403 research outputs found
Managerial Approaches to Telecommuting
The purpose of this theoretical paper is to synthesize the current knowledge on the topic of telecommuter managerial approaches by cross-analyzing certain commonalities and differences among relevant literature and scholarly sources. This paper will explore key themes such as trust management, performance-based reviews, communication, boundary management, work-life balance, and social and professional isolation. Additionally, this analysis will identify significant issues and contradictions amidst the research of flexible work arrangement management styles. Furthermore, it will outline the most significant disadvantages and repercussions of telecommuting and discuss them in relationship to the management styles best suited to alleviating these issues. Then, this paper will develop and present a theory which clearly outlines the best approaches for managing telecommuters by succinctly tying together the crucial variables embodying this literature. After, this paper will provide recommendations and methods for implementing these managerial approaches in the organization. Lastly, this paper will explain the theory’s implications on the overarching knowledge and topic of telecommuter managerial approaches and nature of the workforce
Raman-scattering study of the InGaN alloy over the whole composition range
We present Raman-scattering measurements on InxGa1−xN over the entire composition range of the alloy. The frequencies of the A1(LO) and E2 modes are reported and show a good agreement with the one-mode behavior dispersion predicted by the modified random-element isodisplacement model. The A1(LO) mode displays a high intensity relative to the E2 mode due to resonant enhancement. For above band-gap excitation, the A1(LO) peak displays frequency shifts as a function of the excitation energy due to selective excitation of regions with different In contents, and strong multiphonon scattering up to 3LO is observed in outgoing resonance conditions
Structural and optical properties of MOCVD AllnN epilayers
7] M.-Y. Ryu, C.Q. Chen, E. Kuokstis, J.W. Yang, G. Simin, M. Asif Khan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 (2002) 3730. [8] D. Xu, Y. Wang, H. Yang, L. Zheng, J. Li, L. Duan, R. Wu, Sci. China (a) 42 (1999) 517. [9] H. Hirayama, A. Kinoshita, A. Hirata, Y. Aoyagi, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 188 (2001) 83. [10] Y. Chen, T. Takeuchi, H. Amano, I. Akasaki, N. Yamada, Y. Kaneko, S.Y. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72 (1998) 710. [11] Ig-Hyeon Kim, Hyeong-Soo Park, Yong-Jo Park, Taeil Kim, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73 (1998) 1634. [12] K. Watanabe, J.R. Yang, S.Y. Huang, K. Inoke, J.T. Hsu, R.C. Tu, T. Yamazaki, N. Nakanishi, M. Shiojiri, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 (2003) 718
Modelat de dinàmiques poblacionals amb simulació basada en agents
En un món cada cop més poblat es fa difícil veure i quantificar l'efecte de les decisions
socioeconòmiques sobre la nostra societat, ja que hi influeixen molts factors. Cada vegada més
hi ha un interès més gran en aquesta matèria, donat que permeten reduir costos i provar
mesures abans d'implementar-les, tot veient quins efectes tindran sobre les persones. La
informàtica, ens obre una nova finestra de possibilitats, poden explotar una quantitat de dades
molt elevada i per això en aquest projecte ens hem centrat a crear un model de simulació
computacional on es pot veure l'impacte dels aspectes socioeconòmics en la mobilitat de les
persones. A partir d'aquest model hem desenvolupat un prototip, sobre el qual hem realitzat
una sèrie d'experiments per verificar-lo i validar-lo
Dense disparity estimation for spherical images based on belief propagation
A lot of applications in computer vision are based on a pixel-labelling problem, such as stereo
matching, image restoration or object segmentation. In the last years great advances have been
achieved in dense disparity estimation, being Graph Cuts and Belief Propagation two of the
most outstanding algorithms. Particularly, Belief Propagation has some characteristics which
make it very interesting to deal with, i.e. powerful message passing and high flexibility.
Furthermore, working with omnidirectional cameras, instead of standard cameras, a smaller
number of images would be needed because of their wider field of view and it would allow
reconstructing the 3D scene in an easier way.
This project aims to adapt the Belief Propagation algorithm to spherical stereo images. In
addition, as working with spherical images, we should take into account that these images will
be projected on a sphere, being then the pixels at different distances between them. Thus, the
project also aims to improve the algorithm adding a weighting function which considers the
distance between the points on the sphere.
The project contains the general description of the proposed framework as well as an analysis and evaluation of the results obtained after its implementation
Capacitación tributaria para pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) en el cantón La Maná provincia de Cotopaxi
This research work was aimed for the purpose of implementing a tax training program for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in cantón La Maná; in order to know the current situation in their tax and general aspects regarding the knowledge and application of the tax legislation, for which a SWOT analysis was performed; for gathering information from primary sources, a survey was applied to the owners of small and medium enterprises in the canton, this procedure allowed to detect that there is 45% of ignorance in the implementation and fulfillment of their tax obligations, therefore it poses a model training is posed where the shape of the for management, RISE, RUC, DIMM online statements, practical exercise of forms, invoices practical exercise, management system online, tax reconciliation.El presente trabajo investigativo se planteó con el propósito de realizar un programa de capacitación tributaria para las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes) del cantón La Maná.; con la finalidad de conocer la situación actual en aspectos generales y específicos con respecto al conocimiento y aplicación de la normativa tributaria, para lo cual se realizó un análisis FODA; para la recopilación de la información de fuentes primarias se aplicó una encuesta a los dueños de las pequeñas y medianas empresas del Cantón, este procedimiento permitió detectar que existe 45% de desconocimiento en la aplicación y cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias, por los resultados obtenidos se plantea un modelo para un programa de capacitación donde se profundiza en la forma del manejo del RUC, RISE, DIMM declaraciones por internet, ejercicio práctico de formularios
El marketing mix y las ventas en la empresa Xal SAC, San Isidro, Lima 2017
El objetivo general de la siguiente investigación fue determinar la influencia del
marketing mix en las ventas de la empresa Xal Sociedad Anónima Cerrada, San
Isidro, Lima 2017. Se empleó un diseño no experimental, con la técnica de
recolección de datos cuantitativos utilizando la encuesta, como instrumento el
cuestionario, compuesto por 24 preguntas en medición de escala de Likert, la
muestra fue de 50 trabajadores que laboran dentro de la empresa Xal Sociedad
Anónima Cerrada, estos resultados fueron procesados, analizados mediante un
programa de estadístico, a través de ellos se logró medir el nivel de confiabilidad
de las preguntas mediante el Alfa de Cronbach, se analizaron e interpretaron los
gráficos estadísticos obtenidos por cada variable y por último se realizó la prueba
de hipótesis mediante Regresión lineal. Finalmente se obtuvo resultados
significativos que el marketing mix si influye en las ventas de la empresa XAL SAC,
San Isidro, Lima 2017
Determinación de los compuestos fenólicos presentes en el extracto metanólico de la pulpa del fruto Mauritia flexuosa L. "aguaje" procedente de Tarapoto-San Martín y su efecto sobre el nivel de estradiol en ratas hembras jóvenes normales
Se realizó una investigación fitoquímica y farmacológica del extracto metanólico de Mauritia flexuosa L. ¨Aguaje¨, con el objetivo de determinar compuestos fenólicos que posee el fruto de esta especie y su actividad estrogénica, la cual fue colectada en la ciudad de Tarapoto en la Región San Martín. Alrededor de esta planta se han extendido una serie de aventuras y propiedades, inclusive se le atribuye al fruto virtudes como la de poseer hormonas femeninas que hacen que tanto hombres como mujeres desarrollen características físicas femeninas pronunciadas. Estas creencias tradicionales incentivaron a que se desarrolle el presente trabajo, utilizando ensayos generales de reconocimiento, cromatografía en capa fina con sistemas de solventes diclorometano-metanol y espectroscopia UV utilizando reactivos de desplazamiento; en la parte farmacológica se utilizaron veinticuatro ratas de ,raza Holtzmann, albinas hembras de dos semanas de vida y peso aproximado de 200 gr. de peso, a las cuales se le administraron por vía oral concentraciones de 25mg, 50mg, 500mg de extracto para determinar la actividad estrogénica por medio del análisis de la hormona estradiol en muestras sanguíneas de las ratas albinas inducidas .Los resultados de la marcha fitoquímica muestran que el extracto metanólico de Mauritia flexuosa L. ¨Aguaje¨ presenta en su composición abundante cantidad de compuestos fenólicos, flavonoides, taninos y alcaloides. Se detectaron las siguientes estructuras: 4’,5-dimetoxi-7-O- glucosiflavona, 4, 5, 6, 7-tetra -O- metoxi flavona, 4´,5-di-O-metoxi-6,7-dihidroxi flavona, 4´-O-metoxi-5,7-dihidroxi-flavona, 3´4’,7-trimetoxi-5-hidroxi-flavona, 4´-metoxi-5-hidro-7-O-R-flavona y 5,7-dihidroxi-4´-metoxiisoflavona. El estudio farmacológico realizado determinó que el extracto metanólico de Mauritia flexuosa L ¨aguaje¨ utilizado disminuyó el nivel hormonal de estradiol sobre los valores normales en las ratas Holtzmann (albinas hembras jóvenes, normales) tratadas produciendo efecto antiestrogénico.A phytochemical investigation and pharmacological research of the methanolic extract of Mauritia flexuosa L. ¨Aguaje¨, with the objective to determinate the phenolic compounds and activity estrogenic of the that owns the fruit of this species, which was collected in the city of Tarapoto in San Martin, around this silver have extended a series of adventures and properties, inclusively attribut to the fruit virtues has female hormones that make both men and women develop female physical characteristics pronounced .These traditional beliefs stimulated to that the present work was developed ,using general tests of recognition, chromatography in fine layer with systems of reliable diclorometano-metanol and UV spectroscopy using reactive of displacement; in the pharmacological part twenty-four rats, Holtzmann race, were used albinos females of two weeks of life and 200gr. approximated weight of g. of weight, to which concentrations of 25mg were administered to him by oral route, 50mg, 500mg of extract to determine the estrogenic activity by means of the analysis of the hormone estradiol in sanguineous samples of the rats induced albinos.The results of the phytochemical march show that the methanólic extract of Mauritia flexuosa L. ¨Aguaje¨ presents its abundant amount of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tannins and alkaloids. UV spectroscopy resulted in the detection of the following structures: 4',5- dimethoxy-7-O-glucosiflavona, 4' ,5,6,7-tetra-O-methoxy flavone, 4',5-di-O-methoxy-6,7-dihydroxy-flavone,4´-O-methoxy-5, 7 - dihydroxy flavone, 3´,4',7-trimethoxy-5-hydroxy-flavone ,4´-metoxi-5-hidroxi-7-O-R-flavona and 5,7-dihydroxy-4'-metoxiisoflavona. The pharmacologic study determined that metanólico extract Mauritia flexuosa L. used, reduced the hormonal level of estradiol, on the normal values in the albinos rats dealt, producing antiestogenic effect.Tesi
Dynamical organization of recollisions by a family of invariant tori
We consider the motion of an electron in an atom subjected to a strong
linearly polarized laser field. We identify the invariant structures organizing
a very specific subset of trajectories, namely recollisions. Recollisions are
trajectories which first escape the ionic core (i.e., ionize) and later return
to this ionic core, for instance, to transfer the energy gained during the
large excursion away from the core to bound electrons. We consider the role
played by the directions transverse to the polarization direction in the
recollision process. We compute the family of two-dimensional invariant tori
associated with a specific hyperbolic-elliptic periodic orbit and their stable
and unstable manifolds. We show that these manifolds organize recollisions in
phase space
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