2,841 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Hetergeneous "Clumpy Jets": A Parameter Study

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    We investigate the role discrete clumps embedded in an astrophysical jet play on the jet's morphology and line emission characteristics. By varying clumps' size, density, position, and velocity, we cover a range of parameter space motivated by observations of objects such as the Herbig Haro object HH~34. We here extend the results presented in Yirak et al. 2009, including how analysis of individual observations may lead to spurious sinusoidal variation whose parameters vary widely over time, owing chiefly to interacts between clumps. The goodness of the fits, while poor in all simulations, are best when clump-clump collisions are minimal. Our results indicate that a large velocity dispersion leads to a clump-clump collision-dominated flow which disrupts the jet beam. Finally, we present synthetic emission images of H-α\alpha and [SII] and note an excess of [SII] emission along the jet length as compared to observations. This suggests that observed beams undergo earlier processing, if they are present at all.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    “Genuine Brotherhood” without Remorse: A Commentary on Joseph Ratzinger’s "Comments on 'De Iudaeis'"

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    This article critically engages, section by section, a 2018 essay on Catholic-Jewish relations by emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. It is the result of joint analysis by a Jewish professor and a Catholic professor who co-direct an academic institute devoted to Catholic-Jewish relations. Benedict’s treatment of such topics as supersessionism, the “unrevoked covenant,” and the State of Israel is complex, and his reasoning is often difficult to follow, but the authors conclude that his essay makes genuine contributions to a Catholic theology of relations with Jews and Judaism that deserve serious, dispassionate, and critical study. This is true despite some serious weaknesses, especially its lack of consistent engagement with Judaism as lived by Jews today

    Primer for the Transportable Applications Executive

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    The Transportable Applications Executive (TAE), an interactive multipurpose executive that provides commonly required functions for scientific analysis systems, is discussed. The concept of an executive is discussed and the various components of TAE are presented. These include on-line help information, the use of menus or commands to access analysis programs, and TAE command procedures

    Protostellar Outflow Evolution in Turbulent Environments

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    The link between turbulence in star formatting environments and protostellar jets remains controversial. To explore issues of turbulence and fossil cavities driven by young stellar outflows we present a series of numerical simulations tracking the evolution of transient protostellar jets driven into a turbulent medium. Our simulations show both the effect of turbulence on outflow structures and, conversely, the effect of outflows on the ambient turbulence. We demonstrate how turbulence will lead to strong modifications in jet morphology. More importantly, we demonstrate that individual transient outflows have the capacity to re-energize decaying turbulence. Our simulations support a scenario in which the directed energy/momentum associated with cavities is randomized as the cavities are disrupted by dynamical instabilities seeded by the ambient turbulence. Consideration of the energy power spectra of the simulations reveals that the disruption of the cavities powers an energy cascade consistent with Burgers'-type turbulence and produces a driving scale-length associated with the cavity propagation length. We conclude that fossil cavities interacting either with a turbulent medium or with other cavities have the capacity to sustain or create turbulent flows in star forming environments. In the last section we contrast our work and its conclusions with previous studies which claim that jets can not be the source of turbulence.Comment: 24 pages, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Isotropically Driven versus Outflow Driven Turbulence: Observational Consequences for Molecular Clouds

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    Feedback from protostellar outflows can influence the nature of turbulence in star forming regions even if they are not the primary source of velocity dispersion for all scales of molecular clouds. For the rate and power expected in star forming regions, we previously (Carroll et al. 2009) demonstrated that outflows could drive supersonic turbulence at levels consistent with the scaling relations from Matzner 2007 although with a steeper velocity power spectrum than expected for an isotropically driven supersonic turbulent cascade. Here we perform higher resolution simulations and combine simulations of outflow driven turbulence with those of isotropically forced turbulence. We find that the presence of outflows within an ambient isotropically driven turbulent environment produces a knee in the velocity power spectrum at the outflow scale and a steeper slope at sub-outflow scales than for a purely isotropically forced case. We also find that the presence of outflows flattens the density spectrum at large scales effectively reducing the formation of large scale turbulent density structures. These effects are qualitatively independent of resolution. We have also carried out Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for synthetic data from our simulations. We find that PCA as a tool for identifying the driving scale of turbulence has a misleading bias toward low amplitude large scale velocity structures even when they are not necessarily the dominant energy containing scales. This bias is absent for isotropically forced turbulence but manifests strongly for collimated outflow driven turbulence.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to Ap

    Hypersonic Buckshot: Astrophysical Jets as Heterogeneous Collimated Plasmoids

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    Herbig-Haro (HH) jets are commonly thought of as homogeneous beams of plasma traveling at hypersonic velocities. Structure within jet beams is often attributed to periodic or ``pulsed'' variations of conditions at the jet source. Simulations based on this scenario result in knots extending across the jet diameter. Observations and recent high energy density laboratory experiments shed new light on structures below this scale and indicate they may be important for understanding the fundamentals of jet dynamics. In this paper we offer an alternative to ``pulsed'' models of protostellar jets. Using direct numerical simulations we explore the possibility that jets are chains of sub-radial clumps propagating through a moving inter-clump medium. Our models explore an idealization of this scenario by injecting small (r<rjetr<r_{jet}), dense (ρ>ρjet\rho>\rho_{jet}) spheres embedded in an otherwise smooth inter-clump jet flow. The spheres are initialized with velocities differing from the jet velocity by ∌15\sim15%. We find the consequences of shifting from homogeneous to heterogeneous flows are significant as clumps interact with each other and with the inter-clump medium in a variety of ways. Structures which mimic what is expected from pulsed-jet models can form, as can previously unseen ``sub-radial'' behaviors including backward facing bow shocks and off-axis working surfaces. While these small-scale structures have not been seen before in simulation studies, they are found in high resolution jet observations. We discuss implications of our simulations for the interpretation of protostellar jets with regard to characterization of knots by a ``lifetime'' or ``velocity history'' approach as well as linking observed structures with central engines which produce the jets.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures (1 color), submitted to Ap
