2,459 research outputs found

    The Epping & Ongar Farmers\u27 Coursing Club Sixth Annual Dinner at the Budworth Hall, Ongar on Wednesday, 9th. April, 1930

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    Club President Richard Waltham, Vice Presidents Sir D. Cunliffe Smith, James Furze, F. B. Debenham, I ,. Squire, W. Corbett Mighell. Chairman of the Club F. J. Hunt, F. H. Worley, Hon. Sec. Toast to the King proposed by the Chairman. Toast to the Epping and Ongars Farmers\u27 Coursing Club proposed by Major F. C. Watson. Followed by Presentation of the Cups by the Chairman. Entertainment provided by Miss Gladys Holliday (on piano), Mdlle Suzette (In Magic and Humour), Mr. Walter Newman (Entertainer), Mr. Arthur Askey (Humourous), Miss Gladys Holliday and Mr. Walter Newman (In Humour and Nonsens), Mr. Harry Claydon (Banjo Solo), Miss Nora Bancroft (Contralto) and Miss Diana Maxwell (Entertainer), also in duets. Accompanist Miss Gladys Holliday, Musical Director Mr. W.J. Chalkley.https://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus20c/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Processing waste printed circuit boards for material recovery

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    PURPOSE We have investigated the use of pyrolysis for the processing of waste printed circuit boards (PCBs). The aim was to make the process of separating the organic, metallic, and glass fibre fractions of PCBs much easier and therefore make recycling of each PCB fraction more viable. DESIGN / METHODOLOGY / APPROACH The PCBs were pyrolysed in a fixed bed reactor at 850°C. The organic fraction released by the boards was analysed by a variety of gas chromatography techniques. The residue that remained after pyrolysis was analysed by ICP-MS to determine the type of metals that were present. FINDINGS When PCBs were heated to 800°C in an oxygen free atmosphere, the organic fraction decomposed to form volatile oils and gases leaving behind the metal and glass fibre fraction of the boards. The pyrolysed boards were very friable and the different fractions (metal components, copper power boards, glass fibre, etc) could be easily separated. The recovered metals could then be recycled by traditional routes with particular emphasis being placed on the recovery and recycling of rare and precious metals. The organic oils and gases which are produced during pyrolysis of PCBs can either be used as a chemical feedstock or as a fuel. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS The research was only carried out on a very small scale so an investigation into scale-up must be performed. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS By using pyrolysis, the organic and metallic fraction of printed circuit boards can be separated and recycled. ORIGINALITY/VALUE This paper presents a novel method for resource recovery from PCBs

    Why the epistemologies of trust researchers matter

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    In this thought piece we take stock of and evaluate the nature of knowledge production in the field of trust research by examining the epistemologies of 167 leading trust scholars, who responded to a short survey. Following a brief review of major epistemological perspectives we discuss the nature of the prevalent views and their geographical distribution within our field. We call on trust researchers to engage in epistemological reflection, develop their own awareness of alternative epistemologies, and ensure their work draws on and cites relevant research contrary to their preferred epistemological approach. To support this we ask editors of relevant journals to foster pluralism in trust research, publishing work from a range of epistemologies


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    This article uses a case of oil and gas exploration as the starting point for methodological considerations in the study of sociomateriality. I argu a sociomaterial research continuum ranging from hard to soft sociomateriality depending on how the technology-human relationship is conceptualised in the literature. In the hard end, there can be no understanding of the one without the other, while contributions towards the soft end of the scale accept a conceptual distance between them, although claiming symmetry. The hard version is under critiqu for using unclear language and producing confusing levels of analysis, and the soft version has been critiqud for not properly addressing macro level influnces. The case is critical in that it illustrates the problematics of sociomateriality, being saturated of data and IT tools that are both necessary for the process to work and produce outputs that without these same tools would be very different. There is in other words symmetry performed. I answer the call to not reside to simplified and single scholarly approaches and use relevant discussions and insights from science studies, sociology and organisational research to suggest that the issus discussed in sociomateriality transcends the debate between critical realism and agential realism going towards the core of scientific qustions of the relationship between the subjective and the objective and between data and theory. I find that the consequnce of this is that sociomaterial research must cut across ontological, epistemological and methodological borders to embed the notion of performativity and not impose a-priori ontological barriers, but rather ask qustions that allow us to construct concepts that are applicable in our empirical analysis. I suggest that sociomateriality in addition to commit to subtle realism should glance to conventionalism and pragmatically consider the applicability of the concept without restricting to claims of truth. Sociomateriality is, it seems, in the constructive process of exhausting epistemological obstacles by a necessary consideration of existing concepts (such as agential realism, sociotechnical and critical reality)

    Фотодинамическая терапия при акне

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    Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the world. A number of studies have shown that photodynamic therapy (PDT) is safe and effective for both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne and can significantly improve skin conditions in this disease. The effectiveness of PDT against acne is mainly due to a decrease in the amount of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands due to a decrease in their activity as a result of direct photodynamic damage to the sebaceous glands, eradication of Cutibacterium acnes, and a decrease in the level of hyperkeratosis. Compared with systemic drug therapy, PDT treatment of severe acne has the following advantages: fast results, high efficiency, high selectivity, no systemic adverse reactions and drug resistance, and low recurrence rate. Most often for PDT in patients with acne, drugs based on 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) and its methyl ester (ME-ALA) are used. At the moment, there are no unified recommendations on PDT regimens for the treatment of this skin pathology. Various studies demonstrate the high efficiency of PDT with a wide range of doses of 5-ALA (3-20%) and ME-ALA (4-16%), light doses (15-120 J/cm2 ), and exposure time (30-90 min). The general trend in studies by different authors is that gentle low-intensity PDT regimens for acne demonstrate the same high efficiency with a significant reduction in pain during irradiation and local skin reactions (erythrema, edema, and hyperpigmentation).Акне – одна из самых распространенных в мире кожных патологий. Ряд исследований показал, что фотодинамическая терапия (ФДТ) безопасна и эффективна при воспалительной и невоспалительной форме акне и может значительно улучшить состояние кожи при этом заболевании. Эффективность ФДТ против акне в основном обусловлена уменьшением количества кожного сала, вырабатываемого сальными железам, за счет снижения их активности в результате прямого фотодинамического повреждения сальных желез, эрадикацией Cutibacterium acnes и снижением уровня гиперкератоза. По сравнению с системной медикаментозной терапией лечение тяжелой формы акне методом ФДТ имеет следующие преимущества: быстрый результат, высокая эффективность, высокая селективность, отсутствие системных побочных реакций и лекарственной устойчивости, низкая частота рецидивов. Наиболее часто для ФДТ у больных акне применяют препараты на основе 5-аминолевулиновой кислоты (5-АЛК) и ее метилового эфира (МЭ-АЛК). На данный момент не существует единых рекомендаций по режимам ФДТ для лечения данной кожной патологии. Различные исследования демонстрируют высокую эффективность ФДТ с широким диапазоном доз 5-АЛК (3-20%) и МЭ-АЛК (4-16%), световых доз (15-120 Дж/ см2 ) и времени облучения (30-90 мин). Общая тенденция в исследованиях разных авторов сводится к тому, что щадящие низкоинтенсивные режимы ФДТ при акне демонстрируют такую же высокую эффективность при значительном снижении болевых ощущений в процессе облучения и местных кожных реакций (эритрема, отек, гиперпигментация)

    Изменения гормональной регуляции у больных демодекозом в ответ на паразитарную инвазию

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    The paper establishes patterns of changes in clinical and hormonal parameters which deepen our knowledge on the pathogenesis of demodicosis and create certain preconditions for the directed correction of compensatory-adaptive possibilities of the host organism and open prospects for improving pathogenetic treatment of demodicosis and its complications.У роботі виявлені закономірності змін клініко-гормональних показників, що розширюють знання про патогенез демодекозу, а також створюють певні передумови для спрямованої компенсаторно-пристосувальних можливостей організму господаря для удосконалення патогенетичного лікування демодекозу та його ускладнень.В работе выявлены закономерности изменений клинико-гормональных показателей, расширяющих знания о патогенезе демодекоза, а также создающих определенные предпосылки для направленной коррекции компенсаторно-приспособительных возможностей организма хозяина для совершенствования патогенетического лечения демодекоза и его осложнений

    Metagenomic Evidence for H2 Oxidation and H2 Production by Serpentinite-Hosted Subsurface Microbial Communities

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    Ultramafic rocks in the Earth’s mantle represent a tremendous reservoir of carbon and reducing power. Upon tectonic uplift and exposure to fluid flow, serpentinization of these materials generates copious energy, sustains abiogenic synthesis of organic molecules, and releases hydrogen gas (H2). In order to assess the potential for microbial H2 utilization fueled by serpentinization, we conducted metagenomic surveys of a marine serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal chimney (at the Lost City hydrothermal field) and two continental serpentinite-hosted alkaline seeps (at the Tablelands Ophiolite, Newfoundland). Novel [NiFe]-hydrogenase sequences were identified at both the marine and continental sites, and in both cases, phylogenetic analyses indicated aerobic, potentially autotrophic Betaproteobacteria belonging to order Burkholderiales as the most likely H2-oxidizers. Both sites also yielded metagenomic evidence for microbial H2 production catalyzed by [FeFe]-hydrogenases in anaerobic Gram-positive bacteria belonging to order Clostridiales. In addition, we present metagenomic evidence at both sites for aerobic carbon monoxide utilization and anaerobic carbon fixation via the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway. In general, our results point to H2-oxidizing Betaproteobacteria thriving in shallow, oxic–anoxic transition zones and the anaerobic Clostridia thriving in anoxic, deep subsurface habitats. These data demonstrate the feasibility of metagenomic investigations into novel subsurface habitats via surface-exposed seeps and indicate the potential for H2-powered primary production in serpentinite-hosted subsurface habitats