123 research outputs found

    A finite element study to assess fracture risk in humans with low bone density

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    Osteoporosis is a bone-related illness which causes a reduction in bone density, where affected individuals have a higher risk of fracture. This research uses current Finite Element Analysis (FEA) techniques such as geometric modelling, meshing, application of materials, loading and boundary conditions, and captures time-dependent simulation data. The aim was to study the physical properties of the Human Clavicle bone. The focus was on transverse fractures in compression loading. Previous research is detailed showing the impact of pathological fractures and its effect on the bone, this comprises of theoretical and experimental results. The study demonstrates the correlation between the reduction in density and the increase in fracture risk. Thus, showing the importance of the FEA data and its uses in future applications of which encompass design, diagnostics and research

    Combination of Nanoindentation and Quantitative Backscattered Electron Imaging Revealed Altered Bone Material Properties Associated with Femoral Neck Fragility

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    Osteoporotic fragility fractures were hypothesized to be related to changes in bone material properties and not solely to reduction in bone mass. We studied cortical bone from the superior and inferior sectors of whole femoral neck sections from five female osteoporotic hip fracture cases (74–92 years) and five nonfractured controls (75–88 years). The typical calcium content (CaPeak) and the mineral particle thickness parameter (T) were mapped in large areas of the superior and inferior regions using quantitative backscattered electron imaging (qBEI) and scanning small-angle X-ray scattering, respectively. Additionally, indentation modulus (E) and hardness (H) (determined by nanoindentation) were compared at the local level to the mineral content (CaInd) at the indent positions (obtained from qBEI). CaPeak (−2.2%, P = 0.002), CaInd (−1.8%, P = 0.048), E (−5.6%, P = 0.040), and H (−6.0%, P = 0.016) were significantly lower for the superior compared to the inferior region. Interestingly, CaPeak as well as CaInd were also lower (−2.6%, P = 0.006, and –3.7%, P = 0.002, respectively) in fracture cases compared to controls, while E and H did not show any significant reduction. T values were in the normal range, independent of region (P = 0.181) or fracture status (P = 0.551). In conclusion, it appears that the observed femoral neck fragility is associated with a reduced mineral content, which was not accompanied by a reduction in stiffness and hardness of the bone material. This pilot study suggests that a stiffening process in the organic matrix component contributes to bone fragility independently of mineral content

    Oldest pathology in a tetrapod bone illuminates the origin of terrestrial vertebrates

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    The origin of terrestrial tetrapods was a key event in vertebrate evolution, yet how and when it occurred remains obscure, due to scarce fossil evidence. Here, we show that the study of palaeopathologies, such as broken and healed bones, can help elucidate poorly understood behavioural transitions such as this. Using high-resolution finite element analysis, we demonstrate that the oldest known broken tetrapod bone, a radius of the primitive stem tetrapod Ossinodus pueri from the mid-Viséan (333 million years ago) of Australia, fractured under a high-force, impact-type loading scenario. The nature of the fracture suggests that it most plausibly occurred during a fall on land. Augmenting this are new osteological observations, including a preferred directionality to the trabecular architecture of cancellous bone. Together, these results suggest that Ossinodus, one of the first large (>2m length) tetrapods, spent a significant proportion of its life on land. Our findings have important implications for understanding the temporal, biogeographical and physiological contexts under which terrestriality in vertebrates evolved. They push the date for the origin of terrestrial tetrapods further back into the Carboniferous by at least two million years. Moreover, they raise the possibility that terrestriality in vertebrates first evolved in large tetrapods in Gondwana rather than in small European forms, warranting a re-evaluation of this important evolutionary event

    Tensile Properties of the Murine Ventral Vertical Midline Incision

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    In clinical surgery, the vertical midline abdominal incision is popular but associated with healing failures. A murine model of the ventral vertical midline incision was developed in order to study the healing of this incision type.The strength of the wild type murine ventral abdominal wall in the midline was contained within the dermis; the linea alba made a negligible contribution. Unwounded abdominal wall had a downward trend (nonsignificant) in maximal tension between 12 and 29 weeks of age. The incision attained 50% of its final strength by postoperative day 40. The maximal tension of the ventral vertical midline incision was nearly that of unwounded abdominal wall by postwounding day 60; there was no difference in unwounded vs. wounded maximal tension at postwounding day 120.After 120 days of healing, the ventral vertical midline incision in the wild type mouse was not significantly different from age-matched nonwounded controls. About half of the final incisional strength was attained after 6 weeks of healing. The significance of this work was to establish the kinetics of wild type incisional healing in a model for which numerous genotypes and genetic tools would be available for subsequent study

    Plastic and Heritable Components of Phenotypic Variation in Nucella lapillus: An Assessment Using Reciprocal Transplant and Common Garden Experiments

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    Assessment of plastic and heritable components of phenotypic variation is crucial for understanding the evolution of adaptive character traits in heterogeneous environments. We assessed the above in relation to adaptive shell morphology of the rocky intertidal snail Nucella lapillus by reciprocal transplantation of snails between two shores differing in wave action and rearing snails of the same provenance in a common garden. Results were compared with those reported for similar experiments conducted elsewhere. Microsatellite variation indicated limited gene flow between the populations. Intrinsic growth rate was greater in exposed-site than sheltered-site snails, but the reverse was true of absolute growth rate, suggesting heritable compensation for reduced foraging opportunity at the exposed site. Shell morphology of reciprocal transplants partially converged through plasticity toward that of native snails. Shell morphology of F2s in the common garden partially retained characteristics of the P-generation, suggesting genetic control. A maternal effect was revealed by greater resemblance of F1s than F2s to the P-generation. The observed synergistic effects of plastic, maternal and genetic control of shell-shape may be expected to maximise fitness when environmental characteristics become unpredictable through dispersal

    Modified Laminar Bone in Ampelosaurus atacis and Other Titanosaurs (Sauropoda): Implications for Life History and Physiology

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    BACKGROUND: Long bone histology of the most derived Sauropoda, the Titanosauria suggests that titanosaurian long bone histology differs from the uniform bone histology of basal Sauropoda. Here we describe the long bone histology of the titanosaur Ampelosaurus atacis and compare it to that of basal neosauropods and other titanosaurs to clarify if a special titanosaur bone histology exists. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Ampelosaurus retains the laminar vascular organization of basal Sauropoda, but throughout most of cortical growth, the scaffolding of the fibrolamellar bone, which usually is laid down as matrix of woven bone, is laid down as parallel-fibered or lamellar bone matrix instead. The remodeling process by secondary osteons is very extensive and overruns the periosteal bone deposition before skeletal maturity is reached. Thus, no EFS is identifiable. Compared to the atypical bone histology of Ampelosaurus, the large titanosaur Alamosaurus shows typical laminar fibrolamellar bone. The titanosaurs Phuwiangosaurus, Lirainosaurus, and Magyarosaurus, although differing in certain features, all show this same low amount or absence of woven bone from the scaffolding of the fibrolamellar bone, indicating a clear reduction in growth rate resulting in a higher bone tissue organization. To describe the peculiar primary cortical bone tissue of Phuwiangosaurus, Ampelosaurus, Lirainosaurus, and Magyarosaurus, we here introduce a new term, "modified laminar bone" (MLB). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Importantly, MLB is as yet not known from extant animals. At least in Lirainosaurus and Magyarosaurus the reduction of growth rate indicated by MLB is coupled with a drastic body size reduction and maybe also a reduction in metabolic rate, interpreted as a result of dwarfing on the European islands during the Late Cretaceous. Phuwiangosaurus and Ampelosaurus both show a similar reduction in growth rate but not in body size, possibly indicating also a reduced metabolic rate. The large titanosaur Alamosaurus, on the other hand, retained the plesiomorphic bone histology of basal neosauropods

    In Vivo Evaluation of the Presence of Bone Marrow in Cortical Porosity in Postmenopausal Osteopenic Women

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    This is the first observational study examining cortical porosity in vivo in postmenopausal osteopenic women and to incorporate data from two different imaging modalities to further examine the nature of cortical porosity. The goal of this study was to combine high-resolution peripheral computed tomography (HR-pQCT) images, which contain high spatial resolution information of the cortical structure, and magnetic resonance (MR) images, which allow the visualization of soft tissues such as bone marrow, to observe the amount of cortical porosity that contains bone marrow in postmenopausal osteopenic women. The radius of 49 and the tibia of 51 postmenopausal osteopenic women (age 56 ± 3.7) were scanned using both HR-pQCT and MR imaging. A normalized mutual information registration algorithm was used to obtain a three-dimensional rigid transform which aligned the MR image to the HR-pQCT image. The aligned images allowed for the visualization of bone marrow in cortical pores. From the HR-pQCT image, the percent cortical porosity, the number of cortical pores, and the size of each cortical pore was determined. By overlaying the aligned MR and HR-pQCT images, the percent of cortical pores containing marrow, the number of cortical pores containing marrow, and the size of each cortical pore containing marrow were measured. While the amount of cortical porosity did not vary greatly between subjects, the type of cortical pore, containing marrow vs. not containing marrow, varied highly between subjects. The results suggest that cortical pore spaces contain components of varying composition, and that there may be more than one mechanism for the development of cortical porosity

    Diffraction techniques and vibrational spectroscopy opportunities to characterise bones

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    From a histological point of view, bones that allow body mobility and protection of internal organs consist not only of different organic and inorganic tissues but include vascular and nervous elements as well. Moreover, due to its ability to host different ions and cations, its mineral part represents an important reservoir, playing a key role in the metabolic activity of the organism. From a structural point of view, bones can be considered as a composite material displaying a hierarchical structure at different scales. At the nanometre scale, an organic part, i.e. collagen fibrils and an inorganic part, i.e. calcium phosphate nanocrystals are intimately mixed to assure particular mechanical properties

    Non-invasive prediction of the mouse tibia mechanical properties from microCT images: comparison between different finite element models

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    New treatments for bone diseases require testing in animal models before clinical translation, and the mouse tibia is among the most common models. In vivo micro-Computed Tomography (microCT)-based micro-Finite Element (microFE) models can be used for predicting the bone strength non-invasively, after proper validation against experimental data. Different modelling techniques can be used to estimate the bone properties, and the accuracy associated with each is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of different microCT-based microFE models to predict the mechanical properties of the mouse tibia under compressive load. Twenty tibiae were microCT scanned at 10.4 µm voxel size and subsequently compressed at 0.03 mm/s until failure. Stiffness and failure load were measured from the load–displacement curves. Different microFE models were generated from each microCT image, with hexahedral or tetrahedral mesh, and homogeneous or heterogeneous material properties. Prediction accuracy was comparable among models. The best correlations between experimental and predicted mechanical properties, as well as lower errors, were obtained for hexahedral models with homogeneous material properties. Experimental stiffness and predicted stiffness were reasonably well correlated (R2 = 0.53–0.65, average error of 13–17%). A lower correlation was found for failure load (R2 = 0.21–0.48, average error of 9–15%). Experimental and predicted mechanical properties normalized by the total bone mass were strongly correlated (R2 = 0.75–0.80 for stiffness, R2 = 0.55–0.81 for failure load). In conclusion, hexahedral models with homogeneous material properties based on in vivo microCT images were shown to best predict the mechanical properties of the mouse tibia