serbia, which includes four varieties of wheat (factor B). Factor C three variants of nitrogen are provided for wheat nutrition: 129, 106 and 83 kgˑha-1. During the vegetation, applications were performed with the microbiological preparation "EM Aktiv": F0 129 kgˑha-1 without EM, F1 129 kgˑha-1 + 1 x EM; F2 106 kgˑha-1 + 2 x EM; F3 83 kgˑha-1 + 3 x EM. At the end of the growing season, the weight of 1000 grains and the grain yield were measured. Factors A and B had an effect on the increase of the tested traits p<0.01. The highest values were recorded in 2018/2019. Factor C affected an increase in the weight of 1000 grains from 0.14% (F3) to 1.91% (F1). The differences in grain yield were significantly influenced by treatments (C) (p<0.05). The increase was from 1.91 % (F3) to 4.76 % (F1)

    Interaction fertilization and seeding system the maize and soybean for on preserving soil biological activity and plant height

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    Združivanje useva je sistem gajenja biljaka koji u održivom načinu biljne proizvodnje sve više dobija na značaju. Pored niza prednosti združenih useva (agronomskih i ekoloških) veoma je važno da ishrana useva bude prilagođena potrebama biljaka i dinamici mikrobne populacije u zemljištu. Zato je za cilj rada postavljeno da se utvrdi značaj združivanja kukuruza i soje na parametre biogenosti zemljišta u odnosu na njihovu pojedinačnu setvu (faktor A). Faktor B primenjene su različite vrste đubriva (kontrola NPK 600 kg/ha 15:15:15 na celoj površini ogleda; S-stajnjak 30 t/ha; MM-200 kg/ha AN 34,5%N; MB- 200 kg/ha AN 34,5%N+ tečni mikrobiološki preparat sa efektivnih mikroorganizama u zemljište 20 l/ha i Nitragin za soju. Ispitivane varijabile su visoko značajno (p<0,01) uticale na dinamiku ispitivanih grupa rizosferne mikrobne populacije (ukupan broj mikroorganizama, brojnost amonifikatora) i njihovu biohemijsku aktivnost. Đubrenje je takođe visoko značajno uticalo na ispitivane parametre. Ukupan broj mikroorganizama je u proseku imao najveće vrednosti pri đubrenju u varijanti MM, dok je brojnost amonifikatora i dehidrogenazne aktivnosti imala najveće vrednosti u MB varijanti. Ispitivani faktori su različito uticali na intezitet vegetativnog porast biljaka na početku vegetacije. Način setve nije značajno uticao na visinu biljaka u početnim fazama razvoja biljaka, dok su đubrenje i interaktivna zavisnost faktora statistički značajano uticali na visinu biljaka. U pojedinačnoj setvi kod soje nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u visini biljaka, kod kukuruza najveća visina (p<0,01) utvrđena pri đubrenju sa stajnjakom, dok je u združenom usevu najveća visina kukuruza i soje (p<0,01) uvrđena pri đubrenju u varijanti MB.Intercropping is a plant breeding system that is gaining in importance for a sustainable way of plant production. In addition to the many benefits of intercropping crops (agronomic and ecological) it is very important that nutrition of crops is adapted to the needs of plants and the dynamics of the microbial population in the soil. Therefore, the aim of the paper was to determine the importance intercropping sowing maize and soybean for soil biogenic parameters relative to their individual planting (factor A). Factor B was applied to various types of fertilizers (control of NPK 600 kg / ha 15:15:15 on the entire surface of the experiment; S-manure 30 t / ha; MM-200 kg / ha AN 34.5% N; MB200 kg / ha AN 34.5% N + liquid microbiological preparation with effective microorganisms in the soil of 20 l / ha and Nitragin for soybean. The variables examined were highly significant (p <0.01) influencing the dynamics of the investigated groups of the microbial population in rhizosphere (total number of microorganisms, the number of microorganisms on average had the highest fertilization values in the MM variant, while the number of ammonification and dehydrogenase activity had the highest values in MB variants. The investigated factors differed influenced the intensity of vegetative growth of plants at the beginning of vegetation. The method of sowing did not significantly affect the height of plants in the initial stages of plant development, while fertilization and interactive dependence of factor A significantly influenced the height of the plants. In the single planting in the soybean, the significance of the difference in the height of the plants was not determined, while in the maize the highest height (p <0.01) was determined during fertilization with the manure, while in the combined crop the maximum height of corn and soybean (p <0.01) determined by fertilization in the MB variant.Radovi sa 33. Savetovanja agronoma, veterinara, tehnologa i agroekonomista, Padinska Skela, 2019

    Značaj primjene organskih inputa i elektromagnetnih valova u proizvodnji soje

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    In order to environmental elements preservation it is necessary to support natural cycles and organisms that participate in them by various methods. The aim of this study was to determine the biological value of soil in soybean production by using organic fertilizers, beneficial microorganisms mixture and seed treatments by electromagnetic waves EMW (frequencies 15 Hz and exposure time 30 minutes). Necessary nutrients were provided by use of granulated poultry manure and beneficial microorganisms mixture (lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, fungi and actinomycetes). During the research the basic parameters of biological value of soil and yield were followed. The results showed significant increase of soybean yield (3052.17 kg ha-1) in the version with electromagnetic waves EMW treatment (4.27%), than without the use of EMW (2927.08 kg ha-1). Also, there was detected significantly higher number of total microorganisms in the soil, the number of azotobacters was smaller and the number of ammonifiers was uniform. The most intense microbial dynamics in both versions of experiment showed fertilizing with 750 kg ha-1. The results of investigated biogeny parameters of soil were compatible with soybean yield.U funkciji očuvanja elemenata životne sredine potrebno je raznim metodama podržavati prirodne cikluse kao i organizme koji u njima sudjeluju. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi biogenost tla u proizvodnji soje primjenom organskih gnojiva, smjese korisnih mikroorganizama i tretmana sjemena elektromagnetnim valovima EMT (frenkvencije 15 Hz ekspozicije 30 minuta). U osiguranju potrebnih hraniva korišten je granulirani živinski stajnjak i smjesa korisnih grupa mikroorganizama (mliječno kiselinske bakterije, kvasci, gljive i aktinomicete). U tijeku istraživanja praćeni su osnovni parametri biogenosti tla kao i visina prinosa. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata utvrđeno je u prosjeku značajno veći prinos soje (3052.17 kg ha-1) u varijanti sa primjenom EMT (4.27%), nego bez primjene EMT (2927.08 kg ha-1). Također, utvrđen je značajno veći broj ukupnih mikroorganizama u tlu, brojnost azotobaktera bila je manja, a amonifikatora ujednačena. Najveća dinamika broja ispitivanih grupa mikroorganizama u obje varijante pokusa bile su pri gnojidbi sa 750 kg ha-1. Rezultati ispitivanih parametara biogenosti tla bili su kompatibilni sa visinom prinosa soje

    Application of low frequency electromagnetic waves (LFEV) and biological inputs in the production of soybean

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    Examination of the impact of electromagnetic fields on function of biological systems is more recent direction in agriculture. Application of electromagnetic waves on seed activates the enzyme complex which results in better germination and growing. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of different groups of microorganisms and low-frequency electromagnetic waves to achieve high yields. The study was conducted at the experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. Valjevka soybean variety was used. Necessary nutrients were provided by use of poultry manure in amount of: control, 750 and 1300 kg.ha-1 and incorporated mixture of useful microorganisms. Sub-plots include treatment of seeds with electromagnetic waves (15 Hz frequencies of exposure for 30 minutes) and the foliar treatment of plants with mixture of beneficial microorganisms in two growth stages of development. In the stage of development R3 were defined the basic parameters of the biological value of the soil, and achieved a high yield in the harvest. The results showed significant increase of soybean yield (21.4%) in the version with electromagnetic waves. The highest yield of 3179 kg.ha-1 was achieved in fertilization with 750 kg.ha-1 and use of electromagnetic waves, which was also in 4.44%, or 124 kg.ha-1 higher yield compared to the version without radiation. The results of investigated biogeny parameters of soil were compatible with soybean yield