21 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of stable aqueous suspensions of up-converting Er3+/Yb3+-doped LiNbO3 nanocrystals

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    The preparation of LiNbO3:Er3+/Yb3+ nanocrystals and their up-conversion properties have been studied. It is demonstrated that polyethyleneimine- (PEI) assisted dispersion procedures allow obtaining stable aqueous LiNbO3:Er3+/Yb3+ powder suspensions, with average size particles well below the micron range (100–200 nm) and the isoelectric point of the suspension reaching values well above pH 7. After excitation of Yb3+ ions at a wavelength of 980 nm, the suspensions exhibit efficient, and stable, IR-to-visible (green and red) up-conversion properties, easily observed by the naked eye, very similar to those of the starting crystalline bulk material

    Food and nutrition security discursive frames in the context of the Spanish economic crisis

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    [EN] The recent economic crisis in Spain has provoked a number of food and nutrition security (FNS) impacts that have fuelled a fragmented landscape of food-related debates, although these have not taken the form of a coherent and allembracing public discussion on national food security. This paper is an inductive analysis of such debates, mostly based on media coverage, in an attempt to disentangle the different discourse frames on FNS in Spain, and the role played by the economic crisis in the shaping and underpinning of such frames. For this purpose a frame matrix was constructed, paying particular attention to the stakeholders governance claims in order to confront frame-specific problems. Results show how stakeholders have used elements of the crisis to underpin or reinterpret their core arguments. In addition, governance claims have concentrated on the malfunctioning of the food chain, mostly due to unequal bargaining power, and the way this could be putting at risk crucial components of the food system and future FNS. Also, the short-termism of most stakeholders approaches obscures the long run threats to the Spanish food system.This research is part of the project "Assessment of the impact of global drivers of change on Europe's food security" (TRANSMANGO), granted by the EU under 7th Framework Programme, theme KBBE.2013.2.5-01, Grant agreement no: 613532. Authors gratefully appreciate the comments and suggestions made by the three anonymous reviewers and the editors of the Journal.OOrtiz Miranda, D.; Moreno Pérez, OM.; Arnalte Alegre, EV. (2016). Food and nutrition security discursive frames in the context of the Spanish economic crisis. Food Security. 8(3):665-677. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-016-0574-xS66567783Antentas, J. M., & Vivas, E. (2014). Impacto de la crisis en el derecho a una alimentación sana y saludable. Informe SESPAS 2014. Gaceta Sanitaria, 28(S1), 58–61.Brunori, G., Malandrin, V., & Rossi, A. (2013). Trade-off or convergence? The role of food security in the evolution of food discourse in Italy. Journal of Rural Studies, 29, 19–29.Candel, J. J., Breeman, G. E., Stiller, S. J., & Termeer, C. J. (2014). Disentangling the consensus frame of food security: the case of the EU common agricultural policy reform debate. Food Policy, 44, 47–58.CFS – Committee on World Food Security (2012). Coming to Terms with Terminology. http://www.fao.org/fsnforum/sites/default/files/file/Terminology/MD776(CFS___Coming_to_terms_with_Terminology).pdf . Accessed 6 Oct 2015.Cussó, X., & Garrabou, R. (2009). Dieta mediterránea y transición nutricional moderna en España. In L. G. Zubero, R. H. García, & J. M. Lázaro (Eds.), Economía Alimentaria en España durante el siglo XX (pp. 25–63). Madrid: MARM.De Schutter, O. (2014). The specter of productivism and food democracy. Wisconsin Law Review, 199, 199–233.DEFRA (2008). Ensuring the UK’s food security in a changing world. London: A Defra Discussion Paper.Díaz-Méndez, C., & Gómez-Benito, C. (2010). Nutrition and the Mediterranean diet. A historical and sociological analysis of the concept of a “healthy diet” in Spanish society. Food Policy, 35(5), 437–447.Dibden, J., Gibbs, D., & Cocklin, C. (2013). Framing GM crops as food security solution. Journal of Rural Studies, 29, 59–70.Ericksen, P. J. (2008). Conceptualizing food systems for global environmental change research. Global Environmental Change, 18, 234–245.FAO (2014). The State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture. http://www.fao.org/nr/solaw/maps-and-graphs/en/ . Accessed 25 Feb 2015.Fish, R., Lobley, M., & Winter, M. (2013). A license to produce? Farmer interpretations of the new food security agenda. Journal of Rural Studies, 29, 40–49.Grando, S., & Colombo, L. (2015). National Report. Italy. WP2 report Transmango EU-FP7.GREENPEACE (2014). Alimentos bajo amenaza. Valor económico de la polinización y vulnerabilidad de la agricultura española ante el declive de las abejas y otros polinizadores. Madrid: Greenpeace.Hertel, T. W. (2015). The challenges of sustainably feeding a growing planet. Food Security, 7, 185–198.Hispacoop (2012). Estudio sobre desperdicio de alimentos en los hogares. Madrid: Confederación Española de Cooperativas de Consumidores y Usuarios.Lang, T., & Heasman, M. (2004). Food wars. The global battle for mouths, Minds and Markets. London: Earthscan.Lawrence, G., & McMichael, P. (2012). The question of food security. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture & Food, 19(2), 135–142.MAGRAMA. (2014). La balanza commercial agroalimentaria en 2013. Madrid.Maye, D., & Kirwan, J. (2013). Food security: a fractured consensus. Journal of Rural Studies, 29, 1–6.McKeon, N. (2015). 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Bonn: ZEF.Sáez-Almendros, S., Obrador, B., Bach-Faig, A., & Serra-Majem, L. (2013). Environmental footprints of Mediterranean versus Western dietary patterns: beyond the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Environmental Health, 12, 118.Shepherd, B. (2012). Thinking critically about food security. Security Dialogue, 43(3), 195–212.Sineiro, F. (2012). Situación actual, retos y perspectivas del vacuno de leche. Available at http://www.eumedia.es/portales/files/documentos/2-FSineiro.pdf . Accessed 19 Nov 2015.Van Gorp, B. (2007). The constructionist approach to framing: bringing culture back. Journal of Communication, 57, 60–78.Van Gorp, B., & van der Goot, M. J. (2012). Sustainable food and agriculture: Stakeholder’s frames. Communication, Culture & Critique, 5, 127–148.Vidal, R., Moliner, E., Pikula, A., Mena-Nieto, A., & Ortega, A. (2015). Comparison of the carbon footprint of different patient diets in a Spanish hospital. 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    Fertilizing Methods and Nutrient Balance at the End of Traditional Organic Agriculture in the Mediterranean Bioregion: Catalonia (Spain) in the 1860s

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    By reconstructing the nutrient balance of a Catalan v illage circa 1861-65 we examine the sustainability of organic agricultural sy stems in the northwest Mediterranean bioregion prior to the green rev olution and the question of whether the nutrients extracted f rom the soil were replenished. With a population density of 59 inhabitants per square km, similar to other northern European rural areas at that time, and a lower liv estock density per cropland unit, this v illage experienced a manure shortage. The gap was f illed by other labour-intensiv e way s of transf erring nutrients f rom uncultiv ated areas into the cropland. Key elements in this agricultural sy stem were v iney ards because they hav e f ew nutrient requirements, and woodland and scrublands as sources of relev ant amounts of nutrients collected in sev eral ways

    Assessing the energy trap of industrial agriculture in North America and Europe: 82 balances from 1830 to 2012

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    Early energy analyses of agriculture revealed that behind higher labor and land productivity of industrial farming, there was a decrease in energy returns on energy (EROI) invested, in comparison to more traditional organic agricultural systems. Studies on recent trends show that efficiency gains in production and use of inputs have again somewhat improved energy returns. However, most of these agricultural energy studies have focused only on external inputs at the crop level, concealing the important role of internal biomass flows that livestock and forestry recirculate within agroecosystems. Here, we synthesize the results of 82 farm systems in North America and Europe from 1830 to 2012 that for the first time show the changing energy profiles of agroecosystems, including livestock and forestry, with a multi-EROI approach that accounts for the energy returns on external inputs, on internal biomass reuses, and on all inputs invested. With this historical circular bioeconomic approach, we found a general trend towards much lower external returns, little or no increases in internal returns, and almost no improvement in total returns. This “energy trap” was driven by shifts towards a growing dependence of crop production on fossil-fueled external inputs, much more intensive livestock production based on feed grains, less forestry, and a structural disintegration of agroecosystem components by increasingly linear industrial farm managements. We conclude that overcoming the energy trap requires nature-based solutions to reduce current dependence on fossil-fueled external industrial inputs and increase the circularity and complexity of agroecosystems to provide healthier diets with less animal products.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was supported by the international Partnership Grant SSHRC-895-2011-1020 on “Sustainable farm systems: long-term socioecological metabolism in western agriculture” funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, together with other matching contributions such as the Spanish project PID2021-123129NB-C4 and the European Research Council (ERC-2017-StG 757995 HEFT)

    Brain ventricular enlargement in human and murine acute intermittent porphyria

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    The morphological changes that occur in the central nervous system of patients with severe acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) have not yet been clearly established. The aim of this work was to analyze brain involvement in patients with severe AIP without epileptic seizures or clinical posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, as well as in a mouse model receiving or not liver-directed gene therapy aimed at correcting the metabolic disorder. We conducted neuroradiologic studies in 8 severely affected patients (6 women) and 16 gender- and age-matched controls. Seven patients showed significant enlargement of the cerebral ventricles and decreased brain perfusion was observed during the acute attack in two patients in whom perfusion imaging data were acquired. AIP mice exhibited reduced cerebral blood flow and developed chronic dilatation of the cerebral ventricles even in the presence of slightly increased porphyrin precursors. While repeated phenobarbital-induced attacks exacerbated ventricular dilation in AIP mice, correction of the metabolic defect using liver-directed gene therapy restored brain perfusion and afforded protection against ventricular enlargement. Histological studies revealed no signs of neuronal loss but a denser neurofilament pattern in the periventricular areas, suggesting compression probably caused by imbalance in cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. In conclusion, severely affected AIP patients exhibit cerebral ventricular enlargement. Liver-directed gene therapy protected against the morphological consequences of the disease seen in the brain of AIP mice