23 research outputs found

    Pretratamientos de la c谩scara de semilla de girasol para su utilizaci贸n como sustrato de plantas

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    La c谩scara de semilla de girasol es un residuo agro-industrial de impacto medioambiental negativo que suele estar contaminado con Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, lo que imposibilita su uso como enmienda org谩nica o sustrato para plantas en macetas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar si el tratamiento de ure贸lisis o los pretratamientos previos a la fermentaci贸n f煤ngica en estado s贸lido, i.e. solarizaci贸n, pasteurizaci贸n, compostado y desinfecci贸n qu铆mica de la c谩scara con clorito de sodio o Dazomet, podr铆an controlar el desarrollo de la enfermedad. Adem谩s se evalu贸 en co-cultivo el comportamiento de dos hongos lignocelulol铆ticos usados para fermentaci贸n en estado s贸lido frente a S. sclerotiorum. Excepto el pre-tratamiento con clorito de sodio, los dem谩s fueron efectivos en la eliminaci贸n de la viabilidad de los esclerocios, consider谩ndose la pasteurizaci贸n el m谩s sencillo. El G. lucidum inhibi贸, tanto el crecimiento del micelio de S. sclerotiorum como la germinaci贸n de los esclerocios. La ure贸lisis fue eficaz en varios de los tratamientos, siendo 贸ptima la realizada en presencia de 3% de urea y 35% de humedad, y el compostado pudo eliminar la viabilidad de los esclerocios al primer mes y desintegrarlos completamente al segundo. Ambos se consideran efectivos para obtener un producto de aplicaci贸n como sustrato o enmienda

    Optimizaci贸n de la producci贸n del hongo medicinal Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) para el desarrollo de nutrac茅uticos y fitoter谩picos

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    En los 煤ltimos a帽os, el mercado de los nutra y nutric茅uticos ha tenido un marcado crecimiento, sobre todo a partir de la toma de conciencia de los consumidores de la eficacia de los mismos en la prevenci贸n y tratamiento de enfermedades. Ganoderma lucidum es un Basidiomycete conocido desde hace 2.000 a帽os por sus propiedades medicinales. Este hongo produce numerosos compuestos bioactivos, que han sido extensamente estudiados y aplicados en la elaboraci贸n de alimentos funcionales, suplementos dietarios y fitoter谩picos. Actualmente, la producci贸n mundial de este hongo es aproximadamente de 6.000 toneladas y las 煤ltimas estimaciones disponibles colocan el valor anual de los productos de G. lucidum en m谩s de US$ 2.500 millones. Sin embargo, en Argentina no existe producci贸n industrial, comercializaci贸n, ni desarrollo de productos a base de Reishi. Este hongo puede ser cultivado en sustratos s贸lidos sint茅ticos formulados a base de diferentes residuos agroindustriales. Usualmente, su cultivo produce rendimientos menores comparado con otros hongos comestibles cultivables. Los altos costos asociados a su producci贸n y su alto valor en el mercado hacen que cualquier mejora en los rendimientos redunde en un beneficio econ贸mico. En el marco de un proyecto PICT modalidad Start Up, fue posible trasladar los resultados de varios a帽os de investigaci贸n a una escala piloto de producci贸n, a fin de considerar la generaci贸n de una empresa de base tecnol贸gica para el cultivo ecol贸gico y normalizado del hongo Reishi. Este desarrollo contin煤a en el manejo post-cosecha, para la obtenci贸n de productos a partir del fruto seco del hongo para uso como fitoter谩pico o bien como suplemento dietario. La selecci贸n del sustrato, de los aditivos y el manejo de las condiciones de cultivo, resultaron estrategias eficientes para aumentar los rendimientos de la producci贸n. Se ha desarrollado una tecnolog铆a de bajo costo de producci贸n de Glucidum utilizando como sustrato base c谩scara de girasol, un residuo abundante de la industria aceitera. Se ha logrado incrementar los rendimientos en un 43% y acortar significativamente el tiempo de producci贸n, con respecto a los datos reportados por otros autores, sin afectar la obtenci贸n de los principios activos. El manejo optimizado de la tecnolog铆a de producci贸n de Glucidum permitir谩 obtener mejores precios y asegurar calidad, cantidad y continuidad en el suministro; por lo cual es factible su transferencia al 谩mbito productivo.publishedVersio

    Towards genetic transformation of local onion varieties

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    The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of obtaining transgenic plants of onion varieties cultivated in Argentina , starting from calli induced from mature zygotic embryos, using two strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens as transfection vectors. Mature embryos from three varieties of 'Valenciana' onion, Torrentina, Cobriza INTA and Grano de oro were in vitro cultivated for callus induction. After three to four months an average of 57.4% success for the three varieties was reached. Transformation was carried out with Agl1 or LBA 4404 A . tumefaciens strains, both carrying a binary vector containing the marker gene gus a and the selection gene nptII. Selection was done in callus induction medium containing 10 mgL-1 geneticin during three subcultures. At the end of the selection period, 342 portions of calli were recovered and transferred to regeneration medium. Of the selected calli evaluated by the expresi\uf3n of the \u3b2-glucuronidase enzyme, 42% presented extensive blue areas or were completely blue. At the end of the first subculture in the regeneration medium, 54 calli were considered potentially organogenic because of the green areas observed. At the end of the wole regeneration period, just one normal plant was obtained, that was negative to PCR analysis using specific primers for gus a and nptII. All selected calli came from the Torrentina variety and the highest quantity of them were transformed with the strain LBA 4404

    Towards genetic transformation of local onion varieties

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    The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of obtaining transgenic plants of onion varieties cultivated in Argentina, starting from calli induced from mature zygotic embryos, using two strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens as transfection vectors. Mature embryos from three varieties of 'Valenciana' onion, Torrentina, Cobriza INTA and Grano de oro were in vitro cultivated for callus induction. After three to four months an average of 57.4% success for the three varieties was reached. Transformation was carried out with Agl1 or LBA 4404 A. tumefaciens strains, both carrying a binary vector containing the marker gene gus a and the selection gene nptII. Selection was done in callus induction medium containing 10 mgL-1 geneticin during three subcultures. At the end of the selection period, 342 portions of calli were recovered and transferred to regeneration medium. Of the selected calli evaluated by the expresi\uf3n of the \u3b2-glucuronidase enzyme, 42% presented extensive blue areas or were completely blue. At the end of the first subculture in the regeneration medium, 54 calli were considered potentially organogenic because of the green areas observed. At the end of the wole regeneration period, just one normal plant was obtained, that was negative to PCR analysis using specific primers for gus a and nptII. All selected calli came from the Torrentina variety and the highest quantity of them were transformed with the strain LBA 4404

    Enzymatic oligomerization and polymerization of arylamines: state of the art and perspectives

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    The literature concerning the oxidative oligomerization and polymerization of various arylamines, e.g., aniline, substituted anilines, aminonaphthalene and its derivatives, catalyzed by oxidoreductases, such as laccases and peroxidases, in aqueous, organic, and mixed aqueous organic monophasic or biphasic media, is reviewed. An overview of template-free as well as template-assisted enzymatic syntheses of oligomers and polymers of arylamines is given. Special attention is paid to mechanistic aspects of these biocatalytic processes. Because of the nontoxicity of oxidoreductases and their high catalytic efficiency, as well as high selectivity of enzymatic oligomerizations/polymerizations under mild conditions-using mainly water as a solvent and often resulting in minimal byproduct formation-enzymatic oligomerizations and polymerizations of arylamines are environmentally friendly and significantly contribute to a "green'' chemistry of conducting and redox-active oligomers and polymers. Current and potential future applications of enzymatic polymerization processes and enzymatically synthesized oligo/polyarylamines are discussed

    Short communication. Paclobutrazol for height control of two Lilium L.A. hybrids grown in pots

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    Height control is often required in order to obtain bulb plants that are proportional to their pot size and to reduce post-harvest stem elongation. Plant growth regulators afford an effective means of controlling plant height. In this study, paclobutrazol (Pbz) was studied for use in the chemical dwarfing of potted Lilium plants -the hybrids 'Ercolano' and 'Royal Respect'- for marketing. Their bulbs were dipped in the growth regulator (0, 50, 100, and 150 ppm) for 10 min before planting. Plant height (measured at 7 day intervals), the duration of the different stages of the growth cycle, the number of flower buds formed, and the number of open and aborted flowers were recorded. The average day and night air temperatures were 25 and 13潞C, respectively. Increasing Pbz dose progressively reduced the height of the 'Ercolano' hybrid by between 29% (46.2 cm; 50 ppm) and 45% (35.3 cm; 150 ppm) compared to control plants (64.4 cm), however, neither the duration of flowering nor the number of flowers was modified. The 'Royal Respect' hybrid responded with a marked shortening - by 45% (20.8 cm; 50 ppm) to 59% (28.2 cm; 150 ppm) in comparison with the average control height (51.1 cm), but in this case both the duration of flowering and the number of open flowers was reduced at the highest concentration. The feasibility of cultivating these Lilium hybrids for marketing in pots is demonstrated. However, the concentration of paclobutrazol should be adjusted according to the hybrid grown.En la producci贸n de bulbosas en maceta, a menudo se requiere el control de la altura para obtener plantas proporcionales al tama帽o del contenedor y para reducir el elongamiento del tallo en pos-cosecha. Un medio efectivo de controlar la altura de las plantas es el uso de reguladores de crecimiento. Para proporcionar informaci贸n sobre el enanizamiento qu铆mico en producci贸n de plantas de Lilium en maceta, se estudi贸 la efectividad del regulador de crecimiento paclobutrazol (0, 50, 100 y 150 ppm) en dos h铆bridos de Lilium L.A., 'Ercolano' y 'Royal Respect', aplicado por inmersi贸n de bulbos durante 10 minutos. Se registr贸 la altura a intervalos de 7 d铆as, la duraci贸n de los diferentes estadios del ciclo y el n煤mero de flores formadas, abiertas y abortadas. Las temperaturas medias del aire (d铆a/noche) fueron 25/13潞C. El incremento de las dosis de paclobutrazol produjo un incremento en el control de la altura en el h铆brido 'Ercolano' de 29% (46,2 cm) a 45% (35,3 cm) con respecto al testigo (64,4 cm), sin modificaci贸n en la duraci贸n de la floraci贸n ni en el n煤mero de flores. El h铆brido 'Royal Respect' respondi贸 al paclobutrazol con una marcada reducci贸n de la altura, de 45% (20,8 cm) a 59% (28,2 cm), en comparaci贸n con el testigo (51,1 cm), pero en este caso, tanto la duraci贸n de la floraci贸n como el n煤mero de flores abiertas disminuyeron con la concentraci贸n m谩s alta. Se demostr贸 la viabilidad de cultivar los h铆bridos Lilium 'Ercolano' y 'Royal Respect' en macetas para su comercializaci贸n, y se confirm贸 que la concentraci贸n de paclobutrazol debe ajustarse para cada h铆brido

    Short communication. Paclobutrazol for height control of two Lilium L.A. hybrids grown in pots

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    Height control is often required in order to obtain bulb plants that are proportional to their pot size and to reduce post-harvest stem elongation. Plant growth regulators afford an effective means of controlling plant height. In this study, paclobutrazol (Pbz) was studied for use in the chemical dwarfing of potted Lilium plants -the hybrids 'Ercolano' and 'Royal Respect'- for marketing. Their bulbs were dipped in the growth regulator (0, 50, 100, and 150 ppm) for 10 min before planting. Plant height (measured at 7 day intervals), the duration of the different stages of the growth cycle, the number of flower buds formed, and the number of open and aborted flowers were recorded. The average day and night air temperatures were 25 and 13潞C, respectively. Increasing Pbz dose progressively reduced the height of the 'Ercolano' hybrid by between 29% (46.2 cm; 50 ppm) and 45% (35.3 cm; 150 ppm) compared to control plants (64.4 cm), however, neither the duration of flowering nor the number of flowers was modified. The 'Royal Respect' hybrid responded with a marked shortening - by 45% (20.8 cm; 50 ppm) to 59% (28.2 cm; 150 ppm) in comparison with the average control height (51.1 cm), but in this case both the duration of flowering and the number of open flowers was reduced at the highest concentration. The feasibility of cultivating these Lilium hybrids for marketing in pots is demonstrated. However, the concentration of paclobutrazol should be adjusted according to the hybrid grown.En la producci贸n de bulbosas en maceta, a menudo se requiere el control de la altura para obtener plantas proporcionales al tama帽o del contenedor y para reducir el elongamiento del tallo en pos-cosecha. Un medio efectivo de controlar la altura de las plantas es el uso de reguladores de crecimiento. Para proporcionar informaci贸n sobre el enanizamiento qu铆mico en producci贸n de plantas de Lilium en maceta, se estudi贸 la efectividad del regulador de crecimiento paclobutrazol (0, 50, 100 y 150 ppm) en dos h铆bridos de Lilium L.A., 'Ercolano' y 'Royal Respect', aplicado por inmersi贸n de bulbos durante 10 minutos. Se registr贸 la altura a intervalos de 7 d铆as, la duraci贸n de los diferentes estadios del ciclo y el n煤mero de flores formadas, abiertas y abortadas. Las temperaturas medias del aire (d铆a/noche) fueron 25/13潞C. El incremento de las dosis de paclobutrazol produjo un incremento en el control de la altura en el h铆brido 'Ercolano' de 29% (46,2 cm) a 45% (35,3 cm) con respecto al testigo (64,4 cm), sin modificaci贸n en la duraci贸n de la floraci贸n ni en el n煤mero de flores. El h铆brido 'Royal Respect' respondi贸 al paclobutrazol con una marcada reducci贸n de la altura, de 45% (20,8 cm) a 59% (28,2 cm), en comparaci贸n con el testigo (51,1 cm), pero en este caso, tanto la duraci贸n de la floraci贸n como el n煤mero de flores abiertas disminuyeron con la concentraci贸n m谩s alta. Se demostr贸 la viabilidad de cultivar los h铆bridos Lilium 'Ercolano' y 'Royal Respect' en macetas para su comercializaci贸n, y se confirm贸 que la concentraci贸n de paclobutrazol debe ajustarse para cada h铆brido