266 research outputs found

    Перспективы развития фундаментальных наук. Т. 2 : Химия

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    Сборник содержит труды участников XV Международной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Перспективы развития фундаментальных наук», представленные на секции «Химия». Для студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых и преподавателей, специализирующихся в области синтеза и изучения свойств функциональных материалов, физико-химических методов исследования материалов, наноматериалов, экологии, органического синтеза, а также катализа и нефтехимии

    The uneven weight distribution between predators and prey: Comparing gut fill between terrestrial herbivores and carnivores

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    The general observation that secondary consumers ingest highly digestible food and have simple short guts and small abdominal cavities intuitively results in the assumption that mammalian carnivores carry less digesta in their gut compared to herbivores. Due to logistic constraints, this assumption has not been tested quantitatively so far. In this contribution, we estimated the dry matter gut contents (DMC) for 25 species of the order Carnivora (including two strictly herbivorous ones, the giant and the red panda) using the physical ‘Occupancy Principle’, based on a literature data collection on dry matter intake (DMI), apparent dry matter digestibility (aD DM) and retention time (RT), and compared the results to an existing collection for herbivores. Scaling exponents with body mass (BM) for both carnivores and herbivores were in the same range with DMI ~ BM0.75; aD DM ~ BM0; RT ~ BM0.11 and DMC ~ BM0.88. The trophic level (carnivore vs herbivore) significantly affected all digestive physiology parameters except for RT. Numerically, the carnivore DMI level reached 77%, the RT 32% and DMC only 29% of the corresponding herbivore values, whereas the herbivore aD DM only reached 82% of that of carnivores. Thus, we quantitatively show that carnivores carry less inert mass or gut content compared to herbivores, which putatively benefits them in predator-prey interactions and might have contributed to the evolution towards unguligradism in herbivores. As expected, the two panda species appeared as outliers in the dataset with low aD DM and RT for a herbivore but extremely high DMI values, resulting in DMC in the lower part of the herbivore range. Whereas the difference in DMI and DMC scaling in herbivores might allow larger herbivores to compensate for lower diet quality by ingesting more, this difference may allow larger carnivores not to go for less digestible prey parts, but mainly to increase meal intervals, i.e. not having to hunt on a daily basis

    GDP/GTP exchange factor MADD drives activation and recruitment of secretory Rab GTPases to Weibel-Palade bodies.

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    von Willebrand factor (VWF) is an essential hemostatic protein that is synthesized and secreted by endothelial cells and stored in Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs). The secretory Rab GTPases Rab27A, Rab3B, and Rab3D have been linked with WPB trafficking and secretion. How these Rabs are activated and recruited to WPBs remains elusive. In this study, we identified MAP kinase-activating death domain (MADD) as the guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab27A and both Rab3 isoforms in primary human endothelial cells. Rab activity assays revealed a reduction in Rab27A, Rab3B, and Rab3D activation upon MADD silencing. Rab activation, but not binding, was dependent on the differentially expressed in normal and neoplastic cells (DENN) domain of MADD, indicating the potential existence of 2 Rab interaction modules. Furthermore, immunofluorescent analysis showed that Rab27A, Rab3B, and Rab3D recruitment to WPBs was dramatically decreased upon MADD knockdown, revealing that MADD drives Rab membrane targeting. Artificial mistargeting of MADD using a TOMM70 tag abolished Rab27A localization to WPB membranes in a DENN domain-dependent manner, indicating that normal MADD localization in the cytosol is crucial. Activation of Rab3B and Rab3D was reduced upon Rab27A silencing, suggesting that activation of these Rabs is enhanced through previous activation of Rab27A by MADD. MADD silencing did not affect WPB morphology, but it did reduce VWF intracellular content. Furthermore, MADD-depleted cells exhibited decreased histamine-evoked VWF release, similar to Rab27A-depleted cells. In conclusion, MADD acts as a master regulator of VWF secretion by coordinating the activation and membrane targeting of secretory Rabs to WPBs

    On the variation of the fine-structure constant: Very high resolution spectrum of QSO HE 0515-4414

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    We present a detailed analysis of a very high resolution (R\approx 112,000) spectrum of the quasar HE 0515-4414 obtained using the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) mounted on the ESO 3.6 m telescope at the La Silla observatory. The HARPS spectrum, of very high wavelength calibration accuracy (better than 1 m\AA), is used to search for possible systematic inaccuracies in the wavelength calibration of the UV Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) mounted on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT). We have carried out cross-correlation analysis between the Th-Ar lamp spectra obtained with HARPS and UVES. The shift between the two spectra has a dispersion around zero of \sigma\simeq 1 m\AA. This is well within the wavelength calibration accuracy of UVES (i.e \sigma\simeq 4 m\AA). We show that the uncertainties in the wavelength calibration induce an error of about, \Delta\alpha/\alpha\le 10^{-6}, in the determination of the variation of the fine-structure constant. Thus, the results of non-evolving \Delta\alpha/\alpha reported in the literature based on UVES/VLT data should not be heavily influenced by problems related to wavelength calibration uncertainties. Our higher resolution spectrum of the z_{abs}=1.1508 damped Lyman-\alpha system toward HE 0515-4414 reveals more components compared to the UVES spectrum. Using the Voigt profile decomposition that simultaneously fits the high resolution HARPS data and the higher signal-to-noise ratio UVES data, we obtain, \Delta\alpha/\alpha=(0.05\pm0.24)x10^{-5} at z_{abs}=1.1508. This result is consistent with the earlier measurement for this system using the UVES spectrum alone.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, Accepted in A&

    Phenomenology of light remnant doubly charged Higgs fields in the supersymmetric left-right model

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    It has recently shown that in supersymmetric left-right models with automatic R-parity conservation, the theory below the WRW_R scale is given by MSSM with massive neutrinos and a pair of doubly charged superfields with masses in the 100 GeV range (with or without an extra pair of heavy Higgs doublets (M \geq 10 TeV) depending on the model). In this paper we study the unification prospects for such theories and their phenomenological implications for collider experiments. We study two versions of the theory, one with supersymmetry breaking transmitted via the gauge and another where the same occurs via gravitational forces. We point out that looking at multi τ\tau final states can considerably constrain the parameter space of the model.Comment: 15 pages(Latex), minor typos corrected and references adde

    Risks, benefits, and knowledge gaps of non-native tree species in Europe

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    Changing ecosystem conditions and diverse socio-economical events have contributed to an ingrained presence of non-native tree species (NNTs) in the natural and cultural European landscapes. Recent research endeavors have focused on different aspects of NNTs such as legislation, benefits, and risks for forestry, emphasizing that large knowledge gaps remain. As an attempt to fulfill part of these gaps, within the PEN-CAFoRR COST Action (CA19128) network, we established an open-access questionnaire that allows both academic experts and practitioners to provide information regarding NNTs from 20 European countries. Then, we integrated the data originating from the questionnaire, related to the country-based assessment of both peer-reviewed and grey literature, with information from available datasets (EUFORGEN and EU-Forest), which gave the main structure to the study and led to a mixed approach review. Finally, our study provided important insights into the current state of knowledge regarding NNTs. In particular, we highlighted NNTs that have shown to be less commonly addressed in research, raising caution about those characterized by an invasive behavior and used for specific purposes (e.g., wood production, soil recultivation, afforestation, and reforestation). NNTs were especially explored in the context of resilient and adaptive forest management. Moreover, we emphasized the assisted and natural northward migration of NNTs as another underscored pressing issue, which needs to be addressed by joint efforts, especially in the context of the hybridization potential. This study represents an additional effort toward the knowledge enhancement of the NNTs situation in Europe, aiming for a continuously active common source deriving from interprofessional collaboration. Copyright © 2022 Dimitrova, Csilléry, Klisz, Lévesque, Heinrichs, Cailleret, Andivia, Madsen, Böhenius, Cvjetkovic, De Cuyper, de Dato, Ferus, Heinze, Ivetić, Köbölkuti, Lazarević, Lazdina, Maaten, Makovskis, Milovanović, Monteiro, Nonić, Place, Puchalka and Montagnoli

    Put My Skills to Use? Understanding the Joint Effect of Job Security and Skill Utilization on Job Satisfaction Between Skilled Migrants and Australian Born Workers in Australia

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    The topic of skilled migrants has gained importance in the past decade as they are increasingly becoming one of the main drivers for labor supply in developed countries like Australia. Although there is research on skilled migrants, most have been studied from the perspectives of (un)employment, wage and over-education. Some evidence suggests that skilled migrants are often less satisfied with their job compared to their local counterparts, yet little is known about why these differences exist. Using a nationally representative sample of Australian workers, we examine how two important job characteristics, job security and skill utilization, exert their differential interaction effect on job satisfaction for skilled migrants and Australian born workers. We found a differential moderation effect between job security and skill utilization for skilled migrants and Australian born workers. For skilled migrants, high job security did not lead to positive reaction (i.e., job satisfaction), as this effect was dependent on their skill utilization; while such moderation effect was not present for Australian born workers. This study highlights the need to take a more fine-tuned approach by understanding target sample groups (e.g., skilled migrants) when study the relationship between key job characteristics and job satisfaction. Furthermore, it highlights the importance for organizations to revisit their human resource management strategies and policies to recognize the needs for enhancing skill utilization for skilled migrants

    Repercussion of megakaryocyte-specific Gata1 Loss on megakaryopoiesis and the hematopoietic precursor compartment

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    During hematopoiesis, transcriptional programs are essential for the commitment and differentiation of progenitors into the different blood lineages. GATA1 is a transcription factor expressed in several hematopoietic lineages and essential for proper erythropoiesis and megakaryopoiesis. Megakaryocyte-specific genes, such as GP1BA, are known to be directly regulated by GATA1. Mutations in GATA1 can lead to dyserythropoietic anemia and pseudo gray-platelet syndrome. Selective loss of Gata1 expression in adult mice results in macrothrombocytopenia with platelet dysfunction, characterized by an excess of immature megakaryocytes. To specifically analyze the impact of Gata1 loss in mature committed megakaryocytes, we generated Gata1-Lox|Pf4-Cre mice (Gata1cKOMK). Consistent with previous findings, Gata1cKOMK mice are macrothrombocytopenic with platelet dysfunction. Supporting this notion we demonstrate that Gata1 regulates directly the transcription of Syk, a tyrosine kinase that functions downstream of Clec2 and GPVI receptors in megakaryocytes and platelets. Furthermore, we show that Gata1cKOMK mice display an additional aberrant megakaryocyte differentiation stage. Interestingly, these mice present a misbalance of the multipotent progenitor compartment and the erythroid lineage, which translates into compensatory stress erythropoiesis and splenomegaly. Despite the severe thrombocytopenia, Gata1cKOMK mice display a mild reduction of TPO plasma levels, and Gata1cK-OMK megakaryocytes show a mild increase in Pf4 mRNA levels; such a misbalance might be behind the general hematopoietic defects observed, affecting locally normal TPO and Pf4 levels at hematopoietic stem cell niches. © 2016 Meinders et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Проект установки получения 9-этоксикарбазола

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    Цель работы – спроектировать установку поучения 9-этоксикарбазола с мощностью 66 тонн в год. Объектом разработки является алкилирование карбазола этиленхлоргидрином в присутствии ацетона и гидроксида натрия. Целью проектирования является разработка комплекса взаимосвязанных процессов, обеспечивающих выработку требуемого продукта нужного качества.The work purpose – to design lecture installation 9 ethoxydibenzo-pyrroles with a power of 66 tons per year. Object of development is the dibenzo-pyrrole alkylation etilenkhlorgidriny in the presence of acetone and sodium hydroxide. The purpose of projection is development of a complex of the interdependent processes providing development of the required product of the necessary quality