739 research outputs found

    Underwriting Democracy: Portugal and European Economic Community’s Accession

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    In the 1960s and early 1970s, Portugal’s first two attempts to become more involved with the European Economic Community (EEC) and gain membership met with failure, mainly for one reason: the undemocratic nature of the Portuguese regime. In 1977, only three years after the overturn of the Estado Novo, Portugal applied to become a full member of the EEC with new political credentials. This article contributes to the understanding of the link between democracy and accession to the EEC, assessing the role that democratic principles, acknowledged in several political reports and enshrined in the Treaty of Rome, played at a very early stage in the Portuguese negotiations.Dans les années 1960 et 1970, les deux premières tentatives du Portugal de s’impliquer de manière plus étroite avec la Communauté économique européenne (CEE) dans le cadre d’une politique visant à terme à l’adhésion ont échoué pour une raison principale : la nature non-démocratique du régime portugais. En 1977, trois ans seulement après l’avènement du Estado Novo, le Portugal présente sa demande pour une adhésion pleine et entière à la CEE, dans un nouveau contexte politique. L’article se propose d’éclaircir le lien entre démocratie et accession à la CEE, en évaluant le rôle que le principe démocratique, reconnu dans plusieurs rapports politiques et inscrit dans le Traité de Rome, a joué dans les premières phases des négociations portugaises pour l’adhésion à la CEE

    Underwriting Democracy: Portugal and European Economic Community’s Accession

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    In the 1960s and early 1970s, Portugal’s first two attempts to become more involved with the European Economic Community (EEC) and gain membership met with failure, mainly for one reason: the undemocratic nature of the Portuguese regime. In 1977, only three years after the overturn of the Estado Novo, Portugal applied to become a full member of the EEC with new political credentials. This article contributes to the understanding of the link between democracy and accession to the EEC, assessing the role that democratic principles, acknowledged in several political reports and enshrined in the Treaty of Rome, played at a very early stage in the Portuguese negotiations.Dans les années 1960 et 1970, les deux premières tentatives du Portugal de s’impliquer de manière plus étroite avec la Communauté économique européenne (CEE) dans le cadre d’une politique visant à terme à l’adhésion ont échoué pour une raison principale : la nature non-démocratique du régime portugais. En 1977, trois ans seulement après l’avènement du Estado Novo, le Portugal présente sa demande pour une adhésion pleine et entière à la CEE, dans un nouveau contexte politique. L’article se propose d’éclaircir le lien entre démocratie et accession à la CEE, en évaluant le rôle que le principe démocratique, reconnu dans plusieurs rapports politiques et inscrit dans le Traité de Rome, a joué dans les premières phases des négociations portugaises pour l’adhésion à la CEE

    Alien Registration- Cunha, Alice D. (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    A question of perspective. How Portuguese voters see and act in European elections

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    Thirty four years ago (before the end of the Portuguese dictatorship regime), the Portuguese people barely knew its European neighbours, had a pragmatic attitude concerning economic aspects, and a distant one regarding a more close political understanding. After 1974 this position changed and, twelve years later, in 1986, when Portugal became the European Union 11th member-State, Europe started to be regarded in a different way. In this paper, is it our intention to see how Portuguese people have expressed its feelings about the European Union in a very specific moment: the European elections. In this sense, in a political-sociological frame, we are going to analyse the five European elections (1987, 1989, 1994, 1999 and 2004) in which the Portuguese participated. Using theoretical tools of the Political Sociology, we seek to understand the whys and the who’s for a very poor participation in this type of elections. This paper will be based not only in published articles and books about European elections, and in the results itselfs, but also in the opinions expressed in several Eurostat questionnaires


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    O presente artigo tem como intuito entender o que os colaboradores de uma instituição de ensino superior entendem como qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT), imposto que ela propicia uma colaboração maior por parte dos subordinados, desta forma cria uma integração entre os superiores, colegas de trabalho e o ambiente em si, buscando sempre sanar as necessidades dos colaboradores. Com o intuito de entender a percepção da qualidade para as pessoas, foi determinado como problema de pesquisa: qual a percepção dos colaboradores em relação à qualidade de vida no trabalho? E para tentar entender melhor o estudo foi proposto como objetivo específicos: aplicação de um questionário aos funcionários; compreender quais aspectos na opinião dos colaboradores prejudicam a qualidade de vida e identificar quais são os elementos que a organização precisa observar para atender a qualidade de vida no trabalho. Para isso, o presente artigo utiliza a metodologia de natureza aplicada, composta de maneira mista: qualitativa e quantitativa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo. Tendo como principais resultados a necessidade de se suprir os fatores higiênicos, visto que são evitam o processo de desmotivação

    Neurocognitive assessment in alcohol abuse and dependence: implications for treatment

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    The aim of the Neuropsychology applied to the Alcohol Dependence field is the comprehension of the effects of brain dysfunction on cognition and human behavior. It investigates neurocognitive impairments and associates them to structural and functional neuroimaging findings (CT, MRI, PET and SPECT). Acute use of alcohol impairs attention, memory, executive functions and visuospatial skills, while chronic abuse causes neurocognitive deficits in memory, learning, visuospatial functions, psychomotor speed processing, executive functions and decision-making, and may lead to persistent amnesic disorder and alcoholic dementia. Executive Dysfunction related to frontal lobe has direct implications on treatment, by the choosing of strategies and for prognostic evaluation. It is presented an easy tool to screen cognitive impairments, the Frontal Assessment Battery - FAB.15 Neuropsychological Assessment is useful for early detection of impairments and evaluation of their evolution and Cognitive Rehabilitation has a significant role on deficits recovery and psychosocial adjustment of these patients.A Neuropsicologia, aplicada ao abuso e dependência do álcool, busca a compreensão da relação entre danos cerebrais e seus efeitos na cognição e no comportamento do indivíduo. Estuda, ainda, os comprometimentos neurocognitivos dos pacientes, relacionando-os a achados estruturais e funcionais de neuroimagem (TC, RM, PET e SPECT). No uso agudo, o álcool tende a comprometer a atenção, memória, funções executivas e viso-espaciais, enquanto no uso crônico altera a memória, aprendizagem, análise e síntese viso-espacial, velocidade psicomotora, funções executivas e tomada de decisões, podendo chegar a transtornos persistentes de memória e demência alcoólica. Os déficits cognitivos encontrados nos dependentes de álcool, principalmente das funções executivas (frontais), têm implicação direta no tratamento, tanto para a escolha de estratégias a serem adotadas como para a análise do prognóstico. Ao final do artigo, é apresentado um instrumento útil e breve para rastreio de alterações cognitivas, a Bateria de Avaliação Frontal - FAB.15 Acredita-se que a Avaliação Neuropsicológica pode ser muito importante para a detecção e avaliação da progressão destas alterações e que a reabilitação cognitiva tem papel relevante na recuperação dos déficits e reinserção psicossocial destes pacientes.USP Faculdade de Medicina Instituto e Departamento de PsiquiatriaEscola Paulista de Medicina Unidade de Pesquisa em Álcool e DrogasUNIFESP, EPM, Unidade de Pesquisa em Álcool e DrogasSciEL


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    The 1970s represented for Portugal, Greece and Spain a new beginning which allowed them to leave behind years of non-democratic rule and embrace democracy. Over forty years have passed since 1974, when authoritarian regimes began being overturned in Southern Europe. During that same time period, the former European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU), actively sponsored the consolidation of democratic rule and grew to include more European countries. In recalling these facts..

    Ocupação urbana em áreas de fragilidade ambiental : estudo de áreas de risco socioambiental no Setor Sol Nascente – DF

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2018.Esta dissertação trata dos aspectos do meio ambiente necessários para conceber projetos de regularização fundiária, possibilitando diminuir riscos socioambientais e melhorar a qualidade de vida da população residente. O instrumento da regularização fundiá r ia, previsto no Estatuto da Cidade, é fundamental para reverter quadros de ilegalidade, porém ao privilegiar o princípio de fixação dos moradores, conflita com as necessidades de proteção de áreas de fragilidade ambiental. Nesse contexto, destaca-se o instrumento de gestão urbana e ambiental, o Zoneamento Ambiental, como referencial para estabelecer limites norteadores de projetos urbanísticos e minimizar riscos socioambienta is, principalmente inerentes a ocupação de áreas de fragilidade ambiental. A investigação aponta conflitos existentes entre esses instrumentos, destaca avanços legais e conceituais por parte da regularização fundiária, além de apresentaras fragilidades da implementação com descumprimento das normas ao privilegiar a fixação da população. Investiga-se como o Zoneamento Ambiental, o Mapa de Risco e o Estudo de Impacto Ambienta l contribuem com as decisões para o Projeto de Regularização, por meio da análise dos condicionantes físico e biótico, e sua interveniência junto aos riscos socioambientais. O estudo empírico investigasse e como o zoneamento ambiental e mapa de riscos do Assentamento Sol Nascente, Distrito Federal, subsidiaram o Projeto Urbanístico de Regularização. Como resultado obtém-se que os estudos realizados estão em conformidade com a técnica de análise de risco – o projeto urbanístico considerou em maioria as indicações do EIA/RIMA. Porém, quanto à implantação não houve coerência ao projeto, dadas às interveniências políticas na gestão urbana – observou-se que a falha na interação com a população, quanto à remoção das habitações em áreas de risco, resultou em conflito. Conclui-se que, existem dificuldades de ordem técnica na conciliação dos aspectos urbanísticos e ambientais, porém, as normas e metodologias existentes oferecem base para mitigar a maioria dos riscos socioambientais. Ou seja, a dificuldade está na gestão pública vigente no Brasil.This dissertation deals with the environmental aspects needed to design land regularization projects, making it possible to reduce socio-environmental risks, and improve the quality of life of the resident population. The instrument of land regularization, provided in the City Statute, is fundamental to revert illegality, but privileging the principle of settlement of the residents, conflicts with the need to protect areas of environmental fragility. In this context, the urban and environmental management tool, the Environmental Zoning, is highlighted as a reference to establish guiding limits for urban projects and minimize socio-environmental risks, mainly inherent in the occupation of areas of environmental fragility. The research points out existing conflicts between these instruments, highlights legal and conceptual advances by land regularization, and presents the weaknesses of implementation with noncompliance with the legislation by favoring the establishment of the population. It is investigated how the Environmental Zoning, the Risk Map and the Environmental Impact Study contribute to the decisions for the Regularization Project, through the analysis of the physical and biotic constraints, and its intervention with the socio-environmental risks. The empirical study investigates whether and how the environmental zoning and risk map of the Settlement Sol Nascente, Federal District, subsidized the Urbanization Regularization Project. As a result, the study is carried out are in accordance with the risk analysis techniques - the urban design considered the EIA / RIMA indications in its majority. However, whereas the implementation, there was no coherence to the project, given the political interventions in urban management - it was observed that the government failure to interact with the population, regarding the removal of the inhabitants in risk areas, resulted in conflict. It is concluded that there are technical difficulties in reconciling urban and environmental aspects, but existing standards and methodologies provide a basis for mitigating most social and environmental risks. That is, the difficulty lies in the public management existant in Brazil

    Clinical, Cytological, Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Features of a T-Zone Lymphoma in a Mixed-Breed Dog

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    Background: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma are a group of lymphoid neoplasms originated from the proliferation of precursors or mature, T, B and/ or NK lymphocytes. T-Zone lymphoma (TZL) is characterized as an indolent lymphoma due to its slow progression and poor chemotherapy´s response. Dogs affected by this neoplasm may live for many years without clinical signs and are often underdiagnosed. The aim of the present article is report a TZL case in a nine-year old male mixed breed dog, submitted to clinical follow-up and chemotherapy. Case: A nine-year old male mixed-breed dog was presented due to the observation of an increased left mandibular lymph node. The previous cytological examination was suggestive of reactive hyperplasia and histopathological examination, by incisional biopsy, compatible with lymphocytic low-grade lymphoma. Physical examination revealed enlarged and firm left mandibular lymph node and adequate physical condition.A cytological examination was performed in the mandibular and  both popliteal lymph nodes and revealed many small lymphocytes with hyperchromatic chromatin, rarely evident nucleolus and whose cytoplasm often projected in the form of a “hind-mirror” or “comet tail”, compatible with lymphocytic lymphoma (low grade) and suggestive of TZL, in the both lymph nodes. The histopathological and immunohistochemical examination, of the mandibular lymph node, were chosen to confirm the diagnosis. At histopathology it was observed 40% of the sample contained a monotonous cell population, composed by small lymphocytes, with some presenting “hand-mirror” morphology. Two mitotic figures were evidenced per field of high magnification (40x), inferring a low-grade disease. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed neoplastic proliferation with immunolabeling of CD3 lymphocytes and positivity for Ki-67, but negative for CD20, CD79a, CD45, MUM-1 and PAX-5. Although there is no consensus about requirements and treatment´s efficacy, it has been chosen to treat the dog with chlorambucil, because of the elevated Ki-67 value (48%). The patient obtained a free-progression interval higher than 820 days, from the earlier investigations of lymphadenopathy, with excellent quality of life and no side effects related to the use of chlorambucil. Discussion: Although TZL is a common subtype of lymphoproliferative disease in dog, it is still underdiagnosed. The TZL diagnosis can be suggested by cytology, from the disclosures in neoplastic cells of a cytoplasmic projections, recognized as a “hand-mirror” or “comet tail”, corroborated with the present case, however the histopathology is confirmatory. Immunohistochemistry in which the neoplasm cells showed a positive immunolabeling for CD3 and negative for CD79a, CD20, CD45, MUM1 and PAX5, as evidenced in this report, confirming the T-cell origin. According to the literature, lymphomas composed by small clear cells and cytoplasm projecting by cytology, immunolabeling CD3 and CD25 positive and CD45 negative are, together, findings that confirmed TZL. The biological behaviour of indolent lymphoma is still largely unknown, however the prognosis of dogs, with indolent lymphoma of T or B cells, seems to be favourable.  Studies showed different days of median overall survival, such as 760 days and 4.4 years. In the present case, the dog showed 820 days, confirming the good prognosis and an indolent behavoiur. Aggressive chemotherapy protocols are not necessary for such cases and the treatment with chlorambucil, without the association of prednisolone, has been well tolerated by the patient, which showed no side effects until the moment

    Biblioteca escolar - sala de aula: parceiros na promoção da literacia da informação: estudo de caso numa escola de Évora

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    Este estudo escolhe como tema principal a Literacia da Informação e a necessidade de os professores bibliotecários e os professores das turmas se assumirem como parceiros na sua implementação para que o desempenho dos alunos melhore e a Escola cumpra a sua missão de preparar cidadãos ativos e capazes. A metodologia utilizada, de índole qualitativa, usa o estudo de caso único intrínseco, tendo sido utilizados como instrumentos: o inquérito por questionário, a análise de documentos, a observação direta, a entrevista e notas de campo. Está organizado em duas partes principais: abordagem teórica e estudo empírico. Na primeira parte faz-se uma revisão da literatura procurando recuperar, por um lado, leituras de contextualização e diplomas legais/normativos; por outro, leituras de referência tendo em conta a aproximação ao tema da literacia da informação e das práticas pedagógicas que a potenciam. Parte-se do pressuposto de que é possível, através do trabalho colaborativo envolvendo a equipa da biblioteca escolar e os professores das disciplinas, elevar os níveis de literacia da informação dos alunos fomentando a aprendizagem baseada em trabalho de pesquisa. A segunda parte do trabalho apresenta o estudo empírico realizado numa escola básica de 2.º e 3.ºciclos de Évora. O estudo realizado evidencia o muito trabalho a fazer para que o desenvolvimento da literacia da informação seja uma realidade. A escola e os seus órgãos pedagógicos precisam de planificar um processo de ensino efetivo da literacia da informação. Se se pretender um trabalho consistente, não chega elaborar materiais de apoio, escolher um guião de pesquisa e dinamizar atividades isoladas. É necessário traçar um plano de ação concertada entre os professores das disciplinas e os professores bibliotecários de forma a integrar a literacia da informação na prática dos alunos ao longo do percurso escolar; ABSTRACT:This study chooses as its main theme the Information Literacy and the need for teacher librarians and class teachers to assume as partners in its implementation to improve student performance and to help the school fulfill its mission of preparing capable and active citizens. The used methodology of qualitative nature, uses the intrinsic single case study, having been used as instruments: a survey by questionnaire, document analysis, direct observation, interviews and field notes. It is organized into two main parts: theoretical approach and an empirical study. In the first part a literature review is made seeking to recover on the one hand, background readings and legal acts / rules; and, on the other hand, readings of reference taking into account the approach to the issue of information literacy and the pedagogical practices that potentiate it. It takes it from the assumption that it is possible through the collaborative work involving the school library team and the teachers, to raise the levels of information literacy of the students by promoting learning based on research work. The second part of the paper presents the empirical study made in a 2nd and 3rd cycles basic school at Évora. The study evidences the much work to be done so that the development of information literacy can be a reality. The school and its pedagogical bodies need to plan a process of effective teaching of information literacy. If a consistent work is wanted it is not enough to produce support materials, choose a research guide and stimulate isolated research activities. It is necessary to draw a plan of concerted action between the subject teachers and the librarian teachers so as to integrate information literacy in the practice of the students throughout their school time