149 research outputs found

    A blind detection of a large, complex, Sunyaev–Zel’dovich structure

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    We present an interesting Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) detection in the first of the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) ‘blind’, degree-square fields to have been observed down to our target sensitivity of 100µJy beam^(-1). In follow-up deep pointed observations the SZ effect is detected with a maximum peak decrement greater than eight times the thermal noise. No corresponding emission is visible in the ROSAT all-sky X-ray survey and no cluster is evident in the Palomar all-sky optical survey. Compared with existing SZ images of distant clusters, the extent is large (≈10 arcmin) and complex; our analysis favours a model containing two clusters rather than a single cluster. Our Bayesian analysis is currently limited to modelling each cluster with an ellipsoidal or spherical β model, which does not do justice to this decrement. Fitting an ellipsoid to the deeper candidate we find the following. (a) Assuming that the Evrard et al. approximation to Press & Schechter correctly gives the number density of clusters as a function of mass and redshift, then, in the search area, the formal Bayesian probability ratio of the AMI detection of this cluster is 7.9 × 10^4:1; alternatively assuming Jenkins et al. as the true prior, the formal Bayesian probability ratio of detection is 2.1 × 10^5:1. (b) The cluster mass is M_(T,200) = 5.5_(-1.3)^(+1.2) x 10^(14)h^(-1)_(70) M_☉. (c) Abandoning a physical model with number density prior and instead simply modelling the SZ decrement using a phenomenological β model of temperature decrement as a function of angular distance, we find a central SZ temperature decrement of -295_(-15)^(+36) µK – this allows for cosmic microwave background primary anisotropies, receiver noise and radio sources. We are unsure if the cluster system we observe is a merging system or two separate clusters

    A Millimeter-wave Galactic Plane Survey with the BICEP Polarimeter

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    In order to study inflationary cosmology and the Milky Way Galaxy's composition and magnetic field structure, Stokes I, Q, and U maps of the Galactic plane covering the Galactic longitude range 260° < ℓ < 340° in three atmospheric transmission windows centered on 100, 150, and 220 GHz are presented. The maps sample an optical depth 1 ≾ AV ≾ 30, and are consistent with previous characterizations of the Galactic millimeter-wave frequency spectrum and the large-scale magnetic field structure permeating the interstellar medium. The polarization angles in all three bands are generally perpendicular to those measured by starlight polarimetry as expected and show changes in the structure of the Galactic magnetic field on the scale of 60°. The frequency spectrum of degree-scale Galactic emission is plotted between 23 and 220 GHz (including WMAP data) and is fit to a two-component (synchrotron and dust) model showing that the higher frequency BICEP data are necessary to tightly constrain the amplitude and spectral index of Galactic dust. Polarized emission is detected over the entire region within two degrees of the Galactic plane, indicating the large-scale magnetic field is oriented parallel to the plane of the Galaxy. A trend of decreasing polarization fraction with increasing total intensity is observed, ruling out the simplest model of a constant Galactic magnetic field orientation along the line of sight in the Galactic plane. A generally increasing trend of polarization fraction with electromagnetic frequency is found, varying from 0.5%-1.5% at frequencies below 50 GHz to 2.5%-3.5% above 90 GHz. The effort to extend the capabilities of BICEP by installing 220 GHz band hardware is described along with analysis of the new band

    Application of a Self-Similar Pressure Profile to Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Data from Galaxy Clusters

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    We investigate the utility of a new, self-similar pressure profile for fitting Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect observations of galaxy clusters. Current SZ imaging instruments - such as the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array (SZA) - are capable of probing clusters over a large range in physical scale. A model is therefore required that can accurately describe a cluster's pressure profile over a broad range of radii, from the core of the cluster out to a significant fraction of the virial radius. In the analysis presented here, we fit a radial pressure profile derived from simulations and detailed X-ray analysis of relaxed clusters to SZA observations of three clusters with exceptionally high quality X-ray data: A1835, A1914, and CL J1226.9+3332. From the joint analysis of the SZ and X-ray data, we derive physical properties such as gas mass, total mass, gas fraction and the intrinsic, integrated Compton y-parameter. We find that parameters derived from the joint fit to the SZ and X-ray data agree well with a detailed, independent X-ray-only analysis of the same clusters. In particular, we find that, when combined with X-ray imaging data, this new pressure profile yields an independent electron radial temperature profile that is in good agreement with spectroscopic X-ray measurements.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, accepted by ApJ for publication (probably April 2009

    A Millimeter-Wave Galactic Plane Survey With The BICEP Polarimeter

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    In addition to its potential to probe the Inflationary cosmological paradigm, millimeter-wave polarimetry is a powerful tool for studying the Milky Way galaxy's composition and magnetic field structure. Towards this end, presented here are Stokes I, Q, and U maps of the Galactic plane from the millimeter-wave polarimeter BICEP covering the Galactic longitude range 260 - 340 degrees in three atmospheric transmission windows centered on 100, 150, and 220 GHz. The maps sample an optical depth 1 < AV < 30, and are consistent with previous characterizations of the Galactic millimeter-wave frequency spectrum and the large-scale magnetic field structure permeating the interstellar medium. Polarized emission is detected over the entire region within two degrees of the Galactic plane and indicates that the large-scale magnetic field is oriented parallel to the plane of the Galaxy. An observed trend of decreasing polarization fraction with increasing total intensity rules out the simplest model of a constant Galactic magnetic field throughout the Galaxy. Including WMAP data in the analysis, the degree-scale frequency spectrum of Galactic polarization fraction is plotted between 23 and 220 GHz for the first time. A generally increasing trend of polarization fraction with electromagnetic frequency is found, which varies from 0.5%-1.5%at frequencies below 50 GHz to 2.5%-3.5%above 90 GHz. The BICEP and WMAP data are fit to a two-component (synchrotron and dust) model showing that the higher frequency BICEP data are necessary to tightly constrain the amplitude and spectral index of Galactic dust. Furthermore, the dust amplitude predicted by this two-component fit is consistent with model predictions of dust emission in the BICEP bands

    First season QUaD CMB temperature and polarization power spectra

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    QUaD is a bolometric CMB polarimeter sited at the South Pole, operating at frequencies of 100 and 150 GHz. In this paper we report preliminary results from the first season of operation (austral winter 2005). All six CMB power spectra are presented derived as cross spectra between the 100 and 150 GHz maps using 67 days of observation in a low foreground region of approximately 60 deg^2. These data are a small fraction of the data acquired to date. The measured spectra are consistent with the ΛCDM cosmological model. We perform jackknife tests that indicate that the observed signal has negligible contamination from instrumental systematics. In addition, by using a frequency jackknife we find no evidence for foreground contamination

    Characterization of the Millimeter-Wave Polarization of Centaurus A with QUaD

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    Centaurus (Cen) A represents one of the best candidates for an isolated, compact, highly polarized source that is bright at typical cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment frequencies. We present measurements of the 4 degree by 2 degree region centered on Cen A with QUaD, a CMB polarimeter whose absolute polarization angle is known to 0.5 degrees. Simulations are performed to assess the effect of misestimation of the instrumental parameters on the final measurement and systematic errors due to the field's background structure and temporal variability from Cen A's nuclear region are determined. The total (Q, U) of the inner lobe region is (1.00 +/- 0.07 (stat.) +/- 0.04 (sys.), -1.72 +/- 0.06 +/- 0.05) Jy at 100 GHz and (0.80 +/- 0.06 +/- 0.06, -1.40 +/- 0.07 +/- 0.08) Jy at 150 GHz, leading to polarization angles and total errors of -30.0 +/- 1.1 degrees and -29.1 +/- 1.7 degrees. These measurements will allow the use of Cen A as a polarized calibration source for future millimeter experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, v2 matches version published in Ap

    Second and third season QUaD CMB temperature and polarization power spectra

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    We report results from the second and third seasons of observation with the QUaD experiment. Angular power spectra of the Cosmic Microwave Background are derived for both temperature and polarization at both 100 GHz and 150 GHz, and as cross frequency spectra. All spectra are subjected to an extensive set of jackknife tests to probe for possible systematic contamination. For the implemented data cuts and processing technique such contamination is undetectable. We analyze the difference map formed between the 100 and 150 GHz bands and find no evidence of foreground contamination in polarization. The spectra are then combined to form a single set of results which are shown to be consistent with the prevailing LCDM model. The sensitivity of the polarization results is considerably better than that of any previous experiment -- for the first time multiple acoustic peaks are detected in the E-mode power spectrum at high significance.Comment: 24 pages, 23 figures, updated to reflect published versio

    QUaD: A High-Resolution Cosmic Microwave Background Polarimeter

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    We describe the QUaD experiment, a millimeter-wavelength polarimeter designed to observe the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from a site at the South Pole. The experiment comprises a 2.64 m Cassegrain telescope equipped with a cryogenically cooled receiver containing an array of 62 polarization-sensitive bolometers. The focal plane contains pixels at two different frequency bands, 100 GHz and 150 GHz, with angular resolutions of 5 arcmin and 3.5 arcmin, respectively. The high angular resolution allows observation of CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies over a wide range of scales. The instrument commenced operation in early 2005 and collected science data during three successive Austral winter seasons of observation.Comment: 23 pages, author list and text updated to reflect published versio

    Review: optical fiber sensors for civil engineering applications

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    Optical fiber sensor (OFS) technologies have developed rapidly over the last few decades, and various types of OFS have found practical applications in the field of civil engineering. In this paper, which is resulting from the work of the RILEM technical committee “Optical fiber sensors for civil engineering applications”, different kinds of sensing techniques, including change of light intensity, interferometry, fiber Bragg grating, adsorption measurement and distributed sensing, are briefly reviewed to introduce the basic sensing principles. Then, the applications of OFS in highway structures, building structures, geotechnical structures, pipelines as well as cables monitoring are described, with focus on sensor design, installation technique and sensor performance. It is believed that the State-of-the-Art review is helpful to engineers considering the use of OFS in their projects, and can facilitate the wider application of OFS technologies in construction industry